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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.01 to 31.12 - Page nb 47

Catalogue Flight Center 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024

Products in this catalogue

red fom fo ur et aveananets absolute discretion Some of the regions or attractions visited while on € different regulations to that of the Government requirements, therefore proof of vaccination may be required to participate in some included or optional touring, LOCAL PURCHASES Travelmarvel is not responsible for any items you may purchase locally Le. jewelleryifurniture etc. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any import duty oF freight costs. PERSONAL BELONGI rer Sen ieee valuables should be kept to a in by comprehensive travel insurance in the event of a MEDICAL ASSISTANCE Travelmarvel does not employ medical staff on our {Ours or ships. If you require medical attention, local medical services can be contacted immediately. You are responsible forall charges that result from a “siting a medical facility, or for a medical practitioner siting you. Travelmarvel is not responsible for the ype or quality of the medical services you in receive sMOKING Sovarene seo inten fot iene jourist coaches frequent stops are made or tose wishing fo smoke, Smoking st permited in hotel rooms or ship cabins, Requests for smoking/ non-smoking rooms will be passed on to hotels but cannot be guaranteed, RESPONSIBLE SERVI HOL Our staf are trained in the responsible service of alcohol and are obliged by law to refuse service to any guest who, in their reasonable opinion appears (0 be intoxicated or behaves in an aggressive or offensive mann SERVICE ENQUIRIES f a problem occurs during your holiday, you should, in your own interests, inform your tour director so hat steps can be taken to resolve the matter. f you remain dissatisfied, any complaint must be made in writing to Travelmarvel within 30 days LUGGAGE LIMITS ech pessdoge efi sli neice of luggage that does not exceed 160 cm (63 inches) Weigh move fer 20 kg (pounce). Dimensions for checked baggage are calculated by adding together the width, height, and depth of the piece of baggage. An extra charge will be imposed to cover porterage handing of any additional luggage. Your TourfCruise Director will advise you of the exact. additional charge. ‘SPECIFIC CONDITIONS PERTAINING TO SOUTH AMERICA HOLIDAY PACKAGES: PRICES ~ DEPOSITS ~ PAYMENTS. A non-refundable security deposit of $1500 per person, per holiday package is required within seven days of booking confirmation. Deposit requirements may vary when booking a special offer, Final payment ofthe balance of your holiday package price is due 100 days prior to departure unless stated in the terms of a special offer Tvalnervel saves the it coal ny tet pas where specified ime. All fares and charges are in AUD, Payment in full is equired at time of booking for reservations made less than 100 days before departure from Australia. If Travelmarvel is unable to confirm your reservation, all monies will be refunded, Hotels may apply surcharges for late booking requests Peaves ne Wr MNCs Children under 12 year SETS) ONS Bo aloes COAST 18 years of age rust be accompanied by an adult and share their accommodation with an adult INCLUDED IN HOLIDAY PACKAGE PRICI Al fights within South America as stated in each erry, apart intron the rt i at dy of the tour; minimum airport taxes; coach/cruise travel: ras fr al nde arrangements incudeg al guides, di led meals), the services of a Travelmarvel Tour Director (as indicated in individual itineraries), NOT INCLUDED IN HOLIDAY PACKAGE PRICE Airfares between Australia or New Zealand and South America; travel insurance; optional tours neludng sleet expe ant phd ed guides on select experiences; optional shor icons meels pnd re ote hen Thess schedules may require you to book accommodation and services at your own expense. GRATUITIES: Gratuities have been prepaid forall services as indicated in the itinerary on all Travelmarvel Tour and ‘Cruises and cannot be redeemed for a cash refund. rales me not uci for your Atocere r Easter Island exten: (TS WITHIN SOUTH AMERICA Economy flights within South America and airport teres ae included in the pice as stated in each itinerary, These fights must Travelmarvel and are subject to ante booking other aitine. Aiport taxes are an estimate only and ‘are subject to change without notice. Internal air prices are valid at the time of publication, CHOOSING YOUR HOLIDAY ‘To maximise your enjoyment of your Travelmarvel holiday and to ensure that it