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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.05 to 31.12 - Page nb 148

Catalogue Flight Center 01.05.2023 - 31.12.2024

Products in this catalogue

(E\ iy QUEEN MARY 2 August 2023 — April 2025 Dep. No.of Cruise Region Page Dep. No.of Cruise Region Page Dep. No.of Cruise Region Page date nights no. no. date _nights_no. no. date _nights_no, no. 2023 2023 2024 4Aug —7-M322B Mediterranean Highlights 15dec 7 Mage Westbound Transatlantic gg 98un—14_-MA16A Roundtrip Transatlantic Crossing 87 ‘Aug 14 M3220 Transatlantic Crossing and Crossing 16Jun 7 M417 Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 86 Mediterranean Highlights 15Dec 19 =Mgzga Transatlantic Crossing and 16Jun 14 M417A Roundtrip Transatlantic Crossing 87 tWAug «7 M323 Danoethe Atlantic = Westbound 4g uD vee Transatlantic a Transatlantic Crossing 15Dec 27 M338B Caribbean Celebration 23dun 7 MAB 86 11 Aug 14 M323A Roundtrip Transatlantic Crossing 87 -22Dec 12: M401 Caribbean Celebration 3.97 an 13. MBA Sates cai 18Aug 7 M324 Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing z2dec 20 Maora Caribbean Celebration and am New England and Canada Transatlantic Crossin 18Aug 24 M324 Lig Srossing'and a 23Jun 21 M418B Nous on Cos ss 25 Aug 7 M325. The Norwegian Fjords 81 2024 30Jun 6 M419. Independence Day Celebration 95 1Sep 3. M326_Le Havre Short Break Suan 8 MHO2 Eastbound Transat Crossing 85 3g yy qnga Taste Crossing j New England and Canada 4Sep 7 Mga7_ Westbound Transatlantic 3Jan 29 M40ZA New York to Cape Town ; Crossing 3uen 45. MA02B New York to Fremantle 67,102 Sul &_~-—~(M420_ Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 86 4Sep 14 M327A Roun Teenie Grossing 87 3.Jan 55 MAOZC New York to Sydney 67,102 Suul_—22,-MAZ0A The Norwegian Fjords ithony Inglis and The National 14Jul 7 M421. The Norwegian Fjords 83 11Sep 7 -M328A Symphony Orchestra - Eastbound 44 © 2447123: M402D Full World Voyage 101 ae ee Transatlantic Crossing T1Jan 21 M403 Southampton to Cape Town 87 ahah 7 Maan esto i 8 11Sep 9 M328 Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 11Jan 37 M403A Southampton to Fremantle 102 aig 4g WAZA Randiig TRUCOS BT ae , pa icon eee Crossing 41 z = = — Soutarnton : Ste 101 78 Jul_ 9 +-M423__ Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing — Pata ae — aes a aaa ae sda LA joy 27 MAQ3A Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 86 ep lamburg Short Breal lan ‘ull World Voyage 28 Jul 26 +M423B The Norwegian Fjords 20Sep 2: M329A Hamburg Short Break 1Feb 16 M404 Cape Town to Fremantle 87,102 yy —-2-MAZ3C._ Hamburg Short Break 20Sep 9 M3zg__ Westbound Transatlantic 1Feb 26 M404A Cape Town to Sydney 67,102 4 Aug 12: M423D The Norwegian Fjords 81 sing ne TFeb 42 M404B Cape Town to Hong Kong 102 Aug 8 (M424. The Norwegian Fords 20Sep 16 M329B % 17Feb 10 M405 Fremantle to Sydney i New England and Canada 14Aug 9 M45 Westbound Transatlantic Transatlantic Crossing, 17Feb 26 M405A Fremantle to Hong Kong 102 a ssing 20Sep 23 M329C New England and Canada 17Feb 35. MA05B Fremantle to Singapore 103 14Aug 2 —-M425A Hamburg Short Break 20Sep 32 M329D jeatient Crossing, 27Feb 16 M406 Sydney to Hong Kong 103 eau 7 waase Westbound Transatlantic 86 ne ond ani Sorat 27 Feb 25 MA0BA Sydney to Singapore 56, 103 