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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.01 to 31.12 - Page nb 42

Catalogue Flight Center 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2023

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42 General Information & Conditions The following terms and conditions (booking conditions) form the basis of your contract with Austalan Pacife Touring Pty Ltd (Taveimarver, ‘our). Please read them carefully as they set out your end our respective rights and obligations. Our terms and conditions are divided into two ections ~ those ofa gene nature i are Consistent across al avelmarvel holidays; and those ofa spectic nature that relate to particular holiday pact Tiss Tere € Coven wore cone i & com.aullegal/generalinformation-conditions By asking us to confirm your booking, we are entitled to assume that you ha the opportunity to read, and ha booking conditions; that you agree to that you agree to them applying to yout oidey arrangements with us and acre to make, provide o perform is pleat a part of our contract with you. Ref these booking conan to your holiday package’ are references to package you have booked wi References to “excursions” are references to short trips or tours included or available as part of your holiday package. GOVERNING LAW These booking condivons ae governed bythe law in force in Victoria, Australia, BEFORE YOU BOOK PRICE VALIDITY Published prices are valid at the time of publication but are subject to change. They may be varied by advertising or special offers, or changed after the publication date for any reason, including without limitation; to cover changes in government taxes and charges, exchange rate or other material increases by suppliers. The most up to date pricing may be found on our website ~ Prices will be confirmed at the time of booking and honoured for up to seven days. Once the security deposit is paid the price will be guaranteed. Please see important information listed under Special Conditions for relevant deposit and final payment terms. TRANSFERS Airport transfers are included on the first and last day ofthe tour package ot with pre and post accommodation booked by Travelmarvel No reluna wil be given for unused Wansfes Transfers cannot be re-routed to other pick-up points or destinations, Passengers who miss the pre-booked transfers must make their own way toffrom the ship/hotel at their own expense. Some holiday packages Incude group Wensters from orn between apotsihotelships and vice versa, A group transfer is generally a shar transfer and the type of vehicle used will say nt upon the size of ciuise and land tours, or cruise include transfer and flights between tours as specified. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS & FESTIVAL Virtually all countries have public holidays, religious or ot temporarily disrupt your holiday religious holidays may result in a reduction of facities and entertainment EARLYBIRD OFFERS, SUPERDEALS, FLY DEALS & SPECIAL OFFERS Conditions Apply. For full terms and conditions relating to any Earlybird Special, Fly Deal or cial Offer on your booking, please go to au/specialdeals OTHER SPECIAL OFFERS Special Deals and Special Offers other than those advertised herein may be promoted by Travelmarvel from time to time. These new special deals/otters do not spoy to existing bookings asst hens state TRAVELLER Cl Detar ietuing the full onge of benefts and conditions are available on our website at BOOKING AND PAYING FOR YOUR HOLIDAY AIRFARES: Air travel is arranged with independent airlines. Travelmarvel will arrange air travel as advertised in-connection with your holiday package or as, otherwise arranged with Travelmarvel, All airfares are subject to flight and booking class availabilty 8 specified n the conditions fares vil be io SOR on EI Gepost to avoid price or tax nc tases vary fr eech aeparture point ard cttng of airines, Aline schedules are subect change without notice. Once ai eset. abine anenanen anger cancaaion fees apply and, in some cases, are refundable, Name changes and voluntary date and schedule changes wil incur fees. Taveimarvel notable for dats o disruptions of air travel. Once tick ve ne other abity with the flights. Flying outside of the tour date range or re-routing your flight itinerary may incur Vietnam & Cambodia River Cruising additional surcharges. While we endeavour to accommodate your airline seating requests, these are never guaranteed and are subject to change at the airline's discretion. AIRLINE LOYALTY POINT ELIGIBILITY Travelmarvel sere Serces ofa range of airlines in its rvel does not wrrrart that fe atforesatrat loyalty pols 0s sities contol the application of yal pots in all cases, Requests to use airline upgrade travel need fo be drected to ihe aFtne concerned by the member. TRAVELMARVEL DEPOSIT CANCELLATION PEACE OF MIND Conditions apply: applicable when an upfront fee of $95 per person is paid with your deposit. The holiday package can be cancelled prior to the final payment date and