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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.06 to 30.06 - Page nb 234

Catalogue Flight Center 01.06.2023 - 30.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

BOOKING CONDITIONS Very Important: The information below is a summary of the booking conditions as at the date of the production of this brochure and are for guidance only. The ‘Full Booking Conditions’ can be found on our website and form the legal agreement between us and you as our guest. If there is any conflict between the information below and the Full Booking Conditions, the Full Booking Conditions shall prevail. Booking Conditions are regularly updated and may have changed since this brochure was printed. Level2, ‘ditional Air Tickets Extra Accommodation Deposit due per person $200 A$350 Asper airline policy No additional deposit required Final payment due (before departure) 60 days 90 days As per airline policy Wo, ofdays beforetravel) Cancellation Charges (per person) ifyou cancel yourholiday 90 days and over Deposit Deposit A$35 plus airine charges 1835 89-60 days Deposit 30% $35 plus airine charges 1835 59-16 days 30% 60% A$35 plus airine charges 15-8 days 50% 90% $35 plus airine charges T-Adays 90% 100% A$35 plus airine charges 100% of accommodation price Departure DayiNo show 100% 100% $35 plus atine charges 100% of accommodation price We offer Gold Seal Protection reduce your cancellation fees, please see Force Majewre: Force Majeure Event means any event or circumstance beyond the may [Important information on our website for detalis ofthe God Seal Protection. Level: Cancellation fees are the minimum cancelation fee charged and is used ules the trip is described as Level 2. Level2: These trips are generaly rips which include crusefery, train or itra-rip fight elements. Auli of al tips and levels can be found at www eirmod Fox the pupses fis document reference Yo’ of yur ecu al guess inthe pat. Insight Vacations PTY Ltd isthe ‘Sales Company: The ‘Operator for tRetps bese decrbain table bb Calecnely ese companies ae referred to as ‘Insight, othe Provider. Destination Europe and Britain, fica, Asia UsAdcaada.Cenalineiaand —p.sinon Anta Operator Insight Vacations Limited AAT Kings Tours Pty Limited and Travel Corporation NZ Limited Yeu agreements wh sh nda contact fomed ben you ma als at we cap. Bxolnet an poyrert or gue psa constuteacepanc bythe questo he tes and cdinsh inthis docu varied exceptin wrting by an officer of the ‘All contracts with insight are made subject tothe terms otese booking conditions Securty i a major concem to all of us and the situation globally is constantly ‘changing. Events around the world, coupled with the “Travel Advsores” put out by ‘various governments, may at times necessitate changes tothe accommodations ‘and tinerary oF even trip cancelation. You must accept these risks involved in travel to any county that may experience securty dificult and accept responsibilty for your own travel decisions. favel insurances hig fora all applicable dates of travel with the Provider. Ths insurance should cover: Kip interuption, personal injury, medical ewpenses, evacuation and repatriation cover incuing during pandemic evens. The choice of insurers yours. The avalbity of ave inrance and eet of cover corstanty chang ese refer to our websit conags for most up to date information Orta o yout esenaion ape Te Powder may receve 8 commision fo introducing you toa travel insurance provider. ‘The Provider cannot be held responsible for your failure to obtain insurance which is ‘appropiate, and we recommend you purchase your insurance atthe time of, or soon after, booking your tip. The Provider wll not be held liable for any costs incurted by the guest resting from their falure to obtain adequate travel insurance Som. COD 9 means coronas dass, an cius cease cased byte SARS-COV-2 virus and all variants ofthe SARS,CoV-2 vi ‘An inherent risk of exposure to COMID-19 exist in any ii place where people are present. COVID-19 i an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness Sd dah The Pret may equ proof eccaton or negate COMO ts, ah estan changing rp less ele wo for current requirements and further information relating to COVID-19. Pease also fara yrs wih ie 20cm yout natonleuhoty roves bare before departing, COMIO-19 requirements vary from country to