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Current catalogue Iga - Father's Day 2023 - Valid from 31.08 to 06.09 - Page nb 10

Catalogue Iga 31.08.2022 - 06.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

‘The offers displayed in this catalogue are only eM a aa Cra eo MELTS a ible at selected stores within Victoria between the dates listed on the front page. lease check for offers for your nearest store. 8 ($450 ea Uncle Toby’s Delicious Blends Rolled Oats 8 Pack Selected Varieties Cadbury Baking Chocolate 150-225¢ SAVE $1.95 Selected Varieties SAVE $1.30 Praise Tartare or Seafood Sauce 250mL $1 per 100mL Nescafé Gold Instant Coffee 90-100g SAVE $3.50 Selected Varieties © Heinz Seriously a $ 70 ca Good Aioli or Mayonnaise 295mL SAVE $2.80 , Selected Varieties $1.25 per 100mL Nestlé Milo 395-460g Selected Varieties SAVE $1.30 a CHIES a n oe <= $450 $905 ) ea ea - Ferrero Nutella Ajitas Vege Hazelnut Spread 400g SAVE $1.20 SAVE $2.05 Chips 75-100g $1.13 per 100mL Selected Varieties i? $130 ea Fantastic Cup or Bowl Noodles 70-85g Selected Varieties SAVE 65¢ ' ' Greenseas Tuna 425¢ ' Selected Varieties SAVE $1 ! $9.41 per kg ! Heinz Beanz or ca | Spaghetti 300g Selected Varieties 67¢ per 100g we (1/2 ) ve: PRICE eo > - Ajitas Vege Deli 3 ea Crisps 100g Selected Varieties $3.25 per 100g SAVE $3.25

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‘The offers displayed in this catalogue are only eM a aa Cra eo MELTS a ible at selected stores within Victoria between the dates listed on the front page. lease check for offers for your nearest store. 8 ($450 ea Uncle Toby’s Delicious Blends Rolled Oats 8 Pack Selected Varieties Cadbury Baking Chocolate 150-225¢ SAVE $1.95 Selected Varieties SAVE $1.30 Praise Tartare or Seafood Sauce 250mL $1 per 100mL Nescafé Gold Instant Coffee 90-100g SAVE $3.50 Selected Varieties © Heinz Seriously a $ 70 ca Good Aioli or Mayonnaise 295mL SAVE $2.80 , Selected Varieties $1.25 per 100mL Nestlé Milo 395-460g Selected Varieties SAVE $1.30 a CHIES a n oe <= $450 $905 ) ea ea - Ferrero Nutella Ajitas Vege Hazelnut Spread 400g SAVE $1.20 SAVE $2.05 Chips 75-100g $1.13 per 100mL Selected Varieties i? $130 ea Fantastic Cup or Bowl Noodles 70-85g Selected Varieties SAVE 65¢ ' ' Greenseas Tuna 425¢ ' Selected Varieties SAVE $1 ! $9.41 per kg ! Heinz Beanz or ca | Spaghetti 300g Selected Varieties 67¢ per 100g we (1/2 ) ve: PRICE eo > - Ajitas Vege Deli 3 ea Crisps 100g Selected Varieties $3.25 per 100g SAVE $3.25

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