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Current catalogue Doors Plus - Valid from 01.09 to 30.09 - Page nb 4

Catalogue Doors Plus 01.09.2023 - 30.09.2023

Products in this catalogue

EXTERNALPACKAGES OWNITNOW-PAYLATER 2 Pp a WAGE ACKAG! PACKE AVE PAC SANE et = Flinders Balmai t Solid Timber Fela) eater rit e L arts oe ea Siento era ets (] bo Sted) ‘on 2040x820. Suitable to Paint or Seated) Suitable to Paint or Stain. Price based on 2040x820. = on 2040x820. Le ea ed [tented te as Tig Lyte ted SWS “959 "31019 Ma Srtr) INSTALLED \ INSTALLED | : . } pot (= Solid Timber a ele Eeenn ac h Pei Lt Tole Lr ait neon ca bere e rs MUL PETC Tis . Ma Translucent Suitable to Paint or SafeGlass™ Ta eg eta) Sree ole alco on 2040x820. Re nee) ry Per ere | Betas Breeds ed ron , rm s $1069 $1169 INSTALLED INSTALLED = SAVE%S235, - DUST FREE . Layered VENETIAN I 1 he PT meets Su Te Ue | eee Solid Timber : co a Ter Package with UA a rity Package with Mice || | eet eg Enclosed ee | Suitable to Paint or UT Ts) We fe aint or 0 Stain. Price based on SCS to Paint or ee i) ee pe Breen —— Petter t a led Er) $1249 "31359 $ INSTALLED neta INSTALLED , S savEs272 | bn Co ee eee ee a ue sion tact 4 Call us today \ 1800 750 231 or visit ® to find your local showroom

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EXTERNALPACKAGES OWNITNOW-PAYLATER 2 Pp a WAGE ACKAG! PACKE AVE PAC SANE et = Flinders Balmai t Solid Timber Fela) eater rit e L arts oe ea Siento era ets (] bo Sted) ‘on 2040x820. Suitable to Paint or Seated) Suitable to Paint or Stain. Price based on 2040x820. = on 2040x820. Le ea ed [tented te as Tig Lyte ted SWS “959 "31019 Ma Srtr) INSTALLED \ INSTALLED | : . } pot (= Solid Timber a ele Eeenn ac h Pei Lt Tole Lr ait neon ca bere e rs MUL PETC Tis . Ma Translucent Suitable to Paint or SafeGlass™ Ta eg eta) Sree ole alco on 2040x820. Re nee) ry Per ere | Betas Breeds ed ron , rm s $1069 $1169 INSTALLED INSTALLED = SAVE%S235, - DUST FREE . Layered VENETIAN I 1 he PT meets Su Te Ue | eee Solid Timber : co a Ter Package with UA a rity Package with Mice || | eet eg Enclosed ee | Suitable to Paint or UT Ts) We fe aint or 0 Stain. Price based on SCS to Paint or ee i) ee pe Breen —— Petter t a led Er) $1249 "31359 $ INSTALLED neta INSTALLED , S savEs272 | bn Co ee eee ee a ue sion tact 4 Call us today \ 1800 750 231 or visit ® to find your local showroom

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