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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.01 to 31.12 - Page nb 46

Catalogue Flight Center 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024

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General Information & Conditions The following terms and conditions (booking conditions) form the basis of your contract with Australian Pacific Touring Ply Ltd (Travelmarve, ‘we’ or"our}, Pees reed them caretly as ey st out your and our respective rights and obligation These Terms & Conditions were correct at time of Terms, aullegal/generabinformation-conditions By asking us to confirm your booking, we are entitled to assume that you have had ‘opportunity to read and have read th booking conditions; that you agree to them and that to our contact vith you. Reterences ht conditions to your ‘holiday package’ are aes to the tour or cruise package you have booked with Tiavelmarvel, References to ions’ are references to short trips or tours included or available as part of your holiday package. GOVERNING LAW king conditions are governed by the law infos n Vcore, Austota BEFORE YOU BOOK PRICE VALIDITY Published prices are valid at the time of publication but are subject to change. They may be varied by advertising or special offers, or changed after the publication date for any reason, including without limitation, to cover changes in government taxes and changes, exchange rte variations, vl surcharges, airline charges, a force majeure event o motor nesses by supptorsTHe mon upto dle pricing may be found on our website ~ savadrovelervelcomou.Pces willbe core t time of booking and honoured for up to seven days. Al dye xe subject to avlabiy at he tne of booking, see important information listed under Special Conditions for relevant deposit and final payment term: S transfers are included on the fist and last Gay ofthe tout package or with pte and post ‘accommodation booked by Travelmarvel. No refund sl en foe ununed vases Tanslrscamot be re-routed to other pick-up points or destinations gers who miss the pret nsfers must make their own way to/from the ship/hotel at their ‘own expense. Some holiday packages include {group transfers from or in between airports/hotel/ shared transfer and the type of vehicle used will ‘normally be dependent upon the size of the group. Combined cue and and tours, or ruse Include tarefe and fights between tous as specie PUBLIC HOLIDAYS & FESTIVAL Virtually al countries have public holidays, religious oF otherwise. The festivities may temporarily disrupt your holday nd some resus holds may resi ina reduction of facilities and entertain EARLYBIRD OFFERS, SUPERDEALS, FLY DEALS & SPECIAL Conatons phy Fo relating to any Earlybird Special, fer on your booking, please go to travelmarvel.comaulspecialdeals OTHER SPECIAL OFFt ‘Special Deals and Special Offers other than those advertised herein may be promoted by Travelmarvel se new special deals/offers do not apply to ae bookings unless otherwise stated full terms and conditions Fly Deal or Special TRAVELLER Details, cling he fl range of benefits and conditions, are available on our website at au/club BOOKING AND PAYING FOR YOUR HOLIDAY AIRFARES Air travel is arranged with independent aires. Travernarel il arange a ravel as adverised in connection with your holiday packag otherwise arranged with Tavelnarve Al eifares ore subject to fight and book or cancellation fees apply and, in so non-refundable. Name changes date and schedule changes will incur fees. favelarvel notable or delays or dstuptons of air travel. Once tickets are issued, Travelmarvel wil ve no ofr Fol and wl at be responsible for refunding the cost of any services Conjunctn sh he igh Fyng outdo ofthe ou date renge ot rerouting your ight tier may incur additional surcharges. While we endeavour to accommodate your ane seating request these are never guaranteed and are subject to change at the aitine’s discretion South America 2023/24 ‘AIRLINE LOYALTY POINT ELIGIILITY avelmarvel uses the services of a range of airines inis packages, Tevelmarvel does not warart tht 1 afares atvactlayay pons a ans conto the application of loyalty points in all cases, Requests to Use ane points to upgrade wave need tobe directed to the aiine concemed by the member. ‘TRAVELMARVEL DEPOSIT CANCELLATION PEACE OF MIND Conditions apply: applicable when an upfront fee of $95 per person is paid with your deposit. The holiday package can be cancelled prior tothe final payment date and you epost wi be retained as 2 Travelmarvel holding credit to be used for future bookings. Depost Cancelaion Peace of Minds else Orin @edcal be redoeed cust the original cruise or tour departure date. Deposit held in credit will exclude fees imposed by third parties, including but not limited to air travel, al travel and hotels. When being held. Traveimarvel Deposit Cancellation Peace of Mind applies to new bookin Cony and is only