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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.01 to 31.12 - Page nb 35

Catalogue Flight Center 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024

Products in this catalogue

COVID-19 REQUIREMENTS Before booking and before you travel, ensure that you check the latest Government travel requirements and Travelmarvel updates which include the on bosrd protocols (which wil be avaiable on Travelmarvefs webste at wwwutravelmarvelcomaul updates) Wie wl st eons wc Spay focus cone s. This may include obtaining proof of negative an (esihs or erbertalon complelon et heath Guesenreke! mask wearing, requirement to isolate if COVID-19 symptoms present during tour and removal of passengers from the tour deeme sary by medical staff. Compliance with the travel requirements, and Travelmarvel updetes is mandatory and anyone refusing to. comply can be denied access to the tour or removed from the tour at Travelmarvel's absolute discretion. For tours departing 01 January 2022 onwards, proof that you are fully vaccinated with a Government approved COVID-19 vaccine will be required for each passenger before the commencement of the tour. Fully vaccinated means that there has been at least 14 clear days (not including the date of vaccination) from the second dose in a 2-dose series of vaccines before the date of departure. If Government guidelines are ved apply Ifa passenger has had a booster dose no earlier than months and no sooner than 14 days prior to departure of the tour. LOCAL PURCHASES ‘esponsible for any items you may purchase caky Lac ohare ble You acksseiga fa Jou ae responsible for any import duty or freight costs. PERSONAL BELONGINGS & LOST ITEMS. For secury reasons valuables should be kept to @ minimum and packed in your hand luggage along with your medicines, social o ation, operated applonces, os well os basi essentials t adequately covered by comprehensive travel insurance in the event of any loss, MEDICAL ASSISTANCE rovericvlioes not employ medical ssf on nm lous vation quire medical attention, local mecca services ly. You are responsible ‘oral charges that sul fom 9 ting recta foto for 0 redial procivoner visiting you. Travelmarvel is not responsible forthe type or quality of the medical services you may receive. |MOKING Government regulations forbid smoking in tourist coaches however frequent stops are made for those wishing to smoke. Smoking is not permitted in hotel rooms or ship cabins. Requests for smoking/non-smoking rooms will be passed on to hotels but cannot be guaranteed RESPONSIBLE SERVICE OF ALCOHOL Our staff are trained in the responsible service of alcohol and are obliged by law to guest service to any guest who, in their reasonable opinion appears to be intoxicated or behaves in an aggressive or offensive manné ue ENQUIRIES i problem occurs during your holiday you should, in your own erests, itm your tor dractor so tat stops CaN be Faken resolve the matter. If you remain dissatisfied, any complaint must be made in writing to Travelmarvel within 30 days. LUGGAGE LIMITS Each passenger is entitled to take one piece of luggage that does not exceed 16 3 inches), or weigh more than 20 kg (44 pounds). Dimensions for checked baggage are calculated by ting tees the wie, heeft el dept of be Biece of baggage. An extra charge will be imposed to cover porterage ranalng of ary edaltonel luggage, Your Tourcruse Director wil advise you of the exact additional charge ‘SPECIAL CONDITIONS PERTAINING TO EGYPT, JORDAN & ISRAEL PACKAGES DEPOSITS & PAYMENTS A $1,000 non-refundable security deposit per person, per holiday Travelmarvel within the specified time. All fares and charges are in Australian currency. Payment in full is required at ime of booking for fesenatons made less than 100 days betore departure from Australia, If Travelmarvel is unable to confirm your jesanaben al monica wl bs refunded, Hotels may apply surcharges for late booking request TRAVELLING WITH MINORS Children under 12 years of age are not recommended on tours to Egypt, Jordan and Israel. Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and share their eccommod tion with an adult. INCLUDED IN HOLIDAY PACKAGE PRICE A coaches Hove seonatodalon stent. seni airfares, gratuities, port charges, luggage service (one bag), airport ransfers onthe fist and iat dy ofthe tour local guides, services fa Tour Director and meals are included as indicated in each ndidualtinerary, NOT INCLUDED IN HOLIDAY PACKAGE PRICE Aare nies specified), airport taxes, fuel surcharges, leony ‘and visa fees (unless sf pected beverages (unk Sreetiadh ‘optional tours including select experiences He j gratuities for local guides on select experiences, meals (unless specified), excess baggage and vaccinations ae not included, Grau are tot included on the yn. Changes to flight Schedules may rene sou to book aedtional Se crinod ean and services at your own expense. GRATUITIES Gratuities have been included for al services as indicated in the tinerary on all Travelmarvel holiday packages including all and portions of your tour and on board your river cruise. These amounts cannot be redeemed e cash refunds FLIGHTS WITHIN 7 JORDAN Economy internal wigs within Egypt as well as between Egypt and Jordan are included in the tour price and includes 1 checked bi per person, There is a 20kg luggage restrictions for flights included within the tour. This is strictly enforced, and Airline imposed excess Eaggage charges wil app ls wang k exceeded Sogueye f at owner's risk. Once air tickets are issued, airline amendment and/ or cancellation fees apply and in some cases are non-refundable, Deposits are considered as a guarantee of the invoiced flight arrangements and once deposit received; fights will be ticketed, Nae changes ned voluntary det cheniges wll new fees, Sotho requests are not available on these included flig CHOOSING YOUR HOLIDAY Holidays operate on nominated dates only. To maximise enjoyment ‘of your Travelmarvel holiday and to ensure that it lives up to your expectations iis impotent tnt you choose the ht hokey for you, Our marketing colatre contains Ie Inman Rowevel fer lores Warton oni viwwitrevemnanelcomau and ovr sa ar aso avaebe to dlscuss your options, In more remote places, hotel standards may not be quite as high as in major city centres. Travelmarvel endeavours to utilise the most it nm ackages; however, if a change is necessary for any reason, Traveimarvel will endeavour to ensure that alternative accommodation is of an equivalent standard to those shown. Hotel toome are ganeraly not avaiable for checkin before om and require check-out by TWIN OR DOUBLE Roots ‘Accommodation in all hotels and camps, regardless of the rating, is in standard rooms (sometimes named supeio/detxe) based on twins or doubles unless otherwise stat ‘SOLO TRAVELLERS A limited number of single rooms/suites/cabins may be available by request at time of booking your holiday package. Single rooms! suites/cabins are usually smaller than standard twin or double rooms and often only have one single CRUISING Advertised price is based on a Deluxe Cabin aboard the MS Royal Lily. An upgrade to a Royal Suite is subject to availabilty and extra cost. Cabin selection isnot avalole, and cabins numbers wl be advised at time of embarkatior PASSENGERS NEEDING SPECIAL ASSISTANCE aeons elses pases oa tebe orp needs however, please note the follow! 4. Any disability or medical condition eauing special attention must be reported to Travelmarvel at the time of booking including important information relaling to your heath, mabity and fess which may affect your partial or total participation in the tour. This, information is also crucial to allow Travelmarvel to ensure the tour you have chosen is suitable and meets your needs. Any changes to health, mobility and fitness must also be reported to Travelmarvel as soon as possible and prior to departure. Where possible Travelmavel wil make reasonable agustmens {othe four to accommodate your special needs however, it cannot do so if the adjustment required would be Cnreasonable na fhe circumstances, including if such adjustments would affect your safety and/or the safety and/or enjoyment of other passengers, 2.1f you require special assistance or care (such as pushing wheelchair, assistance with dressing or assistance with walking), you must travel with a companion capable of providing the required assistance or care. Please be aware that Travelmarvel di provide personel extsonce, Trovemayel unable to esi Sty passenger with walking, dining, boarding or disembarkin transportation vehicles (including river and ocean cruise ships and trains) To safely participate in embarkation and disembarkation you ist be able to do so without the need for special assistance, You ‘must also be able to do so without unreasonably impacting other passengers’ safety and/or enjoyment. 