your deposit will be retained as a Travelmarvel holding credit to be Used for future bookings. if Deposit Cancellation Peace of Mind is claime ies held must be Used on a future cruise or tour and cannot be redeemed against the original cruise or tour departure dete, Deposit held in crect will le fees imposed by third parties, including but ot tinted at vavel, ral vel nd hotel ooking airfares throu thelucing when taking advantage offer that includes air travel), standard airline cancellation fees will apply. In some casi airfares will be non-refundable. In the event ot Cancellation, these fees wil be deducted ro the depost paid, and therefore the credit being held, Travelmarvel Deposit Cancelaion Peace of Mind applies to new bookings only and is only valid up until 100 days prior to travel. After three years, unused credit funds will incur the original Cancellation conditions, This does not replace travel insurance, which you are required to Purchase at the time of booking. RAVEL INSURANCE Travel Insurance is not included in your holiday package. For your pr to purchas includes (without limitation) coverage forthe cost of your holiday package, medic Impossiaty of perormance or oer frustration, disruption, loss of deposit o ‘TRAVEL INFORMATION & Dec UENTE After booking you will receive an invoice with al important information relevant to yout Hokey Package. We strongly recommend you the detais set and reed the inc ea information. Please ensure that flight tnnge ok Le tickets, peso eat morning departures, Approximately 21.4 belore departure you will recelve your ecicket, together with your inal linerary. However, nthe pee fea clings charge rl peyoar tickets may be emai SPECIAL REQUESTS ‘Where a special request (eg. diet, room location, twin or double bedded room, a particular facility at a hotel, fight seat requests and/or particular meals), is an important factor in your choice of holiday, you must advise us when your is made. Travelmarvel will pass your request on to the hotel, airline or other supplier but cannot you check directly with the airline once your tickets have been issued. (ieselon oti specel recor oy yer Confmationinvoce or any other documentation is not confirmation that the request will be Unless and Unt peciealy eenfmed, at special requests are subject to availabilty CREDIT & DEBIT CARD SURCHARGES If you pay Travelmarvel by credit or debit card, a surcharge of between 0.5% and 3% will be added your tour price. ACCURAC Travelmarvel has endeavoured to ensure that the Information provided about secommodation, itineraries etc., is correct to the best of frnowlogge a te te of publication, However advertised descriptions and facilities and prices may change after publication. We recommend that you confirm the detals of your chosen holiday package at the time of booking Additionally, fight times, carriers and routes are given for guidance only as there may be changes. Final details will be shown on your tickets. Holiday excursion itineraries 'ay change or be different from those described in our collateral as a result of local conditions, weather condos and annual events, arvel will endeavour to notify you of a ysis changes prior to your departure. DISRUPTION TO CRUISING AND ITINERARY ARRANGEMENTS Itineraries are intended as a guide only and are subject to alteration without notice, Alterntions sary for various reasons including, vatoutlimtation 108d, al ster or wether Conditions, strikes or other Traveimarve'’s conto ae routes unsafe for navigaion, ravernorvel 2022-23 reserves the right to provide alternative services including, but not limited to, accommodation on the docked ship or substitute land arrangements. Under normal river conditions, itineraries will operate as far as possible as published, ‘operate part oi the itinerary by coach and allematve sightsee Included. ravelmarvel wil not be lable for any direct or indirect costs that you incur as a result of any event or other factor beyond our control connections with any other services or attractions beyond its control FLIGHT CHANGES The ont timings detalles on your cofimaton invoice, or on our website are for guidance only and are subject to alteration and confirmation. Charter flight timings, and days of operat also subject to change. Traveimarvel will advise you of any significant changes as soon as itis Informed by he atine. Minor ting changes wil shown on your fight tickets. Any change. the identity ofthe ating, fight timings or arrat "ype f advised) wi not enti you to cancel or change to other arrangements without paying any applicable cancelation fees excep specied in these booking conditions. OUT OF DATE RANGE FLIGHTS Ifairlines have not published their schedule at the time of booking, Traveimarvel will estimate the cost of airfares connected with your holiday yackage. When the ailine releases flight bnvertng ene akfoes, oweimacv fil conti ling ye Tovah. Tovar wl iseoe sya ‘ickets FORCE MAJEURE Force Majeure event means the occurrence ont, mage, rot, cv strife, industol aspute,teronst acy or