ives up to your ectations itis important that you choose the right holiday package for you. Our publication contains limited information, however, there is more information on our website at travelmarvel and our qualified staff are available to discuss your options. HOTELS Hotel rooms may be smaller than those in Australia ‘and New Zealand, Travelmarvel endeavours to chure will be used on almost al holy packages; however 1a change & necessary for any reason, Tavelmarvel wi endeavour to ensure tat atleratve cconmodation 's of an equivalent standard to those shown. Hotel rooms are generally not available for checkin before 3pm and require check-out by 10am. Where ‘uaranteed use is required outside of these times ‘may be required to book and pay for additional nights TWIN OR DOUBLE ROOMS ‘Accommodation in all hotels and camps, regardless of the rating isin standard rooms (sometimes namet superior/deluxe) based on twins oF doubles unk otherwise stated. Bedding configurations on board ‘cruises may vary with the category booked. America twin-bedded rooms are very common and double beds are either not available or limited innumber. CRUISING ~ CABIN/SUITE/ TATEROOM SELECTION Travelmarvel will make every effort to assign specific cabins, cabin numbers or locations on the ship if requested. f this is not possible, Travelmarvel reserves the right to make changes to cabin essigment thin he category booked wathout pie notice, Where guaranteed-grade cabins a colin: cage oma eave real to allocate cabins within the grade booked or better, regardiess of their location or configuration. For the Chilean Fjords cruise aboard Holland America Line's Gesterdam, gueranted cabins er allocated by Holland America Line. A small number eke oa certain categories ae accessiie on allocated to any passenger. S A limited number of single rooms/suites/cabins may be available by request at time of bookin erustholapaciage, Sale ioraestesbs are not available on certain cruises. Single rooms! Suiesfeains are wsaly sar thon sea to ‘or double rooms and often only have oF single be PRE & POST EXTENDED TOURING All extensions are based on availabilty at time of booking, Gratuities are not included on extended touring packages PASSENGERS NEEDING ASSISTANCE ‘Travelmarvel welcomes all passengers. Please note: sengers with a disabiity or medical condition reauiing assistance must inform Travelmarvel at the time of booking of all important information relating to your health, mobilty and fitness which may affect tou needs, “ay ch one peel ea ona fess ‘must also be repor possible and prior depuse ‘hee possible ‘Travelmarvel will make reasonable adjustments to the tour to assist you however, it cannot do so if the your salety endor te safety anclor enjoyment of other passenger 2. you require assistance or care (such as pushing a wheecha,astance wth cessing or asstance with walking), you must travel with a com, Capable of prouding the required assistance o care. Tvelmorvls unable io exist ay pessonge wih walking, dining, boarding or disembarking a transportation vehicles (including river and ocean ‘cruise ships and trains). To safely participate in ‘embarkation and disembarkation you must be able bs impacting other passengers’ safety and/or enjoyment. 3. While Travelmarve! will make reasonable efforts to accommodate everyone, itis not responsible for any denial of services by any third party entities ithas travel arrangements with, such as carries, hotels, trains, restaurants or other independent suppliers, or for any additional associated expenses charges by those patties. 4, Please note coaches and minibuses are not equipped with wheelchair ramps. Most river and Sepan sips Rave elves, however rot Travelmarvel ships have eleve ips Tp te ise Us go vetoes cocks Further, side by side docking may require passengers to climb and descent stairs to cross over vessels to disembark and embark at times. Travelmarvel ships often sal trough emote areas, tht ek hae convenient dec ee In such circumstances it wil be nec passengers to negotiate temporary rgengplnks and ‘uneven surfaces. Ifthe crew decide that its not safe fora passenger to negolate such operations, they may require passengers to stay on board. Cabin doors and restrooms may not be wide enough to alow acess by standard wheelena, Wheelhaks ‘and walkers cannot be carried on coaches, Space imtaions For sefelyressons, pest — ramps in ports where the river tr ocean cue ship st anchor ovelnonel & tunable to provide individual assistance to any passenger for walking, dining, disembarking or ‘embarking cruise ships and/or coaches or other transportation