3, While Travelmarvel will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the special needs of disabled passengers, itis not responsible for ster independent spies. ont ir any eddtonal essed expenses charges «Please acte coaches, minbuses and 4WD vehicles are not equipped with wheelchair ramps. Wheelchairs and walkers cannot be carted on coaches, due to space limitations, For seety reasons, passengers in wheelchairs cannot be carried on ramps. A Healt Fitness & Mobility Questionnaire will be provided and requested to be completed at the time of booking if you advise us of any health, fitness or mobility issues. HEALTH & FITNESS vel of health and fitness is required to participate on ravel ackages. In some destinations there are extensive sightseeing excursions by foot wi found and sas, Mobity fs needed for bosiding or ralghtng. coaches and ships. We recommend a visit to the doctor and dentist before travelling to overseas destinations. It is your responsibilty to tot able fren, ines, o os of enjoyment which coud /e been reasonably prevented had we been made aware of a preceding condliot ond been proved ai opporunty wreview it. We will not be responsible for any costs associated with cancellation penalties or the return of passengers from a tour, and a refund for lost touring cannot be claimed. VISAS & PASSPORTS All passengers must have @ valid passport that is valid for at least six months after the holiday package return date. Passengers must cconsuit with the appropriate consulates to ensure that they have any applicable visas for countries included in the holiday package prior to departure. Passengers are solely responsible for meeting sport and visa entry requirements and paying all provided to Travelmarvel no later than 60 days prior to arrival Passengers on own arrangements will need to purchase their own visas for Egypt and Jordan, No refunds will be provided, ENHANCE YOUR JOURNEY ~ OPTIONAL EXPERIENCES These Select Experiences are an additional cost to the land tour price. Minimum and maximum group numbers apply for the tour to operate, and al ours are subject to avalabilly an local condone, Gratuities are not included on optional experience: IF WE NEED TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR OLERY CHANGES OR ADDITIONS TO YOUR HOLIDAY Ifyou want to change any part of your holiday arrangements after the invoice has been issued, we will do our best to make the cchange, but it may not be possible. Any request for changes must made in writing by the person who made the original booking, or fis her evel agent. you request changes afer Tavelnarvel has issued your documents, Travelmarvel may charge ee processing fee of $70 ber person In adebon to any applicable cancellation fees. CANCELLATION POLICY For all holiday packages in this brochure, the following Travelmarvel cancellation fees apply (in addition to charges of any independent suppliers e.g: airlines and hotels) Days of Notice Prior to Departure: Foe Per Perso 00 das ore epost 99-60 day: 50% of olday pavose price 100% of holdey package price Alleatcellalions must be received in wring by Tevet aye fot effective unt this notfeton has beer recstved. ty e charged in respect of acco holiday package dates. These cancellation fees are in addition to any fees that may be levied by Travelmarvel and your travel agent (if any). You acknowledge that the amounts estimated under th Cancelaton Pocy are reesonabe and representa ager estimate of Travelmarve!’s loss and are otherwi faceater wo protec the jctrle nevis avian you Wes after Travel cum you at sdnbieuaton sc proces 68 ‘of $70 per person in addition to any applicable cancellation fees. CANCELLATION OF TICKETED AIRFARES AA Travelmarvel cancellation fee of $50 per person applies for Ueketed aifares, i adchion to any tine cancellation fees that are applic CANES: 7S TICKETED AIRFARES Ifyou wish to amend the date or touring on your ticketed air $3 3 larged in addition to airline change fees that are applicable. If, for any reason, a name change to a ticketed airfare is required, a $125 per person name change fee will apply for every change in addition to any applicable airline fees. IF WE NEED TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY Travelmarvel endeavours to provide you with al the services confirmed to you at the time of your booking. However, we plan arrangements a long time in advance of your departure date using independent suppliers such as airlines, hotels etc, over whom wi have no direct control. On occasions changes do elm ‘number of bookings in order to be financially viable and to have a pleasant group atmosphere. In the event adequate numbers cannot, be achieved, it may be -ancel a scheduled departure