estival of Food and Wine - : 16Aug 14 M425C ae Transatlantic Crossing 87 PS 7" CMS20e Westboursd Transatlantic 7 Fee _St_MAOSE Sydney tol 11 fahug 7426 Eastbound Tansatlanc Crossing 66 Crossing 21Feb 61 M406C Sydney to Southampton 9 9 Transatlantic Crossing, 27Feb 68 +M406D Sydney to New York 101 23Aug 30 MA426A British Isles 22Sep 14 M329F New England and Canad 30Aug 12 M427 __ British Isl al ew England: and Canada 14Mer 9 M407 Hong Kong to Singapore 60 ug ite oie 22Sep 21 wigzgq Tansatlantic Crossing 14Mar 24 MMO7A Hong Kong to Dubai 11Sep 4 M428 Bruges Short Break New England ond Canada Westbound Transatlantic : 14Mar 45 M407 Hong Kong to Southampton 15Sep 7 Maza 86 2250 28 Maz9x Tansatlantic Crossing, Crossing 3 New England and Canada 14Mar 52 M407 Hong Kong to New York TE : 15Sep 14 Mazga Transatiantic Crossing, 29Sep 7 M330. New England and Canada 95 23Mar 15 M408 Singapore to Dubai New England and Canada 29Sep 14 M330A New England and Canada 95 23Mar 36 MA08A Singapore to Southampton ‘Transatlantic Crossing, 18Sep 21 MA29B 95 asep 21 wagon Tansatiantic Crossing, TApr 21 M409 Dubai to Southampton New England and Canada ep New England and Canada 7 Apr 28 MAO9A Dubai to New York 1sSep 28 zac Fans Cossng Transatlantic Crossing, Westbound Transatlantic lew England and Canada 2982 23 M3300 Ke England and Canada Aor 7 MAIO Ciocsing 88 sssep 30 maaan Tansatiantic Crossing, 6 Oct 7 +M331_New England and Canada 95 28Apr 14 M410A Roundtrip Transatlantic Crossing «87 ; bd iui and peat Goct 14 Magra Tansatlantic Crossing 95 5May 9 M411 Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing z = u mA ae pa me ae s wes Eden nd Saneds 5May 7 MAIIA Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 86 27SeP_—«14—(MA30 ve ae = anda 2 Bet 16 MES ea or Canada SMay 18 MA11B Roundtrip Transatlantic Crossing 87 72Sep 21. MA30B Jorvenan Cre 130ct 7 M332A Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 12May 2 M411C Hamburg Short Break z2sep 23 wagoc. Wansalantic Crossing, 130ct 9 M332. Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 12May 4 M411D Hamburg Short Break New England and Canada 200ct_ 2 M3328 Hamburg Short Break ase 8) MIR Mech Transatlantic 29Sep 7 M431 New England and Canada 95 Transatlantic Crossing, 1b Noy 9) Net Pues sno atk Sea 14May 2 M412A Hamburg Short Break 29Sep 14 M4314 ew England and Canada 19Nov 7 M335. Westbound Transatlantic 40,86 16May 7 Mai28 oa ‘ranieatianitic: 86 29Sep 16 MA31B Hey rout cil bore Crossing 1aNov 19 magggq Tansatlantic Crossing and 16May 14 Mai2c aaa Transatlantic Crossing 87-6 Oct. ~—« 9 +~—«M43Z_ Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 86 lov Eastern Caribbean 23May 7 M413 Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 86 6Oct | 7 M432A Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 19Nov 26 M335B Eastern Caribbean 23May 24 M413A The Norwegian Fjords 6 Oct | 19 M432B Roundtrip Transatlantic Crossing 87 26Nov 12 M336 Eastern Caribbean 37 say 3. ara Rotterdam and Bruges 130ct_ 2 —M432C Hamburg Short Break 26Nov 19 M336A Pasion Canteen and Short Break 130ct_ 4 M4320 Hamburg Short Break ransatlantic Crossing 2Jun 7 M415. The Norwegian Fjords Boa 10 wag Westbound Transatlantic 8Dec 7 M337 Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 86 gun 7 Marg Westbound Transatlantic 86 et Crossing 8Dec 14 M337A Roundtrip Transatlantic Crossing 87 Crossing

