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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.01 to 31.12 - Page nb 34

Catalogue Flight Center 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024

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General Information & Conditions The following terms and conditions (booking conditions’ form the beats of yout contact vith Ausirllon Pele Touring (Travelmar ur). Please read them carefully as they $e cut your doirepecive Tis and obligations These Terms & Conditions were correct at time of publication. For the most up to date Terms & Conditions visit our website hips: wwiravelmarvelcom aulageligeneratinfomaton-condtons. By asking us to confirm your booking, we are entitled to assume that you Rave had the opportunity to feed and have read these ;oking conditions; that you agree to them and that you agree to them applying to your holiday arrangements booked with us and which we agree to make, provide or perform (as applicable) as, art of our contract with you. References in these bookin enltons to your ‘oliday package’ are references to the tour oF cruise package you have booked with Travelmarvel References to sersein’ ae lerencesg 0h trips or tours included o: available as part of your holiday package. GOVERNING LAW These booking conditions are governed by the law in force in Victoria, Australia, BEFORE YOU BOOK PRICE VALIDITY Published prices are valid at the time of publication but are subject to change. They may be varied by advertising or special offers, or changed after the publication date for any reason, including without limitation; to cover changes in government taxes and charges, exchange rate or other material increases by suppliers. The most up information listed under Special Conditions for relevant deposit and final payment terms. TRANSFERS ‘kot setts are icine onal Kesh os tour package or with pre & post accommodation book: Traveimarvel, No refund will be given for unused canst Transfers cannot be re-routed to other pick-up points or is generally a shared transfer and the normally be dependent upon the size of the group. Combined cruise and land tours, or cruise include transfer and flights between tours as specified. PUBLIC HOLDAYS AND FESTIVA\ Virtually all countries have public holi ays, religious or othervise The festivities may temporarily disrupt your holiday anc relgioushotdoye may resulta reduction of facies, and entertainment, EARLYBIRD OFFERS, SUPERDEALS, FLY DEALS & SPECIAL OFFERS Conditions Apply. For full terms and conditions relating to any Earlybird Special, Fly Deal or Special Offer on your booking, please 2 to OTHER SPECIAL OFFER: Special ous ‘and Special ‘es oter than those science hestin may be promoted by Travelmarvel from time to tim special Gessfotiers 00 not appl to existing ooking pt otherwise stated. TRAVELLER CLUB Deals, Incucng te ful range of Bentsen condtons, are available on our website at travelmarvel.comauiclub. BOOKING & PAYING FOR YOUR HOLIDAY AIRFARES Ar travel is arranged with independent airlines. Travelmarvel will arrange air travel as advertised in connection with your holiday package or as otherwise arranged with Travelmarvel. All airfares are subject to fight and booking class availabilty as specified in the Conditions. Airfares will be booked and ticketed upon receipt of outside of the tour date range or re-routin incur additional surcharges. While we endeavour to accommodate your airline seating requests, these are never guaranteed and are subject to change at the airline's discretion. AIRLINE LOVALTY PORT GLIGLITY Travelmarvel us vices of a range of airlines in its packages. TTavelmorve docs not waren ets artes atvect oyaly pote 5 aitlines control the application of loyalty points in all cases. $¢ airline points to upgrade travel need to be directed to the airline concerned by the member. TRAVELMARVEL DEPOSIT CANCELLATION PEACE OF MIND. Conditions apply: applicable when an upfront fee of $95 per person is paid with your deposit. The holiday package can be cancelled prior to the final payment date the otginal cruise or tour departure dete, Depost held in cred wil exclude fees imposed by third parties, including but not limited to air travel, rail travel and hotels. When booking airfares through Travelmarvel including when taking advantage of a special offer that includes a travel standard afine cancelation fees wil app In some cases, airfares will be non-refundable. In the Canealton these fos wil be deducted tom tne epost pad and therefore the credit being held. Travelmarvel Deposit Cancellation Peace of Mind applies to new bookings only and is Egypt, Jordan & Israel 2022-2024 only valid up until 100 days prior to travel. After three years, unused credit funds will incur the original cancellation conditions. This does ‘not replace travel insurance, which you