the teat , amendment (including repeal) in the law or administration of any law in Australia or any jurisdiction or territory relevant to the ract, which includes changes in services, ses or counties caused by dectered epidemic or pandemi TeeMnATion OF BOOKIN MANGE OF TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS DUE TO FORCE MAJEUR If Travelmarvel,in its reasonable opinion, considers 1! Force Majeure event prevents Tavelmarvel whether drect or trough its mployees, contactors, subcontractors and lawl or sel providing any oducts “r services subject of the boo Eontract with you, Tavelmarvel may ined y wate rode) erate the book contract (in whole or in part or (b) change your favel srongemenis as reasonably practcone ensure your safety and invoice you for any additional costs, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN THE EVENT OF FORCE In the event that Tovetnanel cancels or es your rave arengemsnts ery wy Je 10 a force majeu Inconnedton wih e force majeure even Force majeure events are unpredictable and beyond Travelmarvel’s control. As you Feo io buchase towel natence 0. adequately protect yourself against these risks, your policy needs to respond to thes Ves sen oie Slee Het thse terms are reasonably necessary to fegtimote terest of revelmarvel based 0 expected nomfecoverable costs and expenses to_be incurred by Travelmarvel,inctuding but not limited to overhead expenses and works or services performed personally by Travelmarvel, leading up to the commencement of the holiday package alternatively pri tothe force majeur DATA eet LICY Any personal information (including sensitive information and health information) that btains and retains from to (including overseas recipients), and not collect it. our By consequences if we do n Rolie also contains information about youmay sak access ta ox conection he personal information held about you, and our Complaint resolution procedures, Our Pivacy personal or sensitive information to us, you are agreeing to the terms of our Privacy Policy. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 1. Our holiday packages include the services pendent providers, such as hoteliers, aitines, cise companies and other operators, who are not agents, servants or emplo Travelmarvel, though we take care in selecting Independent service providers an optional excutons conducted independent service providers, Tovemarve 's not responsible for the conduct of independent service provider and agents or for any tanfeatons of that conduct. Optional e on your holiday package, neath and saety, render you incapable to care for yourset couse you to became 2 hazard fo youre or oor pascon gers of rasan you becoming objectionable to other passengers or staff, you will not be permitted to embar continue on the whole or any part of the holday package. Trevelmarvel representatives are empowered to ask guests to depart a holiday Package if they are displaying known COVID-19 symptoms, Abuse or harassment of any kind toward crew, contracted suppliers or other guests may the tour or cruise. Travelm. you for any costs associated with such decision and you will not be refunded for any part of the ge. ICcepts no responsibility for any death, injury, illness, loss (including loss of tion, delay (including its control ‘Any term, condition or warranty express or condtons excludes, rests or modies the application of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (it as amended, consolidate, supplemented or replace ER the tl extent pertted by law, Travelmarvets labilly arising under orn connection wit conditions: fa istintee toe resuppy ole products or services or the payment of the cost of re-supply of the products or services to you; and (b) excludes lability for any inet or consequertial pure economic loss or any special, extraordinary image to you or any other party. 6. Your travel agent will forward deposits and other payments to us on your behalf, but your travel agent is not our agent for the purpose of receipt of monies. Receipt of deposits and subsequent payments by the travel agent does ot constitute receipt of those moni 1 liability on the part of Travelmarvel in respect to any monies paid to your travel agent unless and until Travelmarvel notifies you (by way of a booking confirmation advice or payment receipt advice) that monies have been received by Travelmarvel. Travelmarvel reserves the right to cancel any ticket or booking or refuse to carry any passenger where payment has not ean received by Travelmarvel within the specified tim 7 Speci meal requests are requests only and cannot be guar ‘covip-419 TOUR we Before booking and before you travel, ensure that you check the latest Government tr requrements and Trevelmervel Updos wich include the on board protocols (which will be avaiable on Tevelmarvets website at vel com au/eboutushravebupdates ‘hich wl set out the obligations which apply isomers deperdng on urs Ts may ede obtaini 1egative test results prior to embarkation, completion of health questionnaire, mask wring, requirement to iolate if COVID-1S symptoms present dur passengers bam the tae doomed eos

