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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.01 to 31.12 - Page nb 69

Catalogue Flight Center 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2023

Products in this catalogue

‘whether or not due to Force Majeure. It we cancel your travel arrangements, neither party will ave any claim for damages against te other. However, we will refund payments made by you less unrecoverable third-party costs and less fair compensation {or work undertaken by us up unt the time of termination and in ‘connection with the processing of any refund. CANCELLATION DUE TO GOVERNMENT OR PUBLIC HEALTH AUTHORITY Ifyou are ordered into a period of quarantine by a ‘overnment or public health authority as a mandatory directive for ‘any reason and this requires you to cancel or amend your travel arrangements with us within 75 days of your departure date, Wendy ‘Wu Tours wil not be lable for any third-party costs, cancellation fees ‘or prepaid arrangements such as (but not imited to) airfares and ‘cruise ship bookings. ‘We will not be responsible for any additional cost incurred to you while on tour if you are instructed by a government or public health authority to enter into a period of quarantine or to return home early, this includes any extra accommodation costs or amendments to your ‘onward travel arrangements, ‘Wendy Wu Tours will endeavour to recover as much of your funds as ‘we can on your behalf, or negotiate a credit for future use, should a cistuption to your tour arrangements occur due toa government or public health authority directive ‘Wendy Wu Tours highly recommends you investigate and secure travel insurance options that bes suit your individual circumstances, including any applicable to pre existing medical conditions and world events. JOINING YOUR TOUR Airline schedules from different cities vary so travelers from some cities may need to make ther own way to ‘another capital cit to join the tour or may require pre or post-tour accommodation, a stopover or have a lengthy transit en-route to their destination. Any cost for accommodation, transportation (including but not limited to airport transfers) or meals incurred willbe atthe assengers’ own expense. Our reservations team can assist with any ‘of these additional services. f you have booked a land only option, please email a copy of your fight schedule and passport copy at time of final payment so we can arrange transfers and visas. REFUSAL OF CARRIAGE Wendy Wu Tours retains the right to remove ‘customers from our group tours for reasons that impact on the ‘enjoyment or safety of other tour members, such as, but nat limited to, the physical, medical or mental inability of customers to undertake the arrangements of the tour, unsocial or unruly behaviour, or the ‘cartiage of prohibited substances and materials. You will not be entitled to any refund for unused services and you will be responsible for any additional costs you incur. HOTELS Hotel descriptions featured on our website are based on ‘current hotel guides provided by suppliers. Any facilities described are subject to change at any time. Maps and photographs are included for general information only and may not necessarily reflect actual routings, location or services. Wendy Wu Tours has made reasonable enquiries to verify that the descriptions and details are accurate but does not warrant that they are. We reserve the right to substitute hotels, vessels and other forms of accommodation with properties or vessels of a comparable or higher standard. TRAVEL |NSURANCE Its stronly encouraged that you ae adequately insured forthe duration of your tip. We recommend comprehensive travel insurance to cover cancellation, medical requirements, luggage, repatriations and additional expenses. The choice of insurer is yours. We strongly suggest you purchase insurance at the time you ayy dps Tiss bicatnsanalaton os ard charges ae payable from tha HEALTH REQUIREMENTS It is your responsibility to ensure that you have a suitable level of health and fitness to undertake the trip reasonably be expected to increase your risk of needing medical attention, or which may affect the normal conduct of the trip, then you must advise us atthe time you make your booking request. ‘We may request you to provide an assessment of your medical condition from a qualified medical practitioner. If the assessment indicates that you will require special assistance from personnel which we cannot reasonably provide, then we may cancel your booking. Provided you notified us of your medical condition atthe time you made your booking request, we will provide you with a full of refund of payments made. If you fal to notify us at that time or if you fail to provide a medical assessment within a reasonable time of our request, then this will be considered a cancellation by you. We reserve the right to cancel your booking if any changed or ton-disclosed medical conditions mean that you wil require special assistance which we cannot reasonably provide. We strongly suggest that your travel insurance policy includes comprehensive cancellation VACCINATIONS Itis mandatory for you to be fully vaccinated ‘against Covid-19 with a vaccine approved by the