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Current catalogue BCF - Black Friday 2024 - Valid from 17.11 to 28.11 - Page nb 4

Catalogue BCF 17.11.2023 - 28.11.2023

Products in this catalogue

ee Vc wAifwiice | y UPTO Am AQ} OFF | Goliath 10P REGULAR PRICE ee ee Save $450 | LAWNS aN) ee Titan * 2300 Manor 12P vivid : Seve $600 ~~ lil [50cm ‘256m * west "wose 000M WATER RATS — Overland10P see j Now $174” (| caimmib'|]_._| Criterion 4 Save $265 +4 = Now $169 ] | toconn water eames Save $180 Co! | oem 2I0cn (0 | tsoonu varee samc Wanderer & WORE 300m 3000" GREAT FIND * Multiple detection modes HALF PRICE * Includes 2 x fixing straps, 2 x * Water resistant carabiners + carry bag * LCD display ‘> €99 * Lightweight: 0.85kg * Large detection coil A Rd * Great for kids and adults! 99 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPLORER METAL DETECTOR preenre DOUBLE HAMMOCK AND KIT (Gp) twos ross [| 2ason a A a shTweloxT Wanderer NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC” CLUBGZ> UPTO @Q% OFF THESECHAIRSBYWanderera HALE PRICE oe Gi sco Lue CLUB G@ PRICE S 99 eT Lae at i ity, NN CHAMBRAY HALF WANDERER PN Peel a7 te MOON CHAIR COOLER ARM CHAIR r * Includes drink holder * Built-in insulated cooler (4) 010s rac (5) mo row ba kot itd 3 5642 E #5 YEAR® RAP as33 MIGHTY 300KG CHAIR * 2insulated cup holders & phone holder * Includes 2 mesh storage pockets * Removable cover * Plush comfortable padding 105 12045 3] own ow AA) tous soos Wanderera Wanderera

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ee Vc wAifwiice | y UPTO Am AQ} OFF | Goliath 10P REGULAR PRICE ee ee Save $450 | LAWNS aN) ee Titan * 2300 Manor 12P vivid : Seve $600 ~~ lil [50cm ‘256m * west "wose 000M WATER RATS — Overland10P see j Now $174” (| caimmib'|]_._| Criterion 4 Save $265 +4 = Now $169 ] | toconn water eames Save $180 Co! | oem 2I0cn (0 | tsoonu varee samc Wanderer & WORE 300m 3000" GREAT FIND * Multiple detection modes HALF PRICE * Includes 2 x fixing straps, 2 x * Water resistant carabiners + carry bag * LCD display ‘> €99 * Lightweight: 0.85kg * Large detection coil A Rd * Great for kids and adults! 99 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPLORER METAL DETECTOR preenre DOUBLE HAMMOCK AND KIT (Gp) twos ross [| 2ason a A a shTweloxT Wanderer NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC” CLUBGZ> UPTO @Q% OFF THESECHAIRSBYWanderera HALE PRICE oe Gi sco Lue CLUB G@ PRICE S 99 eT Lae at i ity, NN CHAMBRAY HALF WANDERER PN Peel a7 te MOON CHAIR COOLER ARM CHAIR r * Includes drink holder * Built-in insulated cooler (4) 010s rac (5) mo row ba kot itd 3 5642 E #5 YEAR® RAP as33 MIGHTY 300KG CHAIR * 2insulated cup holders & phone holder * Includes 2 mesh storage pockets * Removable cover * Plush comfortable padding 105 12045 3] own ow AA) tous soos Wanderera Wanderera

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