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42 General Information & Conditions The following terms and conditions (booking conditions) form the basis of your contract with Austalan Pacife Touring Pty Ltd (Taveimarver, ‘our). Please read them carefully as they set out your end our respective rights and obligations. Our terms and conditions are divided into two ections ~ those ofa gene nature i are Consistent across al avelmarvel holidays; and those ofa spectic nature that relate to particular holiday pact Tiss Tere € Coven wore cone i & com.aullegal/generalinformation-conditions By asking us to confirm your booking, we are entitled to assume that you ha the opportunity to read, and ha booking conditions; that you agree to that you agree to them applying to yout oidey arrangements with us and acre to make, provide o perform is pleat a part of our contract with you. Ref these booking conan to your holiday package’ are references to package you have booked wi References to “excursions” are references to short trips or tours included or available as part of your holiday package. GOVERNING LAW These booking condivons ae governed bythe law in force in Victoria, Australia, BEFORE YOU BOOK PRICE VALIDITY Published prices are valid at the time of publication but are subject to change. They may be varied by advertising or special offers, or changed after the publication date for any reason, including without limitation; to cover changes in government taxes and charges, exchange rate or other material increases by suppliers. The most up to date pricing may be found on our website ~ Prices will be confirmed at the time of booking and honoured for up to seven days. Once the security deposit is paid the price will be guaranteed. Please see important information listed under Special Conditions for relevant deposit and final payment terms. TRANSFERS Airport transfers are included on the first and last day ofthe tour package ot with pre and post accommodation booked by Travelmarvel No reluna wil be given for unused Wansfes Transfers cannot be re-routed to other pick-up points or destinations, Passengers who miss the pre-booked transfers must make their own way toffrom the ship/hotel at their own expense. Some holiday packages Incude group Wensters from orn between apotsihotelships and vice versa, A group transfer is generally a shar transfer and the type of vehicle used will say nt upon the size of ciuise and land tours, or cruise include transfer and flights between tours as specified. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS & FESTIVAL Virtually all countries have public holidays, religious or ot temporarily disrupt your holiday religious holidays may result in a reduction of facities and entertainment EARLYBIRD OFFERS, SUPERDEALS, FLY DEALS & SPECIAL OFFERS Conditions Apply. For full terms and conditions relating to any Earlybird Special, Fly Deal or cial Offer on your booking, please go to au/specialdeals OTHER SPECIAL OFFERS Special Deals and Special Offers other than those advertised herein may be promoted by Travelmarvel from time to time. These new special deals/otters do not spoy to existing bookings asst hens state TRAVELLER Cl Detar ietuing the full onge of benefts and conditions are available on our website at BOOKING AND PAYING FOR YOUR HOLIDAY AIRFARES: Air travel is arranged with independent airlines. Travelmarvel will arrange air travel as advertised in-connection with your holiday package or as, otherwise arranged with Travelmarvel, All airfares are subject to flight and booking class availabilty 8 specified n the conditions fares vil be io SOR on EI Gepost to avoid price or tax nc tases vary fr eech aeparture point ard cttng of airines, Aline schedules are subect change without notice. Once ai eset. abine anenanen anger cancaaion fees apply and, in some cases, are refundable, Name changes and voluntary date and schedule changes wil incur fees. Taveimarvel notable for dats o disruptions of air travel. Once tick ve ne other abity with the flights. Flying outside of the tour date range or re-routing your flight itinerary may incur Vietnam & Cambodia River Cruising additional surcharges. While we endeavour to accommodate your airline seating requests, these are never guaranteed and are subject to change at the airline's discretion. AIRLINE LOYALTY POINT ELIGIBILITY Travelmarvel sere Serces ofa range of airlines in its rvel does not wrrrart that fe atforesatrat loyalty pols 0s sities contol the application of yal pots in all cases, Requests to use airline upgrade travel need fo be drected to ihe aFtne concerned by the member. TRAVELMARVEL DEPOSIT CANCELLATION PEACE OF MIND Conditions apply: applicable when an upfront fee of $95 per person is paid with your deposit. The holiday package can be cancelled prior to the final payment date and your deposit will be retained as a Travelmarvel holding credit to be Used for future bookings. if Deposit Cancellation Peace of Mind