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Current catalogue Flight Center - Valid from 01.01 to 31.12 - Page nb 43

Catalogue Flight Center 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2023

Products in this catalogue

by medical staff. Compliance with the travel requirements and Travelmarvel updates is mandatory and anyone refusing to comply can denied access to the tour of removed from the tour at Travelmarvel's absolute discretion. For tours departing 01 January 2022 onwards, proof that you are fully vaccinated with a rnment approved COVID-19 vaccine will be required for each passenger before thi commencement of the tour. Full vaccinated means that there has been at least 14 clear days (not including the date of vaccination) trom the secon series of vaccines before the date of departure. if Government guidelines are published which recommend a booster dose of any approved COVID- Vacohaton. ne eforence to ful vouciated will only apply if a passenger has had a booster dose no earlier than 9 months and no sooner than 14 days prior to departure of the tour. LOCAL PURCHASES Travelmarvel is not responsible for any items you may purchase locally ie. jewellery/furniture etc. You acknowledge that you are solely responsbie yy import duty or freight PERSONAL BELONGINGS & LOST ITEMS For security reasons valuables should be kept (0a minimum and along with yor battery-operated appliances, as well as basic essentials such as a change of clothing and folletries, It is your responsibilty to look after your property at all times and you must ensure you are adequately covered by comprehensive ravel insurance in the event of any loss. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE Traveimarvel does not employ medical staff on ou tours or ships. you requie medical » g n, contacted immediately. You ate responsible for all charges that result from a visiting a medical fect, oor a meccal practioner vatnays el is not responsible f com et Worisical encase oe IG Government regulations forbid smoking in lout coaches however frequent stops are Je Tor those wishing to smoke. Smoking nol peritied in hotel rooms or ship cabin, Requests for smoking/non-smoking rooms will be passed on to hotels but cannot be guaranteed. RESPONSIBLE SERVICE OF ALCOHOL Our staff are trained in the responsible service of alcohol and are obligated by law to refuse service to any guest who, in their reasonable opinion, appears to be, oF is intoxicated, or behaves in an aggressive or offensive manner, SERVICE ENQUIRIES fa problem occurs during your holiday you shoul, your own interests, form your tour director so that steps can ne matter you remeln dlssalshed, ony complaint must be made in writing to Travelmarvel within 30 days LUGGAGE LIMITS hh passenger is entitled to take one piece of luggage that does not exceed 160 cm (63 inches), or weigh more than 20 kg (44 pounds), Dimensions for checked baggage are calculated by adding together the width, height, and depth of the piece of baggage. An extra charge wil be imposed to cover porterage handling of any additional luggage. Your Tour/Cruise Director will ise you of the exact additional charge. ‘SPECIAL, CONGITIONS Fa PERTAINING TO VIETNAM & CAMBODIA PACKAGE: DEPOSITS & PAYMENT A $1,000 non-refundable security deposit per person, per holiday package is required within booking confirmation. Final payment of the balance of your holiday package price is due 100 days prior to departure stated in the terms of a special offer. Deposit conditions may vay when booking a special fer. Travelmarvel reserves the right to cancel any ticket or 2 booking ort reluse to carry any passenger where payment has not be fecelved by Travelmarvel wth the speciied ime. All fares and charges are in Australian currency, Payment in full is required at time of booking for reservations made less than 100 days before departure from Austra four jeservation, all monies wil be refunded, Hotels may apply surcharges for late booking requests. TRAVELLING WITH MINORS Children of less than 12 years of age are not permitted on tours and cruises. Minors under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and share their accommodation with an adult INCLUDED IN HOLIDAY PACKAGE PRICE All coachicruise/rail and hotel accommodation, airfares (indicated in individual itinerary), gratuities for Travelmarvel staf, aitport transfers on the first and last day, sightseeing, specified excursions, meals, admissions, port charges, luggage service (one bag) and the services of a Cruise/Tour Director and driver as stated in your itinerary. NOT INCLUDED IN HOLIDAY