vehicles or other personal needs, HEALTH AND FITNESS Teel of ness and heath required to participate on Travelmarvel’s holiday packages. In ome destinations there are extensive sightseeing coaches, river cruise ships and trains. Antarctica cruises require you to be able to climb in and out of z id some of our excursions may involve wet landings (see Shore Excursions for more information We recommend a tothe doco beloretoveng \ oveshs Sesion aN eit vaccinations which may be requ. [s you resporsily to advise avelnave of ary Breexsting mecca condtons that may affect he ‘normal conduct of a holiday package ank enjoyment of ste passengers. A Heath, Fness & Mobilty Questionnaire wil be provided and requested to be completed at the time of booking if you advise of any heath fitness or mobility issues. Travelmarvel isnot liable for any injury, ilness, or loss Cf enjoyment which could have been reasonably prevented had we been made aware of a pre- existing condition and been provided an opportunity to review it. We will not be responsible for any costs associated with cancellation penalties or the return Of pessoa Non 6x nd 0 fei ot touring cannot be ‘SHORE EXCURSIONS The timings of the shore excursions on all cruise holiday packages may differ slightly for each package. Timings of the shore excursions may Gfersigtly for each peckoge and each departure must be able to climb ramps to embark or $5 # water during embarkation and disembarkation of sodas, VISA AND PASSPORTS passengers must have 2 vad passpo thats Vall fora cos cox months ater ie Renny package return date. Passengers must consult with the appropriate consulates to ensure that they have any applicable visas for countries included in the hlday package pr to departure. Passengers are solely responsible for meeting necessary passport a delays or missed portons of the holiday package resulting from incorrect travel documents or visas. IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY CHANGES OR ADDITIONS TO YOUR HOLIDAY If you want to change any part of your holiday arrangements after the invoice has been issued, we will do our best to make the change, but it may not be possible, Any request for changes must be made in wniting by the person who made the original booking, or their travel agent If its possible to make the change, it will be subject to an administration charge and payment of any further costs incurred as a result of the change. CANCELLATION POLICY The following Travelmarvel cancellation fees apply { adation to cherges of ny independent suppers 9. airlines and hotels) Days of Notice Prior To Departure Fee Per Person 100 days or more Loss of deposit 99-61 days 50% of holiday package price 60 days or less 100% of holiday package price Alcancelaons must be receive nung by vel and are not effective unti this hen has been fecewed. your holday hes ¥% of the full holiday package price BS chowged There no rend fot unused sonics or if portions of the holiday package are missed, Acciona cancelation fees may also be charged in respect of ac n reserved outside holeay peclage dates, These caeeiten| ts are in addition to any fees that may be Travelmarvel and your travel agent! 0 on Seu acknowledge that the amounts estimated under the Cancellation Policy are reasonable and represent a legitimate interests of Travelmarvel. if you request changes after Travelmarvel has issued your documents, Travelmarvel may charge you an fchinisraion and processing fe of $70 per person in addition to any applicable cancellation fee ‘LATION OF TICKETED. ical navel concen feof $50 per person apples for ticketed aiares, in atin fo any aiine cancellation fees that are applicable. CHANGES TO TICKETED AIRFARES If you wish to amend the date or routing on your telat ak baking 6 Tavansrve sence ‘on for the first change and $85 for Sateen cencee noe charged in addition to airline change fees and additional taxes that are applicable. If, for any reason, a name change to a ticketed aifare is required, a $125 per person name change fee will apply for every change in addition to any applicable airine fees. IE WENEED TO CHANGE ‘OR CANCEL YOUR If we change or cmc your rokday belee your departure, Travelmavel endeavours to provide you vith all ths sendces confmed to youl the ie of your booking. However, we plan arrangements a jong time in advance of arture date using independent suppliers such as aitines, hotels etc., ct control. On occasion CANCE! ATravel packages/excursions accordingly, All tours require a ‘minimum number of bookings in order to be xem viable and to have e pleasant group te numbers cannot