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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.01 to 31.12 - Page nb 72

Catalogue Flight Center 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023

Products in this catalogue

General Information & Conditions The following terms and conditions (booking conditions’) form Py Ltd ead them carefuly as they fet out your and our respective rights and obliga These Terms & Conditions were cored atime of publication, For the mest up to date Terms & Conditions vist our website Byes ais vs to conten your booking, we are entitled to assume that you have had the opportunity to read and have read these booking conditions; that you agree to them and that you agree to them applying to your holiday arrangements booked with us and which we agree to make, provide or perform of our contract with you. References feferences to short trips or tours included or available as part of your holiday ae 9°. GOVERNING These booking dosdiong se governed by the law in force invicta, Ausvota BEFORE YOU BOOK PRICE VALIDITY Publshed prices are vad ot the time of publication but are subject to change. They may by advertising or special offer or changed after the pableston date for any teason including, without limitation, to cover changes in government taxes and charges exchange ie vain el cherges etie ergo, terial increases, subject to avalabity atthe ime of boo Please see important information listed onder Special Conditions for relevant deposit and final payment terms. TRANSFI Airport transfers are included on the first and last day of the tour package or with pre and post accommodation booked by Tavelmarvel No refund willbe given for unused transfers Transfers cannot be re-routed to other pick-up destinations, Passengers who mis the pre-booked transfers must make their ovm way toffom the shipfhotl a he own expense i holiday packages include group transfers from or in between airporsiotelships and vice verse, A group transfers generally ally be an land tours, or cruise include transfer and fights between tours as specified. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVAL ical al courage bh lie rots o news The festivities may temporatily disrupt your hol some religious holdays may fesul in reduction of feces and entertainment. EARLYBIRD OFFERS, SUPERDEALS, FLY DEALS ID SPECIAL OFFER: Conditions Apply. For Yul terms and freione ile soy arlybitd Special, Fly Deal or Special Offer on your please go to OTHER SPECIAL OFFERS Speciel Deas and Special Ofers other tan hose acverised herein may be promoted by Travelmarvel from time to These new special dealsloffers do not apply to ‘sng bookings unless otherwi Details, including the full range of benefits and conditions, are available on our website at BOOKING AND PAYING FOR YOUR HOLIDAY AIRFARES Ar travel is arranged with independent airines. Traveimarvel will arrange air travel as advertised in connection with your holiday packa subject o change withoutnatce, Once a tickets ae issued, sine mendment andlor cancelation fees apply and, in some case non-refundable. Name changes and voluntary date and schedule anges wil incur fees. Tevelmarvels not lable for delays swupions of sir trevel Once Vcc are esued, Travemmarvl wil have no other laity and wl not be responsible fr refunding the cost of any services in conjunction with the flights. Flying Outside ofthe tour date range or re-tuting your fight tinerary may incur additional surcharges. While we endeavour to accommodate your airline seating requests, these are never guaranteed and are subject to change at the aifine’s discretion. ARUNE LOYALTY POINT BLIGIBRITY wvelmarvel uses the services of a range of airlines in its packages Tavelnawal doce pol waren atts oifares aot loyalty points as airlines control the application of loyalty points in al cases Requests to use eine pets 9 upatede rave oaed to jected to the airline concemed by mber. TRAVELMARVEL DEPOSIT CANCELLATION PEACE OF MIND Conclions apply: applicable when an upton ee of $95 per person is paid with your deposit. The holiday package c Cancelled prior tothe final payment date and your post “a be retained as a Travelmarvel holding credit to be use booldige f Deoest Concalition Heats of MIN eines. monies held must be used ona future cruise o tour and cannot against the original cruise or tour departure date, Depest hele In erect wil excude foes Imposed by thd partes, eluding a 8 bred tok teal at emel ond hate ten booking airfares through Travelmarvel (including when tal Sova of soe er sa ces 3 a Sondra airline cancellation fees will ap, -ases, airfares will be non-refundable. nthe event Sf eoncalaton Hess fe dl Be de refore the credit being held Trevelmarvel epost Cancellation Peace of Mind applies to new bookings only and is only valid up until 100 days prior to vee years, unused cri funds wil incu the original Cancellation conditions, This does not replace travel insuran which you are required to purchase at the time of booking. Great Rail Journeys 2023 TRAVEL INSURANCE Travel insurance is not included in your holiday package. For your protection you ae requted to purchase comprehensive travel Insurance that includes (without lmtation) coverage for the of your holiday package, expenses, oss of uggs . extee ena lend content end ofa charges fet mey Sect die fo cancelation, mnsossblly