Therapeutic Goods ‘Administration. This isso we can provide a safe environment (by mitigating health risks) for our staff, our contractors, our suppliers and ther staff, and our other customers (as relevant). It also assists to protect the communities you wil visit. You agree to provide us with ‘evidence of vaccination atleast 6 months prior to the commencement of travel arrangements booked with us. Ifyou fail to provide evidence ‘of vaccination by the time required, then you acknowledge and agree that this will be deemed a cancellation by yourself. Please refer to the “Cancellation by You” section above. TRAVEL DOCUMENTS & VISA PROCESSING A passport with a minimum of six months validity and at least 2 blank pages upon return to Australia is required for customers travelling to all countries, in our programme. Visa fees are included for Australian passport holders in all fully inclusive Classic Tours and Go Beyond Tours. Non- ‘Australian passport holders may incur addtional fees and require FLIGHT CENTRE Adina documentation, Wendy Ys Tours may not be able to assist ‘multi-country, Myanmar and Central Asia), you will be required to pay an urgent visa processing fee, which we will advise at the time. Unless otherwise requested your passport will be returned to you with final documentation approximately two to three weeks prio to your departure date. Ifthe customer requests the passports to be returned prior to this, an addtional fee will be incurred. Responsibility for documentation accuracy, passport validity, purchase of additional required passport photos, the cost for sending passports to Wendy Wu Tours and dispatch of documents rests with the customer. Wendy Wu Tours accepts no responsibilty for any failure in this respect. Wendy Wu Tours does not issue foreign visas. We only submit passports and application forms for visas tobe issued by the relevant authorities. Wendy Wu Tours cannot guarantee that any visa will be issued by the relevant authority and accepts no responsibilty if a visa application is refused. Any cancellation fees or other expenses incurred by the customer due to the refusal ofa visa will be entirely the customer’ liability. Relevant authorities may require additional documentation to approve your visa application. The cost of additional documentation of application forms are atthe travellers expense. Please see our website for the most up-to-date information Late Bookings: If a booking is made within 75 days prior to departure itis considered a late booking. Late bookings may incur additional fees including any applicable urgent visa processing fees. Wendy Wu Touts does nat process visa applications for bookings made less than 30 days prior to departure but customers are entitled to apply fr their own visas. SINGLE TRAVELLERS When booking more than 80 days prior to departure, single travelers on full inclusive Classic Tours and Go Beyond Tours may avoid paying the Single Supplements by opting to ‘travel on a ‘Happy to Share’ basis. Note that ‘Happy to Share’ requests ccan be received when you make your booking with us but will nt be confirmed until your final payment due date. fa share partner is found, the Single Supplement will be removed from your booking. Ifa share partner isnot found, the Single Supplement wll remain and is payable with your final balance inline with our normal booking conditions Either way, our Customer Services Team will contact you around 75 days before departure to let you know whether a share partner has been found or not. We regret that Happy to Share requests cannot be cepted within 75 days of departure. Wendy Wu Tours reserves the ‘ight to change or withdraw this arrangement at anytime. If the booking originated as a twin share booking and one traveller cancels, the remaining traveller wil be charged the applicable single supplement. Ifthe cancellation occurs more than 75 days prior tothe tour departure date, the option to select ‘Happy to Share’ will apply ifitis available onthe selected tour. Our dedicated solo departures are guaranteed a single room with no additional supplement and do not have a Happy to Share’ option SEATBELTS Please note that seatbelts are not compulsory by law in all destinations featured in this brochure and therefore the local people largely choose not to wear them. For this reason local ‘operators may or may not have seatbelts in vehicles or they may be hidden underneath protective seat covers. Its recommended that where seatbelts are available customers must use them and remain seated at al times while the vehicle is moving. As such, customers acknowledge that seatbelts may not be available and therefore travel at their own risk. Customers warrant that they shall not make any claim howsoever arising from injury or damage in respect of, arising {rom or contributed to by the absence of seatbelts and hereby release Wendy Wu Tours from all such claims. |NDEPENDENT SERVICES We are nat responsible for any additional seta or xuios wich ar satincded nh bond iy ‘or which we sell as agent for the principal operator. Any a recommendation made by a guide or local representative doesnot make us responsible, SOLO DEPARTURE AIRPORT TRANSFERS Private chauffeur-driven transfers are eligible