PACKAGE PRICE Airfare n Australia and Vietnat nod, apo taxes, iauncy (ener en that vic sinctuded with executve package ietnam & Cambodia), passport and vse fees, meals or crinks other than those indicated in your tnerary, excess baggage, fue! surcharges ‘optional excursions and gratuities not specied n your inerary. RATUITIES: Gratuities have been included for all services 3s indicated in the itinerary on all Travelmarvel holiday packages including all land portions of your tour and on board your river cruise. These ‘amounts cannot be redeemed for cash refunds. FLI Qu Economy fights within Vietnam & Cambodia and airport taxes are included in the price. All internal flights must be booked by Travelmarvel where included in the tour package. Airport taxes vary Ye ach caper pot on aie Axe schedules are fares are subject without notice. Flights will be Dose on nest fare available at the time of booking, guarentee of the invoiced fight srrangements and once deposit received, fights will be ticketed. Name changes and voluntary date and schedule changes will incur fees. Seating requests are not available on domestic flights. vai Viemom & Cembod, The maximum luggage alowence onal fights wih Venom & Cambodia fs usually 20 klograms per passenger Full names incudlng mille mes 8s indicted in pesspors are required for al fight tekets witun Vietnam & Cambodia, CHOOSING YOUR HOLIDAY Holidays operate on nominated dates only. ‘To maximise enjoyment of your Travelmarvel holiday and to ensure that it lives up to your expectations itis important that you choose the right holiday package for ‘marketing collateral contains limited information howe mation online at and our staff are also available to discuss your options. HOTELS Hotel rooms in Vietnam & Cambodia may differ in size from those in Australia or New Zealand. In more remote places, hotel standards may not be {quite as high as in major centres. Travelmarvel, endeavours to utilise the most suita accommodation available in each destination to ensure that passengers enjoy high levels of cleanliness, comfort an mentonedin ine lnerary wl be used on almost all holiday packages, however, if a change is. 'y reason, Travelmarvel will endeavour to ensure that alternative ‘accommodation is of an equivalent standard to se shown, Hotel rooms are available for check-in before 3pm and require ‘check-out by 10am. Should you wish to check in earlier or stay later, you may be required to book and pay for additional nights. ‘TWIN OR DOUBLE ROOMS ‘Accommodation in all hotels, regardless of the rating, is in standard rooms (sometimes named superior/deluxe) based on twins or doubles unless otherwise stated. Bedcing coniguation board cruises vary depending onthe category b SINGLE homes ION A limited number of single rooms, suites or cabins may be avaible by raquest a the time of booking your haley. Single accommodation may nol be available on certain cruises, Sing scconmodaton scten smaller han stendad twin or double rooms and may only have one single bed. CRUISING ~ CABIN/SUITE/ ‘STATEROOM SELECTION ‘On your Mekong River cruise, Travelmarvel will ‘numbers or locations on the ship if requested. If win the colegory booked, without prior nce ADDITIONAL LUGGAGE INFORMATION Notwithstanding information on Iu requirements mentioned elsewhere in these terms and condivons, you wil be requted to pack-down to one small carry-on bag for Ha Long Bay ruses. Al luggage 5 carried at ‘owners 1 Rone NEEDING SPECIAL ASSISTANCE Travelmarvel welcomes passengers Geobiles or special neces Haweveh please note the followin. 1. Any disability or medical condition requiring special attention must be reported to Travelmarvel at the time of Dooking including all important information relating to your ny changes to health, mmobily ang tinese must aso be Travelmarvel as soon as possible departure. Where possible Wavelmarvel wil ‘make reasonable adjustments to the tour to accommodate your special needs however, it cannot do so ifthe adjustment required would be unreasonable in all of the circumstances, including if such adjustments would affect your safety and/or the safety and/or enjoyment of other passengers. 2. you require special assistance or care (Such as pushing a whecicha assiance with dressing, assistance with wi Fhe emergency alarms unaided, you must travel assistance. Travelmarvel is unable to assist walking, dining, boarding any transportation veces (including river and ocean cruise ships and tains), To safely parte Inembarkation, isembarkation you must be able i wihout Une nee or speci sussanice You must also be able to do so without unreasonably impacting other pessengers safety and/or enjoymé Sie Tavelnavel wl make reasonable effors to accommodate the special needs of disabled passen itis not responsible for any denial of services by any third party ens ithas travel wth such as carters, hotels, Orother independent supplies, or adaltonal associated expenses charges by those partes. 