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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.01 to 31.12 - Page nb 168

Catalogue Flight Center 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023

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164 Scenic® ‘occurrence of a Force Majeure Event which prevents, materially affects or delays, or which we reasonably determines likely to prevent, materially affect or delay, Our ora Service Provider's ability to provide the Journey (@)in accordance with the Contract; or (b) to a standard which We consider will meet the reasonable expectations of the Journey participants. 9.3 We will use reasonable endeavours to give You notice as soon as reasonably practicable of the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event that prevents, materially affects or delays, ors likely to prevent, materially affect or elaythe performance by Us or a Service Provider of our obligation: under the Contract. 94 we cancel or delay aJourney nthe circumstances describ (@)tothe Tn Ste permitted by law, Your sole and exclusive rights and remedies will be those set out in clause 5.4 of these Conditions; (b) You acknowledge and agree that We are not otherwise liable for any delay or failure by Us ora Service Provider to, perform Our obligations under the Contract, resulting from or asa consequence of the Force Majeure Event. 10.Privacy and Data Protection 104 In order for Us to proces Your Booking and providethe Journey to You, You wil ned to provide to Us, and We will ea ih tee perecrel ferret Wie tmtee deipea ce Your Personal Information to Service Providers, as well as customs and immigration authorities. We may also provide Your Personal Information to security and credit checking organisations. Some of the persons to whom We provide Your Personal Information are located overseas, including in countries that may not provide the same level of protection of Personal information as Australia, By makinga Booking You give Us Your consent to use and disclose Your Personal Information in the manner described in this clause 10.1. 10.2 We may also use Your name and the Guest Contact Details for marketing purposes, unless You tell Us that You do not want Us todo 2, You may do this by contacting the Customer Service Contact 40.3 Weil otherwise des with Your Personal information in accordance with Our privacy policy, which can be found on Our Website or provided on request. 11,General Provisions 11.4 We may only waive a right or remedy created u these Conditonsin wing Gur delay in exercising art or remedy does not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy, nor dogs any waver by Us (either whol orin part operate ‘as a subsequent waiver of the same or any ot! 11.2 The Contract is governed by the laws in euaNon South Wales, Australia. 11.3 The partis submitto the non-exclusive jurisciction of the courts of New South Wales, Australia and any co competent to hear appeals from those courts. .4 Any term which is, by its nature, intended to survive termination of the Contract survives termination. 115in these Condition, unless the context otherwise indicates a contrary intent (2)headings are for convenience only and donot affect interpre (By einai includes the plural and vce versa; (©)areference toa party includes its successors, permitted assigns, administrators and substitutes: (d) where a word or phrase is defined, its. other grammatical forms have the corresponding meaning: (@) the word ‘include’in any form is nota word of limitation; (f) no rules of construction apply to Our disadvantage on the basis that these Conditions or the Contract were prepared (@ reference toa natural personincludes theirpereonal representatives (ste eren eae been (ae ice ecto eeecat orauthority) which ceases to exist or whose powers or functions are transferred to another body is a reference to the body which replaces itor which substantial succeeds to its powers or funct 11.6 The Journey Brochureis valid for Journey Departure Dates during the Validity Period unless otherwise indicated inYour Itinerary, and supersedes all previous brochures. 12.lmportant notices about Your Journey 12 Journey Participation (a) Special needs: We welcome You if You have a disability orather special need provided Youare accompanied by roviding al requis, Please note thet although Ranitestes tess endeavours to provide You with all the activities on Your Itinerary, depending on Your disability, You may not be able to participate in every activity and the Journey Director or Cruise Director will have the right to refuse Your participation if the Journey Director or Cruise Director believes Your health and safety orthehealth and safety of any other person may be impacted by Your participation. You must advise Us (or Your travel agent) of any disability, medical condition or dietary requirement at the time of kin (b) Facilities: t is important to note that: (some cruise ships