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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.01 to 31.12 - Page nb 26

Catalogue Flight Center 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022

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TERMS AND CONDITIONS supplier, so that prompt efforts can be made to resolve the problem. In the unlikely event that a problem cannot be resolved at the time and you wish to complain, you must send us full written details within 28 days of your return. Failure to take either or both of these steps will prejudice our ability to resolve your problem and / or investigate it fully. In consequence, any right to compensation you may have will be extinguished or, at the very least, substantially reduced. Where the port of embarkation for your sailing is in the EU then any complaints relating to EU Regulation 1177/2010 on Passenger Rights when travelling by Sea and Inland waterways must be made to us in writing no later than 2 months after return from travel or the date on which the service complained of was performed. We will provide a final reply within 2 months. You must supply full details to enable us to deal with your complaint. Please note that we offer an Alternative Dispute Resolution service through our ABTA membership. Please see clause 11 for further details. You can also access the European Commission Online Dispute (ODR) Resolution platform at odr/. This ODR platform is a means of registering your complaint with us; it will not determine how your complaint should be resolved. 11. OUR LIABILITY TO YOU (i) We will accept responsibility for those arrangements we agree to provide or arrange for you as an ‘organiser’ under the Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992 and the EU Directive 2015/2302 on Package Travel (and subsequent UK regulations) as set out below. Subject to these booking conditions, if we or our suppliers perform or arrange your contracted holiday arrangements negligently, taking into consideration all relevant factors, we will pay you reasonable compensation. The level of such compensation will be calculated taking into consideration all relevant factors such as but not limited to: following the complaints procedure as described in these conditions and the extent to which ours or our employees’ or suppliers’ negligence affected the overall enjoyment of your holiday. Please note that it is your responsibility to show that we or our supplier(s) have been negligent if you wish to make a claim against us. (iii) Where death and or personal injury and or loss of or damage to property occurs during carriage by air or by sea then liability and the extent of damages recoverable will be dealt with by International Conventions as set out in paragraphs (v) and (vi) and not otherwise. (iv) As set out in these booking conditions we limit the maximum 26 amount we may have to pay you for any claims you may make against us which do not involve personal injury, illness or death. Except where loss of and/or damage to luggage or personal possessions is concerned if we are found liable to you on any basis the maximum amount we will have to pay you is twice the price (excluding insurance premiums and amendment charges) paid by or on behalf of the person(s) affected in total unless a lower limitation applies to your claim under clause 12 (vi) below. (W) Where any claim or part of a claim (including those involving death or personal injury) concerns or is based ‘on any travel arrangements (including the process of getting on and/or off the transport concerned) provided by any air, sea, rail or road carrier or any stay ina hotel, the maximum amount of compensation we will have to pay you will be limited. The most we will have to pay you for that claim or that part of a claim if we are found liable to you on any basis is the most the carrier or hotel keeper concerned would have to pay under the international convention or regulation which applies to the travel arrangements or hotel stay in question. (for example, the Warsaw Convention as amended or unamended and the Montreal Convention for international travel by air and/or for airlines with an operating licence granted by an EU country, the EC Regulation on Air Carrier Liability No 889/2002 for national and international travel by air, the Athens convention for international travel by sea). Please note: Where a carrier or hotel would not be obliged to make any payment to you under the applicable International Convention or Regulation in respect of a claim or part of a claim, we similarly are not obliged to make a payment to you for that claim or part of the claim. When making any payment, we are entitled to deduct any money which you have received or are entitled to receive from the transport provider or hotelier for the complaint or claim in question. Copies of the applicable International Conventions and Regulations are available from us ‘on request. We do not have any liability to you by virtue of the Regulation 261/2004 which applies solely to the operating carrier. Any liability we may have to you under our contract with you, arising out of the same facts, is limited to the remedies provided under the Regulation as if (for this purpose only) we were a carrier; any sums you receive from the carrier will be deducted from any amount due from ourselves. (vi) Travel by sea is governed by the provisions of the Convention Relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea 1974 as amended in 1976 (“The Athens