valid up until 100 days prior to travel. After tee years unused cre funds lnc the oli cancel cok, Tis doe | insurar hiwe song reverend you phase ee ro ooking. ‘TRAVEL INSURANCE Travel Insurance is not included in your holiday package. For your protection, we strongly recomm rehensive travel insurance tat incudes hot tation coverage forthe cost of your holy package expenses, loss of uggege, cuse and ind content and airfare charges that may occur due t Cencelation mpossbily of perornaneeoroter frustration, disruption loss of deposit or strikes. TRAVEL INFORMATION & DOCUMENTS Atter booking you will receive an invoice with af import iit relevent to your holley ge. We strongly recommend y the details secret rd rend te neues information. Please ensure that you check vir aot bookings, charges or late payment, tickets may be emailed to you. SPECIAL REQUESTS Where a special request (eg. diet, room location, twin or double bedded room, a particular facility at a hotel, fight seat requests and/or particular meals), is an important factor in your choice of holiday, you must advise us when your booking is mi Travelmarvel will pass your request on to the hotel, airline or other supplier but cannot guarantee that it will be accommodated. Traveimarvel will also pass ‘your contract with us. Confirmation that a special Tequest has been noted or passed on to the supplier or the inclusion of the special request on your Confirmation invoice or any other documentation is not cok that the request will be met. Unless sre wil specicby coir onc ress are subject to eval CRE BIT DIT & DEBIT CARD SURCHARGE: If you pay Travelmarvel by credit or seni cord surcharges will apply. In the case of credit cards a surcharge of between 1% and 33% (depending on the card used), will be added to the tour price. In the case of debit cards a charge of 0.5% will be added to the tour price. ACCURACY aver laird oan at the information provi ut accommodation, Tnerares et, i cored to he best ois mnowledge atthe time of publication. However, advertised descriptions and facilties and prices may change after publication. We recommend that you confirm the details of your chosen holiday package at the time of booking, Additionally fight times, carriers and routes are given for guidance only as there may wn on your ay yo fey spin! cheges prorto your departure DISRUPTION TO CRUISING IGE ave sentces incuding, bul nt ited to, xccommodation on the docked ship or substitute land arrangements. Under normal river conditions, itineraries will operate as fer as possi pablo Loans soem sor reesons beyond yy be necessary to make alterations Hora For ip, wou MRIS. if there is a water level problem on a river, it may be necessary to operate part ofthe itinerary by coach and altemative sightseeing may be included. Travelmarvel will not be liable for any direct or indirect costs that you incur as a result of any event cis elena icone fie Necessitates a change in your itinerary. Additionally, You re nol etiled To any refund fren ateaors to your itinerary that are caused or contributed to by any flood or water level events or such other events ‘hich are beyond our control. Traveimarvel cannot Quarantee exact arrival and departure times for imarvel and IGES The fight timings detailed on your confirmation invoice, of on our website are for guidance only and are subject to alteration and confirmation, Flight timings are set by aifines and affected by events Outside our control. Scheduled and charter fight s of operation are also subject to change. Travelmarvel will advise you of any significant changes as soon as its informed by the airline. Minor timing changes will be shown on your flight tickets. Any change in the identity ofthe aitine, fight timings or aircraft type (advised) will not ete you to cancel or change to oter thout paying any applicable cancelation fees eet where speciied these teat ‘condition: IT OF DATE r oes have al pubished he schedule atthe Storia, Reval eee ne et Of ebares connected wah your Roldry package When he artine releases fight entry and airfres, Travelmarvel wll confirm booking and pricing with you by sending you an updated invoice. Once fights have been confirmed by you and payment has been received, Travelmarvel wil issue your ticket/s FORCE MAJEURE Force majeure event means the occurence of an event that is beyond Travel control, and which could not have (Including repeal in the law or administration of any (au tle or ny sto otc rolort tothe booking contact, which includes changes i 1 deciton mi = =o a from tne yore, nekeany changes regulaion or acess lo senfces, sos or counties caused by declared epidemic or pandemic events, ‘TERMINATION OF BOOKING CONTRACT OR CHANGE OF TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS DUE RCE MAJEURE If Travelmarvel in its reasonable opinion, jeure event prevents Tr , fers consider ravelmarvel booking contract (in whole or in part: or (b) change your travel arangements as