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Current catalogue Chemist Warehouse - Valid from 25.12 to 08.01 - Page nb 16

Catalogue Chemist Warehouse 25.12.2023 - 08.01.2024

Products in this catalogue

Prana VAT ar J D4 synxeony Footcare — A re RANGE! PCY wear ae nance: ; La $1499 ead fe = $ : ~ er ory EXCLUSIVE SIZE! <a Refresh Bo i bs) m(Or = cs | A ten a psn, ‘Sun protection’ eens Sy WATERPIK WATERFLOSSER RANGE! eure . vd Re ag H ; mA \Kh ; WL) ik C CuNICALLY $4 2G 99 ee waterflosser REMOVE UP eerie aaa Ba Nis tte Pee SENSITIVI PROTECTIC + STRONG TEETH & HEALTHY GUMS" “with twice dally brushing Coa a K tH SENSODYNE Dicuss R. Toothwear & Sensitivity: Clinical Advances in Restorative Dentistry. MN ree cl ud ra ol Le oleae een ae ena) as peta Ceca ARONA Comer oma oe ae EVERYDAY HYDRATION oe ET ET TT ‘Always read the label and follow the directions for use, peta tay ie

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Prana VAT ar J D4 synxeony Footcare — A re RANGE! PCY wear ae nance: ; La $1499 ead fe = $ : ~ er ory EXCLUSIVE SIZE! <a Refresh Bo i bs) m(Or = cs | A ten a psn, ‘Sun protection’ eens Sy WATERPIK WATERFLOSSER RANGE! eure . vd Re ag H ; mA \Kh ; WL) ik C CuNICALLY $4 2G 99 ee waterflosser REMOVE UP eerie aaa Ba Nis tte Pee SENSITIVI PROTECTIC + STRONG TEETH & HEALTHY GUMS" “with twice dally brushing Coa a K tH SENSODYNE Dicuss R. Toothwear & Sensitivity: Clinical Advances in Restorative Dentistry. MN ree cl ud ra ol Le oleae een ae ena) as peta Ceca ARONA Comer oma oe ae EVERYDAY HYDRATION oe ET ET TT ‘Always read the label and follow the directions for use, peta tay ie

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