from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, ‘Adelaide, Canberra and Caims, based on executive sedan or similar. ‘ter hours surcharges apply between 12:00am-6:00am, Available within a radius of 0 driven kilometres from the nearest international airport. Upto 10 extra kilometres can be booked ata supplement. Based on a maximum of two passengers traveling together with standard aiine luggage allowance. Any unused portion of ths service is non-refundable SHOPPING & OTHER SERVICES Shopping can be fun and entertaining, especially in local markets. However, Wendy Wu Tours, its staff and employees are nether qualified nor permitted to ensure or guarantee the quality or value of any goods purchased or the suitability of any retail outlets visited and the security of using a credit card to purchase such goods. In all cases the purchasing of goods and the use of a credit card for those transactions is entirely atthe customer's own risk and at all times the customer must use their own discretion. Leisure activities and services undertaken during free time is atthe customer's own discretion. ACCEPTANCE OF RISK You acknowledge that travel involves personal risks which may be greater than those present in your everyday life his could be asa result of the adventurous nature of your trip or the visiting of destinations which present geographical, political or cultural risks and dangers. You should consult guidance issue the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) applicable to the destinations within your itinerary. You acknowledge that your choice to travel is made having had the benefit of DFAT guidance, and you accept any addtional personal risks associated with your travel To the fullest extent permitted by aw, we disclaim any liability for these risks. RESPONSIBILITY Services supplied by independent suppliers: Where a third party over whom we have no direct contral (Independent ‘Supplier is the supplier of travel arrangements that form part of INSTORE | ONLINE | CALL | APP BOOKING CONDITIONS your trip, you acknowledge that our obligations to you are limited to taking reasonable steps to select a reputable Independent Supplier and arranging for them to provide those travel arrangements to you. Independent Suppliers over whom we have no direct control include but are not limited to airlines, raiay and cruise operators, hoteliers, independent transport companies (i. vehicles not operated by us), ‘and common carriers. We act as an intermediary only and you will be subject tothe terms and conditions of the Independent Supplier. ‘Any disputes between you and the Independent Supplier are to be resolved between you and them. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we will not be responsible to you for any loss, damage, personal injury or delay attributable tothe actions or omissions of an Independent Supplier. Services we directly supply To the extent only that we are the principal supplier to you of travel arrangements or other services which we control, then we will provide those travel arrangements and services with reasonable skill and care, We will only be responsible for our employees in the course oftheir employment, and for our gone an supers (her we ae nth sup’ agentoran intermediary for an oda Supplier) if they were carrying the work we had asked them to do, We will not be rxposbl fray loss, damage, claim or ote caused byte ats rosin of yourself, of any other third party not connected withthe provision of the travel arrangements or services, or due to an event of Force Majeure. While we endeavour to meet scheduled arrival and departure times, we cannot guarantee this. We will not be responsible for any loss or additional expenses you incur for any missed connections/services attributable to delays. General ibility limitation: You acknowledge that travel arangenents or services which comply with local laws and regulations wi deemed to have been properly performed, even if this welt be considered the case in Australia. Australian Consumer Law and corresponding legislation in Stat jurisdictions in certain circumstances imply mandatory conditions and warranties into consumer contracts (“Consumer Warranties"), These Booking Conditions do not exclude or limit the application ofthe Consumer Warranties. Other than the Consumer Warranties, we disclaim all warranties. To the fullest extent permitted by law, our maximum aly oo under these Banking Contin, tort Gndudng negligence) or at law is limited to arranging for the travel arrangements to be resupplied or payment of the cost “I having the travel arrangements resupplied. PROCEDURES FOR LODGING COMPLAINTS OR CLAIMS ‘At Wendy Wu Tours we are committed to ensuring that we deal with complaints effectively and efficiently. Should the customer nat be satisfied with any aspect of ther arrangements they must immediately inform the National Escort or Local Guide who will endeavour to resolve the issue atthe time If this is not possible and you wish to lodge a ‘complaint or claim this must be done in writing to Wendy Wu Tours in ‘Sydney (or by email to customertelations(@ au) within 30 days of the date of the completion of your Wendy Wu Tours, arrangements, Relevant receipts and substantiating evidence must