of performene or othe frustration disruption, loss of deposit or strikes. TRAVEL INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTS fol neal keg lt sa information ‘eevant to your holdey package. We ston recommend you eee the dels Corelly end read ie included tootoalion-Ceace enews fist you check your ge tndnge <axetully on your tickets, pariculrty early moming departures Approximately 21 days before departure you ive your eetckel, together with your fal tnerary Wiecrey Hifi caee of late bookings, charges or late payment, tickets may be emailed to you. SPECIAL REQUESTS Where a special request eg. diet room location. win or double bedded room, a particular facility at a hotel, fight seat requests andor artcuiar teas) san important factor in your choce holiday, you must advise us when your Booking is THNCHEr VG wl oe yo oss Oe tls Fens, orine other supplier but cannot guarantee that it will be accommodated Traveimarvel will also pass on any dietary requests to the airline but we strongly recommend that you check directly with the airline once your tickets have been issued. The provision of any specal quest does not constute aterm of your contact wth that the request wi Done ond oat Specialy confirmed. all special requests are see ei neo en CREDIT AND DEBIT CARD Ifyou pay Travelmarvel by rea or deo ear surcharges will apply. In the case of credit cards a surcharge of between % and 3% (depending on the card used), will be added to the tour price. Inthe case of debit cards a charge of 0.5% will be added to th tour price. ACCURACY Travelmarvel has endeavoured to ensure that the information provided about accommodation, itineraries etc. is correct to the best of its knowledge at the time of publication. However, prs ene lilies enc pies may change eer Publication, We recommend that you confirm the det Shosen Roldey package atthe tive of booking Adaionaly, ight times, carriers and routes are given for guidance on be changes. Final details will be shown on your tickets. Holiday yackage or excursion itineraries may change or be different from those described in our collateral as a result of local conditions, weather conditions and annual events. Travelmarvel will endeavour to nolly you of any signitcant changes prio to your departure DISRUPTION TO CRUISING AND ITINERARY ARRANGEMENTS Wineries ae intended as a guide only and ae subject to attertion without noice. Atemations mey be necessary for various ing, without limitation, road, rat ver of weath Conditions, sirkes or other reasons beyond Travelmarvels contol if conditions render eny routes unsafe for navigation, Travelnarvel reserves the right to provide alternative services including, b not Inited fo, sccommodation on the dock ship or subetiule land arrangements. Under normal river conditions, itineraries will operate as far as possible as published. However, sometimes for reasons beyond our control, it may be necessary to make alterations to your tnerery. For example, without tation Additionally, you are not entitled to any refund for any alterations to your itinerary that are caused or contributed to by ai or water level events or such other events which our control. Travelmarvel cannot guarantee departure times for carriers and operators used by Travelmarvel and Travelmarvel will not be liable for failure to make connections with any other services or attractions beyond its control FLIGHT CHANGES The fight timings detailed on your confirmation invoice, or on our website are events outside our control. Scheduled and charter flight timings, nd f operation are also subject to change. Travelmarvel will advise iny significant changes as soon as its informed by the airline. Minor timing changes will be shown on your fight ts, Any change in the identity of the aifine, fight timings or aircraft type (if advised) will not entitle you to cancel or change to other arrangements without paying any applicable cancellation fees except where specified in these booking conditions. (OUT OF DATE RANGE FLIGHTS If airlines have not published their schedule at the time of booking, yoking and pricing with you by sending you an updated invoice. Once fights have been confirmed by you and payment has been recelved, Travelmarvel wil sue your tickets FORCE MAJEURE Force majeure event means the occurrence of an event that is beyond Travelmarvel’s reasonable control, and which could not Wve been reasonably prevented by Traveimarvel, which includes, but is not limited to: (a) war, armed confit, criminal damage, riot, Civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity or the threat of any such acts; (b) natural disaster (including but not limited to flooding, er conditions, high environmental pouton or contamination: od) change nav, meaning, enactment, amendment (including repeal) in the law or administation of any law in Australia or any Jursicton or tertory relevant to the booking contract, which includes changes in statute, regulation, determination, by-law, declaration, licence and thé comet law as applicable from time to time, including changes or mendments in regulations or access to services, sites or countries caused by declared epidemic or pandemic events ‘TERMINATION OF BOOKING CONTRACT OR CHANGE. OF TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS DUE TO FORCE MAJEUI If Travelmarvel, in its reasonable opinion, considers