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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.01 to 31.12 - Page nb 13

Catalogue Flight Center 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2023

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An Afternoon of Discovery After a lazy lunch back on y r ship, your afternoon might include a visit to the French Gothic ral in Cai Be, or a visit nut candy fact ‘Ileven gricultural island of Koh Chen by tuk tuk, and visit a town kno for its delicate practice of silk weaving After the Sun Sets Dinner tonight is a four-course dining affair, with both Asian and Western options available. International and spirits are al: the menu. And of cou ntertainment will be in the Lounge each night so you can relax with a drink and enjoy your evening Vietnam & Cambodia Riv

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An Afternoon of Discovery After a lazy lunch back on y r ship, your afternoon might include a visit to the French Gothic ral in Cai Be, or a visit nut candy fact ‘Ileven gricultural island of Koh Chen by tuk tuk, and visit a town kno for its delicate practice of silk weaving After the Sun Sets Dinner tonight is a four-course dining affair, with both Asian and Western options available. International and spirits are al: the menu. And of cou ntertainment will be in the Lounge each night so you can relax with a drink and enjoy your evening Vietnam & Cambodia Riv

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