be attached tothe letter of claim. Our complaints handling policy is available upon request. AVRLINES Airlines featured inthis brochure do nat by virtue oftheir endorsement represent themselves either as contracting with any purchaser ofa holiday from Wendy Wu Tours or as having any legal ‘elationship with such a purchaser. Frequent flyer miles may not be accrued on some packaged fares. Pre-flight seat allocation may not be available. If seat allocation, additional baggage, airport assist services or medical clearance is required and is permitted by the airline, this isto be booked by the traveller directly with the airline and additional fes incurred at the time of arranging these services is payable by the traveller. For details, contact our office. Schedule changes or flight cancellations are subject tothe airlines policy and are outside Wendy Wu Tours control. PRIVACY We are collecting your personal information so that we can process your booking. We wil also Keep you up to date wi other Wendy Wu Tours’ offers and product information that may be of interest to you if you have consented to this. You can opt out of ‘receiving information at any time if you choose todo so. Any personal information you provide will be managed in accordance with Wendy Wu Tours’ privacy policy, which can be viewed at, au/help-and-advice/privacy-policy BROCHURE VALIDITY Tour itineraries and prices in this brochure are accurate atthe time of printing and prices are based on exchange. rates as at I" June 2021. Once a customer has paid the deposit, the standard regular price ofthe tour is guaranteed, subject to any increase in fuel surcharge, tax changes or levies imposed by any government or their agencies or any airline. Prices are subject to change without notice. Departure dates of tours are subject to change due to future airline schedules. Wendy Wu Tours reserves the right to make alterations to itineraries, departure dates and prices due to circumstances beyond its contr AGENT RESPONSIBILITIES is the travel agents’ responsiblity to.ensure that all invoice and itinerary details and documentation issued by Wendy Wu Tours are correct and that the customer i anareof amendmen an cancelation coins and ctr provisions of these Booking Conditions. Itis also the a espns o provide copies f vali passports atin of deposit Ifthe agent fils to satisfy these obligations, you must make any claims against the agent and you hereby release Wendy Wu from all such claims. LAW OF CONTRACT This contract is governed by the laws of the state cof New South Wales and any legal action arising therefrom shall be itgateé onlin the aporopnte court nha stat having jursichon in that claim \ 131600

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‘whether or not due to Force Majeure. It we cancel your travel arrangements, neither party will ave any claim for damages against te other. However, we will refund payments made by you less unrecoverable third-party costs and less fair compensation {or work undertaken by us up unt the time of termination and in ‘connection with the processing of any refund. CANCELLATION DUE TO GOVERNMENT OR PUBLIC HEALTH AUTHORITY Ifyou are ordered into a period of quarantine by a ‘overnment or public health authority as a mandatory directive for ‘any reason and this requires you to cancel or amend your travel arrangements with us within 75 days of your departure date, Wendy ‘Wu Tours wil not be lable for any third-party costs, cancellation fees ‘or prepaid arrangements such as (but not imited to) airfares and ‘cruise ship bookings. ‘We will not be responsible for any additional cost incurred to you while on tour if you are instructed by a government or public health authority to enter into a period of quarantine or to return home early, this includes any extra accommodation costs or amendments to your ‘onward travel arrangements, ‘Wendy Wu Tours will endeavour to recover as much of your funds as ‘we can on your behalf, or negotiate a credit for future use, should a cistuption to your tour arrangements occur due toa government or public health authority directive ‘Wendy Wu Tours highly recommends you investigate and secure travel insurance options that bes suit your individual circumstances, including any applicable to pre existing medical conditions and world events. JOINING YOUR TOUR Airline schedules from different cities vary so travelers from some cities may need to make ther own way to ‘another capital cit to join the tour or may require pre or post-tour accommodation, a stopover or have a lengthy transit en-route to their destination. Any cost for accommodation, transportation (including but not limited to airport transfers) or meals incurred willbe atthe assengers’ own expense. Our reservations team can assist with any ‘of these additional services. f you have booked a land only option, please email a copy of your fight schedule and passport copy at time of final payment so we can arrange transfers and visas. REFUSAL OF CARRIAGE Wendy Wu Tours retains the right to remove ‘customers from our group tours for reasons that impact on the ‘enjoyment or safety of other tour members, such as, but nat limited to, the physical, medical or mental inability of customers to undertake