alternative date (or a refund of the monies paid for arrangements made by Travelmarvel) ‘ON HOLIDAY NOISE AND VIBRATION Travelmarvel takes reasonable steps to minimise noise and vibrations on its cruising vessels. You sancetic are accept that some noise and vibra be experienced on aircraft, vel veasals ond Yas ont Tevelmowels nt tele to you for any such noise or vibration ‘TRAVELMARVEL TOUR DI The sonees ofa: Tovelnavel Tour Dect are included in allitineraries including Galdpagos Finch By, We wil nt include an Trveimanvel Tou Director/Cruise Director if minimum numbers are not rel Tavelnarel Tour econ re notinguded! on holiday extensions TANCE Holland America employ an on-board doctor and infirmary. Guests are responsible for all charges that Fes for ng eM onsen etal practioner or a local medical facilty. Travelmarvel is eee ba tte pe or quaity of wea! servi HOLLANe ACh LINE PACKAGE For guests who purchase Holland America Line's “Have it all’ Premium Package the below conditions apply To be eligible for the Have It All package, all quests Signature Beverage Package has a daily beverage at atime; sharing of this package is not permitted. Signature Beverage Package excludes purchases made in Signature Shops, Mini Bar, In Room Dining, The WiFi Sut Package includes use of ne device «person, Satelite tansmissions ae inetenty slower than nections. The Surf Package may not Stow for ausoNdeo calling {and streaming and the daily volume of data is restricted ‘Shore excursion credit of USD200 per person to apply toward their Shore Excursion purchase(s)- up to USDI00 value per tour or USD100 off each of oe ur ilrecehve two nights specalydrng: one non ‘at Pinnacle Grill and one night at Car Offer exc! and ee Resenaing ont times wilbenalstleG pomaow ‘Have it all Premium Package is not redeemable for cash. ‘TRAVELLER CLUB TERMS & CONDITIONS Details, including the full ange of benefits and Conalons, ay be ‘website at Platinum level rmplmeriary pre ard post tour seperti bony Sables ne Sean IMac IN THIS PUBLICAT! ion Serna insges i pubis ee cop of, and have yloduced with the permission Sacred Valley Hotel; Hotel Garden inn Cusco; Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica; GHL. Lago Titicaca Hotel; Diamond Restaurant Fine Dining Pubscation No, TM:74GAU Prices and nerves 2028 il 30 Near 2024 2 2 ipatiades al revue pibleatone South America 2023/24

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red fom fo ur et aveananets absolute discretion Some of the regions or attractions visited while on € different regulations to that of the Government requirements, therefore proof of vaccination may be required to participate in some included or optional touring, LOCAL PURCHASES Travelmarvel is not responsible for any items you may purchase locally Le. jewelleryifurniture etc. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any import duty oF freight costs. PERSONAL BELONGI rer Sen ieee valuables should be kept to a in by comprehensive travel insurance in the event of a MEDICAL ASSISTANCE Travelmarvel does not employ medical staff on our {Ours or ships. If you require medical attention, local medical services can be contacted immediately. You are responsible forall charges that result from a “siting a medical facility, or for a medical practitioner siting you. Travelmarvel is not responsible for the ype or quality of the medical services you in receive sMOKING Sovarene seo inten fot iene jourist coaches frequent stops are made or tose wishing fo smoke, Smoking st permited in hotel rooms or ship cabins, Requests for smoking/ non-smoking rooms will be passed on to hotels but cannot be guaranteed, RESPONSIBLE SERVI HOL Our staf are trained in the responsible service of alcohol and are obliged by law to refuse service to any guest who, in their reasonable opinion appears (0 be intoxicated or behaves in an aggressive or offensive mann SERVICE ENQUIRIES f a problem occurs during your holiday, you should, in your own interests, inform your tour director so hat steps can be taken to resolve the matter. f you remain dissatisfied, any complaint must be made in writing to Travelmarvel within 30 days LUGGAGE LIMITS ech pessdoge efi sli neice of luggage that does not exceed 160 cm (63 inches) Weigh move fer 20 kg (pounce). Dimensions for checked baggage are calculated by adding together the width, height, and depth of the piece of baggage. An extra charge will be imposed to cover porterage handing of any additional luggage. Your TourfCruise Director will advise you of the exact. additional charge. ‘SPECIFIC CONDITIONS PERTAINING TO SOUTH AMERICA HOLIDAY PACKAGES: PRICES ~ DEPOSITS ~ PAYMENTS. A non-refundable security deposit of $1500 per person, per holiday package is required within seven days of booking confirmation. Deposit requirements may vary when booking a special offer, Final payment ofthe balance of your holiday package price is due 100 days prior to departure unless stated in the terms of a special offer Tvalnervel saves the it coal ny tet pas where specified ime. All fares and charges are in AUD, Payment in full is equired at time of booking for reservations made less than 100 days before departure from Australia. If Travelmarvel is unable to confirm your reservation, all monies will be refunded, Hotels may apply surcharges for late booking requests Peaves ne Wr MNCs Children under 12 year SETS) ONS Bo aloes COAST 18 years of age rust be accompanied by an adult and share their accommodation with an adult INCLUDED IN HOLIDAY PACKAGE PRICI Al fights within South America as stated in each erry, apart intron the rt i at dy of the tour; minimum airport taxes; coach/cruise travel: ras fr al nde arrangements incudeg al guides, di led meals), the services of a Travelmarvel Tour Director (as indicated in individual itineraries), NOT INCLUDED IN HOLIDAY PACKAGE PRICE Airfares between Australia or New Zealand and South America; travel insurance; optional tours neludng sleet expe ant phd ed guides on select experiences; optional shor icons meels pnd re ote hen Thess schedules may require you to book accommodation and services at your own expense. GRATUITIES: Gratuities have been prepaid forall services as indicated in the itinerary on all Travelmarvel Tour and ‘Cruises and cannot be redeemed for a cash refund. rales me not uci for your Atocere r Easter Island exten: (TS WITHIN SOUTH AMERICA Economy flights within South America and airport teres ae included in the pice as stated in each itinerary, These fights must Travelmarvel and are subject to ante booking other aitine. Aiport taxes are an estimate only and ‘are subject to change without notice. Internal air prices are valid at the time of publication, CHOOSING YOUR HOLIDAY ‘To maximise your enjoyment of your Travelmarvel holiday and to ensure that it ives up to your ectations itis important that you choose the right holiday package for you. Our publication contains limited information, however, there is more information on our website at travelmarvel and our qualified staff are available to discuss your options. HOTELS Hotel rooms may be smaller than those in Australia ‘and New Zealand, Travelmarvel endeavours to chure will be used on almost al holy packages; however 1a change & necessary for any reason, Tavelmarvel wi endeavour to ensure tat atleratve cconmodation 's of an equivalent standard to those shown. Hotel rooms are generally not available for checkin before 3pm and require check-out by 10am. Where ‘uaranteed use is required outside of these times ‘may be required to book and pay for additional nights TWIN OR DOUBLE ROOMS ‘Accommodation in all hotels and camps, regardless of the rating isin standard rooms (sometimes namet superior/deluxe) based on twins oF doubles unk otherwise stated. Bedding configurations on board ‘cruises may vary with the category booked. America twin-bedded rooms are very common and double beds are either not available or limited innumber. CRUISING ~ CABIN/SUITE/ TATEROOM SELECTION Travelmarvel will make every effort to assign specific cabins, cabin numbers or locations on the ship if requested. f this is not possible, Travelmarvel reserves the right to make changes to cabin essigment thin he category booked wathout pie notice, Where guaranteed-grade cabins a colin: cage oma eave real to allocate cabins within the grade booked or better, regardiess of their location or configuration. For the Chilean Fjords cruise aboard Holland America Line's Gesterdam, gueranted cabins er allocated by Holland America Line. A small number eke oa certain categories ae accessiie on allocated to any passenger. S A limited number of single rooms/suites/cabins may be available by request at time of bookin erustholapaciage, Sale ioraestesbs are not available on certain cruises. Single rooms! Suiesfeains are wsaly sar thon sea to ‘or double rooms and often only have oF single be PRE & POST EXTENDED TOURING All extensions are based on availabilty at time of booking, Gratuities are not included on extended touring packages PASSENGERS NEEDING ASSISTANCE ‘Travelmarvel welcomes all passengers. Please note: sengers with a disabiity or medical condition reauiing assistance must inform Travelmarvel at the time of booking of all important