Convention) and where applicable from 1 January 2013 EU Regulation 392/200 relating to the Liability of carriers of passengers by sea in the event of accidents (“EU Regulation 392/2009). For the purposes of the Athens Convention and EU Regulation 392/2009 we are the Contracting Carrier. The Athens Convention and EU Regulation 392/2009 limit the Carriers’ liability for death or personal injury or loss or damage to luggage an makes special provision for valuables. It is presumed that luggage has been delivered to you undamaged unless written notice is given by us and/or the performing Carrier. a) in the case of apparent damage, before or at the time of disembarkation or redelivery; or b) in the case of damage which is not apparent or of loss, within 15 days from the date of disembarkation or redelivery or from the time when such redelivery should have taken place. Damages for cabin luggage payable by the Carrier are limited up to the Athens Convention limit of 833 SDRs or 2250 SDRs if EU Regulation 392/2009 applies. Limits shall be reduced in proportion to any contributory negligence by the Client and by the maximum deductible specified in Article 8(4) of the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009. In so far as we may be liable to a Client in respect of claims arising out of carriage by sea, we shall be entitled toall the rights, defences, immunities and limitations available, respectively, to the actual carrier and under the relevant Conventions and nothing in these Booking Conditions shall be deemed as a surrender thereof. To the extent that any provision in these Booking Conditions is made null and void by the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009 or any legislation compulsorily applicable or is otherwise unenforceable, it shall be void to that extent but not further. Any liability in respect of death and personal injury and loss of and damage to luggage which we may incur to you shall always be subject to. the limits of liability contained in the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009 for death/personal injury of 46,666 Special Drawing Rights (SDR) or 300,000 SDR under Athens Convention or 400,000 SDRs under EU Regulation 392/2009 except in the case of liability for war or terrorism 250,000 SDRs. We are not liable for valuables, monies or other securities including jewellery and watches. If they have been deposited with the reception desk on the ship for safe keeping and a receipt issued then in those limited circumstances the Carriers liability will be as set out in the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009. The use of safes on board a Vessel is not a deposit with the ship or with the company under the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009 or otherwise. The limits are 1200 SDRs pursuant to Athens or 3,375 SDRs pursuant to EU Regulation 392/2009. (vii) Where there is any loss of or damage to property including luggage which is not covered by any international convention and where liability is not limited by reference to any enactment, terms of conditions, then any legal liability that we may have for any such losses or damage will not exceed A$g26 per guest. (viii) You must provide ourselves and our insurers with all assistance we may reasonably require. You must also tell us and the supplier concerned about your claim or complaint as set out in clause 10 above. If asked to do so, you must transfer to us or ourinsurers any rights you have against the supplier or whoever else is responsible for your claim or complaint (if the person concerned is under 18, their parent or guardian must do so). You must also agree to cooperate fully with us and our insurers if we or our insurers want to enforce any rights which are transferred. (ix) Please note, we cannot accept any liability for any damage, loss or expense or other sum(s) of any description: (a which on the basis of the information. given tous by you concerning your booking prior to our accepting it, we could not have foreseen you would suffer or incur if we breached our contract with you; or (b) relate to any business. (x) We will not accept responsibility for services or facilities which do not form part of our agreement or where they are not advertised in our brochure. For example any excursion you book whilst away, or any service or facility which your hotel or any other supplier agrees to provide for you. 12. YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES AND INDEMNITY When you book arrangements with us you accept responsibility for the proper conduct of yourself and your party. If your actions or omissions cause damage to any property in the provision of the contracted arrangements, or cause delay or diversion to any flight or other means of transportation, you agree to fully indemnify us against any claim (including professional fees and legal costs) made against us by or on behalf of the owner of such property or the operator of the flight or other means of transportation. The Captain of an aircraft or Master of a ship has authority over the aircraft/ship and passengers at all times when they are boarding or on board. There will be no liability on our part, or that of any supplier, for any refund, compensation, or costs thus incurred. Additionally, we will have the right to recover full costs resulting from the incident from the passenger. At any port or place we may refuse to embark or may disembark any passenger who, in the opinion of the ship’s authorized personnel, might be excluded from landing at further destinations by local authorities ‘or who may be suffering from any