is claime ies held must be Used on a future cruise or tour and cannot be redeemed against the original cruise or tour departure dete, Deposit held in crect will le fees imposed by third parties, including but ot tinted at vavel, ral vel nd hotel ooking airfares throu thelucing when taking advantage offer that includes air travel), standard airline cancellation fees will apply. In some casi airfares will be non-refundable. In the event ot Cancellation, these fees wil be deducted ro the depost paid, and therefore the credit being held, Travelmarvel Deposit Cancelaion Peace of Mind applies to new bookings only and is only valid up until 100 days prior to travel. After three years, unused credit funds will incur the original Cancellation conditions, This does not replace travel insurance, which you are required to Purchase at the time of booking. RAVEL INSURANCE Travel Insurance is not included in your holiday package. For your pr to purchas includes (without limitation) coverage forthe cost of your holiday package, medic Impossiaty of perormance or oer frustration, disruption, loss of deposit o ‘TRAVEL INFORMATION & Dec UENTE After booking you will receive an invoice with al important information relevant to yout Hokey Package. We strongly recommend you the detais set and reed the inc ea information. Please ensure that flight tnnge ok Le tickets, peso eat morning departures, Approximately 21.4 belore departure you will recelve your ecicket, together with your inal linerary. However, nthe pee fea clings charge rl peyoar tickets may be emai SPECIAL REQUESTS ‘Where a special request (eg. diet, room location, twin or double bedded room, a particular facility at a hotel, fight seat requests and/or particular meals), is an important factor in your choice of holiday, you must advise us when your is made. Travelmarvel will pass your request on to the hotel, airline or other supplier but cannot you check directly with the airline once your tickets have been issued. (ieselon oti specel recor oy yer Confmationinvoce or any other documentation is not confirmation that the request will be Unless and Unt peciealy eenfmed, at special requests are subject to availabilty CREDIT & DEBIT CARD SURCHARGES If you pay Travelmarvel by credit or debit card, a surcharge of between 0.5% and 3% will be added your tour price. ACCURAC Travelmarvel has endeavoured to ensure that the Information provided about secommodation, itineraries etc., is correct to the best of frnowlogge a te te of publication, However advertised descriptions and facilities and prices may change after publication. We recommend that you confirm the detals of your chosen holiday package at the time of booking Additionally, fight times, carriers and routes are given for guidance only as there may be changes. Final details will be shown on your tickets. Holiday excursion itineraries 'ay change or be different from those described in our collateral as a result of local conditions, weather condos and annual events, arvel will endeavour to notify you of a ysis changes prior to your departure. DISRUPTION TO CRUISING AND ITINERARY ARRANGEMENTS Itineraries are intended as a guide only and are subject to alteration without notice, Alterntions sary for various reasons including, vatoutlimtation 108d, al ster or wether Conditions, strikes or other Traveimarve'’s conto ae routes unsafe for navigaion, ravernorvel 2022-23 reserves the right to provide alternative services including, but not limited to, accommodation on the docked ship or substitute land arrangements. Under normal river conditions, itineraries will operate as far as possible as published, ‘operate part oi the itinerary by coach and allematve sightsee Included. ravelmarvel wil not be lable for any direct or indirect costs that you incur as a result of any event or other factor beyond our control connections with any other services or attractions beyond its control FLIGHT CHANGES The ont timings detalles on your cofimaton invoice, or on our website are for guidance only and are subject to alteration and confirmation. Charter flight timings, and days of operat also subject to change. Traveimarvel will advise you of any significant changes as soon as itis Informed by he atine. Minor ting changes wil shown on your fight tickets. Any change. the identity ofthe ating, fight timings or arrat "ype f advised) wi not enti you to cancel or change to other arrangements without paying any applicable cancelation fees excep specied in these booking conditions. OUT OF DATE RANGE FLIGHTS Ifairlines have not published their schedule at the time of booking, Traveimarvel will estimate the cost of airfares connected with your holiday yackage. When the ailine releases flight bnvertng ene akfoes, oweimacv fil conti ling ye Tovah. Tovar wl iseoe sya ‘ickets FORCE MAJEURE Force Majeure event means the occurrence ont, mage, rot, cv strife, industol aspute,teronst acy or the teat , amendment (including repeal) in the law or administration of any law in Australia or any jurisdiction or territory relevant