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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.01 to 31.12 - Page nb 46

Catalogue Flight Center 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024

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General Information & Conditions The following terms and conditions (booking Gontons) orm the bass of your contac wth Australian Facc Touring wvelmarvel, lease road them coretuly as they set out your and our respective rights and obligations These Terms & Conditions were correct at time of publication. For the most up to & Conditions visit our website winwtravel By asking us to confitm your booking, we are ented to assume that you have had the opportunity to read, and have read these Booking condton: hat you agree to tem and thatyou agree to them applying to your hokey arrangements booked with us and agree to make, provide or perform (es sepeabe) 88 part of our contract with yo these booking conditions to your 'h pacage ove aren fa he touror oust package you have booked with Travelmarvel. References to "excursions" are references to short trips or tours included or available as. part of your holiday package. GOVERNING LAW These booking conditions are governed by the Jaw in force in Victoria, Australia BEFORE YOU BOOK PRICE VALIDITY Published prices are valid at the time of publication but are reason, including without limitation; to changes in government taxes an ‘exchange rate or other material increases by suppliers. The most up to date pricing may be found on our website ~ Prices will be confirmed at the time of booking ‘and honoured for up to seven days. Please see important information listed unde: ‘Specific Conditions for relevant deposit and final payment =n Aieon eareten ate ndiuded onibe est ond est ecopnatayen bole oy Toeinace. 3 > ‘3 Soke lpm oeimely lepencent upon the size of the ned cruise and land tous, or cus include Fonsforand fights between tous as specified. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS & FESTIV: ‘rua ol counties have pubic holidays, feigious noldays moyresultn a cecucton ov felled entertaene EARLYBIRD OFFERS, apnoea auseosk OTHER SPECIAL OFFEF Spatial Desc and Sportal Ofers other than hose advertised herein may be promoted by Travelmarvel from time to time. These new special dealsoters do not apply to existing }ookings unless otherwise state TRAVELLE Detals ineting te ful ange of benefits ‘and conditions are available on our website at BOOKING AND PAYING FOR YOUR HOLIDAY AIRFARES Air travel is arranged with independent airines. ‘Travelmarvel will arrange air travel as advertised ln connection with your holiday package or as no other liability and va nol be responsible for refunding the Cost of any services booked in conjunction wane igs, yng outside of the tour de range or re-routing your fight itinerary may inc dtional scares Whe we endeavour to accommodate eating requests, these are never uaranteed and are subj to change at the airline's discretion, AIRLINE LOYALTY POINT ELIGIBILITY Travelmarvel uses the services of a range of ai_ines in its packages. Travelmarvel does not warrant that its airfares attract loyalty points as airlines control the application of loyalty points in all cases. Requests to use airline upgrade travel need to be directed to the airline concerned by the ‘TRAVELMARVEL DEPOSIT ‘CANCELLATION PEACE OF Mi Conditions apply: applicable when an upfront ‘exclude fees imposed by third parties, including but not limited to air travel, rail travel and hotels. booking airfares through Travelmarvel (including when taking advantage of a special offer that includes air travel), standard airline cancellation fees will apply. in some cases, non-refundable. In the event of deposit paid, and therefore the credit being Travelmarvel Deposit Cancellation Peace ind applies to ni ings years, unused credit funds will incur the original ‘cancellation conditions, This does not replace Eales eho frm purchase at the time A RAVEL INSURANC! ‘revel reco oe kiero Wy Package. For your protection we ston recommend you purchase comprehensive travel insurance tha includes (without intation) coverage for the cost of your holiday package, medical expenses, loss of luggage, cruise and land content and airfare charges that may occur due to cancellation, impossibility of performance or other frustration, disruption, loss of deposit or strikes, ‘TRAVEL INFORMATION & DOCUMENTS. Alter booking you will receive an invoice wi all important information relevant to your holiday package. We strongly recommend you check the details carefully and read the included information. Please ensure that you check early morning departures. before departure you will re together wh your final inerary. However, ‘case of late bookings, charges or late payment, tickets may be emailed to yoy ‘SPECIAL REQUESTS Where a special request (e.g, diet, room location, is an important factor in your choice of holiday, you must advise us when your booking is made. Travelmarvel will pass your request on tothe Hote arine or ote supple but cannot te that wil be accommoda 65 On any dletary requests tothe arine but we strongly recommend that you check directly with the aitline once your tickets have been issued. rhe provision of any special request