are required to purchase at the time of booking TRAVEL INSURANCE Travel esrance ino esi i uk oy sactogs, tons protection you are requir rch rehensive tr Insurance thal Includes (thou Iintaon coverage forthe cost of your holiday package, medical expenses, oss of luggage, cruise and land content and airfare charges that may occur due cancellation, impossibiliy of performance or other frustration, distuption, loss of deposit or strikes. ‘TRAVEL INFORMATION & DOCUMENTS Il eceive an invoice with all important recommend you check the details carefully and read the included Information. Please ensure that you check your fight timings of late bookings, charges or late payment, tickets may emailed to you. SPECIAL REQUESTS ‘Where a special request (e.g. diet, room location, twin or double bedded room, a particular facility at a hotel, fight seat requests and/ or particular meals), is an important factor in your choice of holiday, you must advise us when your booking is made. Traveimarvel will pass your request on to the hotel, airline or other supplier but wl be accommodated, ravelmarvel wil rongly s 3 & 3 a 3 Zz 5 your 1e provision of any special request does not constitute a term of your contract with us Confirmation that special request has been noted or pessed on tothe supplier or the Inclusion of the special request on your confmation invoice or any other documentation is not confirmation that the request will be met. Unies and untlspecttcaly confimed, al special requests are subject to availabilty CREDIT & DEBIT CARD SURCHARGES If you pay Travelmarvel by credit or debit card, surcharges will apply. In the case of credit cards a surcharge of between 1% and 3% (depending on the card used), will be added to the tour price. In the case of debit cards a charge of 0.5% will be added to the tour price. ACCURACY Travelmarvel has endeavoured to ensure that the information package or excursion itineraries may change or be different from those desorbed in our colleteal as result of local condons, weather conditions and annual events. ravelmarvel wil endeavour to oly you of ary slgnitean chenges pir to your deper DISRUPTION TO CRUISING AND ITINERARY ARRANGEMENTS Ineraes are intended as guide ony and are subject to alteration sary f Fight to provide alternative services includin sceominosition Oh docked she ar sibatite arrangem der norma ver conditions i ines wl opetate os aos possing os publed. However tae lori) ae eee oe etenias bie itinerary. For example, without limitation, if there is a water level problem on a vat may be necessary to operate pat of te itinerary by coach and alternative sightseein« Travelmarvel will not be liable for any h ‘not entitled to any refund for any alterations to your itinerary that are caused or contributed to by any flood or water level events or such other events which are beyond our control. Traveimarv cannot guarantee exact arrival and departure times for carriers and operators used by Travelmarvel and Travelmarvel will not be liable for failure to make connections with any other services or attractions beyond its control. FLIGHT CHANGES, The flight timings detailed on your confirmation invoice, or on our Any change Inthe iety ofthe ating. ight timings or aca type (if advised) will not entitle you to cancel or change to other irsnaemiants Walaa Be/a.nTy opelcabls Conchlaton fee except where specified in these booking conditions. OUT OF DATE RANGE FLIGHTS IFairines have not published their schedule at the time of booking, Teveimarve wil estimate the cost of effres comectad wih you hoiay packege. When the eine releases fight inventory and airfares, Traveimarvel will confirm booking and pricing with you by Sending you an updated invoice. Once fights have been contmed by you and payment has been received, Travelmarvel will issue ‘your tickets. FORCE MAJEURE Force Majeure event means the occurrence of an event that is beyond Travelmarvel’s reasonable control, and which could not have been reasonably prevented by Travelmarvel, which includes, but is not limited to: (a) we ict, criminal damage, riot, oi sae ncn pute, teens actniy or tne teat ary (0) natural disaster (including but not limited to flooding, fro eorhquote landslide) adverse wether condions, high or low water levels; (c) nuclear or other industrial accident causing environmental pollution or contamination; or (d) change in law, saning, enactment, amendment (including repeal in the law or administration of any law in Australia or any jurisdiction or territory relevant to the booking contract, which includes changes in statute, regulation, determination, by-law, declaration, licence and the common law as applicable from time to time, including changes or amendments in regulations or access to serces, ses or counties Caused by declared epidemic or pandemic even TERMINATION OF BOOKING CONTRACT Of CHANGE OF TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS DUE TO FORCE MAJEURE If Travelmarvel, in its reasonable opinion, considers that any Force Majeure event prevents Travelmarvel (whether directly or through ts employees, contractors, subcontractors end agents) fom lawfully edits or senices subject of he arta wll you, Travelnarval ey inmexistey oy wrllion Totes i leminote he boolarg convient (netics or h pat oF &) charge your travel arrangements as reasonably practicable to ensure your safety and invoice you for any additional costs, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN THE EVENT OF FORCE In the event that Travelmarvel cancels or changes your travel arenes aly wey dic oe bicemaleu> cet yvelmarvel will not be liable to you in contract, tort, sta Festlfion for any fase fouding, but nt irate 9, ose of deposl or purchase price and loss of enjoyment), damage, costs, charges, er liable to refund any part of the deposit or purchase price paid by you if Travelmarvel subsequently changes or cancels your travel arrangements in connection with a force majeure event. Fosse nfo overs Xe nvreckcable id sion Netsiavle Control. As you are required to purchase travel insurance alequstely protect youre! agent these risks, your poly needs to respond to these You acknowledge and accept that these terms are reasonably necessary to protect the legtimate intresis of Tavelmarvel based on expected ses to be incurred by Travelmarol including but nt inited to overhead expences and works or services performed personally by Travelmarvel, leading up to the commencement of the holiday package, alternatively prior to the force majeure event. DATA PROTECTION POLICY Any petsona formation (cluding sensitive information and health information) that Travelmarvel obtains and retains from you or about you ts necessary for our bushes purposes, Our Pry Polly details why we collect this information, who we may disclose it to (clung overseas recent) andthe main consequences we oat collet. Out Privacy Pocy aso contains information about ek access 10, of correction ofthe personal inermaton held about you, and ou complet resolution procedures. Our Privacy Policy is available at or by request to us. By providing personal or sensitive information to us, you are agreeing to the terms of our Privacy Policy. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Our holiday packages include the services of independent pwovidors sas Rochen, orlnag tse conpanies cn ohEr operators, who are not agents, servants or employees of Travelmarvel, Although we take care in selecting the independent service providers and the optional excursions conducted by some independent service providers, Travelmarvel is not responsible for the conduct of the independent service providers, their servants and agents or for any ramifications of that conduct. Optional excursions may, depending on your holiday package, include activities such as, climbing, exploring, bike riding, swimming and snorkeling, You accept and assume the risk involved with these activities. 2: im the opinion of any representative of Travelmarvel, your bark oF continue rvel symptoms. Abuse wt seh dacon onl yl Wk nen be ede ey ar fhe holly pe 3. Travelmarvel accepts no responsibilty for any death injury, ies, oss (lung less of enjoyment, Gamage, detention, delay (including mechanical breakdown) beyond its 4 Any term, condton or waranty express of inpled by statute or tt the hoidey packages contained in any of ut colateral are excluded tothe ful exert permitted by a Nafhing have booking concldons euciades resets oc modes the application of te Compettion and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) es amended, consolidated, supplemented or replace 5. To the full extent permitted by law, raveinanels liability arising Under or in connection with these booking conditions: (a) limited to the re-supply of the products or services or the payment of the cost of re-supply of the products or services to you: and (b) excludes liability for any indirect or consequential losses suffered by Yyou or any third party, howsoever caused, including but not limited pure econtin Ws or ity speci evtvacrainery pute damage to you or any othe 6. Your travel agent will for i ward deposts and other fren ts Purpose of receipt of monies. Receipt of deposit nt payments by the travel agent does not constitute receipt of those jonies by us and the travel agent has n¢ expressed or ty Monies paid to xo trove! agent unless and until Travelmarvel notifies you booking confirmation advice or payment recelpt acvce| thet monies fave been recelved by Tavelmanel Tavelmaivel reserves the Tight to cancel any ticket or booking oF refuse to carry an passenger where payment has not been received by Travelmarvel within the specified time. 7. Specific meal requests are requests only and cannot be guaranteed.