country and region to region and ‘Grcumstances may requires us to ask all raveles to be vaccinated and provide idence of vaccination, inrespectve ofthe destinations vaccine requirements. Definition of uly vaccinated may incude booster doses andlor time elapsed since ls dove rected, ence of nave COMD-19 essay ao be equed ‘iis, hotels, excursion providers and other transport providers may also have Separate requemens Ite you resposhy to ensayo comply atl tines ‘th these requirements. No refunds wil be gven if you are unable to undertake ‘some oF al of your holiday due to your failure to comply with these requirements, or 3 fail any tess, checks or other measures img ppl or necessary for You to travel. You aso acknowledge that certain countries may impose quarantine ‘Australia and New Zealand short notice. You will be responsible for any resulting addtional costs including travel and accommodation ‘We ask that you please take personal responsibly for your wellbeing. This begins vith packing any personal protective equipment and santsers you require. Pease ‘adopt physical astancing and hygiene practices throughout your pre-rip travel ‘arrangements and follow all heath instructions whether physical signage, or request rom our professional staff once you are traveling with us. To travel with vs yuvolatalyasume a sree expose to COMI. Fu cea of igiene protocols can be found on our wet ion dys nyu departure, you or anyone in your booking + test postive for COVID-19 and have to quarantine fora period lie + are noliled or ans become aware ta youhave, or supe! ou may we, cae ro cose contact vith someone noha 49 (or ere they oheise spect hey may have COV) and have to sesate fora petod of time 1s must ntfy us immediate, Inthe event that you are unable to travel with us our ‘cancellation charges may appl in accordance with our cancelation procedure. contol ofthe Provider, whic has the effect of preventing, restricting, or changing that the prods sence odo yeu cdg ut nat ted: an acto god uch atqute, oe, re eos, ane tig aten ofthe ements, ce of nature, wasou phon hurcae, ing or naual dst Enustal spits work ban ober labour dispute or dict, () acts of terrorism, political unrest, war or threat of war, tots orc stifle () fore ‘oF delays to scheduled transportation and the closure ‘of airports or pots; () pandemic, epidemic or heath sk including COVID-19; ll ‘governmental and administrative actions, guidance and measures in any territory {including closure of borders and travel warnings and restction) He ‘our trp willbe confirmed after receipt of a non-refundable deposit as detailed in the Table, ‘cnclusive bookings may require an additional non-refundable deposit or payment in full tthe time of booking, see Fight Reservations, Deposits and Cancellation, on below. inal payment for your tip reservation wil be due prior than as detailed inthe Table. E tone The Provider does not charge for name corrections, however where third party costs ae incurred these willbe passed on to the quest. (Other Booking Changes: The Provider does not charge for minor booking changes however where third party costs are incured these wil be passed on tothe guest. ‘Achange of trip date or tinerary aftr final payments due (see Table) willbe treated ncellaton, ‘Cancelation by Traveler: Travel arrangements for any member ofthe paty may be cancelled a any time by writen noice by the person wo made the booking. If notice of cancelation is recelved bythe Provider before final payments due {52e Table), the dep retained. cancelation is made ater final payment sd cancelton es wl apy ze Tete) ease ako eer to A Charges of lon Section where Memeseon ees apes eile ae aadtoal tay canceaton es or oer levied by your Travel Agen Gold Sea Potion premiums ron rte Cancelationby the Provider: The Provider reserves te ight, to modty or cancel any tip (ete on, acconmodaton, in destnaton activ or rangement at anytime. ueto Failure to Pay iffull payment isnot recelved by the due date (see Table}, the Provider has the rght to cancel your reservation and no refund willbe made. The Provider wil not be responsible for lost reservations. to Force Majeure Events ifthe Provider cancels arp as a result ofa Force Majeure Event, a future travel f the Provider cancels atip as a result of a Force Majeure Event, a future travel creat {FTO)to the vale of funds paid to date less any