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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.01 to 31.12 - Page nb 99

Catalogue Flight Center 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2022

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as When to visit East Asia Japan and China experience four distinct seasons with spring and autumn largely considered the best time to visit. Between March to May, and September to November, the temperatures are milder and more pleasurable for sightseeing. During these months, Japan and China are also awash with colour, from the delicate pink of cherry blossom season to the fiery hues of autumn leaves. <iy 1£ When to visit Southeast Asia Despite its relatively compact size, Southeast Asia has a varied climate that matches its diverse geography, though it could be said that the region experiences two distinct seasons - the wet and the dry. The dry season between November and February is considered the better time to travel with drier and slightly cooler weather, perfect for sightseeing. JAN FEB MAR APR Hanoi, Vietnam O° ° Siem Reap, Cambodia Yangon, Myanmar Beijing, China 0 60 oO 0 Tokyo, Japan 6 © oO oO OCold 0-10°C OQ Cool 10-20°C Warm 20-30°C Hot >30°C Weather chart based on average monthly temperatures MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ° ° | 99

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as When to visit East Asia Japan and China experience four distinct seasons with spring and autumn largely considered the best time to visit. Between March to May, and September to November, the temperatures are milder and more pleasurable for sightseeing. During these months, Japan and China are also awash with colour, from the delicate pink of cherry blossom season to the fiery hues of autumn leaves. <iy 1£ When to visit Southeast Asia Despite its relatively compact size, Southeast Asia has a varied climate that matches its diverse geography, though it could be said that the region experiences two distinct seasons - the wet and the dry. The dry season between November and February is considered the better time to travel with drier and slightly cooler weather, perfect for sightseeing. JAN FEB MAR APR Hanoi, Vietnam O° ° Siem Reap, Cambodia Yangon, Myanmar Beijing, China 0 60 oO 0 Tokyo, Japan 6 © oO oO OCold 0-10°C OQ Cool 10-20°C Warm 20-30°C Hot >30°C Weather chart based on average monthly temperatures MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ° ° | 99

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