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General Information & Conditions The following terms and conditions (booking conditions’ form the beats of yout contact vith Ausirllon Pele Touring (Travelmar ur). Please read them carefully as they $e cut your doirepecive Tis and obligations These Terms & Conditions were correct at time of publication. For the most up to date Terms & Conditions visit our website hips: wwiravelmarvelcom aulageligeneratinfomaton-condtons. By asking us to confirm your booking, we are entitled to assume that you Rave had the opportunity to feed and have read these ;oking conditions; that you agree to them and that you agree to them applying to your holiday arrangements booked with us and which we agree to make, provide or perform (as applicable) as, art of our contract with you. References in these bookin enltons to your ‘oliday package’ are references to the tour oF cruise package you have booked with Travelmarvel References to sersein’ ae lerencesg 0h trips or tours included o: available as part of your holiday package. GOVERNING LAW These booking conditions are governed by the law in force in Victoria, Australia, BEFORE YOU BOOK PRICE VALIDITY Published prices are valid at the time of publication but are subject to change. They may be varied by advertising or special offers, or changed after the publication date for any reason, including without limitation; to cover changes in government taxes and charges, exchange rate or other material increases by suppliers. The most up information listed under Special Conditions for relevant deposit and final payment terms. TRANSFERS ‘kot setts are icine onal Kesh os tour package or with pre & post accommodation book: Traveimarvel, No refund will be given for unused canst Transfers cannot be re-routed to other pick-up points or is generally a shared transfer and the normally be dependent upon the size of the group. Combined cruise and land tours, or cruise include transfer and flights between tours as specified. PUBLIC HOLDAYS AND FESTIVA\ Virtually all countries have public holi ays, religious or othervise The festivities may temporarily disrupt your holiday anc relgioushotdoye may resulta reduction of facies, and entertainment, EARLYBIRD OFFERS, SUPERDEALS, FLY DEALS & SPECIAL OFFERS Conditions Apply. For full terms and conditions relating to any Earlybird Special, Fly Deal or Special Offer on your booking, please 2 to OTHER SPECIAL OFFER: Special ous ‘and Special ‘es oter than those science hestin may be promoted by Travelmarvel from time to tim special Gessfotiers 00 not appl to existing ooking pt otherwise stated. TRAVELLER CLUB Deals, Incucng te ful range of Bentsen condtons, are available on our website at travelmarvel.comauiclub. BOOKING & PAYING FOR YOUR HOLIDAY AIRFARES Ar travel is arranged with independent airlines. Travelmarvel will arrange air travel as advertised in connection with your holiday package or as otherwise arranged with Travelmarvel. All airfares are subject to fight and booking class availabilty as specified in the Conditions. Airfares will be booked and ticketed upon receipt of outside of the tour date range or re-routin incur additional surcharges. While we endeavour to accommodate your airline seating requests, these are never guaranteed and are subject to change at the airline's discretion. AIRLINE LOVALTY PORT GLIGLITY Travelmarvel us vices of a range of airlines in its packages. TTavelmorve docs not waren ets artes atvect oyaly pote 5 aitlines control the application of loyalty points in all cases. $¢ airline points to upgrade travel need to be directed to the airline concerned by the member. TRAVELMARVEL DEPOSIT CANCELLATION PEACE OF MIND. Conditions apply: applicable when an upfront fee of $95 per person is paid with your deposit. The holiday package can be cancelled prior to the final payment date the otginal cruise or tour departure dete, Depost held in cred wil exclude fees imposed by third parties, including but not limited to air travel, rail travel and hotels. When booking airfares through Travelmarvel including when taking advantage of a special offer that includes a travel standard afine cancelation fees wil app In some cases, airfares will be non-refundable. In the Canealton these fos wil be deducted tom tne epost pad and therefore the credit being held. Travelmarvel Deposit Cancellation Peace of Mind applies to new bookings only and is Egypt, Jordan & Israel 2022-2024 only valid up until 100 days prior to travel. After three years, unused credit funds will incur the original cancellation conditions. This does ‘not replace travel insurance, which you are required to purchase at the time of booking TRAVEL INSURANCE Travel esrance ino esi i uk oy sactogs, tons protection you are requir rch rehensive tr Insurance