does not constitute a term of your contract with us. irmation that a special request has been noted or passed on to the supplier or the inclusion of the special request on your Confirmation invoice or any other documentation is not confirmation that the request will be met. Unless and until specifically confirmed, all special requests are subject to avallabi ‘CREDIT & DEBIT CARD SURCHARGES If you pay Travelmarvel by credit or debit card a surcharge of between 0.5% and 3% will be ‘added your tour price. CURACY ‘Travelmarvel has endeavoured to ensure that may change or be different from those described in our collateral as a result of local conditions, eather condtions and annual events, wvelmarvel will endeavour to noti any signiicant cranges 9 ie to your aun DISRUPTION TO CRUI AND ITINERARY ARRANGEMENTS Itineraries are intended as a guide only and are ‘subject to alteration without notice. Alternations may be necessary for various reasons including, ‘without limitation, road, ral, river o any routes unsafe for navig reserves the right to provide altemative services including, but not limited to, accommodation on How Convol H may be necessary to make ateretons Vietnam & Cambodia River Cruising 2023/24 to your itinerary. For example, without limitation, if there is a water level problem on a river, it may aces Ine pal of ie eee Py coach and altemative sightseeing mi fRehuded Tevelmarvel al nol be Tobe for ony direct or indirect costs that you incur as a result ‘event or other factor beyond our control which necessitates a change in your itinerary. Adationly, you are not ened to any refund for any alterations to your itinerary that Caused or contbuled to by any food or ater level events or such oer events wich beyond our control. Travelmarvel cant araniog exact etval sed deporte iiss 1k Carriers and operators used by Travelmarvel and. Travelmarvel connections with any other services or attractions beyond its control, FLIGHT CHANGES: The flight timings detailed on your confirmation i icant changes as Soon as itis informed by the airline. Minor timing changes will four flight tickets. Any change in the identity of the airline, fight timings or aircraft any applicable cencolation fees xcept where pecified in these booking conditio \TE RANGE FLIGHTS Ifairines have not published their schedule at the time of booking, Travelmarvel will estimate the cost of airfares connected with your holiday package. When the aitine releases fight Inventory and airfares, arvel will confirm booking end preing with you by sencng you a updeted invoice. Once fights have Deen confirmed by you and payment has been received, Travelmarvel will issue your tickets, FORCE MAJEURE Force majeure event means the occurence of an event that is beyond Trave reasonable corel, e5¢ which could rot have industrial dispute, terrorist activity or the threat of any such acts; (b) natural disaster (including but not limited to flooding, fre, earthquake, landslide), adverse weather conditions, high or vel; (c) nuclear or other industrial, accident causing environmental pollution or Contamination; or (d) change in law, meanin ustralia oF any jurisdiction or territory relevant to the udes changes in statute, regulation, determination, by-law, declaration, licence and the common law as applicable from time to time, including changes ‘amendments in regulations or access t services, sites or countries caused by declared epidemic or pandemic events. ‘TERMINATION OF BOOKING CONTRACT (OR CHANGE OF TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS DUE TO FORCE MAJEUI Hi trovatnevel ie tosronebé B61 Considers that any force majeure event prevents Travelmarvel (whether directly or through its employees, contractors, subcontractors and agents) from lawtully or safely providing any products or services subject of the booking cafec vat you, Tevanatyet nay ia by written notice; (a) terminate the bookin Contract (n whole orn part oF) change your vel arrangements as reasonably practicable to {ensure your safety and invoice you for any additional (awrarion oF Ui NTRS EISE? ‘OF FORCE MAJEURE Inthe event that Travelmarvel cancels or changes directly or indirectly}: (a) the cancellation or ;nge to your travel arrangements; or (b) the force majeure event. Travelmarvel is not liable to refund any part of the deposit or purchase Bee ald by you vane ibesaueity hanges or cancels your ave arangements in-connecton with a force majeur Force majeure events are recat aii beyond Travelmarvel’s cont feeuved to purchase Uavel rautance to adequately protect yourself against these risks, your policy needs to respond to these rs You acknowiedge and accept that reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of Travelmarvel based on expected non- recoverable costs and expenses to be incurred by Travelmarvel, including but not limited to overhead expenses and works or services performed personaly by Tavelmarvel leading up tothe rent of the holiday package, altemativey prior tothe force majeure event. DATA PROTECTION POLICY Any personal information (ncucng senstive th information) the Collect this information, who we may disclose it iding overseas recipients), and the main snces if we do not collect it. Our Privacy Personal information held about you, and our information