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Current catalogue Woolworths - Hobart - Valid from 19.07 to 25.07 - Page nb 27

Catalogue Woolworths 19.07.2023 - 25.07.2023

Products in this catalogue

$i 5 Ss AVE Coban 55° — ; Fit Chobani FIT High Protein Yogurt Pot or Pouch 140-170g yee Chobani =e) let lauial =e $1.50 — 5 2 Gippsland Dairy : Twist Yogurt 700g : 86 per 100g » GIPPSLAND ae oii c 50 s Li 7: SAVE x : $1.60 Chobani ister Grek Greek Yogurt @) Qs yf $f? 20 A SAVE $1. 20° p Vaalia Probiotic: $4420 2) “4! : $2.80 Yoghurt Kids iotics Pouch 140g \ Yoghurt 900g 86¢ per 100g 47¢ per 100g ae? jak: STAR Flora ProActiv Spread 500g $1.50 per 100g $62 sei _ SAVE $2.70 4g) $335 | SAVE | $2.15 40% Off > Vaatia Probiotics Yoghurt Pk 4 52¢ per 100g oe =) E HEALTH: gn) ; ei age sage / sing WO190724/TAS27 Shop online for contactless deliveries with groceries delivered to your doorstep,

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$i 5 Ss AVE Coban 55° — ; Fit Chobani FIT High Protein Yogurt Pot or Pouch 140-170g yee Chobani =e) let lauial =e $1.50 — 5 2 Gippsland Dairy : Twist Yogurt 700g : 86 per 100g » GIPPSLAND ae oii c 50 s Li 7: SAVE x : $1.60 Chobani ister Grek Greek Yogurt @) Qs yf $f? 20 A SAVE $1. 20° p Vaalia Probiotic: $4420 2) “4! : $2.80 Yoghurt Kids iotics Pouch 140g \ Yoghurt 900g 86¢ per 100g 47¢ per 100g ae? jak: STAR Flora ProActiv Spread 500g $1.50 per 100g $62 sei _ SAVE $2.70 4g) $335 | SAVE | $2.15 40% Off > Vaatia Probiotics Yoghurt Pk 4 52¢ per 100g oe =) E HEALTH: gn) ; ei age sage / sing WO190724/TAS27 Shop online for contactless deliveries with groceries delivered to your doorstep,

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