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Current catalogue Kincrome - Valid from 01.01 to 31.12 - Page nb 282

Catalogue Kincrome 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2023

Products in this catalogue

uy = Ss S = = SCREWDRIVERS & FASTENING Screwdrivers & Fastening ACETATE SCREWDRIVER MERCHANDISER BLADE & PHILLIPS Size TN eto ee Leis aty.| | PartNo. | Size Qty. Acetate 3mm x 45mm Blade 3 Acetate No.0 x 75mm Ph 3 Acetate 3mm x 75mm Blade 3 Acetate No.1 x 38mm Ph 3 Acetate 4mm x 75mm Blade 3 Acetate No.1 x 100mm Ph 3 Acetate Smmx 100mm Blade | 3 Acetate No.2 x 38mm Ph 3 Acetate Smm x 150mm Ins 3 Acetate No.2 x 100mm Ph 3 Acetate 6mm x 38mm Blade 3 Acetate No.2 x 150mm Ph 3 Acetate 6mm x 150mm Blade | 3 Acetate No.2 x 200mm Ph 3 Acetate 8mm x 200mm Blade | 3 Acetate No.3 x 150mm Ph 3 Acetate 8mm x 150mm Blade | 3 Midiser Acetate S/Driver Board 1 Acetate 10mm x 250mm Blade_| 3 Pegboard Hook 3.6 x 100mm 19 Acetate No.0 x 60mm Ph EM! Features + The high impact cellulose acetate handle gives superior strength & durability. The Chrome Vanadium Steel shaft is designed for industrial applications and also features a magnetic tip * Colour Coded for easy identification: ~ Blue for Phillips - Yellow for Blade - Red for Insulated epee Te TU eS See Sis BLADE & PHILLIPS Blade aty. Blow Mould Case Set aty. 3.2.x 75mm Go-Through Blade | 3 $/Driver Set Go Through 12Pce_| 1 6x 38mm Go-Through Blade | 3 Merchandiser Board & Accessories | Qty. 5x 75mm Go-Through Blade | 3 | [Eueael Bmc Merchandiser Easel | 1 | x 100mm Go-Through Blade | 3 EEESEIN| Pegboard Hook 3.4mm x 100mm | 12 8x 150mm GoThrough Blade | 3 | [MEST Go Through $/Drvr Merch Board | 1 9.5 x 200mm Go-Through Blade | 3 + Go Through Hex Bolster for increased torque ability Philips Qty.| with use of spanner or socket PhOx 75mm Go-Through Pit] 3 | ‘Magnetic tips to hold screws to the driver + Ergonomic contoured handles for comfort and Phi x 75mm GorThrough Phil | 3 | "increased or Ph2 x 100mm Go-Through Phil | 3 | - Heavy duty blow mould case for storage Ph2x 38mm Go-Through Phit_ | 3 | Manufactured From Ph3 x 150mm Go-Through Phil | 3 | Shafts -S2 high quality alloy steet Préxa0dmm Gocthrough Pht | & |. Sree chrome Vanadium (wth phosphate finished tips) (32102 & 32108) + Handles - TPR soft grip outer & PP inner Sy MU OPC UMA D alg BLADE & PHILLIPS Tieg) [Part No. Blade aty. Phillips okie bia ee ThrusTang Blade 4mm x 75mm | 3 Thru No.0 x 75mm Thru-Tang Blade 4mm x 38mm | 3 Thrusts No.2 x 38mm Thru-Tang Blade Smm x 100mm | 3 Thrust #1x 75mm Thru-Tang Blade émm x 150mm | 3 Thru-Tang Phillips #2 x 100mm Thru-Tang Blade 8mm x 200mm | 3. | Phillips #3 x 150mm TThru-Tang Blade 9.5mm x 250mm|_ 3 #4 x 200mm — Thru #2x150mm Part No. - TORX® = Qty. Fas! en ‘Perec so 6 Piece Precision Screwdriver | Pegboard Hook 3.émm x 100mm _J5N6 Set Features + Colour Coded for easy ide - Blue for Blade - Red for Phillips ‘TORX@ is the registered trademark of Acument Intellectual Properties, LLC. YE) KINCROME Product Guide 2022/23 + The board features screwdrivers with a continuous Thru-Tang shaft combined with striking end cap which is designed to withstand hammer blows + The square Chrome Vanadium steel shaft is designed for industrial applications and also features a magnetic tip

