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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.06 to 31.12 - Page nb 29

Catalogue Flight Center 01.06.2023 - 31.12.2023

Products in this catalogue

2023 & 2024 DEPARTURE DATES, PRICES AND OFFERS 13-Day Wonders of oe Weer Pees ees wera anode > 7 ‘ " 5 . fohey Ce EWS ma Emerald Emerald Emerald Grand Owner's ateroom Panorama Panorama Panorama Balcony One-Bedroom Balcony Suite Balcony Suite Balcony Suite Suite aa aadine Be Esti n ‘ ia a Esto ena | os Eanyered Leno A I ean iE si a Ee Ean cara * Es Eston, sa a on ton bed ae ton Fae | from fe Fre | from fo Fare | from from Fe" | from ia pes JAN 04, 12°, 18, 26 $5,705 $5,205 = $6500 $6,000 =z $6,700 $6,200 = $7000 $6,500 ce $7500 $7,000 $8400 $7,900 = FEB 01, 09°, 15, 23 $5,995 $5,495 = $6,790 $6,290 = $6,990 $6,490 = $7,290 $6,790 cst $7,790 $7,290 $8,690 $890 a MAR 01, 09*, 15, 23° i $5,995 $5,495 = $6,790 $6,290 2 $6,990 $6,490 2 $7290 $6,790 = | $7790 $7,290, | $3690 $8,190 = MAR 29 $5,705 $5,205 = $6,500 $6,000 = $6,200 = $7000 $6,500 = $7500 $7,000 $8,400 $7,900 APR 06", 12, 20 [$5705 $5205 - [$6500 $6000 - | $6700 $6200 - |$7000 ses00 - | $7500 $7000 /$8400 $7900 - APR 26 $5,255 $4,755 ~ $6,050 $5,550 a $6,250 $5,750 - $6,550 $6,050 - $7,050 $6,550 $7950 $7,450 ina MAY 04" $5,255 $4,755 os $6,050 $5,550 = $6,250 $5,750 = $6,550 $6,050 = $7,050 $6,550 $7,950 $7,450 ee MAY 10, 18 $4,995 $4,495 = $5,790 $5,290 = $5,990 $5,490 2 $6,290 $5,790 = $6,790 $6,290 $7690 $7190 = AUG 02, 10°, 16 $5,650 $4,650 of $6,445 $5,445 $5,045 | $6,645 $5,645 $5,245 | $6945 $5945 $5,545 | $7445 $6,445 $6,045 | $8345 $7345 $6,945 AUG 24", 30 $6,090 $5,090 = $6,885 $5,885 $5,485 $7,085 $6,085 $5,685 | $7385 $6385 $5,985 | $7885 $6885 $6, 485 $8,785 $7,785 $7385. SEP 07 $6,610 $5,610 < $7405 $6,405 $6 005 $7605 $6,605 $6,205 | $7905 $6,905 $6,505 | $8405 $7405 $7,005 | $9,305 $8,305 $7,905 SEP 27 $6860 $5,860 = $7,655 $6,655 $6,255 | $7855 $6855 $6, 455 $8155 $7155 $6, 755, $8,655 $7655 $7,255 | $9555 $8555 $8,155 OCT 05°, 11, 19°, 25 $6860 $5,860 is $7655 $6,655 $6,255 | $7855 $6855 $6,455 | $8155 $7155 $6,755 | $8655 $7655 $7,255 | $9555 $8555 $8155 NOV 02°, 08, 16°, 22 $7100 $6,100 @ $7895 $6,895 $6,495 | $8,095 $7095 $6,695 | $8395 $7395 $6,995 | $8895 $7895 $7495 | $9,795 $8,795 $8,395 [96690 $5690 - | s7aa5 sc4e5 so00s | $7685 soc $6285 | $7905 $6905 ses | $a4a5 $7485 $7085 | $985 $a305 $7985 $6,690 $5,690 = $7485 $6,485 $6,085 | $7685 $6,685 $6,285 | $7985 $6,985 $6,585 | $8485 $7485 $7,085 | $9385 $8,385 $7985 [$6320 $5320 - | sms sons sss | $7ai5 $6315 s5o15 | $76 Sees s625 | sans s7ms Sams | $9015 Seo S765 2024 Departures - - oe ee - - - i JAN 08, 11,17, 25" $6690) $5690 - |/B7Ae) $0485 $6085 |/B7e8s) $6685 $6205 |/$rs85)| $6905 sosas ||SeMes) $7405 $7005 |[BaseS) Sases $7985 . $7100 $600 - _| $7895 $6,895 $6,495 | $8095 $7095 $6695 | $8305 $7305 $6995 | $695 $7805 $7495 | $9795 $8,795 $8305. $7100 $6,100 ser $7895 $6895 $6,495 | $8,095 $7095 $6,695 | $8395 $7395 $6,995 | $8895 $7895 $7495 | $9,795 $8,795 $8,395 MAR $7100 $6,100 ~ $7895 $6,895 $6,495 | $8095 $7095 $6,695 | $8395 $7395 $6,995 | $8895 $7895 $7495 | $9795 $8795 $8,395 MAR 27 $6,690 $5,690 ie $7485 $6,485 $6,085 | $7685 $6,685 $6,285 | $7985 $6,985 $6,585 | $8485 $7,485 $7,085 | $9385 $8,385 $7985 APR 04", 10, 18° $6,690 $5,690 be $7485 $6,485 $6,085 | $7685 $6,685 $6,285 | $7985 $6,985 $6,585 | $8485 $7485 $7,085 | $9385 $8385 $7,985 APR 24 $6,030 $5030 ss $6,825 $5825. $5,425 | $7025 $6,025 $5,625 | $7325 $6,325 $5,925 | $7825 $6825 $6,425 | $8,725 ‘S75 $7,325 MAY 02° $6,030 $5,030 - $6825 $5825 $5,425 | $7025 $6,025 $5,625 | $7325 $6,325 $5,925 | $7825 $6825 $6,425 | $8725 $7725 $7325 MAY 08, 16" $5650 $4650 - | $5445 $5445 $5045 | $e645 $5645 $5245 | $6045 $5945 $5545 | $7445 $6445 $6045 | $0545 $7345 $6045 JUL 31 $5,650 $4,650 = $6,445 $5,445 $5,045 | $6,645 $5,645 $5,245 | $6945 $5945 $5545 | $7445 $6,445 $6,045 | $8345 $7345 $6,945 AUG 08°, 14 $5,650 $4,650 - $6,445 $5445. $5,045 | $6645 $5, 645 $5,245 | $6945 $5945 $5,545 | $7,445 $6445, $6,045 | $8345 $7345 $6,945 $6,085 $5,085 | sf $6,880 $5880 $5,480 | $7080 $6080 $5,680 | $7380 $6,380 $5,980 | $7,880 $6880 $6,480 | $8780 $7780 $7,380 $6610 = $5110 2: $7405 $6,405 | $6,005 | $7605 $6 605 % 205 | $7,905 $6, 905 $6,505 | $8405 $7405 $7005 | $9305 $8305 $7,905 96860 $5860 - | $7655 $6655 $6,255 | $7a55 s6a55 $6455 | Seis $7155 $6,755 | sass $7655 $7255 | $9555 sa555 se1ss $6860 $5,860 =i $7655 $6,655 $6,255 | $7855 $6855 $6,455 | $8155 $7155 $6,755 | $8655 $7,655 $7,255 | $9555 $8555 $8,155 OCT 31 s7ii0_ sono - | $7905 $6905 $6505 | $105 $7105 $6,705 | $a405 $7405 $7005 | $8905 $7905 $7505 | $9805 $8805 $8.40 NOV 06, 14*, 20 $710 $6110 Sc $7905 $6,905 $6,505 | $8105 $7105 $6,705 | $8405 $7,405 $7,005 | $8,905 $7905 $7505 | $9805 $8805 $8,405 NOV 28° $0685 $5685 - | $7480 $6480 $6,080 | $7680 $6680 $6,200 | $7980 $6980 s65e0 | $480 $7480 $7080 | $9380 $8360 $7980 DEC 04 $6,685 $5,685 3 $7680 $6,680 $6,280 | $7880 $6880 $6480 | $8180 $7180 $6,780 | $8680 $7680 $7,280 | $9580 $8580 $8180 DEC 12" $6,320 $5,320 < ‘$7015 $65 «= $5,715 | $7315 $6,315 «$5,915 | $7615 $6615 $6,215 | $85 $75 = $6,715 | $9015 $8015 $7,615 SPECIAL OFFERS - LIMITED AVAILABILITY NS ett) SAVE UP TO $1,000’ PLUS a SAVE UP TO AN ADDITIONAL $400° fey aaa:} See pages 20-21 for details EARLYBIRD OFFER See pages 20-21 for details “These departures operate in reverse itinerary from Ho Chi Minh to Siem Reap. Terms and conditions: All prices are per person, based on a twin share. “Earlybird and Super Earlybird savings are limited in number, cabin category and departure date, once sold out the full fare shown above applies. The 10% Super Earlybird saving is applied to the cruise element only i.e. excludes flights, gratuities, port charges, hotel & land costs. To qualify for the Super Earlybird saving the booking and full balance must be made at least twelve months before departure. DiscoverMORE optional excursions are at an ad To help you select your cabin, detailed cabin and deck plans can be found on pages 58-61. r more details of extending your stay visit tional cost (see page 56-57).