do not have elevators, and ships that, are equipped with elevators may not have elevator access toall decks; (i) wheelchair passengers should be aware that cabin doors, restrooms and corridors may note wide enough to provide access for standard wheelchair freee ce Oe core afl abe reece note ch Booking and are subject to availability; (iv) for safety reasons, passengers in wheelchairs cannot FLIGHT CENTRE Luxury Europe River Cruises be cared on boarding ramps wich maybe stogp due to water levels) whilst the ve uporat anchor, or on to motor coaches; and () wheelchairs and walkers can be carried in the luggage compartment of motorcoaches subject to space limitations. (2 Our iscration: We may. Our absolute isereton, decline Your Booking if We are of the view (i) We cannot adequately provide for any or ral of Your special needs; {Your heath safety o enjoyment or that of any other passengers attending the Journey may be at {il You cannotor wilt abide by rye feaseabl directions ofthe Jouray Decor or rule ire If Your Joumey includes a Cruise, the following provisions apply: (@) Deckplan: The deck plan, cabin sizes, images, inclusions and layout in the Journey Brochure are indicative only an may vary. Pictured representations of cabins or rooms in Journey Brochures are not drawn to scale. (b) Cruise Cabins: Your Journey Price is based on the Cabin category indicated in the Journey Brochure. Upgrades are subject to availabilty and will be at an additional cost. (6 Shore Excursions: Shore excursions provided by independent third-party Service Providers are at Your ‘vniexpense and can be purchased prior to Your Journey Departure Date. We recommend booking shore excursions at least 120 days prior to Your Journey Departure Date. }) Dinner Reservations: Dinner times are scheduled on board. Preferred meal times may be requested at time of eee ee een (@) Photog Jur Journeys offer some of the most spectacular and beautiful photographic scenery in the orld. ;, We cannot guarantee that every scene or highlighted featured in a Journey Brochure or Itinerary willbe available on each Journey. No refund or other compensation wll be available fr any resulting missed scene or photographic “opportunity”. {h'Smoking:Sricking United to designated smoking areas during Your Journey. (i) You acknowledge that We may restrict smoking to pectic times and locations during Your Cruise forthe comfort ofall pass: Gi) Smoking lot pert on coaches or auch other places as nominated by Us from time to time. (ii) Although We will use reasonable endeavours to ensure there are oppartunitisforYou to emoke during the Journey ms Bus and odour: While the Operators take reasonable steps to minimise noise, vibration and odours on the cruise vessels, You acknowledge and accept that some noise, vibration and intermittent odours may be experienced ‘on vessels, and that We accept no responsil not be liable to You in relation to any such noise, vibration orodour. (h) Docking Position: During port stops, vessels may dock side by side, obstructing views and requiring You to pass through other vessels to embark and disembark. You agree and acknowledge that You will have no claim in respect of any such matters. () Medical Services: {River cruise ships do not cary a doctor on beard however ical services may be called at Your own expense. G)Duetothe large number of passengers on board, We cannot provide a personal escort for medical visits. )) We are not, and our Service Providers and the Operators are not, liable regarding the provision of any medical care You may require or choose to accept during your Journey. () Currency and credit cards (i)All purchases on board a charge to Your shipboard account. The on-board Rae cruises is the Euro. (ii) Shipboard accounts may be paid by Euro or credit card. Internet Service: Internet facilities are available on board your Scenic Spaceship cruise at no additional charge. () Complimentary internet service does not apply to any third-party suppliers. (i) Internet availability and quality may vary from country to country and can also be affected by technical issues, weather or unfavourable terrain and other factors outside ur c (ii) We do | not: gees the availability or quality of Internet. connectior ions or ser FYour Journey includes an a inclusive beverage package, the following provisions ap (all standard beverages are incl eee whilst you are on board a Scenic Scania ‘msineludes beer wine, soft crinks and standard spit. talsoincludes daily replenishment of the suite : Gi) Selected temscuch as high-end spit including malt whiskey, French champagne and selected wines are not included in the package and may be available at an ditional charge. (i) Responsible service of alcoholiis adhered to by all staff onboard ofall vessels and We reserve the right to refuse Iran eal ele everseesrac eee cee er eres to any third-party suppliers, including in the circumstances contemplated in late 57 ofthese Concltons 