4. Please note coaches and minibuses are not equipped with wheelchair ramps. On river cruises, guests will need to be able to step into stairs to go between decks. Further, side by side docking may require passengers to climb and descent stairs to cross over vessels to disembark and embark at times. Travelmarvel ships often Sail trough remote areas that donot have convenient docking facilities. in circumstances it willbe necessary for passengers to negotiate tender boats, peo gangplanks =. te crew decide that ts not safe for a passenger to negoti Operations they may require passengers to sty doors and restrooms may nt be wide enough to allow access by standard wheelchairs, Wneelchls end walkers cannot be cartied on coaches, ce limitations. For safety reasons, passengers in wheelchairs 5, River ships routinely dock mid-stream and require the use of tenders to access the shore. Not all river ships or Wve elevators and some have multiple stairs to each level. Cabins rooms and restrooms or river cruise ships are hot wide enough fo allow access by standard wheelchairs. For safety reasons, passenger wheelchairs cannot be cared on ramps in ports he ver cruise ship Travelm Grebe © prove bevibual alana rater transportation, HEALTH & Fi ‘A good lel Bi Vines and health is readied G participate or imarvets holy pac lore destratone tore re ware sighisecing excursions by foot which eles the climbing of stairs. Mobility is nee boarding oF aligting coaches ver couse ie recommend a visit to the doctor Before teveling fo overseas destnevons and consult with them regarding any vaccinations which may be required. lis your responsiblity to advise Travelmarvel of any pre-existing medical Conaitions that may affect the normal conduct of a holiday package and the enjoyment of other be requested to be com) mobility issues. Travelmarvel is not liable for any cancellation penalties or the return of passengers from a tour, and a refund for lost touring cannot be claimed. VISAS AND PASSPORTS All passengers must have a valid passport that is valid for at least six months after the holiday \ckage retum date. Passengers must consult with the appropriate consulates to ensure that they have any applicable visas for countries included in the holiday package prior to Jeparure, Passengers are solely responsible for meeting necessary passport and visa entry requirements and paying all essociated ons Trayelmarvel fs not responsible for dela 3 portions of the holiday package resulting ffom incorrect travel documents or visas, Visas are at passengers Slightly for each package, The pubished ti uide only and are subject to whout notice. hs impossibe for Targe coaches some city sightseeing excursions cities will be visited by way of walking tours and/or local transportation. OPTIONAL EXCURSIONS Minimum and maximum group numbers apply on some optional excursions. IF YOU NEED TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY CHANGES OR AOTC, ‘TO YOUR HOLIDAY Ifyou want to change rt of your holiday le. Any request for changes must be mage in wring by the person ho made the original booking, or his or her tr agent Il you request ehaspes afi Travelmorvel has issued your documents, Traveimarvel may charge you an administration and processing fee ‘of $70 per person in addition to any applicable cancellation fees. CANCELLATION POLICY wvelmarvel cancellation fees spot tn adion te charges of any independent ippliers e.g, airlines and hotels): Days of Notice Prior to Departure Fee Per Person 100 days or more: Loss of depost 99-61 days aati veckaos oe 60 days orless 100% of holi Al eancelaions must be recelved In we of the holiday package are missed. Additional cancellation fees may also be charged in respect t accommodation reserved outside the holiday imate of therwise reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of Travelmarvel. CANCELLATION OF TICKETED AIRFARES A Travelmarvel cancellation fee of $50 per person applies for ticketed airfares, in addition to any airline cancellation fees that are applicable. CHANGES TO TICKETED AIRFARES If you wish to amend the date or routing on your ticketed air booking, a Travelmarvel amendment of rs0n for the first change and $85 for any subsequent changes will be charged in addition to