information relating to your health, mobilty and fitness which may affect tou needs, “ay ch one peel ea ona fess ‘must also be repor possible and prior depuse ‘hee possible ‘Travelmarvel will make reasonable adjustments to the tour to assist you however, it cannot do so if the your salety endor te safety anclor enjoyment of other passenger 2. you require assistance or care (such as pushing a wheecha,astance wth cessing or asstance with walking), you must travel with a com, Capable of prouding the required assistance o care. Tvelmorvls unable io exist ay pessonge wih walking, dining, boarding or disembarking a transportation vehicles (including river and ocean ‘cruise ships and trains). To safely participate in ‘embarkation and disembarkation you must be able bs impacting other passengers’ safety and/or enjoyment. 3. While Travelmarve! will make reasonable efforts to accommodate everyone, itis not responsible for any denial of services by any third party entities ithas travel arrangements with, such as carries, hotels, trains, restaurants or other independent suppliers, or for any additional associated expenses charges by those patties. 4, Please note coaches and minibuses are not equipped with wheelchair ramps. Most river and Sepan sips Rave elves, however rot Travelmarvel ships have eleve ips Tp te ise Us go vetoes cocks Further, side by side docking may require passengers to climb and descent stairs to cross over vessels to disembark and embark at times. Travelmarvel ships often sal trough emote areas, tht ek hae convenient dec ee In such circumstances it wil be nec passengers to negotiate temporary rgengplnks and ‘uneven surfaces. Ifthe crew decide that its not safe fora passenger to negolate such operations, they may require passengers to stay on board. Cabin doors and restrooms may not be wide enough to alow acess by standard wheelena, Wheelhaks ‘and walkers cannot be carried on coaches, Space imtaions For sefelyressons, pest — ramps in ports where the river tr ocean cue ship st anchor ovelnonel & tunable to provide individual assistance to any passenger for walking, dining, disembarking or ‘embarking cruise ships and/or coaches or other transportation vehicles or other personal needs, HEALTH AND FITNESS Teel of ness and heath required to participate on Travelmarvel’s holiday packages. In ome destinations there are extensive sightseeing coaches, river cruise ships and trains. Antarctica cruises require you to be able to climb in and out of z id some of our excursions may involve wet landings (see Shore Excursions for more information We recommend a tothe doco beloretoveng \ oveshs Sesion aN eit vaccinations which may be requ. [s you resporsily to advise avelnave of ary Breexsting mecca condtons that may affect he ‘normal conduct of a holiday package ank enjoyment of ste passengers. A Heath, Fness & Mobilty Questionnaire wil be provided and requested to be completed at the time of booking if you advise of any heath fitness or mobility issues. Travelmarvel isnot liable for any injury, ilness, or loss Cf enjoyment which could have been reasonably prevented had we been made aware of a pre- existing condition and been provided an opportunity to review it. We will not be responsible for any costs associated with cancellation penalties or the return Of pessoa Non 6x nd 0 fei ot touring cannot be ‘SHORE EXCURSIONS The timings of the shore excursions on all cruise holiday packages may differ slightly for each package. Timings of the shore excursions may Gfersigtly for each peckoge and each departure must be able to climb ramps to embark or $5 # water during embarkation and disembarkation of sodas, VISA AND PASSPORTS passengers must have 2 vad passpo thats Vall fora cos cox months ater ie Renny package return date. Passengers must consult with the appropriate consulates to ensure that they have any applicable visas for countries included in the hlday package pr to departure. Passengers are solely responsible for meeting necessary passport a delays or missed portons of the holiday package resulting from incorrect travel documents or visas. IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY CHANGES OR ADDITIONS TO YOUR HOLIDAY If you want to change any part of your holiday arrangements after the invoice has been issued, we will do our best to make the change, but it may not be possible, Any request for changes must be made in wniting by the person who made the original booking, or their travel agent If its possible to make the change, it will be subject to an administration charge and payment of any further costs incurred as a result of