and offer the nearest possible alternative date (or a refund of the ‘monies paid for arrangements made by Travelmarvel. ON HOLIDAY. CLOTHING Cultural consideration should be made when packing for Egypt, Jordan and Israel. While the dress is casual, it should also be ‘modest, with knees and shoulders covered. Ladies should carry head scarves and to cover their heads if required for site visits POSITION ort stops, river ships may dock side by side, obstructing views and requiring you to pass through other ships to embark (or disembark. DRINKS ON-BOARD MS ROYAL LILY Tea and coffee are included with meals. Limited supplies of water are provided each day. At dinner two drinks are included, either local wine/beer or soft drinks, Additional drinks may be purchased. EXTRA CHARGE ON SOME SHORE EXCURSIONS, Jn Egypt whilst visting the Pyramids, there will be an extra charge should you wish to go inside the Pyramids. There will be an extra charge for visiting the Mummies room at the museum in Cairo, and for visting te tombs of Tutankhamun and Sell at the Vale of the ‘ings and Nefertari tomb at the Valley of the Queens. Extra charges may aso spol for photography permis at some atractons Exe charges can be paid on te NO ALCOHOL Some restaurants and other public places in Egypt, Jorden and Israel do not allow alcohol to be cons NOISE AND VIBRATION Travelmarvel takes reasonable steps to minimise noise and vibrclons ons culsa ip: Vou clean act th me nase and vibration may be experianced and Travelmervel is not liable to you Yor any such nose or vibra TRAVELMARVEL TOUR DIRECTOR The services of a Travelmarvel Tour Director are included in all escorted itineraries. Services of local guides will be used on Alexandria Extensions. MAPS WITHIN THIS PUBLICATION Note that maps may not be to scale. IMAGES WITHIN THIS PUBLICATION Some mages wihir tls puniction be eopyight of nd have been reproduced with the permission of: Mover rt & Residences Agaba, Jordan MS Royel Liye Movenpick Nebetean Castle, Petia Cato Marriott Hotel Publication No. TM-1487AU. Prices and itineraries valid from 28 October 2022 until 30 April 2023. Tours outside these dates follow different itineraries and pricing may vary, enquire for details. Publication is valid from 11 March 2022 and supersedes al previous publications. Egypt, Jordan & Israel 2022-2024

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COVID-19 REQUIREMENTS Before booking and before you travel, ensure that you check the latest Government travel requirements and Travelmarvel updates which include the on bosrd protocols (which wil be avaiable on Travelmarvefs webste at wwwutravelmarvelcomaul updates) Wie wl st eons wc Spay focus cone s. This may include obtaining proof of negative an (esihs or erbertalon complelon et heath Guesenreke! mask wearing, requirement to isolate if COVID-19 symptoms present during tour and removal of passengers from the tour deeme sary by medical staff. Compliance with the travel requirements, and Travelmarvel updetes is mandatory and anyone refusing to. comply can be denied access to the tour or removed from the tour at Travelmarvel's absolute discretion. For tours departing 01 January 2022 onwards, proof that you are fully vaccinated with a Government approved COVID-19 vaccine will be required for each passenger before the commencement of the tour. Fully vaccinated means that there has been at least 14 clear days (not including the date of vaccination) from the second dose in a 2-dose series of vaccines before the date of departure. If Government guidelines are ved apply Ifa passenger has had a booster dose no earlier than months and no sooner than 14 days prior to departure of the tour. LOCAL PURCHASES ‘esponsible for any items you may purchase caky Lac ohare ble You acksseiga fa Jou ae responsible for any import duty or freight costs. PERSONAL BELONGINGS & LOST ITEMS. For secury reasons valuables should be kept to @ minimum and packed in your hand luggage along with your medicines, social o ation, operated applonces, os well os basi essentials t adequately covered by comprehensive travel insurance in the event of any loss, MEDICAL ASSISTANCE rovericvlioes not employ medical ssf on nm lous vation quire medical attention, local mecca services ly. You are responsible ‘oral charges that sul fom 9 ting recta foto for 0 redial procivoner visiting you. Travelmarvel is not responsible forthe type or quality of the medical services you may receive. |MOKING Government regulations forbid smoking in tourist coaches however frequent