123 Dror (a) General prohibition: Uniees provided by Us oran Operetor as part of an organised activity during Your Journey, the use of Drones is strictly prohibited at all times on Your Journey. (b) Legal restrictions: You should also be aware that, in INSTORE | ONLINE | CALL | APP. acctionto the prohibition in paragraph, the use of Dronesis regulat yrohibited by law in many locations ed ef Ug ay result in arrest or prosecution by the relevant authoriti (©) Organised. Rociiee We aren Oper enor operate a Drone as part of an organised activity during Your Journey, You must strictly comply with all instructions of the activity 12.4Coaches. (@) Seat rotation:To ensure all passengers have th ‘opportunity to enjoy front and window seats, a daily seat rotation system is employed on all of Our coaches and You must follow the seat rotation system. (b) Travel sickness: If You suffer from travel sickness, You should arrange medication or other alternatives to treat symptoms, as We cannot make allowances for this. ee ee 13.1 Air Travel and baggage (@) Airfare Cond fone () All airfares are subject to availability and conditions apply. (i) Our reservations consultant will book an appropriate fare for Your Journey. (ii) Some discounted airfares have conditions which make them unsuitable to be used in conjunction with Our Journeys, ull details and conditione may be obtained from Our reservations consultant or Your travel agent. If You have any questions or concerns please contact Our reservations consultant or Your travel agent. (v) Airfares booked as part of Your Journey will be through n appropriate route although may not bea ue cei some included flights are unescorted. If You ustomised route or drct flight You willbe peer for al {0 Depending on departure date and time of booking the required booking class for ai too farin ee be ate appropriate altne the required booking class is unavailable air surcharges may apply. The flight quote including air taxes and surcharges will be confirmed once all air sectors are booked and confirmed. (w)Taxes are defined as al aitine and government taxes and aurchargee. Taxes are eublect to change and willbe atvised atte time of ight reservation. (vii) All flights are subject to schedule changes and class downgrades as determined by the operating airline. You acknowledge and agree that We accept no responsibility and will not be liable to You for any costs associated with these changes. (vii) All airfares are subject to availability and scheduled Departure Dai dates may incur seasonal surcharges as enforced by the airline. (b)Airport Transfers () Airport transfers are only available on the first and last day of Your Journey and at times We designate. Transfers cusice these times will be at Your expense and must be ired by Your own arrangements. oP Passeneers who have purchased Our pre an Journey hotel accommodation and airfares. lb Proved airport transfers to/from their hotel in the Journ end city only,on the day of the pre or poet accommodation bookin (ii) If You do not book Your flights with Us, You must ensure Your flight details se pecNioed to Us at least 60 days before the Journey Departure Date by: e entering Year flight details at the trip personaliser on the ite;or Oe contacting Us at the Customer Service Contact Address. (iv) No refund will be given for unused transfers. Transfers cannot be routed to other pick-up points or destinations. (V)IFYou miss the pre-booked transfer You will be responsible for making Your own way to the Journey departure point, at Your own expense. (Vi)Unless expressly stated in Your Itinerary, airport roup transfers scheduled to coincide with multiple flight arrival and departure times. Private transfers, coe Royal Suites transfer pe available in allocations. Pl \quire for further 2 (Carriers: hee aren sean erneeraeed sea carriers used in association with the Journeys) are not responsible for statements or features in Journ Brochures. The conditions of sale of each carrier constitute a separate contract between You and the carrier and We have no responsibility in relation to contracts between You and the carriers. (@) Luggage (Journey participants are fae to one suitcase per person. Your suitcase must not ex ae x21" 11") and must not weigh noe jedan 23kg (501 (ji)Airline passengers should consult with their: ates as size and weight restrictions may vary from airline to airline and also according to the class booked. (ii Itis Your responsibility to ensure Your luggage complies with these requirements and You acknowledge that We, contracted carriers or Service Providers may elect not to carry overweig! (iv) You willbe responsible for any excess baggage charges. 1.2 Sightseeing, Excursions and Special Activities on Journ (@) Sightseeing: Sightseeing in many historic towns and cities can only be undertaken by walking Journeys as motorcoach access is not possible. Consequently, a reasonable level of fitness is required as the sightseeing Journey may involve steps and extensive walking over, . 137079

