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Current catalogue JB Hi-Fi - Valid from 12.12 to 01.01 - Page nb 21

Catalogue JB Hi-Fi 12.12.2024 - 01.01.2025

Products in this catalogue

SUCK UP THESE DEALS! Appliances avaale at JB HOME stores, selected JB stores & Onine abhi. com au. Find stores at pif com au/pages/smals-stores ee ee et ale) Caran Crest gy gl SEES Se eee Peaoiaar SW eee Pe aad eter eee eed SOR ac ae Reser eer tc L10s Plus Robot Vacuum & Mop Cleaner With Auto-Empty Dock Station ormba Contig Son Rovct Vecinen ie MODEM Tei aie SOE ae Sin Sita {675676 0975000 Stated 1/2/2026 Started 1/12/2024, nds 01/2025 Stare 11/12/2024, nds 01/2025 GenSdetect Duoflex HX1 lute Cat & Dog Stick 070174200001 Vacuum Started 17/12/2024, Ens 810172025 76138 DUOFLEXH CAT 8 DOG Started 12/12/2024, ds 2472/2028 fn s0012025 Eds 1901/2025; pes Floor Washer eer oui Floor One S7 { oeea can jee! &75751/ Sus r0s0080 State Enos 202/024 Muttigroom ir Glory Dyson Supersonic Series 7000 High-Speed Hair hi sting & —Nural™ Hair Dryer All-In-One se Gold) Drying System Patina/Topaz Ents trace ‘ Stas eretenenss Enso 2arizre0zs fet TICKET 444 SOW TICKET 724 ies |= Ree XG Breet nese gee eS RUD ‘VESTRHS ReGen COMDUOTS AP See Page D2 Por Dee rate RDN Te We neo Ei

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SUCK UP THESE DEALS! Appliances avaale at JB HOME stores, selected JB stores & Onine abhi. com au. Find stores at pif com au/pages/smals-stores ee ee et ale) Caran Crest gy gl SEES Se eee Peaoiaar SW eee Pe aad eter eee eed SOR ac ae Reser eer tc L10s Plus Robot Vacuum & Mop Cleaner With Auto-Empty Dock Station ormba Contig Son Rovct Vecinen ie MODEM Tei aie SOE ae Sin Sita {675676 0975000 Stated 1/2/2026 Started 1/12/2024, nds 01/2025 Stare 11/12/2024, nds 01/2025 GenSdetect Duoflex HX1 lute Cat & Dog Stick 070174200001 Vacuum Started 17/12/2024, Ens 810172025 76138 DUOFLEXH CAT 8 DOG Started 12/12/2024, ds 2472/2028 fn s0012025 Eds 1901/2025; pes Floor Washer eer oui Floor One S7 { oeea can jee! &75751/ Sus r0s0080 State Enos 202/024 Muttigroom ir Glory Dyson Supersonic Series 7000 High-Speed Hair hi sting & —Nural™ Hair Dryer All-In-One se Gold) Drying System Patina/Topaz Ents trace ‘ Stas eretenenss Enso 2arizre0zs fet TICKET 444 SOW TICKET 724 ies |= Ree XG Breet nese gee eS RUD ‘VESTRHS ReGen COMDUOTS AP See Page D2 Por Dee rate RDN Te We neo Ei

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