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uy = Ss S = = SCREWDRIVERS & FASTENING Screwdrivers & Fastening ACETATE SCREWDRIVER MERCHANDISER BLADE & PHILLIPS Size TN eto ee Leis aty.| | PartNo. | Size Qty. Acetate 3mm x 45mm Blade 3 Acetate No.0 x 75mm Ph 3 Acetate 3mm x 75mm Blade 3 Acetate No.1 x 38mm Ph 3 Acetate 4mm x 75mm Blade 3 Acetate No.1 x 100mm Ph 3 Acetate Smmx 100mm Blade | 3 Acetate No.2 x 38mm Ph 3 Acetate Smm x 150mm Ins 3 Acetate No.2 x 100mm Ph 3 Acetate 6mm x 38mm Blade 3 Acetate No.2 x 150mm Ph 3 Acetate 6mm x 150mm Blade | 3 Acetate No.2 x 200mm Ph 3 Acetate 8mm x 200mm Blade | 3 Acetate No.3 x 150mm Ph 3 Acetate 8mm x 150mm Blade | 3 Midiser Acetate S/Driver Board 1 Acetate 10mm x 250mm Blade_| 3 Pegboard Hook 3.6 x 100mm 19 Acetate No.0 x 60mm Ph EM! Features + The high impact cellulose acetate handle gives superior strength & durability. The Chrome Vanadium Steel shaft is designed for industrial applications and also features a magnetic tip * Colour Coded for easy identification: ~ Blue for Phillips - Yellow for Blade - Red for Insulated epee Te TU eS See Sis BLADE & PHILLIPS Blade aty. Blow Mould Case Set aty. 3.2.x 75mm Go-Through Blade | 3 $/Driver Set Go Through 12Pce_| 1 6x 38mm Go-Through Blade | 3 Merchandiser Board & Accessories | Qty. 5x 75mm Go-Through Blade | 3 | [Eueael Bmc Merchandiser Easel | 1 | x 100mm Go-Through Blade | 3 EEESEIN| Pegboard Hook 3.4mm x 100mm | 12 8x 150mm GoThrough Blade | 3 | [MEST Go Through $/Drvr Merch Board | 1 9.5 x 200mm Go-Through Blade | 3 + Go Through Hex Bolster for increased torque ability Philips Qty.| with use of spanner or socket PhOx 75mm Go-Through Pit] 3 | ‘Magnetic tips to hold screws to the driver + Ergonomic contoured handles for comfort and Phi x 75mm GorThrough Phil | 3 | "increased or Ph2 x 100mm Go-Through Phil | 3 | - Heavy duty blow mould case for storage Ph2x 38mm Go-Through Phit_ | 3 | Manufactured From Ph3 x 150mm Go-Through Phil | 3 | Shafts -S2 high quality alloy steet Préxa0dmm Gocthrough Pht | & |. Sree chrome Vanadium (wth phosphate finished tips) (32102 & 32108) + Handles - TPR soft grip outer & PP inner Sy MU OPC UMA D alg BLADE & PHILLIPS Tieg) [Part No. Blade aty. Phillips okie bia ee ThrusTang Blade 4mm x 75mm | 3 Thru No.0 x 75mm Thru-Tang Blade 4mm x 38mm | 3 Thrusts No.2 x 38mm Thru-Tang Blade Smm x 100mm | 3 Thrust #1x 75mm Thru-Tang Blade émm x 150mm | 3 Thru-Tang Phillips #2 x 100mm Thru-Tang Blade 8mm x 200mm | 3. | Phillips #3 x 150mm TThru-Tang Blade 9.5mm x 250mm|_ 3 #4 x 200mm — Thru #2x150mm Part No. - TORX® = Qty. Fas! en ‘Perec so 6 Piece Precision Screwdriver | Pegboard Hook 3.émm x 100mm _J5N6 Set Features + Colour Coded for easy ide - Blue for Blade - Red for Phillips ‘TORX@ is the registered trademark of Acument Intellectual Properties, LLC. YE) KINCROME Product Guide 2022/23 + The board features screwdrivers with a continuous Thru-Tang shaft combined with striking end cap which is designed to withstand hammer blows + The square Chrome Vanadium steel shaft is designed for industrial applications and also features a magnetic tip

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