stops are made for those wishing to smoke. Smoking is not permitted in hotel rooms or ship cabins. Requests for smoking/non-smoking rooms will be passed on to hotels but cannot be guaranteed RESPONSIBLE SERVICE OF ALCOHOL Our staff are trained in the responsible service of alcohol and are obliged by law to guest service to any guest who, in their reasonable opinion appears to be intoxicated or behaves in an aggressive or offensive manné ue ENQUIRIES i problem occurs during your holiday you should, in your own erests, itm your tor dractor so tat stops CaN be Faken resolve the matter. If you remain dissatisfied, any complaint must be made in writing to Travelmarvel within 30 days. LUGGAGE LIMITS Each passenger is entitled to take one piece of luggage that does not exceed 16 3 inches), or weigh more than 20 kg (44 pounds). Dimensions for checked baggage are calculated by ting tees the wie, heeft el dept of be Biece of baggage. An extra charge will be imposed to cover porterage ranalng of ary edaltonel luggage, Your Tourcruse Director wil advise you of the exact additional charge ‘SPECIAL CONDITIONS PERTAINING TO EGYPT, JORDAN & ISRAEL PACKAGES DEPOSITS & PAYMENTS A $1,000 non-refundable security deposit per person, per holiday Travelmarvel within the specified time. All fares and charges are in Australian currency. Payment in full is required at ime of booking for fesenatons made less than 100 days betore departure from Australia, If Travelmarvel is unable to confirm your jesanaben al monica wl bs refunded, Hotels may apply surcharges for late booking request TRAVELLING WITH MINORS Children under 12 years of age are not recommended on tours to Egypt, Jordan and Israel. Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and share their eccommod tion with an adult. INCLUDED IN HOLIDAY PACKAGE PRICE A coaches Hove seonatodalon stent. seni airfares, gratuities, port charges, luggage service (one bag), airport ransfers onthe fist and iat dy ofthe tour local guides, services fa Tour Director and meals are included as indicated in each ndidualtinerary, NOT INCLUDED IN HOLIDAY PACKAGE PRICE Aare nies specified), airport taxes, fuel surcharges, leony ‘and visa fees (unless sf pected beverages (unk Sreetiadh ‘optional tours including select experiences He j gratuities for local guides on select experiences, meals (unless specified), excess baggage and vaccinations ae not included, Grau are tot included on the yn. Changes to flight Schedules may rene sou to book aedtional Se crinod ean and services at your own expense. GRATUITIES Gratuities have been included for al services as indicated in the tinerary on all Travelmarvel holiday packages including all and portions of your tour and on board your river cruise. These amounts cannot be redeemed e cash refunds FLIGHTS WITHIN 7 JORDAN Economy internal wigs within Egypt as well as between Egypt and Jordan are included in the tour price and includes 1 checked bi per person, There is a 20kg luggage restrictions for flights included within the tour. This is strictly enforced, and Airline imposed excess Eaggage charges wil app ls wang k exceeded Sogueye f at owner's risk. Once air tickets are issued, airline amendment and/ or cancellation fees apply and in some cases are non-refundable, Deposits are considered as a guarantee of the invoiced flight arrangements and once deposit received; fights will be ticketed, Nae changes ned voluntary det cheniges wll new fees, Sotho requests are not available on these included flig CHOOSING YOUR HOLIDAY Holidays operate on nominated dates only. To maximise enjoyment ‘of your Travelmarvel holiday and to ensure that it lives up to your expectations iis impotent tnt you choose the ht hokey for you, Our marketing colatre contains Ie Inman Rowevel fer lores Warton oni viwwitrevemnanelcomau and ovr sa ar aso avaebe to dlscuss your options, In more remote places, hotel standards may not be quite as high as in major city centres. Travelmarvel endeavours to utilise the most it nm ackages; however, if a change is necessary for any reason, Traveimarvel will endeavour to ensure that alternative accommodation is of an equivalent standard to those shown. Hotel toome are ganeraly not avaiable for checkin before om and require check-out by TWIN OR DOUBLE Roots ‘Accommodation in all hotels and camps, regardless of the rating, is in standard rooms (sometimes named supeio/detxe) based on twins or doubles unless otherwise stat ‘SOLO TRAVELLERS A limited number of single rooms/suites/cabins may be available by request at time of booking your holiday package. Single rooms! suites/cabins are usually smaller than standard twin or double rooms and often only have one single CRUISING Advertised price is based on a Deluxe Cabin aboard the MS Royal Lily. An upgrade to a Royal Suite is subject to availabilty and extra cost. Cabin selection isnot avalole, and cabins numbers wl be advised at time of embarkatior PASSENGERS NEEDING SPECIAL ASSISTANCE aeons elses pases oa tebe orp needs however, please note the follow! 