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164 Scenic® ‘occurrence of a Force Majeure Event which prevents, materially affects or delays, or which we reasonably determines likely to prevent, materially affect or delay, Our ora Service Provider's ability to provide the Journey (@)in accordance with the Contract; or (b) to a standard which We consider will meet the reasonable expectations of the Journey participants. 9.3 We will use reasonable endeavours to give You notice as soon as reasonably practicable of the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event that prevents, materially affects or delays, ors likely to prevent, materially affect or elaythe performance by Us or a Service Provider of our obligation: under the Contract. 94 we cancel or delay aJourney nthe circumstances describ (@)tothe Tn Ste permitted by law, Your sole and exclusive rights and remedies will be those set out in clause 5.4 of these Conditions; (b) You acknowledge and agree that We are not otherwise liable for any delay or failure by Us ora Service Provider to, perform Our obligations under the Contract, resulting from or asa consequence of the Force Majeure Event. 10.Privacy and Data Protection 104 In order for Us to proces Your Booking and providethe Journey to You, You wil ned to provide to Us, and We will ea ih tee perecrel ferret Wie tmtee deipea ce Your Personal Information to Service Providers, as well as customs and immigration authorities. We may also provide Your Personal Information to security and credit checking organisations. Some of the persons to whom We provide Your Personal Information are located overseas, including in countries that may not provide the same level of protection of Personal information as Australia, By makinga Booking You give Us Your consent to use and disclose Your Personal Information in the manner described in this clause 10.1. 10.2 We may also use Your name and the Guest Contact Details for marketing purposes, unless You tell Us that You do not want Us todo 2, You may do this by contacting the Customer Service Contact 40.3 Weil otherwise des with Your Personal information in accordance with Our privacy policy, which can be found on Our Website or provided on request. 11,General Provisions 11.4 We may only waive a right or remedy created u these Conditonsin wing Gur delay in exercising art or remedy does not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy, nor dogs any waver by Us (either whol orin part operate ‘as a subsequent waiver of the same or any ot! 11.2 The Contract is governed by the laws in euaNon South Wales, Australia. 11.3 The partis submitto the non-exclusive jurisciction of the courts of New South Wales, Australia and any co competent to hear appeals from those courts. .4 Any term which is, by its nature, intended to survive termination of the Contract survives termination. 115in these Condition, unless the context otherwise indicates a contrary intent (2)headings are for convenience only and donot affect interpre (By einai includes the plural and vce versa; (©)areference toa party includes its successors, permitted assigns, administrators and substitutes: (d) where a word or phrase is defined, its. other grammatical forms have the corresponding meaning: (@) the word ‘include’in any form is nota word of limitation; (f) no rules of construction apply to Our disadvantage on the basis that these Conditions or the Contract were prepared (@ reference toa natural personincludes theirpereonal representatives (ste eren eae been (ae ice ecto eeecat orauthority) which ceases to exist or whose powers or functions are transferred to another body is a reference to the body which replaces itor which substantial succeeds to its powers or funct 11.6 The Journey Brochureis valid for Journey Departure Dates during the Validity Period unless otherwise indicated inYour Itinerary, and supersedes all previous brochures. 12.lmportant notices about Your Journey 12 Journey Participation (a) Special needs: We welcome You if You have a disability orather special need provided Youare accompanied by roviding al requis, Please note thet although Ranitestes tess endeavours to provide You with all the activities on Your Itinerary, depending on Your disability, You may not be able to participate in every activity and the Journey Director or Cruise Director will have the right to refuse Your participation if the Journey Director or Cruise Director believes Your health and safety orthehealth and safety of any other person may be impacted by Your participation. You must advise Us (or Your travel agent) of any disability, medical condition or dietary requirement at the time of kin (b) Facilities: t is important to note that: (some cruise ships do not have elevators, and ships that, are equipped with elevators may not have elevator access toall decks; (i) wheelchair passengers