to the ract, which includes changes in services, ses or counties caused by dectered epidemic or pandemi TeeMnATion OF BOOKIN MANGE OF TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS DUE TO FORCE MAJEUR If Travelmarvel,in its reasonable opinion, considers 1! Force Majeure event prevents Tavelmarvel whether drect or trough its mployees, contactors, subcontractors and lawl or sel providing any oducts “r services subject of the boo Eontract with you, Tavelmarvel may ined y wate rode) erate the book contract (in whole or in part or (b) change your favel srongemenis as reasonably practcone ensure your safety and invoice you for any additional costs, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN THE EVENT OF FORCE In the event that Tovetnanel cancels or es your rave arengemsnts ery wy Je 10 a force majeu Inconnedton wih e force majeure even Force majeure events are unpredictable and beyond Travelmarvel’s control. As you Feo io buchase towel natence 0. adequately protect yourself against these risks, your policy needs to respond to thes Ves sen oie Slee Het thse terms are reasonably necessary to fegtimote terest of revelmarvel based 0 expected nomfecoverable costs and expenses to_be incurred by Travelmarvel,inctuding but not limited to overhead expenses and works or services performed personally by Travelmarvel, leading up to the commencement of the holiday package alternatively pri tothe force majeur DATA eet LICY Any personal information (including sensitive information and health information) that btains and retains from to (including overseas recipients), and not collect it. our By consequences if we do n Rolie also contains information about youmay sak access ta ox conection he personal information held about you, and our Complaint resolution procedures, Our Pivacy personal or sensitive information to us, you are agreeing to the terms of our Privacy Policy. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 1. Our holiday packages include the services pendent providers, such as hoteliers, aitines, cise companies and other operators, who are not agents, servants or emplo Travelmarvel, though we take care in selecting Independent service providers an optional excutons conducted independent service providers, Tovemarve 's not responsible for the conduct of independent service provider and agents or for any tanfeatons of that conduct. Optional e on your holiday package, neath and saety, render you incapable to care for yourset couse you to became 2 hazard fo youre or oor pascon gers of rasan you becoming objectionable to other passengers or staff, you will not be permitted to embar continue on the whole or any part of the holday package. Trevelmarvel representatives are empowered to ask guests to depart a holiday Package if they are displaying known COVID-19 symptoms, Abuse or harassment of any kind toward crew, contracted suppliers or other guests may the tour or cruise. Travelm. you for any costs associated with such decision and you will not be refunded for any part of the ge. ICcepts no responsibility for any death, injury, illness, loss (including loss of tion, delay (including its control ‘Any term, condition or warranty express or condtons excludes, rests or modies the application of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (it as amended, consolidate, supplemented or replace ER the tl extent pertted by law, Travelmarvets labilly arising under orn connection wit conditions: fa istintee toe resuppy ole products or services or the payment of the cost of re-supply of the products or services to you; and (b) excludes lability for any inet or consequertial pure economic loss or any special, extraordinary image to you or any other party. 6. Your travel agent will forward deposits and other payments to us on your behalf, but your travel agent is not our agent for the purpose of receipt of monies. Receipt of deposits and subsequent payments by the travel agent does ot constitute receipt of those moni 1 liability on the part of Travelmarvel in respect to any monies paid to your travel agent unless and until Travelmarvel notifies you (by way of a booking confirmation advice or payment receipt advice) that monies have been received by Travelmarvel. Travelmarvel reserves the right to cancel any ticket or booking or refuse to carry any passenger where payment has not ean received by Travelmarvel within the specified tim 7 Speci meal requests are requests only and cannot be guar ‘covip-419 TOUR we Before booking and before you travel, ensure that you check the latest Government tr requrements and Trevelmervel Updos wich include the on board protocols (which will be avaiable on Tevelmarvets website at vel com au/eboutushravebupdates ‘hich wl set out the obligations which apply isomers deperdng on urs Ts may ede obtaini 1egative test results prior to embarkation, completion of health questionnaire, mask wring, requirement to iolate if COVID-1S symptoms present dur passengers bam the tae doomed eos

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