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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 26.06.2023 - Page nb 8

Catalogue Flight Center 26 Jun, 2023

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in Antarctica CENIOOFAAGUS ATLANTIC OCEAN Gentoo penguins have a distinctive bright orange beak anda fi white patch around and behind the eye. They are mainly found ~ ~w onthe Sub Antarctic Islands and can make as many as 450 dives per day when foraging for krill, their main diet. CGISIRPRAGES a /\ Chinstraps are one of the most distinguishable of Ae Ss a la A all penguins. They have a thin black line running — edhe across their cheeks making them look like chin 9 South Georgia straps. They are medium-size in build and usually breed on hillside slopes. y es BSSENTINA < South Sandwich Islands ADEEPENGUES A Falkland /\ Adélies are found around the entire coast Islands 9 ) y io and smallislands of Antarctica. They are = excellent swimmers and have been Ushuai recorded swimming as far as 300 km b y WEDDELL SEA to forage for food for their chicks. CHILE 9 a Antarctie Peninsula Punta (REAERSAS + NS Crabeater seals are the most ~~ abundant of all seal species, with a PEAKE EASE EE total population of 15 million. They have slender bodies, long snouts and their fur ranges from dark brown in winter to ewe hr blonde in the summer. LRPDSAS qq With the exception of orcas, leopard Ss A seals are pretty much at the top of the Antarctic food chain. Their name comes from their spotted fur, which resembles that of a leopard skin. Named after British Whaler James. Weddell this sealis in fact found all over Sa, Antarctica. Weddellsealscanswimas deep as 800 metres and are considered one of the cutest seal species in Antarctica, PACIFIC OCEAN SUHAVEENTSAS a The largest of all seals, the male southern elephant seal can weigh up to five tonnes. Ky They are best found on the Sub Antarctic Islands suchas Macquarie Island or South Georgia. ANTARCICARSAS One of the smallest of all seals, the Antarctic fur sealis the & common name given to the Antarctic , Sub Antarctic and New Zealand fur seals. They have teeth, whiskers, thick fur and are able to walk on all fours. They are distant relatives to dogs and sealions. ae.» Southern giant petrels breed on the Antarctic continent, Antarctic Peninsula and on Sub Antarctic Islands including South Georgia, Marion and Iles Crozet. WANDEREIGALBATROSS Wandering albatrosses have a white head, neck and body, a wedge-shaped tail and a large pink beak. They are best found off the Sub Antarctic Islands which include Macquarie and South Georgia.

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in Antarctica CENIOOFAAGUS ATLANTIC OCEAN Gentoo penguins have a distinctive bright orange beak anda fi white patch around and behind the eye. They are mainly found ~ ~w onthe Sub Antarctic Islands and can make as many as 450 dives per day when foraging for krill, their main diet. CGISIRPRAGES a /\ Chinstraps are one of the most distinguishable of Ae Ss a la A all penguins. They have a thin black line running — edhe across their cheeks making them look like chin 9 South Georgia straps. They are medium-size in build and usually breed on hillside slopes. y es BSSENTINA < South Sandwich Islands ADEEPENGUES A Falkland /\ Adélies are found around the entire coast Islands 9 ) y io and smallislands of Antarctica. They are = excellent swimmers and have been Ushuai recorded swimming as far as 300 km b y WEDDELL SEA to forage for food for their chicks. CHILE 9 a Antarctie Peninsula Punta (REAERSAS + NS Crabeater seals are the most ~~ abundant of all seal species, with a PEAKE EASE EE total population of 15 million. They have slender bodies, long snouts and their fur ranges from dark brown in winter to ewe hr blonde in the summer. LRPDSAS qq With the exception of orcas, leopard Ss A seals are pretty much at the top of the Antarctic food chain. Their name comes from their spotted fur, which resembles that of a leopard skin. Named after British Whaler James. Weddell this sealis in fact found all over Sa, Antarctica. Weddellsealscanswimas deep as 800 metres and are considered one of the cutest seal species in Antarctica, PACIFIC OCEAN SUHAVEENTSAS a The largest of all seals, the male southern elephant seal can weigh up to five tonnes. Ky They are best found on the Sub Antarctic Islands suchas Macquarie Island or South Georgia. ANTARCICARSAS One of the smallest of all seals, the Antarctic fur sealis the & common name given to the Antarctic , Sub Antarctic and New Zealand fur seals. They have teeth, whiskers, thick fur and are able to walk on all fours. They are distant relatives to dogs and sealions. ae.» Southern giant petrels breed on the Antarctic continent, Antarctic Peninsula and on Sub Antarctic Islands including South Georgia, Marion and Iles Crozet. WANDEREIGALBATROSS Wandering albatrosses have a white head, neck and body, a wedge-shaped tail and a large pink beak. They are best found off the Sub Antarctic Islands which include Macquarie and South Georgia.

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