airline change fees and additional taxes that are applicable. if you wish to amen an already issued Singapore Stopover package, person Travelmarvel change fee wil apply along with any applicable airline fees. If, for ny reason, a name change to a ticketed airfare 's required, a $125 per person name change fee will apply for every change in addition to any applicable airline fees. IF WE NEED TO CHANG )R CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY Favcnave endeavours to provide you with all he services confirmed to you at the time of your Tote Reve, We bie) arensenene | eo ime in advance of your departure date using independent suppliers such as airlines, hotels, etc., over whom we have no direct control. On amend holiday packages/excursions accordingly. Alltours requ @ ninimum number of bookings in order to be fnancaly able and to a pleasant group atmosphere. inthe event adequate numbers cannot be achieved, it may be necessary to cancel a scheduled departure and offer the nearest possible alternative date (or refund ofthe monies pad for arengements fe by Travelmarvel ON HOLIDAY NOISE AND VIBRATION Travelmarvel takes reasonable steps to minimise noise and vibrations on its river cruise ships. You acknowledge and accept that some noise and. vibration may be experienced on vessels and that Travelmarvel is not liable to you for any such noise or vibration. DOCKING POSITION During port stops river cruise ships may dock side by side, obstructing views and requiring you to pass through other ships to embark or disembark. The RV Apsara may moor overnight midstream during most cruising times, rather than dock at a port. Docking positions are governed entirely by the port authorities. ‘TRAVELMARVEL TOUR DIRECTORS A dedicated Travelmarvel Tour Director will nly be avaiable on tours with 10 oF more passengers or less, Director regardless of the number of participants, but will be escorted by a local guide. ‘SEAT ALLOCATION ON COACH TOURS To ensure all passengers enjoy forward and suit individual needs under any circumstances. MAPS WITHIN THIS PUBLICATION Note that maps may not be to scale. IMAGES USED Some images are copyright, and have been reproduced with the permission of: RV Apsare: Vietnam: Aimanty Hoi An Wellness Retreat, Vietnam; Fusion Original Saigon "cent, Vietnam; of Mango; Brother Cafe; The Square 24. Publication No. TM-1415AU. Price and itineraries Vall rom July 2022 to Apri 2023. Pubication Is trom 1 December 202! and supersedes al pews pubes Vietnam & Cambodia River Cruising 2022-23 43

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by medical staff. Compliance with the travel requirements and Travelmarvel updates is mandatory and anyone refusing to comply can denied access to the tour of removed from the tour at Travelmarvel's absolute discretion. For tours departing 01 January 2022 onwards, proof that you are fully vaccinated with a rnment approved COVID-19 vaccine will be required for each passenger before thi commencement of the tour. Full vaccinated means that there has been at least 14 clear days (not including the date of vaccination) trom the secon series of vaccines before the date of departure. if Government guidelines are published which recommend a booster dose of any approved COVID- Vacohaton. ne eforence to ful vouciated will only apply if a passenger has had a booster dose no earlier than 9 months and no sooner than 14 days prior to departure of the tour. LOCAL PURCHASES Travelmarvel is not responsible for any items you may purchase locally ie. jewellery/furniture etc. You acknowledge that you are solely responsbie yy import duty or freight PERSONAL BELONGINGS & LOST ITEMS For security reasons valuables should be kept (0a minimum and along with yor battery-operated appliances, as well as basic essentials such as a change of clothing and folletries, It is your responsibilty to look after your property at all times and you must ensure you are adequately covered by comprehensive ravel insurance in the event of any loss. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE Traveimarvel does not employ medical staff on ou tours or ships. you requie medical » g n, contacted immediately. You ate responsible for all charges that result from a visiting a medical fect, oor a meccal practioner vatnays el is not responsible f com et Worisical encase oe IG Government regulations forbid smoking in lout coaches however frequent stops are Je Tor those wishing to smoke. Smoking nol peritied in hotel rooms or ship cabin, Requests for smoking/non-smoking rooms will be passed on to hotels but cannot be guaranteed. RESPONSIBLE SERVICE OF ALCOHOL Our staff are trained in the responsible service of alcohol and are obligated by law to refuse service to any guest who, in their reasonable opinion, appears to be, oF is intoxicated, or behaves in an aggressive or offensive manner, SERVICE ENQUIRIES fa problem occurs during your holiday you shoul, your own interests, form your tour director so that steps can ne matter you remeln dlssalshed, ony complaint must be made in writing to Travelmarvel within 30 days LUGGAGE LIMITS hh passenger is entitled to take one piece of luggage that does not exceed 160 cm (63 inches), or weigh more than 20 kg (44 pounds), Dimensions for checked baggage are calculated by adding together the width, height, and depth of the piece of baggage. An extra charge wil be imposed to cover porterage handling of any additional luggage. Your Tour/Cruise Director will ise you of the exact additional charge. ‘SPECIAL, CONGITIONS Fa PERTAINING TO VIETNAM & CAMBODIA PACKAGE: DEPOSITS & PAYMENT A $1,000 non-refundable security deposit per person, per holiday package is required within booking confirmation. Final payment of the balance of your holiday package price is due 100 days prior to departure stated in the terms of a special offer. Deposit conditions may vay when booking a special fer. Travelmarvel reserves the right to cancel any ticket or 2 booking ort reluse to carry any passenger where payment has not be fecelved by Travelmarvel wth the speciied ime. All fares and charges are in Australian currency, Payment in full is required at time of booking for reservations made less than 100 days before departure from Austra four jeservation, all monies wil be refunded, Hotels may apply surcharges for late booking requests. TRAVELLING WITH MINORS Children of less than 12 years of age are not permitted on tours and cruises. Minors under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and share their accommodation with an adult INCLUDED IN HOLIDAY PACKAGE PRICE All coachicruise/rail and hotel accommodation, airfares (indicated in individual itinerary), gratuities for Travelmarvel staf, aitport transfers on the first and last day, sightseeing, specified excursions, meals, admissions, port charges, luggage service (one bag) and the services of a Cruise/Tour Director and driver as stated in your itinerary. NOT INCLUDED IN HOLIDAY PACKAGE PRICE Airfare n Australia and Vietnat nod, apo taxes, iauncy (ener en that vic sinctuded with executve package ietnam & Cambodia), passport and vse fees, meals or crinks other than those indicated in your tnerary, excess baggage, fue! surcharges ‘optional excursions and gratuities not specied n your inerary. RATUITIES: Gratuities have been included for all services 3s indicated in the itinerary on all Travelmarvel holiday packages including all land portions of your tour and on board your river cruise. These ‘amounts cannot be redeemed for cash refunds. FLI Qu Economy fights within Vietnam & Cambodia and airport taxes are included in the price. All internal flights must be booked by Travelmarvel where included in the tour package. Airport taxes vary Ye ach caper pot on aie Axe schedules are fares are subject without notice. Flights will be Dose on nest fare available at the time of booking, guarentee of the invoiced fight srrangements and once deposit received, fights will be ticketed. Name changes and voluntary date and schedule changes will incur fees. Seating requests are not available on domestic flights. vai Viemom & Cembod, The maximum luggage alowence onal fights wih Venom & Cambodia fs usually 20 klograms per passenger Full names incudlng mille mes 8s indicted in pesspors are required for al fight tekets witun Vietnam & Cambodia, CHOOSING YOUR HOLIDAY Holidays operate on nominated dates only. ‘To maximise enjoyment of your Travelmarvel holiday and to ensure that it lives up to your expectations itis important that you choose the right holiday package for ‘marketing collateral contains limited information howe mation online at and our staff are also available to discuss your options. HOTELS Hotel rooms in Vietnam & Cambodia may differ in size from those in Australia or New Zealand. In more remote places, hotel standards may not be {quite as high as in major centres. Travelmarvel, endeavours to utilise the most suita accommodation available in each destination to ensure that passengers enjoy high levels of cleanliness, comfort an mentonedin ine lnerary wl be used on almost all holiday packages, however, if a change is. 