third-party costs incurred will be AI FTCs willbe valid for 24 months from date ofissu. ‘Where a trip is terminated mid-rip due toa Force Majeure Event, we provide you with any alternative services or assistance (suchas hotels o travel then you agree Hsp ion due to Events other than Force Majeure Events tte aceon by he over ses of a Fre Neeue Evert, he ‘vider will provide an alternative comparable tip (f avalabe. an atteatve isnot avaible then 2 efund wi be made. The Powders not abe for ay In accordance with quided holiday Higher of A$35 or 25% of accommodation price Higher of A$35 or 30% of accommodation price ‘Chargeable Transfers No additional deposit required In accordance with guided holiday Higher of A$35 or 25% of transfer price Higher of A$35 or 30% of transfer price 100% of transfer price 100% of transfer price ‘cancelation or change cost or penalties incurred on other travel arrangements, including airtrave, that may be affected thereby. ‘The Provider is not responsibie for other travel arrangements that you or your party have made outside the Provider and which are affected by our cancelation atten esate Tichting l-cue bookings and some ep ight requ an sexton refundable depot te o booking vations ade byte Prove payment oy be equed fr your sire tee of booking On eco ol la payment your are, axes ond surcharges ae fra. This willbe regardless of future price fluctuations up oF 00kKing a tip including fights, you wil be required, time of booking to provide us the fullname as detailed onthe passpor, passport number, nationality, te, and place of issue of each quest. The Provider does not hold an allocation of air seats and al fight reservations are made on request and are subject tothe terms and condos othe ane Changes to fight eters and name changes, ox conection may eter nt be alowed cr meyestnpeates charged byte ain. These are the quest responsblty long th the fs charged as desrbed bove. udin she ees forte one Alo utes ain ecole cote ote aire nd ate subject to change at any time, Where a customer has purchased a wholesale airfare under brand name) as part of their package, the afore must be utlized ncton with the landcruise as part ofthe package. After payment, should a pactage ctange aight on booking fen he cet le required tobe Uporaded to arote (a a your cost ths canine ane penal fees, ae and taxes wil save nt toretain| Ne ticket AirCha : it has been received any changes, including Conceal rer a seve, psa are pees Ate posed pens ‘may be up to 100% ofthe ai ticket price. Published Fares, Priced Match Fares, Promo Fares and some other airfares booked are non-refundable. Not showvng up for your outbound fight as booked and ticketed wil be considered a ‘noshow, and all the connecting fights associated with his one, even a etumn ight willbe cancelled, and no refund wll apply. Gen acne ‘We provdeflfinancial protection for our package holidays. Insights a member ofthe Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA). The members include all the major tour operators who are nancaly bonded for your ‘and who maintain the highest standards. With the guarantees ofthese ‘organisations, you know your tip and money ae secure with Insight SALES COMPANY: INSIGHT VACATIONS PTY LTD ‘ABN 36 002 640 057) Travel House, 38 Gaon Spt, Bond Juncen NSW. 2022 Jophene Nanbers B00 001778 vel Agent et seat 100.27 767 Temee No: ZTHOOIS64 Ing Vocation ted, Kavel Huse Rue du Mano, St Peter Por, Guemsey, Vi 2H Destination America Inc, $551 Katella Avenue, Cypress, Califomnia 90630, USA AAT Kings Tours Py Limited, 82 ~ 86 Bourke Road, Alexandria NSW 2015, Australia ‘Travel Corporation NZ Limited, 131 New North Road, Eden Terrace, Auckland 1021, New Zealand CONDITIONS FOR SAVINGS & DISCOUNTS GENERAL CONDITIONS Applicable discounts arebasedon twin share per person, Savings only apply he land portion of your holiday, may not beavallable onalltripsand departures, andare not applicable with extranights' accommodati pb eterna aes ane reas Rt Mpects ators AOS NOME restcbons foreschtp. PAST GUEST DISCOUNT lyouarearepeatisght Vacations Traveller ora previous guestof articpatingbrands within take acvartagecfan excuse S% Eavingonany tour, toany county at any ime, Redeemingthis decountis inuted toons tour per eSlendar ear youmust book after yourifaltours completed) and willbe applied to an eligible. higher priced tourif youbook tours. ‘SECOND