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SOUTH & CENTRAL AMERICA Ol Plan a day trip out to Cozumel for some of the best diving and snorkelling sites in Mexico. itll take you under an hour from Playa del Carmen by ferry! 02 Los Cabos is the perfect place to splurge! Book a luxury beachfront resort to take in the striking ocean views and then top it off with a luxury sunset PLAYA DEL CARMEN, MEXICO. LOS CABOS, MEXICO sailing tour around the iconic Arch of Cabo San Lucas. 03 Visit Hobbitenango, outside of Antigua, for something a little different. Here you can stay in a Lord of the Rings.inspired Hobbit hut and admire the often- photographed giant stone troll hand. Trust us, your Instagram account will thank you later! 04 Treat yourself to a rainforest chocolate tour in La Fortuna, northwest of San JosĂ©. You'll learn about the history of chocolate making in Costa Rica and take part in an incredible tasting, all while enjoying the beautiful natural surroundings 05 JUJUY, ARGENTINA Take a tour to Quebrada de Humahuaca in Jujuy, northwest Argentina, to explore the famously colourful UNESCO World Heritage-listed mountain ranges. 06 East of Medellin, you'll find the small town of GuatapĂ©. Explore the colourful town square and climb to the top of the famous Piedra del Pefiol for incredible views. 07 Want to see over 5,000 dinosaur footprints on your holiday? We thought so ~ visit Cal Orckâo just outside of Sucre in Bolivia. Itâs also where youll find the longest known baby T-Rex prints in the world! 08 Go to Canaima National Park to see Angel Falls, the tallest waterfall in the world. Take a boat out to the base of the falls or fly over the top to witness its scale from above â either way, due to its remote location we'd ANTIGUA, GUATEMALA LA FORTUNA, COSTA RICA GUATAPE, COLOMBIA SUCRE, BOLIVIA ANGEL FALLS, VENEZUELA recommend booking a guided tour 09 If youre visiting Ecuador's capital, Quito, keep in mind that it sits at an uncommonly high altitude (almost 3,000m above sea level) and altitude sickness is possible. Plan a relaxing first day or two in the city just in case your body needs to acclimatise! QUITO, ECUADOR OUR EXPERT TIPS NortiPacit Oceaki gute mn ciao dar Carmen! We loved the view (vor Pea del Pehal â Colomicna What angelic falle! - Cnn itl ak Cruishg to Antarctia ffom Argentia or Chib?Youâhave to cross the Diake Passage, a notorbusl rough part of the ocean.W ed recommend packhg sea sbkness medtatin... jist cae. M anyofCentaland SouthAm erta $m ost fm ous tourst attactins Ike M achu Pichu, the Anazon Raiforest and the Gakpagos Bhnds are off the beaten patt, so 6 alvays worth visitng on an organĂ©ed tour Fyou can. Tours are often hh den and, so make sure you book wellLh achance! JESim portant to check yourgoverm entâ taveladvie when p.bnnihg your trp, to ensure you understand bealaulure and custom sand adhere to aunent saĂ©ty quilelnes.
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