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Current catalogue Woolworths - Adelaide - Halloween 2023 - Valid from 25.10 to 31.10 - Page nb 7

Catalogue Woolworths 25.10.2023 - 31.10.2023

Products in this catalogue

While stocks last. All products on both pages may not be available in all stores. Colours, sizes and styles may vary by store. A Halloween Deluxe Make Up Set Seaccoiccem TEV ey B Halloween Face Cream 28g or Fake Blood 28g $1.40 ea SAVE 60¢ C Halloween Make Up Essentials $2.80 ea SAVE $1.20 D Halloween Face Crayons Pk 6 $2.80 ea SAVE $1.20 E Halloween Glow Party Pack COS ETEK) F Halloween Glow Weapon Soi T NL G Halloween Glow Dress Up Xero rei ease) $1.50 ea SAVE $1 H Halloween Glow Mask - Assorted $1.50 ea SAVE $1 Ree reLTE

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While stocks last. All products on both pages may not be available in all stores. Colours, sizes and styles may vary by store. A Halloween Deluxe Make Up Set Seaccoiccem TEV ey B Halloween Face Cream 28g or Fake Blood 28g $1.40 ea SAVE 60¢ C Halloween Make Up Essentials $2.80 ea SAVE $1.20 D Halloween Face Crayons Pk 6 $2.80 ea SAVE $1.20 E Halloween Glow Party Pack COS ETEK) F Halloween Glow Weapon Soi T NL G Halloween Glow Dress Up Xero rei ease) $1.50 ea SAVE $1 H Halloween Glow Mask - Assorted $1.50 ea SAVE $1 Ree reLTE

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