thal Includes (thou Iintaon coverage forthe cost of your holiday package, medical expenses, oss of luggage, cruise and land content and airfare charges that may occur due cancellation, impossibiliy of performance or other frustration, distuption, loss of deposit or strikes. ‘TRAVEL INFORMATION & DOCUMENTS Il eceive an invoice with all important recommend you check the details carefully and read the included Information. Please ensure that you check your fight timings of late bookings, charges or late payment, tickets may emailed to you. SPECIAL REQUESTS ‘Where a special request (e.g. diet, room location, twin or double bedded room, a particular facility at a hotel, fight seat requests and/ or particular meals), is an important factor in your choice of holiday, you must advise us when your booking is made. Traveimarvel will pass your request on to the hotel, airline or other supplier but wl be accommodated, ravelmarvel wil rongly s 3 & 3 a 3 Zz 5 your 1e provision of any special request does not constitute a term of your contract with us Confirmation that special request has been noted or pessed on tothe supplier or the Inclusion of the special request on your confmation invoice or any other documentation is not confirmation that the request will be met. Unies and untlspecttcaly confimed, al special requests are subject to availabilty CREDIT & DEBIT CARD SURCHARGES If you pay Travelmarvel by credit or debit card, surcharges will apply. In the case of credit cards a surcharge of between 1% and 3% (depending on the card used), will be added to the tour price. In the case of debit cards a charge of 0.5% will be added to the tour price. ACCURACY Travelmarvel has endeavoured to ensure that the information package or excursion itineraries may change or be different from those desorbed in our colleteal as result of local condons, weather conditions and annual events. ravelmarvel wil endeavour to oly you of ary slgnitean chenges pir to your deper DISRUPTION TO CRUISING AND ITINERARY ARRANGEMENTS Ineraes are intended as guide ony and are subject to alteration sary f Fight to provide alternative services includin sceominosition Oh docked she ar sibatite arrangem der norma ver conditions i ines wl opetate os aos possing os publed. However tae lori) ae eee oe etenias bie itinerary. For example, without limitation, if there is a water level problem on a vat may be necessary to operate pat of te itinerary by coach and alternative sightseein« Travelmarvel will not be liable for any h ‘not entitled to any refund for any alterations to your itinerary that are caused or contributed to by any flood or water level events or such other events which are beyond our control. Traveimarv cannot guarantee exact arrival and departure times for carriers and operators used by Travelmarvel and Travelmarvel will not be liable for failure to make connections with any other services or attractions beyond its control. FLIGHT CHANGES, The flight timings detailed on your confirmation invoice, or on our Any change Inthe iety ofthe ating. ight timings or aca type (if advised) will not entitle you to cancel or change to other irsnaemiants Walaa Be/a.nTy opelcabls Conchlaton fee except where specified in these booking conditions. OUT OF DATE RANGE FLIGHTS IFairines have not published their schedule at the time of booking, Teveimarve wil estimate the cost of effres comectad wih you hoiay packege. When the eine releases fight inventory and airfares, Traveimarvel will confirm booking and pricing with you by Sending you an updated invoice. Once fights have been contmed by you and payment has been received, Travelmarvel will issue ‘your tickets. FORCE MAJEURE Force Majeure event means the occurrence of an event that is beyond Travelmarvel’s reasonable control, and which could not have been reasonably prevented by Travelmarvel, which includes, but is not limited to: (a) we ict, criminal damage, riot, oi sae ncn pute, teens actniy or tne teat ary (0) natural disaster (including but not limited to flooding, fro eorhquote landslide) adverse wether condions, high or low water levels; (c) nuclear or other industrial accident causing environmental pollution or contamination; or (d) change in law, saning, enactment, amendment (including repeal in the law or administration of any law in Australia or any jurisdiction or territory relevant to the booking contract, which includes changes in statute, regulation, determination, by-law, declaration, licence and the common law as applicable from time to time, including changes or amendments in regulations or access to serces, ses or counties Caused by declared epidemic or pandemic even TERMINATION OF BOOKING CONTRACT Of CHANGE OF TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS DUE TO FORCE MAJEURE If Travelmarvel, in its reasonable