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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.05 to 31.12 - Page nb 108

Catalogue Flight Center 01.05.2023 - 31.12.2024

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2023 CRUISE CALENDAR For cruises prior to June 2023 visit 2024 cruises inside back cover Date Ship Cruise Nts Itinerary Pg Date Ship Cruise Nts Itinerary Pg yun 2 Crown 3313N—T1 SEEPS HT 39 Ual'29 Royal —__TS27N_7” Inside Passage, RT Seattle B 3 Royal TS19N__7_ Inside Passage, RT a3 29 Grand A326 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage 7 3 Grand ATE 7 vonieatiedacce BRS OS 37 29 Grand A326A 14 Voyage ofthe Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancower 41 3 Gand —-ABT@A TA" Voyage ofthe Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver — 1 29 Majestic 8324 __7_Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 37 3 Majestic 8316 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage Vancouver 7 30 Discovery X333___7_Inside Passage, RT Seattle 43 4 Discovery X325 7” Inside Passage, RT Seattle a Aug 2 Sapphire 323 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 37 6 Ruby R36 10 Inside Passage, RT San Francisco 45 4 Crown S319N 1 Inside Passage, RT Vancower 39 7 Sapphire 3157” Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage = Vancouver 37 5 Royal 1328N 7 Inside Passage, RT Seatle a TO Royal T320N-7"Inside Passage, RT Seattle a3 5 Grand 327 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage Vancouver 37 10 Grand ABI. _7-_Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Anchorage = Vancouver 37 5 Majestic 8325 7 Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Vancower Anchorage 37 10 Majestic — 8317 7” Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver = Anchorage 37 5 Majestic 8325414 Voyage ofthe Gaciers Grand Adventure, AT Vancouver 41 TO Majestic —8317A YT Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancower 47 5 Ruby R322 __10 Inside Passage, RT San Francisco 5 TY Discovery X326 7 Inside Passage, RT Seattle a3 6 Discovery X334___7_Inside Passage, RT Seattle B 18 Crown 33T4N 10 Inside Passage, RT Vancouver 3 9 Sapphire H324 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage a7 4 Sapphire —H316 ——7- Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Vancouver= Anchorage 7 9 Sapphire H824A 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 41 ‘4 Sapphire H316A—T& Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 4T T2Royal___1829N 7 Inside Passage, RT Seattle @ Ruby RTT TO Inside Passage, RT'San Francisco 45 72 Grand __A328__7 Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage 7 TT Royal 1821N- 7 Inside Passage, RT Seattle 48 12 Grand __A32BA 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 41 7 Grand A320" 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver = Anchorage 7 12 Majestic 8326 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver a7 ‘7 Grad ~-K320A~ Ta Voyage o the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 41 13 Discovery _X335___7- Inside Passage, RT Seattle a TT Mies 8315 ayage OF Te Glaciers, Anchorage Vancowver 37 15 Ruby 32310 Inside Passage, RT San Francisco 6 18 Discovery 3277 Inside Passage, RT Seatle a 15 Crown 3820N 10 Inside Passage, RT Vancouver 39 21 Sapphire — H317 7” Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver a7 16 Sapphire 325 7 Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver a7 73 Crown 3315N TT Tnside Passage, RT Vancouver a 19 Royal _1330N_7_ Inside Passage, RT Seattle 8 2H Royal 1322N 7 Inside Passage, RT Seatle co 19 Grand A329. Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 37 24 Grand R327 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 7 19 Majestic 8327 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage 7 24 Wajestic. 83197” Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Vancouver Anchorage 7 19 Majestic 832714 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 41 TA Majestic 839K Te Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 41 20 Discovery X336 7 Inside Passage, RT Seattle a 25 Discovery —X828-7- Inside Passage, RT Seattle ag 23 Sapphire 326 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage a7 26 R318 To" Inside Passage, RT San Francisc a5 2 Sapphire 326K 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 41 28 Sapphite —H318 7” Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver = Anchorage 37 25 Ruby R324 __10 Inside Passage, RT San Francisco 4% 28 Sapphire H3TBA 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver —4T 25 Crown __3321N 11 Inside Passage, RT Vancouver 3 Jur Royal T323N 7 Inside Passage, RT Seattle a8 26 Royal 1331 __7_Inside Passage, RT Seattle a 1 Grand A322.” Voyage o the Glaciers, Vancouver= Anchorage 7 26 Grand _-A830___7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage 37 TGrand A322 Te" Voyage ofthe Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver — aT 26 Grand 330A 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 47 T” Majestic” 8320. 