should be aware that cabin doors, restrooms and corridors may note wide enough to provide access for standard wheelchair freee ce Oe core afl abe reece note ch Booking and are subject to availability; (iv) for safety reasons, passengers in wheelchairs cannot FLIGHT CENTRE Luxury Europe River Cruises be cared on boarding ramps wich maybe stogp due to water levels) whilst the ve uporat anchor, or on to motor coaches; and () wheelchairs and walkers can be carried in the luggage compartment of motorcoaches subject to space limitations. (2 Our iscration: We may. Our absolute isereton, decline Your Booking if We are of the view (i) We cannot adequately provide for any or ral of Your special needs; {Your heath safety o enjoyment or that of any other passengers attending the Journey may be at {il You cannotor wilt abide by rye feaseabl directions ofthe Jouray Decor or rule ire If Your Joumey includes a Cruise, the following provisions apply: (@) Deckplan: The deck plan, cabin sizes, images, inclusions and layout in the Journey Brochure are indicative only an may vary. Pictured representations of cabins or rooms in Journey Brochures are not drawn to scale. (b) Cruise Cabins: Your Journey Price is based on the Cabin category indicated in the Journey Brochure. Upgrades are subject to availabilty and will be at an additional cost. (6 Shore Excursions: Shore excursions provided by independent third-party Service Providers are at Your ‘vniexpense and can be purchased prior to Your Journey Departure Date. We recommend booking shore excursions at least 120 days prior to Your Journey Departure Date. }) Dinner Reservations: Dinner times are scheduled on board. Preferred meal times may be requested at time of eee ee een (@) Photog Jur Journeys offer some of the most spectacular and beautiful photographic scenery in the orld. ;, We cannot guarantee that every scene or highlighted featured in a Journey Brochure or Itinerary willbe available on each Journey. No refund or other compensation wll be available fr any resulting missed scene or photographic “opportunity”. {h'Smoking:Sricking United to designated smoking areas during Your Journey. (i) You acknowledge that We may restrict smoking to pectic times and locations during Your Cruise forthe comfort ofall pass: Gi) Smoking lot pert on coaches or auch other places as nominated by Us from time to time. (ii) Although We will use reasonable endeavours to ensure there are oppartunitisforYou to emoke during the Journey ms Bus and odour: While the Operators take reasonable steps to minimise noise, vibration and odours on the cruise vessels, You acknowledge and accept that some noise, vibration and intermittent odours may be experienced ‘on vessels, and that We accept no responsil not be liable to You in relation to any such noise, vibration orodour. (h) Docking Position: During port stops, vessels may dock side by side, obstructing views and requiring You to pass through other vessels to embark and disembark. You agree and acknowledge that You will have no claim in respect of any such matters. () Medical Services: {River cruise ships do not cary a doctor on beard however ical services may be called at Your own expense. G)Duetothe large number of passengers on board, We cannot provide a personal escort for medical visits. )) We are not, and our Service Providers and the Operators are not, liable regarding the provision of any medical care You may require or choose to accept during your Journey. () Currency and credit cards (i)All purchases on board a charge to Your shipboard account. The on-board Rae cruises is the Euro. (ii) Shipboard accounts may be paid by Euro or credit card. Internet Service: Internet facilities are available on board your Scenic Spaceship cruise at no additional charge. () Complimentary internet service does not apply to any third-party suppliers. (i) Internet availability and quality may vary from country to country and can also be affected by technical issues, weather or unfavourable terrain and other factors outside ur c (ii) We do | not: gees the availability or quality of Internet. connectior ions or ser FYour Journey includes an a inclusive beverage package, the following provisions ap (all standard beverages are incl eee whilst you are on board a Scenic Scania ‘msineludes beer wine, soft crinks and standard spit. talsoincludes daily replenishment of the suite : Gi) Selected temscuch as high-end spit including malt whiskey, French champagne and selected wines are not included in the package and may be available at an ditional charge. (i) Responsible service of alcoholiis adhered to by all staff onboard ofall vessels and We reserve the right to refuse Iran eal ele everseesrac eee cee er eres to any third-party suppliers, including in the circumstances contemplated in late 57 ofthese Concltons 123 Dror (a) General prohibition: Uniees provided by Us oran Operetor as part of an organised activity during Your Journey, the use