reasonably practicable Ho sir yo see) el rk youl ay additior LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN THE EVENT ‘OF FORCE MAJEURE In the event that Travelmarvel cancels or changes your travel arrangements in any way due to a force majeure event, Travelmarvel will not be liable to you in contract, tor, statute or resttution for any loss {including, but not limited to, loss of deposit or Inconnecon wih whether Steely or net a the cancellation or change to arrangements; or (b) the force polis a Travelmarvel is not lable to refund any part of the deposit or purchase price paid by you i ‘Tavehnevet sees lent sino o cee your adequately protect yourself against these risks, your policy needs to respond to these risks. You ‘Tevettenel rcuting buteot lite to overs expenses and works or services pert personally by Travelmarvel, leading up to th corfmentementof te hota package, eernatvely prior to the force majeure event. DATA PROTECTION POLICY ‘Any personal formation Including senstve fred heath information) ta Travelmavel ‘we may disclose it to (including overseas recipients), sequences if we do not collect it. Our Privacy Policy also contains information about Qu, and our Complaint resolution procedures, Our Privacy Policy is available at wwntravelmarvel com aulprivacy or by request to us. By providing personal or sensitive infomation to you re agretng to the ts of ur Privacy Pol LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 1. Our holiday packages include the services of independent providers, such as hoteliers, aiines, crus compeies and other operators, who aren agents, servants or employees of Tr Altough we take caren selecting the independent service providers and the optional excursions conducted by some independent service providers, Travelmarvel is not responsible for the conduct of the independent service providers, their servants and agents or for any ramifications of that conduct. Optional excursions may, depending on your holiday package, include activities such as climbing, exploring, bike riding, swimming and snorkelling ‘You accept and assume the risk involved with, these activities. 2.1. the opinion of any representative of evel your sera reel oreo general behaviour is such as to affect Fh nel ato, erie you Icemable to eae fr become a hazard to yourself ult in you becoming objectionable to other passengers or staff, you will to embark or continue on whole or any part of the holiday package. Travelmarvel representatives are empowered to ask quests to depart a holiday package if they are displaying known COVID-19 symptoms. Abuse or harassment of any kind toward crew, contracted suppliers or other guests may result in immediate removal from the tour or cruise, Travelmarvel is not liable to you for any costs associated with such decison an yo wl not be efinded or ony part of the holiday package 3. Travelmarvel accepts no responsibilty for any death, injury illness, loss (including loss of enjoyment) damage, detention, delay (ncluding mechanical breakdown) beyond its contro, 4, Any term, condition or warranty express or implied by statute or otherwise in respect to the holiday packages contained in any of our collateral are excluded to the full extent permitted by law. Nothing in these booking conditions excludes, restricts or modifies the application of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) as amended, consolidated, supplemented or replaced 5, To the full extent permitted by aw, Traveimarvel's liabilty arising under or in connection with these booking conditions: (a's limited to the re-supply of of re-supply of the products or services to you; and Pl glues may for any indirect or consequential losses suffered by you or any third party, howsoever caused including but not ited to pure economic fs ory sci eaiertny anime eG to you or any ot 6. Your travel mies will forward deposits and other payments to us on your behalf, but your travel agent is not our agent for the purpose of receipt of monies. Receipt of deposits and subsequent payments by the travel agent does not constitute receipt of those mares by us andthe travel agent has no authorty expressed or implied to receive monies on our behal Thee is notably onthe pat of Travelmarvel in respect you al ent ean oe Travelmarvel notifies you (by way of a booking confirmation ack Payment receipt adic) tat monies Mave been ecelved by Tavelmawvel. avelmanel eserves the right to cancel any ticket or booking or catty ay passenger where payment has enbaal received by Travelmarvel within the specified time. 7. Specific meal requests are requests only and cannot be guarant ‘COVID-49 REQUIREMENTS Before booking and before you travel, ensure that you check the latest Government travel requirements and Travelmarvel updates which Beli he onbonn pooch wl be available on Travelmarve's trevelmerelcomeulaboutusravel jap nic wl se out he obligations which apply to customer departing on his may include Sora ee atve et rests pa to embod Compliance with the travel requirements and