to us, you are ig to the terms of our Privacy Policy. LIMITATION OF LIAE 1. Our holiday packages include the services of independent providers, such as hoteliers, airlines, cruise companies and other operators, agents, servants or employees of Travelmarvel. Although we take care in selecting the Independent service providers and the (on your holiday package, include activities such 8s climbing, exploring, bike riding, swimmin and snorkelling. You accept and assume the tisk involved with these activities. ctionable to other bark or continue on the whole or any part of the holiday package, 2 Travelmanval accepts no responsibly or any death, injury liness, loss (Including loss of enjoyment. damage, Setnton delay (including ‘mechanical breakdown) beyond its control sytem, Condon or waranty express or implied by statute or otherwise in respect to lothing in these booking Conditions excludes, restricts or modifies the application of the Competition and Consumer ‘Act 2010 (Cth) as amended, consolidated, supplemented or replaced, 5. To the full extent permitted by aw, Travelmarvel's liability arising under or it connection with these booking conditions (0's ted tothe resupply ofthe products oF Services or the payment of the cost of re-supply of he procucts of savices ta ou 6rd 6 excludes labily for any indirect or consequential losses suffered by you or any thir owsoever couse’ mcllding Dut nat ited to ure economic loss or any special, extraordinary subsequent payments by the travel agent does ‘not constitute receipt of those monies by us and no laity onthe par of Traveimarvel in respect to any monies paid travel agent unless. 2 nll revehnnrel noties you Oy Wore 9 booking confirmation advice or payment receipt advice) that monies have been recei Travelmarvel. Travelmarvel reserves the right to cancel any ticket or booki carry any passenger where payment has not been received by Travemarvel within the specified ti F Spectic mea requests ae requests only and cannot be guaranteed, CovID-19 REQUIREMENTS Before booking and before you travel, ensure that you check the latest Government travel requirements and Travelmarvel updates which include the onboard protocols (which will be available on Travelmarvel’s website at su/about-usitravel-updates requirements and Travelmarvel updates is jandatory and anyone refusing to comply can bbe denied access to the tour or removed from with a ID-19 vaccine will bbe required for each passenger before the ‘commencement of the tour. Fully vaccinated ‘means that there has been at least 14 clear days (not including the date of vaccination) from the 2-dose series of vaccines before the date of departure. If Government uidelines are published which recommend

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General Information & Conditions The following terms and conditions (booking Gontons) orm the bass of your contac wth Australian Facc Touring wvelmarvel, lease road them coretuly as they set out your and our respective rights and obligations These Terms & Conditions were correct at time of publication. For the most up to & Conditions visit our website winwtravel By asking us to confitm your booking, we are ented to assume that you have had the opportunity to read, and have read these Booking condton: hat you agree to tem and thatyou agree to them applying to your hokey arrangements booked with us and agree to make, provide or perform (es sepeabe) 88 part of our contract with yo these booking conditions to your 'h pacage ove aren fa he touror oust package you have booked with Travelmarvel. References to "excursions" are references to short trips or tours included or available as. part of your holiday package. GOVERNING LAW These booking conditions are governed by the Jaw in force in Victoria, Australia BEFORE YOU BOOK PRICE VALIDITY Published prices are valid at the time of publication but are reason, including without limitation; to changes in government taxes an ‘exchange rate or other material increases by suppliers. The most up to date pricing may be found on our website ~ Prices will be confirmed at the time of booking ‘and honoured for up to seven days. Please see important information listed unde: ‘Specific Conditions for relevant deposit and final payment =n Aieon eareten ate ndiuded onibe est ond est ecopnatayen bole oy Toeinace. 3 > ‘3 Soke lpm oeimely lepencent upon the size of the ned cruise and land tous, or cus include Fonsforand fights between tous as specified. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS & FESTIV: ‘rua ol counties have pubic holidays, feigious noldays moyresultn a cecucton ov felled entertaene EARLYBIRD OFFERS, apnoea auseosk OTHER SPECIAL OFFEF Spatial Desc and Sportal Ofers other than hose advertised herein may be promoted by Travelmarvel from time to time. These new special dealsoters do not apply to existing }ookings unless otherwise state TRAVELLE Detals ineting te ful ange of benefits ‘and conditions are available on our website at BOOKING AND PAYING FOR YOUR HOLIDAY AIRFARES Air travel is arranged with independent airines. ‘Travelmarvel will arrange air travel as advertised ln connection with your holiday package or as no other liability and va nol be responsible for refunding the Cost of any services booked in conjunction