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TERMS AND CONDITIONS supplier, so that prompt efforts can be made to resolve the problem. In the unlikely event that a problem cannot be resolved at the time and you wish to complain, you must send us full written details within 28 days of your return. Failure to take either or both of these steps will prejudice our ability to resolve your problem and / or investigate it fully. In consequence, any right to compensation you may have will be extinguished or, at the very least, substantially reduced. Where the port of embarkation for your sailing is in the EU then any complaints relating to EU Regulation 1177/2010 on Passenger Rights when travelling by Sea and Inland waterways must be made to us in writing no later than 2 months after return from travel or the date on which the service complained of was performed. We will provide a final reply within 2 months. You must supply full details to enable us to deal with your complaint. Please note that we offer an Alternative Dispute Resolution service through our ABTA membership. Please see clause 11 for further details. You can also access the European Commission Online Dispute (ODR) Resolution platform at odr/. This ODR platform is a means of registering your complaint with us; it will not determine how your complaint should be resolved. 11. OUR LIABILITY TO YOU (i) We will accept responsibility for those arrangements we agree to provide or arrange for you as an ‘organiser’ under the Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992 and the EU Directive 2015/2302 on Package Travel (and subsequent UK regulations) as set out below. Subject to these booking conditions, if we or our suppliers perform or arrange your contracted holiday arrangements negligently, taking into consideration all relevant factors, we will pay you reasonable compensation. The level of such compensation will be calculated taking into consideration all relevant factors such as but not limited to: following the complaints procedure as described in these conditions and the extent to which ours or our employees’ or suppliers’ negligence affected the overall enjoyment of your holiday. Please note that it is your responsibility to show that we or our supplier(s) have been negligent if you wish to make a claim against us. (iii) Where death and or personal injury and or loss of or damage to property occurs during carriage by air or by sea then liability and the extent of damages recoverable will be dealt with by International Conventions as set out in paragraphs (v) and (vi) and not otherwise. (iv) As set out in these booking conditions we limit the maximum 26 amount we may have to pay you for any claims you may make against us which do not involve personal injury, illness or death. Except where loss of and/or damage to luggage or personal possessions is concerned if we are found liable to you on any basis the maximum amount we will have to pay you is twice the price (excluding insurance premiums and amendment charges) paid by or on behalf of the person(s) affected in total unless a lower limitation applies to your claim under clause 12 (vi) below. (W) Where any claim or part of a claim (including those involving death or personal injury) concerns or is based ‘on any travel arrangements (including the process of getting on and/or off the transport concerned) provided by any air, sea, rail or road carrier or any stay ina hotel, the maximum amount of compensation we will have to pay you will be limited. The most we will have to pay you for that claim or that part of a claim if we are found liable to you on any basis is the most the carrier or hotel keeper concerned would have to pay under the international convention or regulation which applies to the travel arrangements or hotel stay in question. (for example, the Warsaw Convention as amended or unamended and the Montreal Convention for international travel by air and/or for airlines with an operating licence granted by an EU country, the EC Regulation on Air Carrier Liability No 889/2002 for national and international travel by air, the Athens convention for international travel by sea). Please note: Where a carrier or hotel would not be obliged to make any payment to you under the applicable International Convention or Regulation in respect of a claim or part of a claim, we similarly are not obliged to make a payment to you for that claim or part of the claim. When making any payment, we are entitled to deduct any money which you have received or are entitled to receive from the transport provider or hotelier for the complaint or claim in question. Copies of the applicable International Conventions and Regulations are available from us ‘on request. We do not have any liability to you by virtue of the Regulation 261/2004 which applies solely to the operating carrier. Any liability we may have to you under our contract with you, arising out of the same facts, is limited to the remedies provided under the Regulation as if (for this purpose only) we were a carrier; any sums you receive from the carrier will be deducted from any amount due from ourselves. (vi) Travel by sea is governed by the provisions of the Convention Relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea 1974 as amended in 1976 (“The Athens Convention) and where applicable from 1 January 2013 EU Regulation 392/200 relating to the Liability of carriers of passengers by sea in the