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Current catalogue Kincrome - Valid from 01.01 to 31.12 - Page nb 192

Catalogue Kincrome 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2023

Products in this catalogue

Socket Sets & Accessories Inner/Outer 6/24 4 g a 4 G G 4 i 4 il IVT eae el da ae Ta ea eteel a) ea Saale ame cl ato Part No. Part No. Size Part No. Size 4mm x 60mm ‘Smm x 60mm ‘6mm x 60mm ‘Tmm x 60mm x x 1omm x 60mm Timm x 60mm 12mm x 60mm x 2 ‘Smm x 78mm 6mm x 78mm ‘Imm x 78mm ‘8mm x 78mm 9mm x 78mm 10mm x 78mm x lu = S S = = x 15mm x 78mm 7mm x 78mm 19mm x 78mm 16mm x 78mm x 20mm x 78mm, 2imm x 78mm. Size 5/6" 5/16" a 3/8" 3/8" x 60mm 7/16" 716" x Sti x 60mm 1/2! v2 x 60mm, 9/16" 9/16" x 78mm ; 5 78mm 5/8 5/8 zs d o - x 78mm 11/16" 11/16 x 78mm 3/4" 3/4" x 7emm 13/16" 13/16" peu 7/8" 7/8" x 78mm 15/16" 15/16" i r a x 78mm x Tamm 11/16" 11/16" x 1-1/8" 1-1/8" 1-3/16" 1-3/16" Bee 1-1/4" ws Part No. Size SOCKET SETS & ACCESSORIES 720 x 78mm le oa Cae ss} fa J Inner/Outer 6/12 x Accessories ~ 30 x 78mm Impact Universal Joint T40 x 78mm. Impact Adaptor 1/2"F x 3/8"M 145 x 78mm Impact Adaptor 1/2"F x 3/4"M T47 x 78mm Impact Extension 75mm (3") * Impact Extension 150mm (6") 155 x 78mm_ Impact Extension 250mm (10") x Ring & Pin Set 8mm - 14mm x Ring & Pin Set 15mm - 32mm. 80 x 78mm ic) KINCROME Product Guide 2022/23

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Socket Sets & Accessories Inner/Outer 6/24 4 g a 4 G G 4 i 4 il IVT eae el da ae Ta ea eteel a) ea Saale ame cl ato Part No. Part No. Size Part No. Size 4mm x 60mm ‘Smm x 60mm ‘6mm x 60mm ‘Tmm x 60mm x x 1omm x 60mm Timm x 60mm 12mm x 60mm x 2 ‘Smm x 78mm 6mm x 78mm ‘Imm x 78mm ‘8mm x 78mm 9mm x 78mm 10mm x 78mm x lu = S S = = x 15mm x 78mm 7mm x 78mm 19mm x 78mm 16mm x 78mm x 20mm x 78mm, 2imm x 78mm. Size 5/6" 5/16" a 3/8" 3/8" x 60mm 7/16" 716" x Sti x 60mm 1/2! v2 x 60mm, 9/16" 9/16" x 78mm ; 5 78mm 5/8 5/8 zs d o - x 78mm 11/16" 11/16 x 78mm 3/4" 3/4" x 7emm 13/16" 13/16" peu 7/8" 7/8" x 78mm 15/16" 15/16" i r a x 78mm x Tamm 11/16" 11/16" x 1-1/8" 1-1/8" 1-3/16" 1-3/16" Bee 1-1/4" ws Part No. Size SOCKET SETS & ACCESSORIES 720 x 78mm le oa Cae ss} fa J Inner/Outer 6/12 x Accessories ~ 30 x 78mm Impact Universal Joint T40 x 78mm. Impact Adaptor 1/2"F x 3/8"M 145 x 78mm Impact Adaptor 1/2"F x 3/4"M T47 x 78mm Impact Extension 75mm (3") * Impact Extension 150mm (6") 155 x 78mm_ Impact Extension 250mm (10") x Ring & Pin Set 8mm - 14mm x Ring & Pin Set 15mm - 32mm. 80 x 78mm ic) KINCROME Product Guide 2022/23

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