the change. CANCELLATION POLICY The following Travelmarvel cancellation fees apply { adation to cherges of ny independent suppers 9. airlines and hotels) Days of Notice Prior To Departure Fee Per Person 100 days or more Loss of deposit 99-61 days 50% of holiday package price 60 days or less 100% of holiday package price Alcancelaons must be receive nung by vel and are not effective unti this hen has been fecewed. your holday hes ¥% of the full holiday package price BS chowged There no rend fot unused sonics or if portions of the holiday package are missed, Acciona cancelation fees may also be charged in respect of ac n reserved outside holeay peclage dates, These caeeiten| ts are in addition to any fees that may be Travelmarvel and your travel agent! 0 on Seu acknowledge that the amounts estimated under the Cancellation Policy are reasonable and represent a legitimate interests of Travelmarvel. if you request changes after Travelmarvel has issued your documents, Travelmarvel may charge you an fchinisraion and processing fe of $70 per person in addition to any applicable cancellation fee ‘LATION OF TICKETED. ical navel concen feof $50 per person apples for ticketed aiares, in atin fo any aiine cancellation fees that are applicable. CHANGES TO TICKETED AIRFARES If you wish to amend the date or routing on your telat ak baking 6 Tavansrve sence ‘on for the first change and $85 for Sateen cencee noe charged in addition to airline change fees and additional taxes that are applicable. If, for any reason, a name change to a ticketed aifare is required, a $125 per person name change fee will apply for every change in addition to any applicable airine fees. IE WENEED TO CHANGE ‘OR CANCEL YOUR If we change or cmc your rokday belee your departure, Travelmavel endeavours to provide you vith all ths sendces confmed to youl the ie of your booking. However, we plan arrangements a jong time in advance of arture date using independent suppliers such as aitines, hotels etc., ct control. On occasion CANCE! ATravel packages/excursions accordingly, All tours require a ‘minimum number of bookings in order to be xem viable and to have e pleasant group te numbers cannot alternative date (or a refund of the monies paid for arrangements made by Travelmarvel) ‘ON HOLIDAY NOISE AND VIBRATION Travelmarvel takes reasonable steps to minimise noise and vibrations on its cruising vessels. You sancetic are accept that some noise and vibra be experienced on aircraft, vel veasals ond Yas ont Tevelmowels nt tele to you for any such noise or vibration ‘TRAVELMARVEL TOUR DI The sonees ofa: Tovelnavel Tour Dect are included in allitineraries including Galdpagos Finch By, We wil nt include an Trveimanvel Tou Director/Cruise Director if minimum numbers are not rel Tavelnarel Tour econ re notinguded! on holiday extensions TANCE Holland America employ an on-board doctor and infirmary. Guests are responsible for all charges that Fes for ng eM onsen etal practioner or a local medical facilty. Travelmarvel is eee ba tte pe or quaity of wea! servi HOLLANe ACh LINE PACKAGE For guests who purchase Holland America Line's “Have it all’ Premium Package the below conditions apply To be eligible for the Have It All package, all quests Signature Beverage Package has a daily beverage at atime; sharing of this package is not permitted. Signature Beverage Package excludes purchases made in Signature Shops, Mini Bar, In Room Dining, The WiFi Sut Package includes use of ne device «person, Satelite tansmissions ae inetenty slower than nections. The Surf Package may not Stow for ausoNdeo calling {and streaming and the daily volume of data is restricted ‘Shore excursion credit of USD200 per person to apply toward their Shore Excursion purchase(s)- up to USDI00 value per tour or USD100 off each of oe ur ilrecehve two nights specalydrng: one non ‘at Pinnacle Grill and one night at Car Offer exc! and ee Resenaing ont times wilbenalstleG pomaow ‘Have it all Premium Package is not redeemable for cash. ‘TRAVELLER CLUB TERMS & CONDITIONS Details, including the full ange of benefits and Conalons, ay be ‘website at Platinum level rmplmeriary pre ard post tour seperti bony Sables ne Sean IMac IN THIS PUBLICAT! ion Serna insges i pubis ee cop of, and have yloduced with the permission Sacred Valley Hotel; Hotel Garden inn Cusco; Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica; GHL. Lago Titicaca Hotel; Diamond Restaurant Fine Dining Pubscation No, TM:74GAU Prices and nerves 2028 il 30 Near 2024 2 2 ipatiades al revue pibleatone South America 2023/24

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