opinion, considers that any Force Majeure event prevents Travelmarvel (whether directly or through ts employees, contractors, subcontractors end agents) fom lawfully edits or senices subject of he arta wll you, Travelnarval ey inmexistey oy wrllion Totes i leminote he boolarg convient (netics or h pat oF &) charge your travel arrangements as reasonably practicable to ensure your safety and invoice you for any additional costs, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN THE EVENT OF FORCE In the event that Travelmarvel cancels or changes your travel arenes aly wey dic oe bicemaleu> cet yvelmarvel will not be liable to you in contract, tort, sta Festlfion for any fase fouding, but nt irate 9, ose of deposl or purchase price and loss of enjoyment), damage, costs, charges, er liable to refund any part of the deposit or purchase price paid by you if Travelmarvel subsequently changes or cancels your travel arrangements in connection with a force majeure event. Fosse nfo overs Xe nvreckcable id sion Netsiavle Control. As you are required to purchase travel insurance alequstely protect youre! agent these risks, your poly needs to respond to these You acknowledge and accept that these terms are reasonably necessary to protect the legtimate intresis of Tavelmarvel based on expected ses to be incurred by Travelmarol including but nt inited to overhead expences and works or services performed personally by Travelmarvel, leading up to the commencement of the holiday package, alternatively prior to the force majeure event. DATA PROTECTION POLICY Any petsona formation (cluding sensitive information and health information) that Travelmarvel obtains and retains from you or about you ts necessary for our bushes purposes, Our Pry Polly details why we collect this information, who we may disclose it to (clung overseas recent) andthe main consequences we oat collet. Out Privacy Pocy aso contains information about ek access 10, of correction ofthe personal inermaton held about you, and ou complet resolution procedures. Our Privacy Policy is available at or by request to us. By providing personal or sensitive information to us, you are agreeing to the terms of our Privacy Policy. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Our holiday packages include the services of independent pwovidors sas Rochen, orlnag tse conpanies cn ohEr operators, who are not agents, servants or employees of Travelmarvel, Although we take care in selecting the independent service providers and the optional excursions conducted by some independent service providers, Travelmarvel is not responsible for the conduct of the independent service providers, their servants and agents or for any ramifications of that conduct. Optional excursions may, depending on your holiday package, include activities such as, climbing, exploring, bike riding, swimming and snorkeling, You accept and assume the risk involved with these activities. 2: im the opinion of any representative of Travelmarvel, your bark oF continue rvel symptoms. Abuse wt seh dacon onl yl Wk nen be ede ey ar fhe holly pe 3. Travelmarvel accepts no responsibilty for any death injury, ies, oss (lung less of enjoyment, Gamage, detention, delay (including mechanical breakdown) beyond its 4 Any term, condton or waranty express of inpled by statute or tt the hoidey packages contained in any of ut colateral are excluded tothe ful exert permitted by a Nafhing have booking concldons euciades resets oc modes the application of te Compettion and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) es amended, consolidated, supplemented or replace 5. To the full extent permitted by law, raveinanels liability arising Under or in connection with these booking conditions: (a) limited to the re-supply of the products or services or the payment of the cost of re-supply of the products or services to you: and (b) excludes liability for any indirect or consequential losses suffered by Yyou or any third party, howsoever caused, including but not limited pure econtin Ws or ity speci evtvacrainery pute damage to you or any othe 6. Your travel agent will for i ward deposts and other fren ts Purpose of receipt of monies. Receipt of deposit nt payments by the travel agent does not constitute receipt of those jonies by us and the travel agent has n¢ expressed or ty Monies paid to xo trove! agent unless and until Travelmarvel notifies you booking confirmation advice or payment recelpt acvce| thet monies fave been recelved by Tavelmanel Tavelmaivel reserves the Tight to cancel any ticket or booking oF refuse to carry an passenger where payment has not been received by Travelmarvel within the specified time. 7. Specific meal requests are requests only and cannot be guaranteed.

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