wane igs, yng outside of the tour de range or re-routing your fight itinerary may inc dtional scares Whe we endeavour to accommodate eating requests, these are never uaranteed and are subj to change at the airline's discretion, AIRLINE LOYALTY POINT ELIGIBILITY Travelmarvel uses the services of a range of ai_ines in its packages. Travelmarvel does not warrant that its airfares attract loyalty points as airlines control the application of loyalty points in all cases. Requests to use airline upgrade travel need to be directed to the airline concerned by the ‘TRAVELMARVEL DEPOSIT ‘CANCELLATION PEACE OF Mi Conditions apply: applicable when an upfront ‘exclude fees imposed by third parties, including but not limited to air travel, rail travel and hotels. booking airfares through Travelmarvel (including when taking advantage of a special offer that includes air travel), standard airline cancellation fees will apply. in some cases, non-refundable. In the event of deposit paid, and therefore the credit being Travelmarvel Deposit Cancellation Peace ind applies to ni ings years, unused credit funds will incur the original ‘cancellation conditions, This does not replace Eales eho frm purchase at the time A RAVEL INSURANC! ‘revel reco oe kiero Wy Package. For your protection we ston recommend you purchase comprehensive travel insurance tha includes (without intation) coverage for the cost of your holiday package, medical expenses, loss of luggage, cruise and land content and airfare charges that may occur due to cancellation, impossibility of performance or other frustration, disruption, loss of deposit or strikes, ‘TRAVEL INFORMATION & DOCUMENTS. Alter booking you will receive an invoice wi all important information relevant to your holiday package. We strongly recommend you check the details carefully and read the included information. Please ensure that you check early morning departures. before departure you will re together wh your final inerary. However, ‘case of late bookings, charges or late payment, tickets may be emailed to yoy ‘SPECIAL REQUESTS Where a special request (e.g, diet, room location, is an important factor in your choice of holiday, you must advise us when your booking is made. Travelmarvel will pass your request on tothe Hote arine or ote supple but cannot te that wil be accommoda 65 On any dletary requests tothe arine but we strongly recommend that you check directly with the aitline once your tickets have been issued. rhe provision of any special request does not constitute a term of your contract with us. irmation that a special request has been noted or passed on to the supplier or the inclusion of the special request on your Confirmation invoice or any other documentation is not confirmation that the request will be met. Unless and until specifically confirmed, all special requests are subject to avallabi ‘CREDIT & DEBIT CARD SURCHARGES If you pay Travelmarvel by credit or debit card a surcharge of between 0.5% and 3% will be ‘added your tour price. CURACY ‘Travelmarvel has endeavoured to ensure that may change or be different from those described in our collateral as a result of local conditions, eather condtions and annual events, wvelmarvel will endeavour to noti any signiicant cranges 9 ie to your aun DISRUPTION TO CRUI AND ITINERARY ARRANGEMENTS Itineraries are intended as a guide only and are ‘subject to alteration without notice. Alternations may be necessary for various reasons including, ‘without limitation, road, ral, river o any routes unsafe for navig reserves the right to provide altemative services including, but not limited to, accommodation on How Convol H may be necessary to make ateretons Vietnam & Cambodia River Cruising 2023/24 to your itinerary. For example, without limitation, if there is a water level problem on a river, it may aces Ine pal of ie eee Py coach and altemative sightseeing mi fRehuded Tevelmarvel al nol be Tobe for ony direct or indirect costs that you incur as a result ‘event or other factor beyond our control which necessitates a change in your itinerary. Adationly, you are not ened to any refund for any alterations to your itinerary that Caused or contbuled to by any food or ater level events or such oer events wich beyond our control. Travelmarvel cant araniog exact etval sed deporte iiss 1k Carriers and operators used by Travelmarvel and. Travelmarvel connections with any other services or attractions beyond its control, FLIGHT CHANGES: The flight timings detailed on your confirmation i icant changes as Soon as itis informed by the airline. Minor timing changes will four flight tickets. Any change in the identity of the airline, fight timings or aircraft any applicable cencolation fees xcept where pecified in these booking conditio \TE RANGE FLIGHTS Ifairines have not published their schedule at the time of booking, Travelmarvel will estimate the cost of airfares connected with your holiday package. When the aitine releases fight Inventory and airfares, arvel will confirm booking end preing with you by sencng you a updeted invoice. Once fights have Deen confirmed by you and payment has been received, Travelmarvel will issue your tickets, FORCE MAJEURE Force majeure event means the occurence of an event that is beyond Trave reasonable