that any force majeure event prevents Travelmarvel (whether directly or through is employees, contractors, subcontractors and agents) for | lawfully or safely providing any products or services subje ook contret wih yee aveimarvel ey ioedtey Oy “te Notice: (a) terminate the booking contract (in whole or in part} 0 (b) change your travel arrangements as reasonably pracicabe to ensure your safety and invoice you for any additional costs, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN THE EVENT OF FORCE MAJEURE Inthe event that Tevelmarvel cancels or changes your ave arrangements in any way due to a force majeure event ravelmarvel will not be liable to you in contract, tort, statute or Teenie of) is foisg bux a Hel es of apc hase price and los o enjoyment, damage, costs, charges, expenses of injury resulting fom or In connection wt Girecty or increct:() the cancelation or change to your ‘rvel arrangements; or (0) the force majeure event. Travelmarvel is not liable to refund any part of the deposit or purchase price paid by you if Travelmarvel subsequently changes or cancels your travel arrangements in connection with a force iene event, Force majeure events are unpredictable and bs TTavelmarvels contol As you are recuited to purchase trav Insurance to adequately protect yoursel agaist hese sks, oi Policy needs to respond to these risks. 1s eeesutege oc rere ine ase terrete reeset iepessay 10 roles Ye icriinele rapier of Tevevnerva based expected non-recoverable costs and Conve as to be Incutred by Trevelmarvel including but not limited to over ‘or services performed personally by Travelmarvel, to the commencement of the holiday package, alternatively prior to the force majeure event DATA PROTECTION POLICY ‘Any personal information (including sensitive information and you is necessary for our business purpose: Poly deta why we colect is informeion, who we may dselee it to including overseas recipients), and the main conseque' Mw do not collect. Our Privacy Pocy also contains information ut how you may seek access o, or correction of, the personal Infomaton ld about you, ana our compli reso procedures Ox Pvsey Petey le valibe ol wemntravelrtve or by request to us. By providing personal or sensitive information to us, you are agreeing to the terms of our Privacy Policy, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 1 Our holiday lude the services of independent roviders, such as hoteliers, airlines, cruise companies and ther operators who are not agents, servans or employees of avelmarvel. though we take care in selecting the independent al xcuions co Hin the opinion of any representative of Traveimarvel, your mental or physical condition, or general behaviour is such as to affect your own health and safety, render you incapable to care for yourself, cause you to ard to yourself or sSengers or result in you becoming objectionable to other passengers or staff, you will not be permitted to embark nthe whole or any part of the holiday package. Tiavelmarvel representatives are empowered to ask guests to depart a holiday package if they are displaying known COVID-19 symptoms. Abuse or harassment of any kind toward crew, contracted suppliers or other guests may result in immediate removal from the tour or cruise. Travelmarvel is not liable to you for any costs associated with such decision and you will not be refunded for any part of the holiday package. 3. Travelmarvel accepts no responsibilty for any death uy, ines, oss (including loss of enjoyment, demage, detention, delay (including mechanical breakdown) beyond its control 4. Any ton Condition or warranty express or implied by statute or otherwise in respect to the holiday packages contained in any of our collateral are excluded to the full extent permitted by law. Nothing in these booking conditions excludes, restricts or modifies the appication ofthe Competton and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) 1ended, consolidated, supplemented or replaced, 5 Tothe hl nent permitted by law, Travelmarvet's liability arising Under or in connection with these booking conditions: (a)'s limited to the re-supply of the products or services or the 1e cost of re-supply of the products or services to you: and (b) excludes Habilly for any Indirect or consequential losses suffered any third party, howsoever caused, including but not Thode pute ecovomts tos any special extraordinary oF punitive damage to you or any other party. 6. Your travel agent will forward capeats and other payments to Us on your behalf, but your travel agent is not our agent for the purpose of receipt of monies. Receipt of deposits and subsequent Payments by the travel agent does not constitute receipt of those receipt advice) that eee Te ate eenies esigito conc ay ket 6 booking or refuse to cary enger where payment has not been received by “ravelmarvel ‘atin the spectied 7. Specific meal oan ‘are requests only and cannot be guaranteed. COVID-19 REQUIREMENTS Belore booking and before you travel, ensure that you check the latest Government travel requirements and Travelmarvel updat which Include the on Board protocols (which wl be avelabie mn ivel's website at traverupdetes) which wil set out the obligations which apply to customers departing on tours. This may ncude obtaning P of negative test results prior to embarkation, completion of rath questionnaire, mask wearing, requirement to isolate f COVID-1S