7” Voyage o the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 7 26 Majestic 83287 Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver a7 7 Discovery X32 7 Inside Passage, RT Seatle a 77 Discovery X337__7_ Inside Passage, RT Seattle a 4 Crown S316N- 10 Inside Passage, RT Vancouver 39 30 Sapphire H327 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 7 5 Sapphire H319” 7” Voyage o the Glaciers, Anchorage = Vancouver 37 Sep 2 Royal 1332 7 inside Passage, RT Seattle a 6 Ruby R319. 10" Inside Passage, RT San Francisco 5 2 Grand _A831___7Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver a7 B Royal 1324N 7 Inside Passage, RT Seattle 3 2 Majestic 8329 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage 37 8 Grand ‘A323 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 7 2 Majestic —8329A 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 47 ‘8 Wajestc 8321 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver= Anchorage 37 3 Discovery 838 7 _Inside Passage, RT Seatle a ‘8 Wajestio 8371 14 Voyage of he Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver aT © Ruby 325 10 Inside Passage, RT San Francisco 4% 9 Discovery 3307 Inside Passage, RT Seattle 8 5 Crown 3822N 10 Inside Passage, RT Vancouver 39 12 Sapphire —H3207- Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver Anchorage 37 Sapphire H328 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver Anchorage a7 ‘12 Sapphire 320A" 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver a 6 Sapphire 328A 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 41 14 Gown 3317N TT Ee FeSO WR 39 9 Royal 13837 Inside Passage, RT Seatle a 15 Royal 1925N- 7 Inside Passage, RT Seat 43 9 Grand A332 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage a7 15 Grand 324 Voyage of the Glaciers, anor ‘mnctorage 37 9 Grand 332A 14 Voyage ofthe Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 41 18 Grand ‘AS24A 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver a 9 Majestic 63307 -_Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 7 TS Majestic 83227” Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Anchorage Vancouver 37 WO Discovery _X339___7_ Inside Passage, RT Seattle B T6 Discovery X33T 7 Inside Passage, RT Seattle a 13 Sapphire 13297 Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 7 6 Ruby R320 10 Inside Passage, RT San Francisco 45 14 Ruby R826 10 Inside Passage, AT San Francisco 6 19 Sapphire H32T 7” Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 37 16 Crown 3323N 11 Inside Passage, RT Vancouver 39 22 Royal 1926N- 7” Inside Passage, RT Seattle a3 16 Royal 1334 7. Inside Passage, RT Seattle a 2 Majestic 8323 7- Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver = Anchorage 37 16 Grand AS33-7” Voyage o the Glaciers, Anchorage Vancouver a7 2 Majestic B323K Ta Voyage ofthe Glaciers Seni RT Vancouver aT 16 Majestic 833110 Inside Passage, RT Vancowver 39 23 Discovery X32 7” Inside Passage, RT Seat B 7 Discovery _X340___7 Inside Passage, RT Seattle a8 25 Crown 338N To a aS TET 39 20 Sapphire H830___7_Inside Passage, RT Vancouver 39 26 Ruby R321 10 Inside Passage, RT San Francisco ® 24 Discovery X34 7_Inside Passage, Seattle - Vancouver a 26 Sapphire 3227 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage a7 26 Crown 3324N 4 Alaska Sampler, Vancouver-Seattle 4 26 Sapphire H322K 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 47 Australia & Hawaii. AT Tahiti & South Pacific | Alaska | yeaa Cruse itineraries are not guaranteed, jouth America & Antarctica | New England & Canada (== PRINCESS PO Box 1429, Chatswood NSW 2057 ©Princess Cruises 2023, Ships of Bermudan registry. FLIGHT CENTRE Experience our experience While all information is Carnival plc trading corte Princess Cruises’. A tat time of publication, some di 23 107 998 443 Is Panama Canal | Asia & Japan | Caribbean, Mexico & Pacific Coast | World Cruises bly change. 2023 APP | STORE | ONLINE CRUISE EXPERTS * 13 7079