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2023 & 2024 DEPARTURE DATES, PRICES AND OFFERS 13-Day Wonders of oe Weer Pees ees wera anode > 7 ‘ " 5 . fohey Ce EWS ma Emerald Emerald Emerald Grand Owner's ateroom Panorama Panorama Panorama Balcony One-Bedroom Balcony Suite Balcony Suite Balcony Suite Suite aa aadine Be Esti n ‘ ia a Esto ena | os Eanyered Leno A I ean iE si a Ee Ean cara * Es Eston, sa a on ton bed ae ton Fae | from fe Fre | from fo Fare | from from Fe" | from ia pes JAN 04, 12°, 18, 26 $5,705 $5,205 = $6500 $6,000 =z $6,700 $6,200 = $7000 $6,500 ce $7500 $7,000 $8400 $7,900 = FEB 01, 09°, 15, 23 $5,995 $5,495 = $6,790 $6,290 = $6,990 $6,490 = $7,290 $6,790 cst $7,790 $7,290 $8,690 $890 a MAR 01, 09*, 15, 23° i $5,995 $5,495 = $6,790 $6,290 2 $6,990 $6,490 2 $7290 $6,790 = | $7790 $7,290, | $3690 $8,190 = MAR 29 $5,705 $5,205 = $6,500 $6,000 = $6,200 = $7000 $6,500 = $7500 $7,000 $8,400 $7,900 APR 06", 12, 20 [$5705 $5205 - [$6500 $6000 - | $6700 $6200 - |$7000 ses00 - | $7500 $7000 /$8400 $7900 - APR 26 $5,255 $4,755 ~ $6,050 $5,550 a $6,250 $5,750 - $6,550 $6,050 - $7,050 $6,550 $7950 $7,450 ina MAY 04" $5,255 $4,755 os $6,050 $5,550 = $6,250 $5,750 = $6,550 $6,050 = $7,050 $6,550 $7,950 $7,450 ee MAY 10, 18 $4,995 $4,495 = $5,790 $5,290 = $5,990 $5,490 2 $6,290 $5,790 = $6,790 $6,290 $7690 $7190 = AUG 02, 10°, 16 $5,650 $4,650 of $6,445 $5,445 $5,045 | $6,645 $5,645 $5,245 | $6945 $5945 $5,545 | $7445 $6,445 $6,045 | $8345 $7345 $6,945 AUG 24", 30 $6,090 $5,090 = $6,885 $5,885 $5,485 $7,085 $6,085 $5,685 | $7385 $6385 $5,985 | $7885 $6885 $6, 485 $8,785 $7,785 $7385. SEP 07 $6,610 $5,610 < $7405 $6,405 $6 005 $7605 $6,605 $6,205 | $7905 $6,905 $6,505 | $8405 $7405 $7,005 | $9,305 $8,305 $7,905 SEP 27 $6860 $5,860 = $7,655 $6,655 $6,255 | $7855 $6855 $6, 455 $8155 $7155 $6, 755, $8,655 $7655 $7,255 | $9555 $8555 $8,155 OCT 05°, 11, 19°, 25 $6860 $5,860 is $7655 $6,655 $6,255 | $7855 $6855 $6,455 | $8155 $7155 $6,755 | $8655 $7655 $7,255 | $9555 $8555 $8155 NOV 02°, 08, 16°, 22 $7100 $6,100 @ $7895 $6,895 $6,495 | $8,095 $7095 $6,695 | $8395 $7395 $6,995 | $8895 $7895 $7495 | $9,795 $8,795 $8,395 [96690 $5690 - | s7aa5 sc4e5 so00s | $7685 soc $6285 | $7905 $6905 ses | $a4a5 $7485 $7085 | $985 $a305 $7985 $6,690 $5,690 = $7485 $6,485 $6,085 | $7685 $6,685 $6,285 | $7985 $6,985 $6,585 | $8485 $7485 $7,085 | $9385 $8,385 $7985 [$6320 $5320 - | sms sons sss | $7ai5 $6315 s5o15 | $76 Sees s625 | sans s7ms Sams | $9015 Seo S765 2024 Departures - - oe ee - - - i JAN 08, 11,17, 25" $6690) $5690 - |/B7Ae) $0485 $6085 |/B7e8s) $6685 $6205 |/$rs85)| $6905 sosas ||SeMes) $7405 $7005 |[BaseS) Sases $7985 . $7100 $600 - _| $7895 $6,895 $6,495 | $8095 $7095 $6695 | $8305 $7305 $6995 | $695 $7805 $7495 | $9795 $8,795 $8305. $7100 $6,100 ser $7895 $6895 $6,495 | $8,095 $7095 $6,695 | $8395 $7395 $6,995 | $8895 $7895 $7495 | $9,795 $8,795 $8,395 MAR $7100 $6,100 ~ $7895 $6,895 $6,495 | $8095 $7095 $6,695 | $8395 $7395 $6,995 | $8895 $7895 $7495 | $9795 $8795 $8,395 MAR 27 $6,690 $5,690 ie $7485 $6,485 $6,085 | $7685 $6,685 $6,285 | $7985 $6,985 $6,585 | $8485 $7,485 $7,085 | $9385 $8,385 $7985 APR 04", 10, 18° $6,690 $5,690 be $7485 $6,485 $6,085 | $7685 $6,685 $6,285 | $7985 $6,985 $6,585 | $8485 $7485 $7,085 | $9385 $8385 $7,985 APR 24 $6,030 $5030 ss $6,825 $5825. $5,425 | $7025 $6,025 $5,625 | $7325 $6,325 $5,925 | $7825 $6825 $6,425 | $8,725 ‘S75 $7,325 MAY 02° $6,030 $5,030 - $6825 $5825 $5,425 | $7025 $6,025 $5,625 | $7325 $6,325 $5,925 | $7825 $6825 $6,425 | $8725 $7725 $7325 MAY 08, 16" $5650 $4650 - | $5445 $5445 $5045 | $e645 $5645 $5245 | $6045 $5945 $5545 | $7445 $6445 $6045 | $0545 $7345 $6045 JUL 31 $5,650 $4,650 = $6,445 $5,445 $5,045 | $6,645 $5,645 $5,245 | $6945 $5945 $5545 | $7445 $6,445 $6,045 | $8345 $7345 $6,945 AUG 08°, 14 $5,650 $4,650 - $6,445 $5445. $5,045 | $6645 $5, 645 $5,245 | $6945 $5945 $5,545 | $7,445 $6445, $6,045 | $8345 $7345 $6,945 $6,085 $5,085 | sf $6,880 $5880 $5,480 | $7080 $6080 $5,680 | $7380 $6,380 $5,980 | $7,880 $6880 $6,480 | $8780 $7780 $7,380 $6610 = $5110 2: $7405 $6,405 | $6,005 | $7605 $6 605 % 205 | $7,905 $6, 905 $6,505 | $8405 $7405 $7005 | $9305 $8305 $7,905 96860 $5860 - | $7655 $6655 $6,255 | $7a55 s6a55 $6455 | Seis $7155 $6,755 | sass $7655 $7255 | $9555 sa555 se1ss $6860 $5,860 =i $7655 $6,655 $6,255 | $7855 $6855 $6,455 | $8155 $7155 $6,755 | $8655 $7,655 $7,255 | $9555 $8555 $8,155 OCT 31 s7ii0_ sono - | $7905 $6905 $6505 | $105 $7105 $6,705 | $a405 $7405 $7005 | $8905 $7905 $7505 | $9805 $8805 $8.40 NOV 06, 14*, 20 $710 $6110 Sc $7905 $6,905 $6,505 | $8105 $7105 $6,705 | $8405 $7,405 $7,005 | $8,905 $7905 $7505 | $9805 $8805 $8,405 NOV 28° $0685 $5685 - | $7480 $6480 $6,080 | $7680 $6680 $6,200 | $7980 $6980 s65e0 | $480 $7480 $7080 | $9380 $8360 $7980 DEC 04 $6,685 $5,685 3 $7680 $6,680 $6,280 | $7880 $6880 $6480 | $8180 $7180 $6,780 | $8680 $7680 $7,280 | $9580 $8580 $8180 DEC 12" $6,320 $5,320 < ‘$7015 $65 «= $5,715 | $7315 $6,315 «$5,915 | $7615 $6615 $6,215 | $85 $75 = $6,715 | $9015 $8015 $7,615 SPECIAL OFFERS - LIMITED AVAILABILITY NS ett) SAVE UP TO $1,000’ PLUS a SAVE UP TO AN ADDITIONAL $400° fey aaa:} See pages 20-21 for details EARLYBIRD OFFER See pages 20-21 for details “These departures operate in reverse itinerary from Ho Chi Minh to Siem Reap. Terms and conditions: All prices are per person, based on a twin share. “Earlybird and Super Earlybird savings are limited in number, cabin category and departure date, once sold out the full fare shown above applies. The 10% Super Earlybird saving is applied to the cruise element only i.e. excludes flights, gratuities, port charges, hotel & land costs. To qualify for the Super Earlybird saving the booking and full balance must be made at least twelve months before departure. DiscoverMORE optional excursions are at an ad To help you select your cabin, detailed cabin and deck plans can be found on pages 58-61. r more details of extending your stay visit tional cost (see page 56-57).

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