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General Information & Conditions The following terms and conditions (booking conditions’) form Py Ltd ead them carefuly as they fet out your and our respective rights and obliga These Terms & Conditions were cored atime of publication, For the mest up to date Terms & Conditions vist our website Byes ais vs to conten your booking, we are entitled to assume that you have had the opportunity to read and have read these booking conditions; that you agree to them and that you agree to them applying to your holiday arrangements booked with us and which we agree to make, provide or perform of our contract with you. References feferences to short trips or tours included or available as part of your holiday ae 9°. GOVERNING These booking dosdiong se governed by the law in force invicta, Ausvota BEFORE YOU BOOK PRICE VALIDITY Publshed prices are vad ot the time of publication but are subject to change. They may by advertising or special offer or changed after the pableston date for any teason including, without limitation, to cover changes in government taxes and charges exchange ie vain el cherges etie ergo, terial increases, subject to avalabity atthe ime of boo Please see important information listed onder Special Conditions for relevant deposit and final payment terms. TRANSFI Airport transfers are included on the first and last day of the tour package or with pre and post accommodation booked by Tavelmarvel No refund willbe given for unused transfers Transfers cannot be re-routed to other pick-up destinations, Passengers who mis the pre-booked transfers must make their ovm way toffom the shipfhotl a he own expense i holiday packages include group transfers from or in between airporsiotelships and vice verse, A group transfers generally ally be an land tours, or cruise include transfer and fights between tours as specified. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVAL ical al courage bh lie rots o news The festivities may temporatily disrupt your hol some religious holdays may fesul in reduction of feces and entertainment. EARLYBIRD OFFERS, SUPERDEALS, FLY DEALS ID SPECIAL OFFER: Conditions Apply. For Yul terms and freione ile soy arlybitd Special, Fly Deal or Special Offer on your please go to OTHER SPECIAL OFFERS Speciel Deas and Special Ofers other tan hose acverised herein may be promoted by Travelmarvel from time to These new special dealsloffers do not apply to ‘sng bookings unless otherwi Details, including the full range of benefits and conditions, are available on our website at BOOKING AND PAYING FOR YOUR HOLIDAY AIRFARES Ar travel is arranged with independent airines. Traveimarvel will arrange air travel as advertised in connection with your holiday packa subject o change withoutnatce, Once a tickets ae issued, sine mendment andlor cancelation fees apply and, in some case non-refundable. Name changes and voluntary date and schedule anges wil incur fees. Tevelmarvels not lable for delays swupions of sir trevel Once Vcc are esued, Travemmarvl wil have no other laity and wl not be responsible fr refunding the cost of any services in conjunction with the flights. Flying Outside ofthe tour date range or re-tuting your fight tinerary may incur additional surcharges. While we endeavour to accommodate your airline seating requests, these are never guaranteed and are subject to change at the aifine’s discretion. ARUNE LOYALTY POINT BLIGIBRITY wvelmarvel uses the services of a range of airlines in its packages Tavelnawal doce pol waren atts oifares aot loyalty points as airlines control the application of loyalty points in al cases Requests to use eine pets 9 upatede rave oaed to jected to the airline concemed by mber. TRAVELMARVEL DEPOSIT CANCELLATION PEACE OF MIND Conclions apply: applicable when an upton ee of $95 per person is paid with your deposit. The holiday package c Cancelled prior tothe final payment date and your post “a be retained as a Travelmarvel holding credit to be use booldige f Deoest Concalition Heats of MIN eines. monies held must be used ona future cruise o tour and cannot against the original cruise or tour departure date, Depest hele In erect wil excude foes Imposed by thd partes, eluding a 8 bred tok teal at emel ond hate ten booking airfares through Travelmarvel (including when tal Sova of soe er sa ces 3 a Sondra airline cancellation fees will ap, -ases, airfares will be non-refundable. nthe event Sf eoncalaton Hess fe dl Be de refore the credit being held Trevelmarvel epost Cancellation Peace of Mind applies to new bookings only and is only valid up until 100 days prior to vee years, unused cri funds wil incu the original Cancellation conditions, This does not replace travel insuran which you are required to purchase at the time of booking. Great Rail Journeys 2023 TRAVEL INSURANCE Travel insurance is not included in your holiday package. For your protection you ae requted to purchase comprehensive travel Insurance that includes (without lmtation) coverage for the of your holiday package, expenses, oss of uggs . extee ena lend content end ofa charges fet mey Sect die fo cancelation, mnsossblly of performene or othe frustration disruption, loss of deposit or strikes. TRAVEL INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTS fol neal keg lt sa information ‘eevant to your holdey package. We ston recommend you eee the dels Corelly end read ie included tootoalion-Ceace enews fist you check your ge tndnge <axetully on your tickets, pariculrty early moming departures Approximately 21 days before departure you ive your eetckel, together with your fal tnerary Wiecrey Hifi caee of late bookings, charges or late payment, tickets may be emailed to you. SPECIAL REQUESTS Where a special request eg. diet room location. win or double bedded room, a particular facility at a hotel, fight seat requests andor artcuiar teas) san important factor in your choce holiday, you must advise us when your Booking is THNCHEr VG wl oe yo oss Oe tls Fens, orine other supplier but cannot guarantee that it will be accommodated Traveimarvel will also pass on any dietary requests to the airline but we strongly recommend that you check directly with the airline once your tickets have been issued. The provision of any specal quest does not constute aterm of your contact wth that the request wi Done ond oat Specialy confirmed. all special requests are see ei neo en CREDIT AND DEBIT CARD Ifyou pay Travelmarvel by rea or deo ear surcharges will apply. In the case of credit cards a surcharge of between % and 3% (depending on the card used), will be added to the tour price. Inthe case of debit cards a charge of 0.5% will be added to th tour price. ACCURACY Travelmarvel has endeavoured to ensure that the information provided about accommodation, itineraries etc. is correct to the best of its knowledge at the time of publication. However, prs ene lilies enc pies may change eer Publication, We recommend that you confirm the det Shosen Roldey package atthe tive of booking Adaionaly, ight times, carriers and routes are given for guidance on be changes. Final details will be shown on your tickets. Holiday yackage or excursion itineraries may change or be different from those described in our collateral as a result of local conditions, weather conditions and annual events. Travelmarvel will endeavour to nolly you of any signitcant changes prio to your departure DISRUPTION TO CRUISING AND ITINERARY ARRANGEMENTS Wineries ae intended as a guide only and ae subject to attertion without noice. Atemations mey be necessary for various ing, without limitation, road, rat ver of weath Conditions, sirkes or other reasons beyond Travelmarvels contol if conditions render eny routes unsafe for navigation, Travelnarvel reserves the right to provide alternative services including, b not Inited fo, sccommodation on the dock ship or subetiule land arrangements. Under normal river conditions, itineraries will operate as far as possible as published. However, sometimes for reasons beyond our control, it may be necessary to make alterations to your tnerery. For example, without tation Additionally, you are not entitled to any refund for any alterations to your itinerary that are caused or contributed to by ai or water level events or such other events which our control. Travelmarvel cannot guarantee departure times for carriers and operators used by Travelmarvel and Travelmarvel will not be liable for failure to make connections with any other services or attractions beyond its control FLIGHT CHANGES The fight timings detailed on your confirmation invoice, or on our website are events outside our control. Scheduled and charter flight timings, nd f operation are also subject to change. Travelmarvel will advise iny significant changes as soon as its informed by the airline. Minor timing changes will be shown on your fight ts, Any change in the identity of the aifine, fight timings or aircraft type (if advised) will not entitle you to cancel or change to other arrangements without paying any applicable cancellation fees except where specified in these booking conditions. (OUT OF DATE RANGE FLIGHTS If airlines have not published their schedule at the time of booking, yoking and pricing with you by sending you an updated invoice. Once fights have been confirmed by you and payment has been recelved, Travelmarvel wil sue your tickets FORCE MAJEURE Force majeure event means the occurrence of an event that is beyond Travelmarvel’s reasonable control, and which could not Wve been reasonably prevented by Traveimarvel, which includes, but is not limited to: (a) war, armed confit, criminal damage, riot, Civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity or the threat of any such acts; (b) natural disaster (including but not limited to flooding, er conditions, high environmental pouton or contamination: od) change nav, meaning, enactment, amendment (including repeal) in the law or administation of any law in Australia or any Jursicton or tertory relevant to the booking contract, which includes changes in statute, regulation, determination, by-law, declaration, licence and thé comet law as applicable from time to time, including changes or mendments in regulations or access to services, sites or countries caused by declared epidemic or pandemic events ‘TERMINATION OF BOOKING CONTRACT OR CHANGE. OF TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS DUE TO FORCE MAJEUI If Travelmarvel, in its reasonable opinion, considers that any force majeure event prevents Travelmarvel (whether directly or through is employees, contractors, subcontractors