TRIP DISCOUNT Book two Insight trips of seven days ormoreandsaveonthelowerpriced trip. Take three trips and save on two. Alltrips the same timeandon the same booking number to qualify. Savings may ary by trip ~see individual trip page on our website for details. Doesnot apply to Egypt, Israel, sic bale aes spa naieat cruises or cruise extensions, ROOMMATE MATCH ith happens whist you ae on your holiday, please notify us without delay and we eowtngsorernonn neti vounilinemenna dite somegender so il provide such reasonable assist ‘ani the He youdon't ‘we will not be responsible for covering the cost of any curtailment of your holiday, mmssed transport arrangements, additional accommodation require, ‘associated costs incurred by you. You must ensure you have travel insurance which ‘covers these co Valve scuommodetedinnoe-smolung tinroome ancls ot spplesdieon allcelanditineraries, Eastern Mediterranean, WW1 Battlefields, Malta tours, ortours with cruises. ‘SINGLE SUPPLEMENT SAVINGS. Notavallable onaltrips. Tripdepartureshavealimitednumber of single rooms, ‘TRIPLE ROOM DISCOUNT Tripleroomsare suitable for two adults and one child three adults may find limited suitcase space). Triplerooms arelimitedon cruises and not available ips. Asavings or supplementalchargemay apply dependingonthe trip, See individual trip page on our website for details. Canbe combined with other discounts. YOUNG TRAVELLER SAVINGS Mustbe aged 5-17 atime of travelandaccompaniedby atleast one adult aringa tnrogm, Discounts are imitedto one pe room andarero available onour Asia, sree JordanandEgypttrips.or trips with cruises. Can Decombined withother discounts. GROUP BENEFITS, Travelwith us and enjoy benefits on bookings ofnine or more travellers. Contact Groups for journey ideas and savings. DEPOSIT PROTECTION ‘Should your plans change and you cancel your booking before final payments due, you willreceive accredit of $200 per person. valid for upto five years fromdate of cancellation, Thiscredit cannot be usedas adeposit ‘against your future bookingand can only be usedasa credit against your final payment. Only one credit per person can be applied to each booking, Further conditions apply to all offers - visit for details or callyour Travel Agent.

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BOOKING CONDITIONS Very Important: The information below is a summary of the booking conditions as at the date of the production of this brochure and are for guidance only. The ‘Full Booking Conditions’ can be found on our website and form the legal agreement between us and you as our guest. If there is any conflict between the information below and the Full Booking Conditions, the Full Booking Conditions shall prevail. Booking Conditions are regularly updated and may have changed since this brochure was printed. Level2, ‘ditional Air Tickets Extra Accommodation Deposit due per person $200 A$350 Asper airline policy No additional deposit required Final payment due (before departure) 60 days 90 days As per airline policy Wo, ofdays beforetravel) Cancellation Charges (per person) ifyou cancel yourholiday 90 days and over Deposit Deposit A$35 plus airine charges 1835 89-60 days Deposit 30% $35 plus airine charges 1835 59-16 days 30% 60% A$35 plus airine charges 15-8 days 50% 90% $35 plus airine charges T-Adays 90% 100% A$35 plus airine charges 100% of accommodation price Departure DayiNo show 100% 100% $35 plus atine charges 100% of accommodation price We offer Gold Seal Protection reduce your cancellation fees, please see Force Majewre: Force Majeure Event means any event or circumstance beyond the may [Important information on our website for detalis ofthe God Seal Protection. Level: Cancellation fees are the minimum cancelation fee charged and is used ules the trip is described as Level 2. Level2: These trips are generaly rips which include crusefery, train or itra-rip fight elements. Auli of al tips and levels can be found at www eirmod Fox the pupses fis document reference Yo’ of yur ecu al guess inthe pat. Insight Vacations PTY Ltd isthe ‘Sales Company: The ‘Operator for tRetps bese decrbain table bb Calecnely ese companies ae referred to as ‘Insight, othe Provider. Destination Europe and Britain, fica, Asia UsAdcaada.Cenalineiaand —p.sinon Anta Operator Insight Vacations Limited AAT Kings Tours Pty Limited and Travel Corporation NZ Limited