'y reason, Travelmarvel will endeavour to ensure that alternative ‘accommodation is of an equivalent standard to se shown, Hotel rooms are available for check-in before 3pm and require ‘check-out by 10am. Should you wish to check in earlier or stay later, you may be required to book and pay for additional nights. ‘TWIN OR DOUBLE ROOMS ‘Accommodation in all hotels, regardless of the rating, is in standard rooms (sometimes named superior/deluxe) based on twins or doubles unless otherwise stated. Bedcing coniguation board cruises vary depending onthe category b SINGLE homes ION A limited number of single rooms, suites or cabins may be avaible by raquest a the time of booking your haley. Single accommodation may nol be available on certain cruises, Sing scconmodaton scten smaller han stendad twin or double rooms and may only have one single bed. CRUISING ~ CABIN/SUITE/ ‘STATEROOM SELECTION ‘On your Mekong River cruise, Travelmarvel will ‘numbers or locations on the ship if requested. If win the colegory booked, without prior nce ADDITIONAL LUGGAGE INFORMATION Notwithstanding information on Iu requirements mentioned elsewhere in these terms and condivons, you wil be requted to pack-down to one small carry-on bag for Ha Long Bay ruses. Al luggage 5 carried at ‘owners 1 Rone NEEDING SPECIAL ASSISTANCE Travelmarvel welcomes passengers Geobiles or special neces Haweveh please note the followin. 1. Any disability or medical condition requiring special attention must be reported to Travelmarvel at the time of Dooking including all important information relating to your ny changes to health, mmobily ang tinese must aso be Travelmarvel as soon as possible departure. Where possible Wavelmarvel wil ‘make reasonable adjustments to the tour to accommodate your special needs however, it cannot do so ifthe adjustment required would be unreasonable in all of the circumstances, including if such adjustments would affect your safety and/or the safety and/or enjoyment of other passengers. 2. you require special assistance or care (Such as pushing a whecicha assiance with dressing, assistance with wi Fhe emergency alarms unaided, you must travel assistance. Travelmarvel is unable to assist walking, dining, boarding any transportation veces (including river and ocean cruise ships and tains), To safely parte Inembarkation, isembarkation you must be able i wihout Une nee or speci sussanice You must also be able to do so without unreasonably impacting other pessengers safety and/or enjoymé Sie Tavelnavel wl make reasonable effors to accommodate the special needs of disabled passen itis not responsible for any denial of services by any third party ens ithas travel wth such as carters, hotels, Orother independent supplies, or adaltonal associated expenses charges by those partes. 4. Please note coaches and minibuses are not equipped with wheelchair ramps. On river cruises, guests will need to be able to step into stairs to go between decks. Further, side by side docking may require passengers to climb and descent stairs to cross over vessels to disembark and embark at times. Travelmarvel ships often Sail trough remote areas that donot have convenient docking facilities. in circumstances it willbe necessary for passengers to negotiate tender boats, peo gangplanks =. te crew decide that ts not safe for a passenger to negoti Operations they may require passengers to sty doors and restrooms may nt be wide enough to allow access by standard wheelchairs, Wneelchls end walkers cannot be cartied on coaches, ce limitations. For safety reasons, passengers in wheelchairs 5, River ships routinely dock mid-stream and require the use of tenders to access the shore. Not all river ships or Wve elevators and some have multiple stairs to each level. Cabins rooms and restrooms or river cruise ships are hot wide enough fo allow access by standard wheelchairs. For safety reasons, passenger wheelchairs cannot be cared on ramps in ports he ver cruise ship Travelm Grebe © prove bevibual alana rater transportation, HEALTH & Fi ‘A good lel Bi Vines and health is readied G participate or imarvets holy pac lore destratone tore re ware sighisecing excursions by foot which eles the climbing of stairs. Mobility is nee boarding oF aligting coaches ver couse ie recommend a visit to the doctor Before teveling fo overseas destnevons and consult with them regarding any vaccinations which may be required. lis your responsiblity to advise Travelmarvel of any pre-existing medical Conaitions that may affect the normal conduct of a holiday package and the enjoyment of other be requested to be com) mobility issues. Travelmarvel is not liable for any cancellation penalties or the return of