corel, e5¢ which could rot have industrial dispute, terrorist activity or the threat of any such acts; (b) natural disaster (including but not limited to flooding, fre, earthquake, landslide), adverse weather conditions, high or vel; (c) nuclear or other industrial, accident causing environmental pollution or Contamination; or (d) change in law, meanin ustralia oF any jurisdiction or territory relevant to the udes changes in statute, regulation, determination, by-law, declaration, licence and the common law as applicable from time to time, including changes ‘amendments in regulations or access t services, sites or countries caused by declared epidemic or pandemic events. ‘TERMINATION OF BOOKING CONTRACT (OR CHANGE OF TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS DUE TO FORCE MAJEUI Hi trovatnevel ie tosronebé B61 Considers that any force majeure event prevents Travelmarvel (whether directly or through its employees, contractors, subcontractors and agents) from lawtully or safely providing any products or services subject of the booking cafec vat you, Tevanatyet nay ia by written notice; (a) terminate the bookin Contract (n whole orn part oF) change your vel arrangements as reasonably practicable to {ensure your safety and invoice you for any additional (awrarion oF Ui NTRS EISE? ‘OF FORCE MAJEURE Inthe event that Travelmarvel cancels or changes directly or indirectly}: (a) the cancellation or ;nge to your travel arrangements; or (b) the force majeure event. Travelmarvel is not liable to refund any part of the deposit or purchase Bee ald by you vane ibesaueity hanges or cancels your ave arangements in-connecton with a force majeur Force majeure events are recat aii beyond Travelmarvel’s cont feeuved to purchase Uavel rautance to adequately protect yourself against these risks, your policy needs to respond to these rs You acknowiedge and accept that reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of Travelmarvel based on expected non- recoverable costs and expenses to be incurred by Travelmarvel, including but not limited to overhead expenses and works or services performed personaly by Tavelmarvel leading up tothe rent of the holiday package, altemativey prior tothe force majeure event. DATA PROTECTION POLICY Any personal information (ncucng senstive th information) the Collect this information, who we may disclose it iding overseas recipients), and the main snces if we do not collect it. Our Privacy Personal information held about you, and our information to us, you are ig to the terms of our Privacy Policy. LIMITATION OF LIAE 1. Our holiday packages include the services of independent providers, such as hoteliers, airlines, cruise companies and other operators, agents, servants or employees of Travelmarvel. Although we take care in selecting the Independent service providers and the (on your holiday package, include activities such 8s climbing, exploring, bike riding, swimmin and snorkelling. You accept and assume the tisk involved with these activities. ctionable to other bark or continue on the whole or any part of the holiday package, 2 Travelmanval accepts no responsibly or any death, injury liness, loss (Including loss of enjoyment. damage, Setnton delay (including ‘mechanical breakdown) beyond its control sytem, Condon or waranty express or implied by statute or otherwise in respect to lothing in these booking Conditions excludes, restricts or modifies the application of the Competition and Consumer ‘Act 2010 (Cth) as amended, consolidated, supplemented or replaced, 5. To the full extent permitted by aw, Travelmarvel's liability arising under or it connection with these booking conditions (0's ted tothe resupply ofthe products oF Services or the payment of the cost of re-supply of he procucts of savices ta ou 6rd 6 excludes labily for any indirect or consequential losses suffered by you or any thir owsoever couse’ mcllding Dut nat ited to ure economic loss or any special, extraordinary subsequent payments by the travel agent does ‘not constitute receipt of those monies by us and no laity onthe par of Traveimarvel in respect to any monies paid travel agent unless. 2 nll revehnnrel noties you Oy Wore 9 booking confirmation advice or payment receipt advice) that monies have been recei Travelmarvel. Travelmarvel reserves the right to cancel any ticket or booki carry any passenger where payment has not been received by Travemarvel within the specified ti F Spectic mea requests ae requests only and cannot be guaranteed, CovID-19 REQUIREMENTS Before booking and before you travel, ensure that you check the latest Government travel requirements and Travelmarvel updates which include the onboard protocols (which will be available on Travelmarvel’s website at su/about-usitravel-updates requirements and Travelmarvel updates is jandatory and anyone refusing to comply can bbe denied access to the tour or removed from with a ID-19 vaccine will bbe required for each passenger before the ‘commencement of the tour. Fully vaccinated ‘means that there has been at least 14 clear days (not including the date of vaccination) from the 2-dose series of vaccines before the date of departure. If Government uidelines are published which recommend

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