Yeu agreements wh sh nda contact fomed ben you ma als at we cap. Bxolnet an poyrert or gue psa constuteacepanc bythe questo he tes and cdinsh inthis docu varied exceptin wrting by an officer of the ‘All contracts with insight are made subject tothe terms otese booking conditions Securty i a major concem to all of us and the situation globally is constantly ‘changing. Events around the world, coupled with the “Travel Advsores” put out by ‘various governments, may at times necessitate changes tothe accommodations ‘and tinerary oF even trip cancelation. You must accept these risks involved in travel to any county that may experience securty dificult and accept responsibilty for your own travel decisions. favel insurances hig fora all applicable dates of travel with the Provider. Ths insurance should cover: Kip interuption, personal injury, medical ewpenses, evacuation and repatriation cover incuing during pandemic evens. The choice of insurers yours. The avalbity of ave inrance and eet of cover corstanty chang ese refer to our websit conags for most up to date information Orta o yout esenaion ape Te Powder may receve 8 commision fo introducing you toa travel insurance provider. ‘The Provider cannot be held responsible for your failure to obtain insurance which is ‘appropiate, and we recommend you purchase your insurance atthe time of, or soon after, booking your tip. The Provider wll not be held liable for any costs incurted by the guest resting from their falure to obtain adequate travel insurance Som. COD 9 means coronas dass, an cius cease cased byte SARS-COV-2 virus and all variants ofthe SARS,CoV-2 vi ‘An inherent risk of exposure to COMID-19 exist in any ii place where people are present. COVID-19 i an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness Sd dah The Pret may equ proof eccaton or negate COMO ts, ah estan changing rp less ele wo for current requirements and further information relating to COVID-19. Pease also fara yrs wih ie 20cm yout natonleuhoty roves bare before departing, COMIO-19 requirements vary from country to country and region to region and ‘Grcumstances may requires us to ask all raveles to be vaccinated and provide idence of vaccination, inrespectve ofthe destinations vaccine requirements. Definition of uly vaccinated may incude booster doses andlor time elapsed since ls dove rected, ence of nave COMD-19 essay ao be equed ‘iis, hotels, excursion providers and other transport providers may also have Separate requemens Ite you resposhy to ensayo comply atl tines ‘th these requirements. No refunds wil be gven if you are unable to undertake ‘some oF al of your holiday due to your failure to comply with these requirements, or 3 fail any tess, checks or other measures img ppl or necessary for You to travel. You aso acknowledge that certain countries may impose quarantine ‘Australia and New Zealand short notice. You will be responsible for any resulting addtional costs including travel and accommodation ‘We ask that you please take personal responsibly for your wellbeing. This begins vith packing any personal protective equipment and santsers you require. Pease ‘adopt physical astancing and hygiene practices throughout your pre-rip travel ‘arrangements and follow all heath instructions whether physical signage, or request rom our professional staff once you are traveling with us. To travel with vs yuvolatalyasume a sree expose to COMI. Fu cea of igiene protocols can be found on our wet ion dys nyu departure, you or anyone in your booking + test postive for COVID-19 and have to quarantine fora period lie + are noliled or ans become aware ta youhave, or supe! ou may we, cae ro cose contact vith someone noha 49 (or ere they oheise spect hey may have COV) and have to sesate fora petod of time 1s must ntfy us immediate, Inthe event that you are unable to travel with us our ‘cancellation charges may appl in accordance with our cancelation procedure. contol ofthe Provider, whic has the effect of preventing, restricting, or changing that the prods sence odo yeu cdg ut nat ted: an acto god uch atqute, oe, re eos, ane tig aten ofthe ements, ce of nature, wasou phon hurcae, ing or naual dst Enustal spits work ban ober labour dispute or dict, () acts of terrorism, political unrest, war or threat of war, tots orc stifle () fore ‘oF delays to scheduled transportation and the closure ‘of