event of accidents (“EU Regulation 392/2009). For the purposes of the Athens Convention and EU Regulation 392/2009 we are the Contracting Carrier. The Athens Convention and EU Regulation 392/2009 limit the Carriers’ liability for death or personal injury or loss or damage to luggage an makes special provision for valuables. It is presumed that luggage has been delivered to you undamaged unless written notice is given by us and/or the performing Carrier. a) in the case of apparent damage, before or at the time of disembarkation or redelivery; or b) in the case of damage which is not apparent or of loss, within 15 days from the date of disembarkation or redelivery or from the time when such redelivery should have taken place. Damages for cabin luggage payable by the Carrier are limited up to the Athens Convention limit of 833 SDRs or 2250 SDRs if EU Regulation 392/2009 applies. Limits shall be reduced in proportion to any contributory negligence by the Client and by the maximum deductible specified in Article 8(4) of the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009. In so far as we may be liable to a Client in respect of claims arising out of carriage by sea, we shall be entitled toall the rights, defences, immunities and limitations available, respectively, to the actual carrier and under the relevant Conventions and nothing in these Booking Conditions shall be deemed as a surrender thereof. To the extent that any provision in these Booking Conditions is made null and void by the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009 or any legislation compulsorily applicable or is otherwise unenforceable, it shall be void to that extent but not further. Any liability in respect of death and personal injury and loss of and damage to luggage which we may incur to you shall always be subject to. the limits of liability contained in the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009 for death/personal injury of 46,666 Special Drawing Rights (SDR) or 300,000 SDR under Athens Convention or 400,000 SDRs under EU Regulation 392/2009 except in the case of liability for war or terrorism 250,000 SDRs. We are not liable for valuables, monies or other securities including jewellery and watches. If they have been deposited with the reception desk on the ship for safe keeping and a receipt issued then in those limited circumstances the Carriers liability will be as set out in the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009. The use of safes on board a Vessel is not a deposit with the ship or with the company under the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009 or otherwise. The limits are 1200 SDRs pursuant to Athens or 3,375 SDRs pursuant to EU Regulation 392/2009. (vii) Where there is any loss of or damage to property including luggage which is not covered by any international convention and where liability is not limited by reference to any enactment, terms of conditions, then any legal liability that we may have for any such losses or damage will not exceed A$g26 per guest. (viii) You must provide ourselves and our insurers with all assistance we may reasonably require. You must also tell us and the supplier concerned about your claim or complaint as set out in clause 10 above. If asked to do so, you must transfer to us or ourinsurers any rights you have against the supplier or whoever else is responsible for your claim or complaint (if the person concerned is under 18, their parent or guardian must do so). You must also agree to cooperate fully with us and our insurers if we or our insurers want to enforce any rights which are transferred. (ix) Please note, we cannot accept any liability for any damage, loss or expense or other sum(s) of any description: (a which on the basis of the information. given tous by you concerning your booking prior to our accepting it, we could not have foreseen you would suffer or incur if we breached our contract with you; or (b) relate to any business. (x) We will not accept responsibility for services or facilities which do not form part of our agreement or where they are not advertised in our brochure. For example any excursion you book whilst away, or any service or facility which your hotel or any other supplier agrees to provide for you. 12. YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES AND INDEMNITY When you book arrangements with us you accept responsibility for the proper conduct of yourself and your party. If your actions or omissions cause damage to any property in the provision of the contracted arrangements, or cause delay or diversion to any flight or other means of transportation, you agree to fully indemnify us against any claim (including professional fees and legal costs) made against us by or on behalf of the owner of such property or the operator of the flight or other means of transportation. The Captain of an aircraft or Master of a ship has authority over the aircraft/ship and passengers at all times when they are boarding or on board. There will be no liability on our part, or that of any supplier, for any refund, compensation, or costs thus incurred. Additionally, we will have the right to recover full costs resulting from the incident from the passenger. At any port or place we may refuse to embark or may disembark any passenger who, in the opinion of the ship’s authorized personnel, might be excluded from landing at further destinations by local authorities ‘or who may be suffering from any

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