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General Information & Conditions The following terms and conditions (booking conditions) form the basis of your contract with Australian Pacific Touring Ply Ltd (Travelmarve, ‘we’ or"our}, Pees reed them caretly as ey st out your and our respective rights and obligation These Terms & Conditions were correct at time of Terms, aullegal/generabinformation-conditions By asking us to confirm your booking, we are entitled to assume that you have had ‘opportunity to read and have read th booking conditions; that you agree to them and that to our contact vith you. Reterences ht conditions to your ‘holiday package’ are aes to the tour or cruise package you have booked with Tiavelmarvel, References to ions’ are references to short trips or tours included or available as part of your holiday package. GOVERNING LAW king conditions are governed by the law infos n Vcore, Austota BEFORE YOU BOOK PRICE VALIDITY Published prices are valid at the time of publication but are subject to change. They may be varied by advertising or special offers, or changed after the publication date for any reason, including without limitation, to cover changes in government taxes and changes, exchange rte variations, vl surcharges, airline charges, a force majeure event o motor nesses by supptorsTHe mon upto dle pricing may be found on our website ~ savadrovelervelcomou.Pces willbe core t time of booking and honoured for up to seven days. Al dye xe subject to avlabiy at he tne of booking, see important information listed under Special Conditions for relevant deposit and final payment term: S transfers are included on the fist and last Gay ofthe tout package or with pte and post ‘accommodation booked by Travelmarvel. No refund sl en foe ununed vases Tanslrscamot be re-routed to other pick-up points or destinations gers who miss the pret nsfers must make their own way to/from the ship/hotel at their ‘own expense. Some holiday packages include {group transfers from or in between airports/hotel/ shared transfer and the type of vehicle used will ‘normally be dependent upon the size of the group. Combined cue and and tours, or ruse Include tarefe and fights between tous as specie PUBLIC HOLIDAYS & FESTIVAL Virtually al countries have public holidays, religious oF otherwise. The festivities may temporarily disrupt your holday nd some resus holds may resi ina reduction of facilities and entertain EARLYBIRD OFFERS, SUPERDEALS, FLY DEALS & SPECIAL Conatons phy Fo relating to any Earlybird Special, fer on your booking, please go to travelmarvel.comaulspecialdeals OTHER SPECIAL OFFt ‘Special Deals and Special Offers other than those advertised herein may be promoted by Travelmarvel se new special deals/offers do not apply to ae bookings unless otherwise stated full terms and conditions Fly Deal or Special TRAVELLER Details, cling he fl range of benefits and conditions, are available on our website at au/club BOOKING AND PAYING FOR YOUR HOLIDAY AIRFARES Air travel is arranged with independent aires. Travernarel il arange a ravel as adverised in connection with your holiday packag otherwise arranged with Tavelnarve Al eifares ore subject to fight and book or cancellation fees apply and, in so non-refundable. Name changes date and schedule changes will incur fees. favelarvel notable or delays or dstuptons of air travel. Once tickets are issued, Travelmarvel wil ve no ofr Fol and wl at be responsible for refunding the cost of any services Conjunctn sh he igh Fyng outdo ofthe ou date renge ot rerouting your ight tier may incur additional surcharges. While we endeavour to accommodate your ane seating request these are never guaranteed and are subject to change at the aitine’s discretion South America 2023/24 ‘AIRLINE LOYALTY POINT ELIGIILITY avelmarvel uses the services of a range of airines inis packages, Tevelmarvel does not warart tht 1 afares atvactlayay pons a ans conto the application of loyalty points in all cases, Requests to Use ane points to upgrade wave need tobe directed to the aiine concemed by the member. ‘TRAVELMARVEL DEPOSIT CANCELLATION PEACE OF MIND Conditions apply: applicable when an upfront fee of $95 per person is paid with your deposit. The holiday package can be cancelled prior tothe final payment date and you epost wi be retained as 2 Travelmarvel holding credit to be used for future bookings. Depost Cancelaion Peace of Minds else Orin @edcal be redoeed cust the original cruise or tour departure date. Deposit held in credit will exclude fees imposed by third parties, including but not limited to air travel, al travel and hotels. When being held. Traveimarvel Deposit Cancellation Peace of Mind applies to new bookin Cony and is only valid up until 100 days prior to travel. After tee years unused cre funds lnc the oli cancel cok, Tis doe | insurar hiwe song reverend