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Current catalogue Iga - Valid from 28.09 to 04.10 - Page nb 1

Catalogue Iga 28.09.2022 - 04.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

The offers displayed in this catalogue are only available at selected stores within Western Australia between the dates listed on the front page. Please check for offers for your nearest store. WHERE THE Cocals warter > FAVOURITE | Soezexte | een THIN & CRISPY PIZZA ses » 4 6 ea ea Dr. Oetker Ristorante Four’N Twenty Pizza 310-390g SAVE from $2.75 Party Pies 12 Pack SAVE from $3.10 Selected Varieties $1.01 per 100g Doritos Corn Cadbury Chips 130-170g ¢ Medium Selected Bars 30-60g Varieties bad Selected Varieties a wmn( ‘215 ), j SAVE from $2.60 ’ ie) — $950 Cadbury Sharepacks 144-180 Selected Varieties Spiitsi yg SAVE from $3 ‘SAVE from $2.40 " Arnott’s $ 75 Chocolate Tim Bulla Choc iy Tam Biscuits Bars, Crunch or 165-200g John West Tuna 95g Splits 8-14 Pack (gave from$450 Selected Selected Varieties SAVE from $1.40 Selected Varieties Varieties $12.11 per kg Customer Some products on promotion are subject to availability and limits Wee Mere erty We are currently experiencing stock shortages on some products and they may be unavailable [iP eetae eee Notice or subject to limits. We're working hard to restock impacted lines for you. Bea eet Thank you for your patience and understanding COO Pu utrecht Ce ukestiretyr) Gene Weer ir Wieser Menor tao) TNA can u xoRE orn

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The offers displayed in this catalogue are only available at selected stores within Western Australia between the dates listed on the front page. Please check for offers for your nearest store. WHERE THE Cocals warter > FAVOURITE | Soezexte | een THIN & CRISPY PIZZA ses » 4 6 ea ea Dr. Oetker Ristorante Four’N Twenty Pizza 310-390g SAVE from $2.75 Party Pies 12 Pack SAVE from $3.10 Selected Varieties $1.01 per 100g Doritos Corn Cadbury Chips 130-170g ¢ Medium Selected Bars 30-60g Varieties bad Selected Varieties a wmn( ‘215 ), j SAVE from $2.60 ’ ie) — $950 Cadbury Sharepacks 144-180 Selected Varieties Spiitsi yg SAVE from $3 ‘SAVE from $2.40 " Arnott’s $ 75 Chocolate Tim Bulla Choc iy Tam Biscuits Bars, Crunch or 165-200g John West Tuna 95g Splits 8-14 Pack (gave from$450 Selected Selected Varieties SAVE from $1.40 Selected Varieties Varieties $12.11 per kg Customer Some products on promotion are subject to availability and limits Wee Mere erty We are currently experiencing stock shortages on some products and they may be unavailable [iP eetae eee Notice or subject to limits. We're working hard to restock impacted lines for you. Bea eet Thank you for your patience and understanding COO Pu utrecht Ce ukestiretyr) Gene Weer ir Wieser Menor tao) TNA can u xoRE orn

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