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Current catalogue Chemist Warehouse - Valid from 27.11 to 11.12 - Page nb 37

Catalogue Chemist Warehouse 27.11.2022 - 11.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Gc Gc Gc food Dry Dry Dry Mouth Mouth Mou Gel) Ciel) Gee) 00: 00: ‘ee 6c ry Moth Ge Raspberry 403 Listerine Mouthwash Fresh Burst o Teeth Defence Value Pack 181 ("77 ; E THE GIFT OF A 7 a i BRIGHTER wie Sy eS Sparking White Sil Teeth Witering DI Kit 0 Gel flls 4 Pack HALZON HALZON eyed DEEP REPAIR’ ra Couronne ——y | sensoovne ‘en tine DUAL ACTION \) == — — Sensitivity Relief am : J SENSODYNE /catu¼ SENSODYNE,/ °@) SENSODYNE /,284@) aaa aoge : PRE ten or apse Fus-AU-seN0-22-00190. ac-o0r ices dy Always read the label and follow the directions for use. ‘Always read the label and follow the directions for use. Sensode oapaseRopoir & Protect Extra Fresh o Whitening 100g Sense Tapas Sensi & Gam Cre or Eta Fresh 100g och =} GIVE THE gift OF A PROFESSIONAL CLEAN COUT ecrateky a Aa Pane ty . TOOTHBRUSH BRAND ecderrd terested diced el Grin Adults Bleegradable Dental Foss Picks or ids Biodegradable era Flossers 4 Pack 1 diosa Oo aaa Ltt fey 7\e Orci) CH i] * CLINICALLY PROVEN (| a 7 Ces \@ sd Pera eee a Se a erent I @ instant Need a prescription?’ e Need a medical opinion? ‘if deemed clinically appropriate by a doctor *With valid Medicare card Download the Instant Consult app. “Expected average wait time less than 15 minutes. or visit wwwinstant ‘coma. amex Lip Balm Click Stick ‘Stawberry or lassie 4259 SFB co Camex ip Balm Pineapple Mint ‘Squrze Tbe or Watermelon hr For the soothing relief of cold sores and sun blistered or chapped lips thursday Plantation Tea Tee col Sere Cream 105, Sa Tie Col Rg evra Co Sore Treatment Cream Tbe ce Pep 29

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Gc Gc Gc food Dry Dry Dry Mouth Mouth Mou Gel) Ciel) Gee) 00: 00: ‘ee 6c ry Moth Ge Raspberry 403 Listerine Mouthwash Fresh Burst o Teeth Defence Value Pack 181 ("77 ; E THE GIFT OF A 7 a i BRIGHTER wie Sy eS Sparking White Sil Teeth Witering DI Kit 0 Gel flls 4 Pack HALZON HALZON eyed DEEP REPAIR’ ra Couronne ——y | sensoovne ‘en tine DUAL ACTION \) == — — Sensitivity Relief am : J SENSODYNE /catu¼ SENSODYNE,/ °@) SENSODYNE /,284@) aaa aoge : PRE ten or apse Fus-AU-seN0-22-00190. ac-o0r ices dy Always read the label and follow the directions for use. ‘Always read the label and follow the directions for use. Sensode oapaseRopoir & Protect Extra Fresh o Whitening 100g Sense Tapas Sensi & Gam Cre or Eta Fresh 100g och =} GIVE THE gift OF A PROFESSIONAL CLEAN COUT ecrateky a Aa Pane ty . TOOTHBRUSH BRAND ecderrd terested diced el Grin Adults Bleegradable Dental Foss Picks or ids Biodegradable era Flossers 4 Pack 1 diosa Oo aaa Ltt fey 7\e Orci) CH i] * CLINICALLY PROVEN (| a 7 Ces \@ sd Pera eee a Se a erent I @ instant Need a prescription?’ e Need a medical opinion? ‘if deemed clinically appropriate by a doctor *With valid Medicare card Download the Instant Consult app. “Expected average wait time less than 15 minutes. or visit wwwinstant ‘coma. amex Lip Balm Click Stick ‘Stawberry or lassie 4259 SFB co Camex ip Balm Pineapple Mint ‘Squrze Tbe or Watermelon hr For the soothing relief of cold sores and sun blistered or chapped lips thursday Plantation Tea Tee col Sere Cream 105, Sa Tie Col Rg evra Co Sore Treatment Cream Tbe ce Pep 29

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