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Current catalogue Iga - Father's Day 2023 - Valid from 31.08 to 06.09 - Page nb 1

Catalogue Iga 31.08.2022 - 06.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

‘The offers displayed in this catalogue are only available at selected stores within Victoria between the dates listed on the front page. Please check for offers for your nearest store. > Tunks DAD= FATHER’S DAY SUNDAY 4TH SEPT Tt erg Women's Low fered BT CTT Seetenace eae airy “ Cadbury Der, ber aia 4 n ‘vores Ssestete v, Datla (lex) RST) CT Balog sel g Or eer lea) en oT coas os $925 SAVE $7.25 a8 —<— = Schweppes 24x375mL BUTTERFLY LAME le SC p= oo am = — a come] om =i i ——] = c— =! a i = = = oD oo fF ait co Se 1/2 PRICE SPECIALS ON NOW i Scan & subscribe to save! Customer Some products on promotion are subject to availability and limits Weer ery We are currently experiencing stock shortages on some products and they may be unavailable MR CEEVETELS * ; ; 3 : , 3 Notice or subject to limits. We're working hard to restock impacted lines for you Bea eet Thank you for your patience and understanding. On Sale Wed 31st Aug to Tue éth Sept 202: ome prod ot al more info. MED_V1_IGACV14.

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‘The offers displayed in this catalogue are only available at selected stores within Victoria between the dates listed on the front page. Please check for offers for your nearest store. > Tunks DAD= FATHER’S DAY SUNDAY 4TH SEPT Tt erg Women's Low fered BT CTT Seetenace eae airy “ Cadbury Der, ber aia 4 n ‘vores Ssestete v, Datla (lex) RST) CT Balog sel g Or eer lea) en oT coas os $925 SAVE $7.25 a8 —<— = Schweppes 24x375mL BUTTERFLY LAME le SC p= oo am = — a come] om =i i ——] = c— =! a i = = = oD oo fF ait co Se 1/2 PRICE SPECIALS ON NOW i Scan & subscribe to save! Customer Some products on promotion are subject to availability and limits Weer ery We are currently experiencing stock shortages on some products and they may be unavailable MR CEEVETELS * ; ; 3 : , 3 Notice or subject to limits. We're working hard to restock impacted lines for you Bea eet Thank you for your patience and understanding. On Sale Wed 31st Aug to Tue éth Sept 202: ome prod ot al more info. MED_V1_IGACV14.

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