4. Any disability or medical condition eauing special attention must be reported to Travelmarvel at the time of booking including important information relaling to your heath, mabity and fess which may affect your partial or total participation in the tour. This, information is also crucial to allow Travelmarvel to ensure the tour you have chosen is suitable and meets your needs. Any changes to health, mobility and fitness must also be reported to Travelmarvel as soon as possible and prior to departure. Where possible Travelmavel wil make reasonable agustmens {othe four to accommodate your special needs however, it cannot do so if the adjustment required would be Cnreasonable na fhe circumstances, including if such adjustments would affect your safety and/or the safety and/or enjoyment of other passengers, 2.1f you require special assistance or care (such as pushing wheelchair, assistance with dressing or assistance with walking), you must travel with a companion capable of providing the required assistance or care. Please be aware that Travelmarvel di provide personel extsonce, Trovemayel unable to esi Sty passenger with walking, dining, boarding or disembarkin transportation vehicles (including river and ocean cruise ships and trains) To safely participate in embarkation and disembarkation you ist be able to do so without the need for special assistance, You ‘must also be able to do so without unreasonably impacting other passengers’ safety and/or enjoyment. 3, While Travelmarvel will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the special needs of disabled passengers, itis not responsible for ster independent spies. ont ir any eddtonal essed expenses charges «Please acte coaches, minbuses and 4WD vehicles are not equipped with wheelchair ramps. Wheelchairs and walkers cannot be carted on coaches, due to space limitations, For seety reasons, passengers in wheelchairs cannot be carried on ramps. A Healt Fitness & Mobility Questionnaire will be provided and requested to be completed at the time of booking if you advise us of any health, fitness or mobility issues. HEALTH & FITNESS vel of health and fitness is required to participate on ravel ackages. In some destinations there are extensive sightseeing excursions by foot wi found and sas, Mobity fs needed for bosiding or ralghtng. coaches and ships. We recommend a visit to the doctor and dentist before travelling to overseas destinations. It is your responsibilty to tot able fren, ines, o os of enjoyment which coud /e been reasonably prevented had we been made aware of a preceding condliot ond been proved ai opporunty wreview it. We will not be responsible for any costs associated with cancellation penalties or the return of passengers from a tour, and a refund for lost touring cannot be claimed. VISAS & PASSPORTS All passengers must have @ valid passport that is valid for at least six months after the holiday package return date. Passengers must cconsuit with the appropriate consulates to ensure that they have any applicable visas for countries included in the holiday package prior to departure. Passengers are solely responsible for meeting sport and visa entry requirements and paying all provided to Travelmarvel no later than 60 days prior to arrival Passengers on own arrangements will need to purchase their own visas for Egypt and Jordan, No refunds will be provided, ENHANCE YOUR JOURNEY ~ OPTIONAL EXPERIENCES These Select Experiences are an additional cost to the land tour price. Minimum and maximum group numbers apply for the tour to operate, and al ours are subject to avalabilly an local condone, Gratuities are not included on optional experience: IF WE NEED TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR OLERY CHANGES OR ADDITIONS TO YOUR HOLIDAY Ifyou want to change any part of your holiday arrangements after the invoice has been issued, we will do our best to make the cchange, but it may not be possible. Any request for changes must made in writing by the person who made the original booking, or fis her evel