you phase ee ro ooking. ‘TRAVEL INSURANCE Travel Insurance is not included in your holiday package. For your protection, we strongly recomm rehensive travel insurance tat incudes hot tation coverage forthe cost of your holy package expenses, loss of uggege, cuse and ind content and airfare charges that may occur due t Cencelation mpossbily of perornaneeoroter frustration, disruption loss of deposit or strikes. TRAVEL INFORMATION & DOCUMENTS Atter booking you will receive an invoice with af import iit relevent to your holley ge. We strongly recommend y the details secret rd rend te neues information. Please ensure that you check vir aot bookings, charges or late payment, tickets may be emailed to you. SPECIAL REQUESTS Where a special request (eg. diet, room location, twin or double bedded room, a particular facility at a hotel, fight seat requests and/or particular meals), is an important factor in your choice of holiday, you must advise us when your booking is mi Travelmarvel will pass your request on to the hotel, airline or other supplier but cannot guarantee that it will be accommodated. Traveimarvel will also pass ‘your contract with us. Confirmation that a special Tequest has been noted or passed on to the supplier or the inclusion of the special request on your Confirmation invoice or any other documentation is not cok that the request will be met. Unless sre wil specicby coir onc ress are subject to eval CRE BIT DIT & DEBIT CARD SURCHARGE: If you pay Travelmarvel by credit or seni cord surcharges will apply. In the case of credit cards a surcharge of between 1% and 33% (depending on the card used), will be added to the tour price. In the case of debit cards a charge of 0.5% will be added to the tour price. ACCURACY aver laird oan at the information provi ut accommodation, Tnerares et, i cored to he best ois mnowledge atthe time of publication. However, advertised descriptions and facilties and prices may change after publication. We recommend that you confirm the details of your chosen holiday package at the time of booking, Additionally fight times, carriers and routes are given for guidance only as there may wn on your ay yo fey spin! cheges prorto your departure DISRUPTION TO CRUISING IGE ave sentces incuding, bul nt ited to, xccommodation on the docked ship or substitute land arrangements. Under normal river conditions, itineraries will operate as fer as possi pablo Loans soem sor reesons beyond yy be necessary to make alterations Hora For ip, wou MRIS. if there is a water level problem on a river, it may be necessary to operate part ofthe itinerary by coach and altemative sightseeing may be included. Travelmarvel will not be liable for any direct or indirect costs that you incur as a result of any event cis elena icone fie Necessitates a change in your itinerary. Additionally, You re nol etiled To any refund fren ateaors to your itinerary that are caused or contributed to by any flood or water level events or such other events ‘hich are beyond our control. Traveimarvel cannot Quarantee exact arrival and departure times for imarvel and IGES The fight timings detailed on your confirmation invoice, of on our website are for guidance only and are subject to alteration and confirmation, Flight timings are set by aifines and affected by events Outside our control. Scheduled and charter fight s of operation are also subject to change. Travelmarvel will advise you of any significant changes as soon as its informed by the airline. Minor timing changes will be shown on your flight tickets. Any change in the identity ofthe aitine, fight timings or aircraft type (advised) will not ete you to cancel or change to oter thout paying any applicable cancelation fees eet where speciied these teat ‘condition: IT OF DATE r oes have al pubished he schedule atthe Storia, Reval eee ne et Of ebares connected wah your Roldry package When he artine releases fight entry and airfres, Travelmarvel wll confirm booking and pricing with you by sending you an updated invoice. Once fights have been confirmed by you and payment has been received, Travelmarvel wil issue your ticket/s FORCE MAJEURE Force majeure event means the occurence of an event that is beyond Travel control, and which could not have (Including repeal in the law or administration of any (au tle or ny sto otc rolort tothe booking contact, which includes changes i 1 deciton mi = =o a from tne yore, nekeany changes regulaion or acess lo senfces, sos or counties caused by declared epidemic or pandemic events, ‘TERMINATION OF BOOKING CONTRACT OR CHANGE OF TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS DUE RCE MAJEURE If Travelmarvel in its reasonable opinion, jeure event prevents Tr , fers consider ravelmarvel booking contract (in whole or in part: or (b) change your travel arangements as reasonably practicable Ho sir yo see) el rk youl ay additior LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN THE EVENT ‘OF FORCE