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(E\ iy QUEEN MARY 2 August 2023 — April 2025 Dep. No.of Cruise Region Page Dep. No.of Cruise Region Page Dep. No.of Cruise Region Page date nights no. no. date _nights_no. no. date _nights_no, no. 2023 2023 2024 4Aug —7-M322B Mediterranean Highlights 15dec 7 Mage Westbound Transatlantic gg 98un—14_-MA16A Roundtrip Transatlantic Crossing 87 ‘Aug 14 M3220 Transatlantic Crossing and Crossing 16Jun 7 M417 Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 86 Mediterranean Highlights 15Dec 19 =Mgzga Transatlantic Crossing and 16Jun 14 M417A Roundtrip Transatlantic Crossing 87 tWAug «7 M323 Danoethe Atlantic = Westbound 4g uD vee Transatlantic a Transatlantic Crossing 15Dec 27 M338B Caribbean Celebration 23dun 7 MAB 86 11 Aug 14 M323A Roundtrip Transatlantic Crossing 87 -22Dec 12: M401 Caribbean Celebration 3.97 an 13. MBA Sates cai 18Aug 7 M324 Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing z2dec 20 Maora Caribbean Celebration and am New England and Canada Transatlantic Crossin 18Aug 24 M324 Lig Srossing'and a 23Jun 21 M418B Nous on Cos ss 25 Aug 7 M325. The Norwegian Fjords 81 2024 30Jun 6 M419. Independence Day Celebration 95 1Sep 3. M326_Le Havre Short Break Suan 8 MHO2 Eastbound Transat Crossing 85 3g yy qnga Taste Crossing j New England and Canada 4Sep 7 Mga7_ Westbound Transatlantic 3Jan 29 M40ZA New York to Cape Town ; Crossing 3uen 45. MA02B New York to Fremantle 67,102 Sul &_~-—~(M420_ Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 86 4Sep 14 M327A Roun Teenie Grossing 87 3.Jan 55 MAOZC New York to Sydney 67,102 Suul_—22,-MAZ0A The Norwegian Fjords ithony Inglis and The National 14Jul 7 M421. The Norwegian Fjords 83 11Sep 7 -M328A Symphony Orchestra - Eastbound 44 © 2447123: M402D Full World Voyage 101 ae ee Transatlantic Crossing T1Jan 21 M403 Southampton to Cape Town 87 ahah 7 Maan esto i 8 11Sep 9 M328 Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 11Jan 37 M403A Southampton to Fremantle 102 aig 4g WAZA Randiig TRUCOS BT ae , pa icon eee Crossing 41 z = = — Soutarnton : Ste 101 78 Jul_ 9 +-M423__ Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing — Pata ae — aes a aaa ae sda LA joy 27 MAQ3A Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 86 ep lamburg Short Breal lan ‘ull World Voyage 28 Jul 26 +M423B The Norwegian Fjords 20Sep 2: M329A Hamburg Short Break 1Feb 16 M404 Cape Town to Fremantle 87,102 yy —-2-MAZ3C._ Hamburg Short Break 20Sep 9 M3zg__ Westbound Transatlantic 1Feb 26 M404A Cape Town to Sydney 67,102 4 Aug 12: M423D The Norwegian Fjords 81 sing ne TFeb 42 M404B Cape Town to Hong Kong 102 Aug 8 (M424. The Norwegian Fords 20Sep 16 M329B % 17Feb 10 M405 Fremantle to Sydney i New England and Canada 14Aug 9 M45 Westbound Transatlantic Transatlantic Crossing, 17Feb 26 M405A Fremantle to Hong Kong 102 a ssing 20Sep 23 M329C New England and Canada 17Feb 35. MA05B Fremantle to Singapore 103 14Aug 2 —-M425A Hamburg Short Break 20Sep 32 M329D jeatient Crossing, 27Feb 16 M406 Sydney to Hong Kong 103 eau 7 waase Westbound Transatlantic 86 ne ond ani Sorat 27 Feb 25 MA0BA Sydney to Singapore 56, 103 estival of Food and Wine - : 16Aug 14 M425C ae Transatlantic Crossing 87 PS 7" CMS20e Westboursd