the arrangements of the tour, unsocial or unruly behaviour, or the ‘cartiage of prohibited substances and materials. You will not be entitled to any refund for unused services and you will be responsible for any additional costs you incur. HOTELS Hotel descriptions featured on our website are based on ‘current hotel guides provided by suppliers. Any facilities described are subject to change at any time. Maps and photographs are included for general information only and may not necessarily reflect actual routings, location or services. Wendy Wu Tours has made reasonable enquiries to verify that the descriptions and details are accurate but does not warrant that they are. We reserve the right to substitute hotels, vessels and other forms of accommodation with properties or vessels of a comparable or higher standard. TRAVEL |NSURANCE Its stronly encouraged that you ae adequately insured forthe duration of your tip. We recommend comprehensive travel insurance to cover cancellation, medical requirements, luggage, repatriations and additional expenses. The choice of insurer is yours. We strongly suggest you purchase insurance at the time you ayy dps Tiss bicatnsanalaton os ard charges ae payable from tha HEALTH REQUIREMENTS It is your responsibility to ensure that you have a suitable level of health and fitness to undertake the trip reasonably be expected to increase your risk of needing medical attention, or which may affect the normal conduct of the trip, then you must advise us atthe time you make your booking request. ‘We may request you to provide an assessment of your medical condition from a qualified medical practitioner. If the assessment indicates that you will require special assistance from personnel which we cannot reasonably provide, then we may cancel your booking. Provided you notified us of your medical condition atthe time you made your booking request, we will provide you with a full of refund of payments made. If you fal to notify us at that time or if you fail to provide a medical assessment within a reasonable time of our request, then this will be considered a cancellation by you. We reserve the right to cancel your booking if any changed or ton-disclosed medical conditions mean that you wil require special assistance which we cannot reasonably provide. We strongly suggest that your travel insurance policy includes comprehensive cancellation VACCINATIONS Itis mandatory for you to be fully vaccinated ‘against Covid-19 with a vaccine approved by the Therapeutic Goods ‘Administration. This isso we can provide a safe environment (by mitigating health risks) for our staff, our contractors, our suppliers and ther staff, and our other customers (as relevant). It also assists to protect the communities you wil visit. You agree to provide us with ‘evidence of vaccination atleast 6 months prior to the commencement of travel arrangements booked with us. Ifyou fail to provide evidence ‘of vaccination by the time required, then you acknowledge and agree that this will be deemed a cancellation by yourself. Please refer to the “Cancellation by You” section above. TRAVEL DOCUMENTS & VISA PROCESSING A passport with a minimum of six months validity and at least 2 blank pages upon return to Australia is required for customers travelling to all countries, in our programme. Visa fees are included for Australian passport holders in all fully inclusive Classic Tours and Go Beyond Tours. Non- ‘Australian passport holders may incur addtional fees and require FLIGHT CENTRE Adina documentation, Wendy Ys Tours may not be able to assist ‘multi-country, Myanmar and Central Asia), you will be required to pay an urgent visa processing fee, which we will advise at the time. Unless otherwise requested your passport will be returned to you with final documentation approximately two to three weeks prio to your departure date. Ifthe customer requests the passports to be returned prior to this, an addtional fee will be incurred. Responsibility for documentation accuracy, passport validity, purchase of additional required passport photos, the cost for sending passports to Wendy Wu Tours and dispatch of documents rests with the customer. Wendy Wu Tours accepts no responsibilty for any failure in this respect. Wendy Wu Tours does not issue foreign visas. We only submit passports and application forms for visas tobe issued by the relevant authorities. Wendy Wu Tours cannot guarantee that any visa will be issued by the relevant authority and accepts no responsibilty if a visa application is refused. Any cancellation fees or other expenses incurred by the customer due to the refusal ofa visa will be entirely the customer’ liability. Relevant authorities may require additional documentation to approve your visa application. The cost of additional documentation of application forms are atthe travellers expense. Please see our website for the most up-to-date information Late Bookings: If a booking is made within 75 days prior to departure itis considered a late booking. Late bookings may incur additional fees including any applicable urgent visa processing fees. Wendy Wu Touts does nat process visa applications for bookings made less than 30 days prior to departure but customers are entitled