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Current catalogue Nutrimetics - Valid from 16.03 to 30.04 - Page nb 21

Catalogue Nutrimetics 16.03.2023 - 30.04.2023

Products in this catalogue

NEW win tlames Sutnmetcs “RELAX” se, Lente and Almond nutrimettc> ees en laning 10 relieve daily £" | “v4 te deep ronguiy “ENERGIS Coconut ond Ue Somme ease “Energie” et Noix de Coco tT Une bougie & beth oe fo mancl & gene ae 355: Burn time-for each candle is up to 28 hours. Do not burn candle for more than 3 hours at atime. Store below 28°C, in a dark cool place, out of direct sunlight or UY light. 21

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NEW win tlames Sutnmetcs “RELAX” se, Lente and Almond nutrimettc> ees en laning 10 relieve daily £" | “v4 te deep ronguiy “ENERGIS Coconut ond Ue Somme ease “Energie” et Noix de Coco tT Une bougie & beth oe fo mancl & gene ae 355: Burn time-for each candle is up to 28 hours. Do not burn candle for more than 3 hours at atime. Store below 28°C, in a dark cool place, out of direct sunlight or UY light. 21

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