agent. you request changes afer Tavelnarvel has issued your documents, Travelmarvel may charge ee processing fee of $70 ber person In adebon to any applicable cancellation fees. CANCELLATION POLICY For all holiday packages in this brochure, the following Travelmarvel cancellation fees apply (in addition to charges of any independent suppliers e.g: airlines and hotels) Days of Notice Prior to Departure: Foe Per Perso 00 das ore epost 99-60 day: 50% of olday pavose price 100% of holdey package price Alleatcellalions must be received in wring by Tevet aye fot effective unt this notfeton has beer recstved. ty e charged in respect of acco holiday package dates. These cancellation fees are in addition to any fees that may be levied by Travelmarvel and your travel agent (if any). You acknowledge that the amounts estimated under th Cancelaton Pocy are reesonabe and representa ager estimate of Travelmarve!’s loss and are otherwi faceater wo protec the jctrle nevis avian you Wes after Travel cum you at sdnbieuaton sc proces 68 ‘of $70 per person in addition to any applicable cancellation fees. CANCELLATION OF TICKETED AIRFARES AA Travelmarvel cancellation fee of $50 per person applies for Ueketed aifares, i adchion to any tine cancellation fees that are applic CANES: 7S TICKETED AIRFARES Ifyou wish to amend the date or touring on your ticketed air $3 3 larged in addition to airline change fees that are applicable. If, for any reason, a name change to a ticketed airfare is required, a $125 per person name change fee will apply for every change in addition to any applicable airline fees. IF WE NEED TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY Travelmarvel endeavours to provide you with al the services confirmed to you at the time of your booking. However, we plan arrangements a long time in advance of your departure date using independent suppliers such as airlines, hotels etc, over whom wi have no direct control. On occasions changes do elm ‘number of bookings in order to be financially viable and to have a pleasant group atmosphere. In the event adequate numbers cannot, be achieved, it may be -ancel a scheduled departure and offer the nearest possible alternative date (or a refund of the ‘monies paid for arrangements made by Travelmarvel. ON HOLIDAY. CLOTHING Cultural consideration should be made when packing for Egypt, Jordan and Israel. While the dress is casual, it should also be ‘modest, with knees and shoulders covered. Ladies should carry head scarves and to cover their heads if required for site visits POSITION ort stops, river ships may dock side by side, obstructing views and requiring you to pass through other ships to embark (or disembark. DRINKS ON-BOARD MS ROYAL LILY Tea and coffee are included with meals. Limited supplies of water are provided each day. At dinner two drinks are included, either local wine/beer or soft drinks, Additional drinks may be purchased. EXTRA CHARGE ON SOME SHORE EXCURSIONS, Jn Egypt whilst visting the Pyramids, there will be an extra charge should you wish to go inside the Pyramids. There will be an extra charge for visiting the Mummies room at the museum in Cairo, and for visting te tombs of Tutankhamun and Sell at the Vale of the ‘ings and Nefertari tomb at the Valley of the Queens. Extra charges may aso spol for photography permis at some atractons Exe charges can be paid on te NO ALCOHOL Some restaurants and other public places in Egypt, Jorden and Israel do not allow alcohol to be cons NOISE AND VIBRATION Travelmarvel takes reasonable steps to minimise noise and vibrclons ons culsa ip: Vou clean act th me nase and vibration may be experianced and Travelmervel is not liable to you Yor any such nose or vibra TRAVELMARVEL TOUR DIRECTOR The services of a Travelmarvel Tour Director are included in all escorted itineraries. Services of local guides will be used on Alexandria Extensions. MAPS WITHIN THIS PUBLICATION Note that maps may not be to scale. IMAGES WITHIN THIS PUBLICATION Some mages wihir tls puniction be eopyight of nd have been reproduced with the permission of: Mover rt & Residences Agaba, Jordan MS Royel Liye Movenpick Nebetean Castle, Petia Cato Marriott Hotel Publication No. TM-1487AU. Prices and itineraries valid from 28 October 2022 until 30 April 2023. Tours outside these dates follow different itineraries and pricing may vary, enquire for details. Publication is valid from 11 March 2022 and supersedes al previous publications. Egypt, Jordan & Israel 2022-2024

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