airports or pots; () pandemic, epidemic or heath sk including COVID-19; ll ‘governmental and administrative actions, guidance and measures in any territory {including closure of borders and travel warnings and restction) He ‘our trp willbe confirmed after receipt of a non-refundable deposit as detailed in the Table, ‘cnclusive bookings may require an additional non-refundable deposit or payment in full tthe time of booking, see Fight Reservations, Deposits and Cancellation, on below. inal payment for your tip reservation wil be due prior than as detailed inthe Table. E tone The Provider does not charge for name corrections, however where third party costs ae incurred these willbe passed on to the quest. (Other Booking Changes: The Provider does not charge for minor booking changes however where third party costs are incured these wil be passed on tothe guest. ‘Achange of trip date or tinerary aftr final payments due (see Table) willbe treated ncellaton, ‘Cancelation by Traveler: Travel arrangements for any member ofthe paty may be cancelled a any time by writen noice by the person wo made the booking. If notice of cancelation is recelved bythe Provider before final payments due {52e Table), the dep retained. cancelation is made ater final payment sd cancelton es wl apy ze Tete) ease ako eer to A Charges of lon Section where Memeseon ees apes eile ae aadtoal tay canceaton es or oer levied by your Travel Agen Gold Sea Potion premiums ron rte Cancelationby the Provider: The Provider reserves te ight, to modty or cancel any tip (ete on, acconmodaton, in destnaton activ or rangement at anytime. ueto Failure to Pay iffull payment isnot recelved by the due date (see Table}, the Provider has the rght to cancel your reservation and no refund willbe made. The Provider wil not be responsible for lost reservations. to Force Majeure Events ifthe Provider cancels arp as a result ofa Force Majeure Event, a future travel f the Provider cancels atip as a result of a Force Majeure Event, a future travel creat {FTO)to the vale of funds paid to date less any third-party costs incurred will be AI FTCs willbe valid for 24 months from date ofissu. ‘Where a trip is terminated mid-rip due toa Force Majeure Event, we provide you with any alternative services or assistance (suchas hotels o travel then you agree Hsp ion due to Events other than Force Majeure Events tte aceon by he over ses of a Fre Neeue Evert, he ‘vider will provide an alternative comparable tip (f avalabe. an atteatve isnot avaible then 2 efund wi be made. The Powders not abe for ay In accordance with quided holiday Higher of A$35 or 25% of accommodation price Higher of A$35 or 30% of accommodation price ‘Chargeable Transfers No additional deposit required In accordance with guided holiday Higher of A$35 or 25% of transfer price Higher of A$35 or 30% of transfer price 100% of transfer price 100% of transfer price ‘cancelation or change cost or penalties incurred on other travel arrangements, including airtrave, that may be affected thereby. ‘The Provider is not responsibie for other travel arrangements that you or your party have made outside the Provider and which are affected by our cancelation atten esate Tichting l-cue bookings and some ep ight requ an sexton refundable depot te o booking vations ade byte Prove payment oy be equed fr your sire tee of booking On eco ol la payment your are, axes ond surcharges ae fra. This willbe regardless of future price fluctuations up oF 00kKing a tip including fights, you wil be required, time of booking to provide us the fullname as detailed onthe passpor, passport number, nationality, te, and place of issue of each quest. The Provider does not hold an allocation of air seats and al fight reservations are made on request and are subject tothe terms and condos othe ane Changes to fight eters and name changes, ox conection may eter nt be alowed cr meyestnpeates charged byte ain. These are the quest responsblty long th the fs charged as desrbed bove. udin she ees forte one Alo utes ain ecole cote ote aire nd ate subject to change at any time, Where a customer has purchased a wholesale airfare under brand name) as part of their package, the afore must be utlized ncton with the landcruise as part ofthe package. After payment, should a pactage ctange aight on booking fen he cet le required tobe Uporaded to arote (a a your cost ths