Transatlantic 7 Fee _St_MAOSE Sydney tol 11 fahug 7426 Eastbound Tansatlanc Crossing 66 Crossing 21Feb 61 M406C Sydney to Southampton 9 9 Transatlantic Crossing, 27Feb 68 +M406D Sydney to New York 101 23Aug 30 MA426A British Isles 22Sep 14 M329F New England and Canad 30Aug 12 M427 __ British Isl al ew England: and Canada 14Mer 9 M407 Hong Kong to Singapore 60 ug ite oie 22Sep 21 wigzgq Tansatlantic Crossing 14Mar 24 MMO7A Hong Kong to Dubai 11Sep 4 M428 Bruges Short Break New England ond Canada Westbound Transatlantic : 14Mar 45 M407 Hong Kong to Southampton 15Sep 7 Maza 86 2250 28 Maz9x Tansatlantic Crossing, Crossing 3 New England and Canada 14Mar 52 M407 Hong Kong to New York TE : 15Sep 14 Mazga Transatiantic Crossing, 29Sep 7 M330. New England and Canada 95 23Mar 15 M408 Singapore to Dubai New England and Canada 29Sep 14 M330A New England and Canada 95 23Mar 36 MA08A Singapore to Southampton ‘Transatlantic Crossing, 18Sep 21 MA29B 95 asep 21 wagon Tansatiantic Crossing, TApr 21 M409 Dubai to Southampton New England and Canada ep New England and Canada 7 Apr 28 MAO9A Dubai to New York 1sSep 28 zac Fans Cossng Transatlantic Crossing, Westbound Transatlantic lew England and Canada 2982 23 M3300 Ke England and Canada Aor 7 MAIO Ciocsing 88 sssep 30 maaan Tansatiantic Crossing, 6 Oct 7 +M331_New England and Canada 95 28Apr 14 M410A Roundtrip Transatlantic Crossing «87 ; bd iui and peat Goct 14 Magra Tansatlantic Crossing 95 5May 9 M411 Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing z = u mA ae pa me ae s wes Eden nd Saneds 5May 7 MAIIA Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 86 27SeP_—«14—(MA30 ve ae = anda 2 Bet 16 MES ea or Canada SMay 18 MA11B Roundtrip Transatlantic Crossing 87 72Sep 21. MA30B Jorvenan Cre 130ct 7 M332A Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 12May 2 M411C Hamburg Short Break z2sep 23 wagoc. Wansalantic Crossing, 130ct 9 M332. Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 12May 4 M411D Hamburg Short Break New England and Canada 200ct_ 2 M3328 Hamburg Short Break ase 8) MIR Mech Transatlantic 29Sep 7 M431 New England and Canada 95 Transatlantic Crossing, 1b Noy 9) Net Pues sno atk Sea 14May 2 M412A Hamburg Short Break 29Sep 14 M4314 ew England and Canada 19Nov 7 M335. Westbound Transatlantic 40,86 16May 7 Mai28 oa ‘ranieatianitic: 86 29Sep 16 MA31B Hey rout cil bore Crossing 1aNov 19 magggq Tansatlantic Crossing and 16May 14 Mai2c aaa Transatlantic Crossing 87-6 Oct. ~—« 9 +~—«M43Z_ Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 86 lov Eastern Caribbean 23May 7 M413 Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 86 6Oct | 7 M432A Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 19Nov 26 M335B Eastern Caribbean 23May 24 M413A The Norwegian Fjords 6 Oct | 19 M432B Roundtrip Transatlantic Crossing 87 26Nov 12 M336 Eastern Caribbean 37 say 3. ara Rotterdam and Bruges 130ct_ 2 —M432C Hamburg Short Break 26Nov 19 M336A Pasion Canteen and Short Break 130ct_ 4 M4320 Hamburg Short Break ransatlantic Crossing 2Jun 7 M415. The Norwegian Fjords Boa 10 wag Westbound Transatlantic 8Dec 7 M337 Eastbound Transatlantic Crossing 86 gun 7 Marg Westbound Transatlantic 86 et Crossing 8Dec 14 M337A Roundtrip Transatlantic Crossing 87 Crossing

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