to apply fr their own visas. SINGLE TRAVELLERS When booking more than 80 days prior to departure, single travelers on full inclusive Classic Tours and Go Beyond Tours may avoid paying the Single Supplements by opting to ‘travel on a ‘Happy to Share’ basis. Note that ‘Happy to Share’ requests ccan be received when you make your booking with us but will nt be confirmed until your final payment due date. fa share partner is found, the Single Supplement will be removed from your booking. Ifa share partner isnot found, the Single Supplement wll remain and is payable with your final balance inline with our normal booking conditions Either way, our Customer Services Team will contact you around 75 days before departure to let you know whether a share partner has been found or not. We regret that Happy to Share requests cannot be cepted within 75 days of departure. Wendy Wu Tours reserves the ‘ight to change or withdraw this arrangement at anytime. If the booking originated as a twin share booking and one traveller cancels, the remaining traveller wil be charged the applicable single supplement. Ifthe cancellation occurs more than 75 days prior tothe tour departure date, the option to select ‘Happy to Share’ will apply ifitis available onthe selected tour. Our dedicated solo departures are guaranteed a single room with no additional supplement and do not have a Happy to Share’ option SEATBELTS Please note that seatbelts are not compulsory by law in all destinations featured in this brochure and therefore the local people largely choose not to wear them. For this reason local ‘operators may or may not have seatbelts in vehicles or they may be hidden underneath protective seat covers. Its recommended that where seatbelts are available customers must use them and remain seated at al times while the vehicle is moving. As such, customers acknowledge that seatbelts may not be available and therefore travel at their own risk. Customers warrant that they shall not make any claim howsoever arising from injury or damage in respect of, arising {rom or contributed to by the absence of seatbelts and hereby release Wendy Wu Tours from all such claims. |NDEPENDENT SERVICES We are nat responsible for any additional seta or xuios wich ar satincded nh bond iy ‘or which we sell as agent for the principal operator. Any a recommendation made by a guide or local representative doesnot make us responsible, SOLO DEPARTURE AIRPORT TRANSFERS Private chauffeur-driven transfers are eligible from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, ‘Adelaide, Canberra and Caims, based on executive sedan or similar. ‘ter hours surcharges apply between 12:00am-6:00am, Available within a radius of 0 driven kilometres from the nearest international airport. Upto 10 extra kilometres can be booked ata supplement. Based on a maximum of two passengers traveling together with standard aiine luggage allowance. Any unused portion of ths service is non-refundable SHOPPING & OTHER SERVICES Shopping can be fun and entertaining, especially in local markets. However, Wendy Wu Tours, its staff and employees are nether qualified nor permitted to ensure or guarantee the quality or value of any goods purchased or the suitability of any retail outlets visited and the security of using a credit card to purchase such goods. In all cases the purchasing of goods and the use of a credit card for those transactions is entirely atthe customer's own risk and at all times the customer must use their own discretion. Leisure activities and services undertaken during free time is atthe customer's own discretion. ACCEPTANCE OF RISK You acknowledge that travel involves personal risks which may be greater than those present in your everyday life his could be asa result of the adventurous nature of your trip or the visiting of destinations which present geographical, political or cultural risks and dangers. You should consult guidance issue the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) applicable to the destinations within your itinerary. You acknowledge that your choice to travel is made having had the benefit of DFAT guidance, and you accept any addtional personal risks associated with your travel To the fullest extent permitted by aw, we disclaim any liability for these risks. RESPONSIBILITY Services supplied by independent suppliers: Where a third party over whom we have no direct contral (Independent ‘Supplier is the supplier of travel arrangements that form part of INSTORE | ONLINE | CALL | APP BOOKING CONDITIONS your trip, you acknowledge that our obligations to you are limited to taking reasonable steps to select a reputable Independent Supplier and arranging for them to provide those travel arrangements to you. Independent Suppliers over whom we have no direct control include but are not limited to airlines, raiay and cruise operators, hoteliers, independent transport companies (i. vehicles not operated by us), ‘and common carriers. We act as an intermediary only and you will be subject tothe terms and conditions of the Independent Supplier. ‘Any disputes between you and the Independent Supplier are to be resolved between you and them. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we will not be responsible to you for any loss, damage, personal injury or delay attributable tothe actions or omissions of an Independent Supplier. Services we directly supply To the extent only that we are the principal supplier to you of travel arrangements or other services which we control, then we will provide those travel arrangements and services with reasonable skill and care, We will only be responsible for our employees in the course oftheir employment, and for our gone an supers (her we ae nth sup’ agentoran intermediary for an oda Supplier) if they were carrying the work we had asked them to do, We will not be rxposbl fray loss, damage, claim or ote caused byte ats rosin of yourself, of any other third party not connected withthe provision of the travel arrangements or services, or due to an event of Force Majeure. While we endeavour to meet scheduled arrival and departure times, we cannot guarantee this. We will not be responsible for any loss or additional expenses you incur for any missed connections/services attributable to delays. General ibility limitation: You acknowledge that travel arangenents or services which comply with local laws and regulations wi deemed to have been properly performed, even if this welt be considered the case in Australia. Australian Consumer Law and corresponding legislation in Stat jurisdictions in certain circumstances imply mandatory conditions and warranties into consumer contracts (“Consumer Warranties"), These Booking Conditions do not exclude or limit the application ofthe Consumer Warranties. Other than the Consumer Warranties, we disclaim all warranties. To the fullest extent permitted by law, our maximum aly oo under these Banking Contin, tort Gndudng negligence) or at law is limited to arranging for the travel arrangements to be resupplied or payment of the cost “I having the travel arrangements resupplied. PROCEDURES FOR LODGING COMPLAINTS OR CLAIMS ‘At Wendy Wu Tours we are committed to ensuring that we deal with complaints effectively and efficiently. Should the customer nat be satisfied with any aspect of ther arrangements they must immediately inform the National Escort or Local Guide who will endeavour to resolve the issue atthe time If this is not possible and you wish to lodge a ‘complaint or claim this must be done in writing to Wendy Wu Tours in ‘Sydney (or by email to customertelations(@ au) within 30 days of the date of the completion of your Wendy Wu Tours, arrangements, Relevant receipts and substantiating evidence must be attached tothe letter of claim. Our complaints handling policy is available upon request. AVRLINES Airlines featured inthis brochure do nat by virtue oftheir endorsement represent themselves either as contracting with any purchaser ofa holiday from Wendy Wu Tours or as having any legal ‘elationship with such a purchaser. Frequent flyer miles may not be accrued on some packaged fares. Pre-flight seat allocation may not be available. If seat allocation, additional baggage, airport assist services or medical clearance is required and is permitted by the airline, this isto be booked by the traveller directly with the airline and additional fes incurred at the time of arranging these services is payable by the traveller. For details, contact our office. Schedule changes or flight cancellations are subject tothe airlines policy and are outside Wendy Wu Tours control. PRIVACY We are collecting your personal information so that we can process your booking. We wil also Keep you up to date wi other Wendy Wu Tours’ offers and product information that may be of interest to you if you have consented to this. You can opt out of ‘receiving information at any time if you choose todo so. Any personal information you provide will be managed in accordance with Wendy Wu Tours’ privacy policy, which can be viewed at, au/help-and-advice/privacy-policy BROCHURE VALIDITY Tour itineraries and prices in this brochure are accurate atthe time of printing and prices are based on exchange. rates as at I" June 2021. Once a customer has paid the deposit, the standard regular price ofthe tour is guaranteed, subject to any increase in fuel surcharge, tax changes or levies imposed by any government or their agencies or any airline. Prices are subject to change without notice. Departure dates of tours are subject to change due to future airline schedules. Wendy Wu Tours reserves the right to make alterations to itineraries, departure dates and prices due to circumstances beyond its contr AGENT RESPONSIBILITIES is the travel agents’ responsiblity to.ensure that all invoice and itinerary details and documentation issued by Wendy Wu Tours are correct and that the customer i anareof amendmen an cancelation coins and ctr provisions of these Booking Conditions. Itis also the a espns o provide copies f vali passports atin of deposit Ifthe agent fils to satisfy these obligations, you must make any claims against the agent and you hereby release Wendy Wu from all such claims. LAW OF CONTRACT This contract is governed by the laws of the state cof New South Wales and any legal action arising therefrom shall be itgateé onlin the aporopnte court nha stat having jursichon in that claim \ 131600

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