MAJEURE In the event that Travelmarvel cancels or changes your travel arrangements in any way due to a force majeure event, Travelmarvel will not be liable to you in contract, tor, statute or resttution for any loss {including, but not limited to, loss of deposit or Inconnecon wih whether Steely or net a the cancellation or change to arrangements; or (b) the force polis a Travelmarvel is not lable to refund any part of the deposit or purchase price paid by you i ‘Tavehnevet sees lent sino o cee your adequately protect yourself against these risks, your policy needs to respond to these risks. You ‘Tevettenel rcuting buteot lite to overs expenses and works or services pert personally by Travelmarvel, leading up to th corfmentementof te hota package, eernatvely prior to the force majeure event. DATA PROTECTION POLICY ‘Any personal formation Including senstve fred heath information) ta Travelmavel ‘we may disclose it to (including overseas recipients), sequences if we do not collect it. Our Privacy Policy also contains information about Qu, and our Complaint resolution procedures, Our Privacy Policy is available at wwntravelmarvel com aulprivacy or by request to us. By providing personal or sensitive infomation to you re agretng to the ts of ur Privacy Pol LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 1. Our holiday packages include the services of independent providers, such as hoteliers, aiines, crus compeies and other operators, who aren agents, servants or employees of Tr Altough we take caren selecting the independent service providers and the optional excursions conducted by some independent service providers, Travelmarvel is not responsible for the conduct of the independent service providers, their servants and agents or for any ramifications of that conduct. Optional excursions may, depending on your holiday package, include activities such as climbing, exploring, bike riding, swimming and snorkelling ‘You accept and assume the risk involved with, these activities. 2.1. the opinion of any representative of evel your sera reel oreo general behaviour is such as to affect Fh nel ato, erie you Icemable to eae fr become a hazard to yourself ult in you becoming objectionable to other passengers or staff, you will to embark or continue on whole or any part of the holiday package. Travelmarvel representatives are empowered to ask quests to depart a holiday package if they are displaying known COVID-19 symptoms. Abuse or harassment of any kind toward crew, contracted suppliers or other guests may result in immediate removal from the tour or cruise, Travelmarvel is not liable to you for any costs associated with such decison an yo wl not be efinded or ony part of the holiday package 3. Travelmarvel accepts no responsibilty for any death, injury illness, loss (including loss of enjoyment) damage, detention, delay (ncluding mechanical breakdown) beyond its contro, 4, Any term, condition or warranty express or implied by statute or otherwise in respect to the holiday packages contained in any of our collateral are excluded to the full extent permitted by law. Nothing in these booking conditions excludes, restricts or modifies the application of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) as amended, consolidated, supplemented or replaced 5, To the full extent permitted by aw, Traveimarvel's liabilty arising under or in connection with these booking conditions: (a's limited to the re-supply of of re-supply of the products or services to you; and Pl glues may for any indirect or consequential losses suffered by you or any third party, howsoever caused including but not ited to pure economic fs ory sci eaiertny anime eG to you or any ot 6. Your travel mies will forward deposits and other payments to us on your behalf, but your travel agent is not our agent for the purpose of receipt of monies. Receipt of deposits and subsequent payments by the travel agent does not constitute receipt of those mares by us andthe travel agent has no authorty expressed or implied to receive monies on our behal Thee is notably onthe pat of Travelmarvel in respect you al ent ean oe Travelmarvel notifies you (by way of a booking confirmation ack Payment receipt adic) tat monies Mave been ecelved by Tavelmawvel. avelmanel eserves the right to cancel any ticket or booking or catty ay passenger where payment has enbaal received by Travelmarvel within the specified time. 7. Specific meal requests are requests only and cannot be guarant ‘COVID-49 REQUIREMENTS Before booking and before you travel, ensure that you check the latest Government travel requirements and Travelmarvel updates which Beli he onbonn pooch wl be available on Travelmarve's trevelmerelcomeulaboutusravel jap nic wl se out he obligations which apply to customer departing on his may include Sora ee atve et rests pa to embod Compliance with the travel requirements and

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