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Current catalogue Woolworths - Canberra - Valid from 09.08 to 15.08 - Page nb 12

Catalogue Woolworths 09.08.2023 - 15.08.2023

Products in this catalogue

FRUIT & VEG Yoel g S FRE Ss He Specials 1 Australian Carrots 1kg Pack 3. Australian Beanettes 400g Pack $7.50 per kg } Austration } Broccoli $8 per kg n Truss Tomatoes kg he I a 400g Pack $11.25 per kg <P as hala

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FRUIT & VEG Yoel g S FRE Ss He Specials 1 Australian Carrots 1kg Pack 3. Australian Beanettes 400g Pack $7.50 per kg } Austration } Broccoli $8 per kg n Truss Tomatoes kg he I a 400g Pack $11.25 per kg <P as hala

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