canine ane penal fees, ae and taxes wil save nt toretain| Ne ticket AirCha : it has been received any changes, including Conceal rer a seve, psa are pees Ate posed pens ‘may be up to 100% ofthe ai ticket price. Published Fares, Priced Match Fares, Promo Fares and some other airfares booked are non-refundable. Not showvng up for your outbound fight as booked and ticketed wil be considered a ‘noshow, and all the connecting fights associated with his one, even a etumn ight willbe cancelled, and no refund wll apply. Gen acne ‘We provdeflfinancial protection for our package holidays. Insights a member ofthe Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA). The members include all the major tour operators who are nancaly bonded for your ‘and who maintain the highest standards. With the guarantees ofthese ‘organisations, you know your tip and money ae secure with Insight SALES COMPANY: INSIGHT VACATIONS PTY LTD ‘ABN 36 002 640 057) Travel House, 38 Gaon Spt, Bond Juncen NSW. 2022 Jophene Nanbers B00 001778 vel Agent et seat 100.27 767 Temee No: ZTHOOIS64 Ing Vocation ted, Kavel Huse Rue du Mano, St Peter Por, Guemsey, Vi 2H Destination America Inc, $551 Katella Avenue, Cypress, Califomnia 90630, USA AAT Kings Tours Py Limited, 82 ~ 86 Bourke Road, Alexandria NSW 2015, Australia ‘Travel Corporation NZ Limited, 131 New North Road, Eden Terrace, Auckland 1021, New Zealand CONDITIONS FOR SAVINGS & DISCOUNTS GENERAL CONDITIONS Applicable discounts arebasedon twin share per person, Savings only apply he land portion of your holiday, may not beavallable onalltripsand departures, andare not applicable with extranights' accommodati pb eterna aes ane reas Rt Mpects ators AOS NOME restcbons foreschtp. PAST GUEST DISCOUNT lyouarearepeatisght Vacations Traveller ora previous guestof articpatingbrands within take acvartagecfan excuse S% Eavingonany tour, toany county at any ime, Redeemingthis decountis inuted toons tour per eSlendar ear youmust book after yourifaltours completed) and willbe applied to an eligible. higher priced tourif youbook tours. ‘SECOND TRIP DISCOUNT Book two Insight trips of seven days ormoreandsaveonthelowerpriced trip. Take three trips and save on two. Alltrips the same timeandon the same booking number to qualify. Savings may ary by trip ~see individual trip page on our website for details. Doesnot apply to Egypt, Israel, sic bale aes spa naieat cruises or cruise extensions, ROOMMATE MATCH ith happens whist you ae on your holiday, please notify us without delay and we eowtngsorernonn neti vounilinemenna dite somegender so il provide such reasonable assist ‘ani the He youdon't ‘we will not be responsible for covering the cost of any curtailment of your holiday, mmssed transport arrangements, additional accommodation require, ‘associated costs incurred by you. You must ensure you have travel insurance which ‘covers these co Valve scuommodetedinnoe-smolung tinroome ancls ot spplesdieon allcelanditineraries, Eastern Mediterranean, WW1 Battlefields, Malta tours, ortours with cruises. ‘SINGLE SUPPLEMENT SAVINGS. Notavallable onaltrips. Tripdepartureshavealimitednumber of single rooms, ‘TRIPLE ROOM DISCOUNT Tripleroomsare suitable for two adults and one child three adults may find limited suitcase space). Triplerooms arelimitedon cruises and not available ips. Asavings or supplementalchargemay apply dependingonthe trip, See individual trip page on our website for details. Canbe combined with other discounts. YOUNG TRAVELLER SAVINGS Mustbe aged 5-17 atime of travelandaccompaniedby atleast one adult aringa tnrogm, Discounts are imitedto one pe room andarero available onour Asia, sree JordanandEgypttrips.or trips with cruises. Can Decombined withother discounts. GROUP BENEFITS, Travelwith us and enjoy benefits on bookings ofnine or more travellers. Contact Groups for journey ideas and savings. DEPOSIT PROTECTION ‘Should your plans change and you cancel your booking before final payments due, you willreceive accredit of $200 per person. valid for upto five years fromdate of cancellation, Thiscredit cannot be usedas adeposit ‘against your future bookingand can only be usedasa credit against your final payment. Only one credit per person can be applied to each booking, Further conditions apply to all offers - visit for details or callyour Travel Agent.

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