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Current catalogue Iga - Father's Day 2023 - Valid from 31.08 to 06.09 - Page nb 2

Catalogue Iga 31.08.2022 - 06.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

‘The offers displayed in this catalogue are only available at selected stores within New South Wales between the dates listed on the front page. Please check for offers for your nearest store. Arnott’s Shapes 130-190g Cadbury, Pascall or The Natural Selected Varieties Confectionery Co. Bag 150-350¢ Selected Varletios $ ea a | SAVE $2 WENDEL | Gey hE NATUR Uy usin cold water Ft Bulla Ice Cream Sticks Cold Power Laundry Liquid 1.8-2 Litre 8-14 Selected Varieties or Powder 1.8-2kg Selected Varieties SAVE $9.75 “excludes Low Prices Every Day SO, on ORIGINA! s( $445 - ea \ Coca-Cola 30x375mL | Sanitarium So Good Long Life Selected Varieties SAVE $17.45 | Almond Milk 1 Litre Selected Varieties | WOT BUY $2.24 per Litre ) $1.45 per Litre VISIT or CALL 1800 622 579 eR Mac een gre ce ey | -f Prairie a N/R See in certain stores, some regular p ON SALE 315" AUGU 16 ED_IGA_V1_IGACN1643_310822 On Sale Wed 31st Aug to Tue 6th Sept 2022. W! ile stocks last. Some products or varieties may not be available at all stores.

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‘The offers displayed in this catalogue are only available at selected stores within New South Wales between the dates listed on the front page. Please check for offers for your nearest store. Arnott’s Shapes 130-190g Cadbury, Pascall or The Natural Selected Varieties Confectionery Co. Bag 150-350¢ Selected Varletios $ ea a | SAVE $2 WENDEL | Gey hE NATUR Uy usin cold water Ft Bulla Ice Cream Sticks Cold Power Laundry Liquid 1.8-2 Litre 8-14 Selected Varieties or Powder 1.8-2kg Selected Varieties SAVE $9.75 “excludes Low Prices Every Day SO, on ORIGINA! s( $445 - ea \ Coca-Cola 30x375mL | Sanitarium So Good Long Life Selected Varieties SAVE $17.45 | Almond Milk 1 Litre Selected Varieties | WOT BUY $2.24 per Litre ) $1.45 per Litre VISIT or CALL 1800 622 579 eR Mac een gre ce ey | -f Prairie a N/R See in certain stores, some regular p ON SALE 315" AUGU 16 ED_IGA_V1_IGACN1643_310822 On Sale Wed 31st Aug to Tue 6th Sept 2022. W! ile stocks last. Some products or varieties may not be available at all stores.

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