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2023 CRUISE CALENDAR For cruises prior to June 2023 visit 2024 cruises inside back cover Date Ship Cruise Nts Itinerary Pg Date Ship Cruise Nts Itinerary Pg yun 2 Crown 3313N—T1 SEEPS HT 39 Ual'29 Royal —__TS27N_7” Inside Passage, RT Seattle B 3 Royal TS19N__7_ Inside Passage, RT a3 29 Grand A326 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage 7 3 Grand ATE 7 vonieatiedacce BRS OS 37 29 Grand A326A 14 Voyage ofthe Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancower 41 3 Gand —-ABT@A TA" Voyage ofthe Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver — 1 29 Majestic 8324 __7_Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 37 3 Majestic 8316 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage Vancouver 7 30 Discovery X333___7_Inside Passage, RT Seattle 43 4 Discovery X325 7” Inside Passage, RT Seattle a Aug 2 Sapphire 323 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 37 6 Ruby R36 10 Inside Passage, RT San Francisco 45 4 Crown S319N 1 Inside Passage, RT Vancower 39 7 Sapphire 3157” Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage = Vancouver 37 5 Royal 1328N 7 Inside Passage, RT Seatle a TO Royal T320N-7"Inside Passage, RT Seattle a3 5 Grand 327 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage Vancouver 37 10 Grand ABI. _7-_Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Anchorage = Vancouver 37 5 Majestic 8325 7 Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Vancower Anchorage 37 10 Majestic — 8317 7” Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver = Anchorage 37 5 Majestic 8325414 Voyage ofthe Gaciers Grand Adventure, AT Vancouver 41 TO Majestic —8317A YT Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancower 47 5 Ruby R322 __10 Inside Passage, RT San Francisco 5 TY Discovery X326 7 Inside Passage, RT Seattle a3 6 Discovery X334___7_Inside Passage, RT Seattle B 18 Crown 33T4N 10 Inside Passage, RT Vancouver 3 9 Sapphire H324 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage a7 4 Sapphire —H316 ——7- Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Vancouver= Anchorage 7 9 Sapphire H824A 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 41 ‘4 Sapphire H316A—T& Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 4T T2Royal___1829N 7 Inside Passage, RT Seattle @ Ruby RTT TO Inside Passage, RT'San Francisco 45 72 Grand __A328__7 Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage 7 TT Royal 1821N- 7 Inside Passage, RT Seattle 48 12 Grand __A32BA 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 41 7 Grand A320" 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver = Anchorage 7 12 Majestic 8326 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver a7 ‘7 Grad ~-K320A~ Ta Voyage o the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 41 13 Discovery _X335___7- Inside Passage, RT Seattle a TT Mies 8315 ayage OF Te Glaciers, Anchorage Vancowver 37 15 Ruby 32310 Inside Passage, RT San Francisco 6 18 Discovery 3277 Inside Passage, RT Seatle a 15 Crown 3820N 10 Inside Passage, RT Vancouver 39 21 Sapphire — H317 7” Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver a7 16 Sapphire 325 7 Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver a7 73 Crown 3315N TT Tnside Passage, RT Vancouver a 19 Royal _1330N_7_ Inside Passage, RT Seattle 8 2H Royal 1322N 7 Inside Passage, RT Seatle co 19 Grand A329. Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 37 24 Grand R327 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 7 19 Majestic 8327 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage 7 24 Wajestic. 83197” Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Vancouver Anchorage 7 19 Majestic 832714 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 41 TA Majestic 839K Te Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 41 20 Discovery X336 7 Inside Passage, RT Seattle a 25 Discovery —X828-7- Inside Passage, RT Seattle ag 23 Sapphire 326 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage a7 26 R318 To" Inside Passage, RT San Francisc a5 2 Sapphire 326K 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 41 28 Sapphite —H318 7” Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver = Anchorage 37 25 Ruby R324 __10 Inside Passage, RT San Francisco 4% 28 Sapphire H3TBA 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver —4T 25 Crown __3321N 11 Inside Passage, RT Vancouver 3 Jur Royal T323N 7 Inside Passage, RT Seattle a8 26 Royal 1331 __7_Inside Passage, RT Seattle a 1 Grand A322.” Voyage o the Glaciers, Vancouver= Anchorage 7 26 Grand _-A830___7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage 37 TGrand A322 Te" Voyage ofthe Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver — aT 26 Grand 330A 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 47 T” Majestic” 8320. 