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Current catalogue Aldi - Valid from 03.01 to 17.01 - Page nb 8

Catalogue Aldi 03.01.2024 - 17.01.2024

Products in this catalogue

A Moopls Insefated Lunch Case $9.99 + Insulated to keep food and drinks Cool * Avaliable in Rectangle or Double Decker» Astorted designs omy 8 Moopla iInvetated Stainless Steel Drink Bottle $6.99 + KOrel capacity * Double -wal insulated © Keeps beverages cold or weem for longer 7447! C Moopla Bente Lunchbox $14.99 * Foatuses Citlereethy-sived compartments to shore mmuttiple loos terms * Astorted designs 7007s# Biocote protected treatment to help inhibit the Fawth of odowr, Staining ond moteriel- depredin tocteric © Coolped Assorted freezer Bricks $2.49 * Food sate « Perfect for lurchboses oc lunch bogs + Available in 250ml Ipk, 1500! 2pk. ke Pods Jok or Gelice Pack 2pk= Astorted colours 7S { Coolpod Freerable Beato Bag $16.99 * Freeze bag and keep contents Cool for up to S hours + The perfect sve to hold your bento lurchbos » Features conceaied. non-toxic cookent ice packs, Coublle ripper closure. rubberised rip pulls and Carty handle « Astorled designs and sizes + Requive sine Dc Ww) x tec) « Bar) * Mecham size: DEcreCW) x Z2cMCD) x Bre) “Large sine: Zcm(} a 25cre(O} a ern) Pere F Coolped Freerable Pouches $7.97 * Keeps comtents coot ler up to 8 hours + kepiabile in Yogurt Pouch, Yogurt Tub-or rink Box Coolers Assorted designs 42862 compatiment ~ perfect for sandwiches Small ) compartments perfect for snacks B a a §. 3 © Bbox Luschbex Mini $19.99 © Leaeproo! design with multiple Compartments * Features a Sexi, whole fruit holder section which ‘Stretches to store trult securely * Assorted colours 700099 H Bbox trsulated Drink Bette $26.99 © Doublie-walied, insulted staniiess steel constrextion © 500ml capacty wi 2 sEOrw trae top © Available in Scolours Pre 1 Hydration Bottle 7500 $9.99 © Easy-to-carry, scone handie, vitvart accensoriet and Curatie Titan" material « inckdes stainiess Reel Maw and iraw eater 7A Whe ee hs Kal = plane Pain Uhm hs a Reet ond aE vary behmener thins. Derlam Care pare co mpi B carr Bae 4 ay bel dt Paw Tae Any Cte so pee! BS aderard i tee qrendal mrenpario’ high Gemard. Riis Theres reserves he rapd Wo bed pumParses eransardhle Queries.

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A Moopls Insefated Lunch Case $9.99 + Insulated to keep food and drinks Cool * Avaliable in Rectangle or Double Decker» Astorted designs omy 8 Moopla iInvetated Stainless Steel Drink Bottle $6.99 + KOrel capacity * Double -wal insulated © Keeps beverages cold or weem for longer 7447! C Moopla Bente Lunchbox $14.99 * Foatuses Citlereethy-sived compartments to shore mmuttiple loos terms * Astorted designs 7007s# Biocote protected treatment to help inhibit the Fawth of odowr, Staining ond moteriel- depredin tocteric © Coolped Assorted freezer Bricks $2.49 * Food sate « Perfect for lurchboses oc lunch bogs + Available in 250ml Ipk, 1500! 2pk. ke Pods Jok or Gelice Pack 2pk= Astorted colours 7S { Coolpod Freerable Beato Bag $16.99 * Freeze bag and keep contents Cool for up to S hours + The perfect sve to hold your bento lurchbos » Features conceaied. non-toxic cookent ice packs, Coublle ripper closure. rubberised rip pulls and Carty handle « Astorled designs and sizes + Requive sine Dc Ww) x tec) « Bar) * Mecham size: DEcreCW) x Z2cMCD) x Bre) “Large sine: Zcm(} a 25cre(O} a ern) Pere F Coolped Freerable Pouches $7.97 * Keeps comtents coot ler up to 8 hours + kepiabile in Yogurt Pouch, Yogurt Tub-or rink Box Coolers Assorted designs 42862 compatiment ~ perfect for sandwiches Small ) compartments perfect for snacks B a a §. 3 © Bbox Luschbex Mini $19.99 © Leaeproo! design with multiple Compartments * Features a Sexi, whole fruit holder section which ‘Stretches to store trult securely * Assorted colours 700099 H Bbox trsulated Drink Bette $26.99 © Doublie-walied, insulted staniiess steel constrextion © 500ml capacty wi 2 sEOrw trae top © Available in Scolours Pre 1 Hydration Bottle 7500 $9.99 © Easy-to-carry, scone handie, vitvart accensoriet and Curatie Titan" material « inckdes stainiess Reel Maw and iraw eater 7A Whe ee hs Kal = plane Pain Uhm hs a Reet ond aE vary behmener thins. Derlam Care pare co mpi B carr Bae 4 ay bel dt Paw Tae Any Cte so pee! BS aderard i tee qrendal mrenpario’ high Gemard. Riis Theres reserves he rapd Wo bed pumParses eransardhle Queries.

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