of Drones is strictly prohibited at all times on Your Journey. (b) Legal restrictions: You should also be aware that, in INSTORE | ONLINE | CALL | APP. acctionto the prohibition in paragraph, the use of Dronesis regulat yrohibited by law in many locations ed ef Ug ay result in arrest or prosecution by the relevant authoriti (©) Organised. Rociiee We aren Oper enor operate a Drone as part of an organised activity during Your Journey, You must strictly comply with all instructions of the activity 12.4Coaches. (@) Seat rotation:To ensure all passengers have th ‘opportunity to enjoy front and window seats, a daily seat rotation system is employed on all of Our coaches and You must follow the seat rotation system. (b) Travel sickness: If You suffer from travel sickness, You should arrange medication or other alternatives to treat symptoms, as We cannot make allowances for this. ee ee 13.1 Air Travel and baggage (@) Airfare Cond fone () All airfares are subject to availability and conditions apply. (i) Our reservations consultant will book an appropriate fare for Your Journey. (ii) Some discounted airfares have conditions which make them unsuitable to be used in conjunction with Our Journeys, ull details and conditione may be obtained from Our reservations consultant or Your travel agent. If You have any questions or concerns please contact Our reservations consultant or Your travel agent. (v) Airfares booked as part of Your Journey will be through n appropriate route although may not bea ue cei some included flights are unescorted. If You ustomised route or drct flight You willbe peer for al {0 Depending on departure date and time of booking the required booking class for ai too farin ee be ate appropriate altne the required booking class is unavailable air surcharges may apply. The flight quote including air taxes and surcharges will be confirmed once all air sectors are booked and confirmed. (w)Taxes are defined as al aitine and government taxes and aurchargee. Taxes are eublect to change and willbe atvised atte time of ight reservation. (vii) All flights are subject to schedule changes and class downgrades as determined by the operating airline. You acknowledge and agree that We accept no responsibility and will not be liable to You for any costs associated with these changes. (vii) All airfares are subject to availability and scheduled Departure Dai dates may incur seasonal surcharges as enforced by the airline. (b)Airport Transfers () Airport transfers are only available on the first and last day of Your Journey and at times We designate. Transfers cusice these times will be at Your expense and must be ired by Your own arrangements. oP Passeneers who have purchased Our pre an Journey hotel accommodation and airfares. lb Proved airport transfers to/from their hotel in the Journ end city only,on the day of the pre or poet accommodation bookin (ii) If You do not book Your flights with Us, You must ensure Your flight details se pecNioed to Us at least 60 days before the Journey Departure Date by: e entering Year flight details at the trip personaliser on the ite;or Oe contacting Us at the Customer Service Contact Address. (iv) No refund will be given for unused transfers. Transfers cannot be routed to other pick-up points or destinations. (V)IFYou miss the pre-booked transfer You will be responsible for making Your own way to the Journey departure point, at Your own expense. (Vi)Unless expressly stated in Your Itinerary, airport roup transfers scheduled to coincide with multiple flight arrival and departure times. Private transfers, coe Royal Suites transfer pe available in allocations. Pl \quire for further 2 (Carriers: hee aren sean erneeraeed sea carriers used in association with the Journeys) are not responsible for statements or features in Journ Brochures. The conditions of sale of each carrier constitute a separate contract between You and the carrier and We have no responsibility in relation to contracts between You and the carriers. (@) Luggage (Journey participants are fae to one suitcase per person. Your suitcase must not ex ae x21" 11") and must not weigh noe jedan 23kg (501 (ji)Airline passengers should consult with their: ates as size and weight restrictions may vary from airline to airline and also according to the class booked. (ii Itis Your responsibility to ensure Your luggage complies with these requirements and You acknowledge that We, contracted carriers or Service Providers may elect not to carry overweig! (iv) You willbe responsible for any excess baggage charges. 1.2 Sightseeing, Excursions and Special Activities on Journ (@) Sightseeing: Sightseeing in many historic towns and cities can only be undertaken by walking Journeys as motorcoach access is not possible. Consequently, a reasonable level of fitness is required as the sightseeing Journey may involve steps and extensive walking over, . 137079

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