7” Voyage o the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 7 26 Majestic 83287 Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver a7 7 Discovery X32 7 Inside Passage, RT Seatle a 77 Discovery X337__7_ Inside Passage, RT Seattle a 4 Crown S316N- 10 Inside Passage, RT Vancouver 39 30 Sapphire H327 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 7 5 Sapphire H319” 7” Voyage o the Glaciers, Anchorage = Vancouver 37 Sep 2 Royal 1332 7 inside Passage, RT Seattle a 6 Ruby R319. 10" Inside Passage, RT San Francisco 5 2 Grand _A831___7Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver a7 B Royal 1324N 7 Inside Passage, RT Seattle 3 2 Majestic 8329 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage 37 8 Grand ‘A323 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 7 2 Majestic —8329A 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 47 ‘8 Wajestc 8321 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver= Anchorage 37 3 Discovery 838 7 _Inside Passage, RT Seatle a ‘8 Wajestio 8371 14 Voyage of he Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver aT © Ruby 325 10 Inside Passage, RT San Francisco 4% 9 Discovery 3307 Inside Passage, RT Seattle 8 5 Crown 3822N 10 Inside Passage, RT Vancouver 39 12 Sapphire —H3207- Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver Anchorage 37 Sapphire H328 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver Anchorage a7 ‘12 Sapphire 320A" 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver a 6 Sapphire 328A 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 41 14 Gown 3317N TT Ee FeSO WR 39 9 Royal 13837 Inside Passage, RT Seatle a 15 Royal 1925N- 7 Inside Passage, RT Seat 43 9 Grand A332 7 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage a7 15 Grand 324 Voyage of the Glaciers, anor ‘mnctorage 37 9 Grand 332A 14 Voyage ofthe Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 41 18 Grand ‘AS24A 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver a 9 Majestic 63307 -_Voyage of the Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 7 TS Majestic 83227” Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Anchorage Vancouver 37 WO Discovery _X339___7_ Inside Passage, RT Seattle B T6 Discovery X33T 7 Inside Passage, RT Seattle a 13 Sapphire 13297 Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 7 6 Ruby R320 10 Inside Passage, RT San Francisco 45 14 Ruby R826 10 Inside Passage, AT San Francisco 6 19 Sapphire H32T 7” Voyage ofthe Glaciers, Anchorage - Vancouver 37 16 Crown 3323N 11 Inside Passage, RT Vancouver 39 22 Royal 1926N- 7” Inside Passage, RT Seattle a3 16 Royal 1334 7. Inside Passage, RT Seattle a 2 Majestic 8323 7- Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver = Anchorage 37 16 Grand AS33-7” Voyage o the Glaciers, Anchorage Vancouver a7 2 Majestic B323K Ta Voyage ofthe Glaciers Seni RT Vancouver aT 16 Majestic 833110 Inside Passage, RT Vancowver 39 23 Discovery X32 7” Inside Passage, RT Seat B 7 Discovery _X340___7 Inside Passage, RT Seattle a8 25 Crown 338N To a aS TET 39 20 Sapphire H830___7_Inside Passage, RT Vancouver 39 26 Ruby R321 10 Inside Passage, RT San Francisco ® 24 Discovery X34 7_Inside Passage, Seattle - Vancouver a 26 Sapphire 3227 Voyage of the Glaciers, Vancouver - Anchorage a7 26 Crown 3324N 4 Alaska Sampler, Vancouver-Seattle 4 26 Sapphire H322K 14 Voyage of the Glaciers Grand Adventure, RT Vancouver 47 Australia & Hawaii. AT Tahiti & South Pacific | Alaska | yeaa Cruse itineraries are not guaranteed, jouth America & Antarctica | New England & Canada (== PRINCESS PO Box 1429, Chatswood NSW 2057 ©Princess Cruises 2023, Ships of Bermudan registry. FLIGHT CENTRE Experience our experience While all information is Carnival plc trading corte Princess Cruises’. A tat time of publication, some di 23 107 998 443 Is Panama Canal | Asia & Japan | Caribbean, Mexico & Pacific Coast | World Cruises bly change. 2023 APP | STORE | ONLINE CRUISE EXPERTS * 13 7079

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