and agents) for | lawfully or safely providing any products or services subje ook contret wih yee aveimarvel ey ioedtey Oy “te Notice: (a) terminate the booking contract (in whole or in part} 0 (b) change your travel arrangements as reasonably pracicabe to ensure your safety and invoice you for any additional costs, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN THE EVENT OF FORCE MAJEURE Inthe event that Tevelmarvel cancels or changes your ave arrangements in any way due to a force majeure event ravelmarvel will not be liable to you in contract, tort, statute or Teenie of) is foisg bux a Hel es of apc hase price and los o enjoyment, damage, costs, charges, expenses of injury resulting fom or In connection wt Girecty or increct:() the cancelation or change to your ‘rvel arrangements; or (0) the force majeure event. Travelmarvel is not liable to refund any part of the deposit or purchase price paid by you if Travelmarvel subsequently changes or cancels your travel arrangements in connection with a force iene event, Force majeure events are unpredictable and bs TTavelmarvels contol As you are recuited to purchase trav Insurance to adequately protect yoursel agaist hese sks, oi Policy needs to respond to these risks. 1s eeesutege oc rere ine ase terrete reeset iepessay 10 roles Ye icriinele rapier of Tevevnerva based expected non-recoverable costs and Conve as to be Incutred by Trevelmarvel including but not limited to over ‘or services performed personally by Travelmarvel, to the commencement of the holiday package, alternatively prior to the force majeure event DATA PROTECTION POLICY ‘Any personal information (including sensitive information and you is necessary for our business purpose: Poly deta why we colect is informeion, who we may dselee it to including overseas recipients), and the main conseque' Mw do not collect. Our Privacy Pocy also contains information ut how you may seek access o, or correction of, the personal Infomaton ld about you, ana our compli reso procedures Ox Pvsey Petey le valibe ol wemntravelrtve or by request to us. By providing personal or sensitive information to us, you are agreeing to the terms of our Privacy Policy, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 1 Our holiday lude the services of independent roviders, such as hoteliers, airlines, cruise companies and ther operators who are not agents, servans or employees of avelmarvel. though we take care in selecting the independent al xcuions co Hin the opinion of any representative of Traveimarvel, your mental or physical condition, or general behaviour is such as to affect your own health and safety, render you incapable to care for yourself, cause you to ard to yourself or sSengers or result in you becoming objectionable to other passengers or staff, you will not be permitted to embark nthe whole or any part of the holiday package. Tiavelmarvel representatives are empowered to ask guests to depart a holiday package if they are displaying known COVID-19 symptoms. Abuse or harassment of any kind toward crew, contracted suppliers or other guests may result in immediate removal from the tour or cruise. Travelmarvel is not liable to you for any costs associated with such decision and you will not be refunded for any part of the holiday package. 3. Travelmarvel accepts no responsibilty for any death uy, ines, oss (including loss of enjoyment, demage, detention, delay (including mechanical breakdown) beyond its control 4. Any ton Condition or warranty express or implied by statute or otherwise in respect to the holiday packages contained in any of our collateral are excluded to the full extent permitted by law. Nothing in these booking conditions excludes, restricts or modifies the appication ofthe Competton and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) 1ended, consolidated, supplemented or replaced, 5 Tothe hl nent permitted by law, Travelmarvet's liability arising Under or in connection with these booking conditions: (a)'s limited to the re-supply of the products or services or the 1e cost of re-supply of the products or services to you: and (b) excludes Habilly for any Indirect or consequential losses suffered any third party, howsoever caused, including but not Thode pute ecovomts tos any special extraordinary oF punitive damage to you or any other party. 6. Your travel agent will forward capeats and other payments to Us on your behalf, but your travel agent is not our agent for the purpose of receipt of monies. Receipt of deposits and subsequent Payments by the travel agent does not constitute receipt of those receipt advice) that eee Te ate eenies esigito conc ay ket 6 booking or refuse to cary enger where payment has not been received by “ravelmarvel ‘atin the spectied 7. Specific meal oan ‘are requests only and cannot be guaranteed. COVID-19 REQUIREMENTS Belore booking and before you travel, ensure that you check the latest Government travel requirements and Travelmarvel updat which Include the on Board protocols (which wl be avelabie mn ivel's website at traverupdetes) which wil set out the obligations which apply to customers departing on tours. This may ncude obtaning P of negative test results prior to embarkation, completion of rath questionnaire, mask wearing, requirement to isolate f COVID-1S

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