passengers from a tour, and a refund for lost touring cannot be claimed. VISAS AND PASSPORTS All passengers must have a valid passport that is valid for at least six months after the holiday \ckage retum date. Passengers must consult with the appropriate consulates to ensure that they have any applicable visas for countries included in the holiday package prior to Jeparure, Passengers are solely responsible for meeting necessary passport and visa entry requirements and paying all essociated ons Trayelmarvel fs not responsible for dela 3 portions of the holiday package resulting ffom incorrect travel documents or visas, Visas are at passengers Slightly for each package, The pubished ti uide only and are subject to whout notice. hs impossibe for Targe coaches some city sightseeing excursions cities will be visited by way of walking tours and/or local transportation. OPTIONAL EXCURSIONS Minimum and maximum group numbers apply on some optional excursions. IF YOU NEED TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY CHANGES OR AOTC, ‘TO YOUR HOLIDAY Ifyou want to change rt of your holiday le. Any request for changes must be mage in wring by the person ho made the original booking, or his or her tr agent Il you request ehaspes afi Travelmorvel has issued your documents, Traveimarvel may charge you an administration and processing fee ‘of $70 per person in addition to any applicable cancellation fees. CANCELLATION POLICY wvelmarvel cancellation fees spot tn adion te charges of any independent ippliers e.g, airlines and hotels): Days of Notice Prior to Departure Fee Per Person 100 days or more: Loss of depost 99-61 days aati veckaos oe 60 days orless 100% of holi Al eancelaions must be recelved In we of the holiday package are missed. Additional cancellation fees may also be charged in respect t accommodation reserved outside the holiday imate of therwise reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of Travelmarvel. CANCELLATION OF TICKETED AIRFARES A Travelmarvel cancellation fee of $50 per person applies for ticketed airfares, in addition to any airline cancellation fees that are applicable. CHANGES TO TICKETED AIRFARES If you wish to amend the date or routing on your ticketed air booking, a Travelmarvel amendment of rs0n for the first change and $85 for any subsequent changes will be charged in addition to airline change fees and additional taxes that are applicable. if you wish to amen an already issued Singapore Stopover package, person Travelmarvel change fee wil apply along with any applicable airline fees. If, for ny reason, a name change to a ticketed airfare 's required, a $125 per person name change fee will apply for every change in addition to any applicable airline fees. IF WE NEED TO CHANG )R CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY Favcnave endeavours to provide you with all he services confirmed to you at the time of your Tote Reve, We bie) arensenene | eo ime in advance of your departure date using independent suppliers such as airlines, hotels, etc., over whom we have no direct control. On amend holiday packages/excursions accordingly. Alltours requ @ ninimum number of bookings in order to be fnancaly able and to a pleasant group atmosphere. inthe event adequate numbers cannot be achieved, it may be necessary to cancel a scheduled departure and offer the nearest possible alternative date (or refund ofthe monies pad for arengements fe by Travelmarvel ON HOLIDAY NOISE AND VIBRATION Travelmarvel takes reasonable steps to minimise noise and vibrations on its river cruise ships. You acknowledge and accept that some noise and. vibration may be experienced on vessels and that Travelmarvel is not liable to you for any such noise or vibration. DOCKING POSITION During port stops river cruise ships may dock side by side, obstructing views and requiring you to pass through other ships to embark or disembark. The RV Apsara may moor overnight midstream during most cruising times, rather than dock at a port. Docking positions are governed entirely by the port authorities. ‘TRAVELMARVEL TOUR DIRECTORS A dedicated Travelmarvel Tour Director will nly be avaiable on tours with 10 oF more passengers or less, Director regardless of the number of participants, but will be escorted by a local guide. ‘SEAT ALLOCATION ON COACH TOURS To ensure all passengers enjoy forward and suit individual needs under any circumstances. MAPS WITHIN THIS PUBLICATION Note that maps may not be to scale. IMAGES USED Some images are copyright, and have been reproduced with the permission of: RV Apsare: Vietnam: Aimanty Hoi An Wellness Retreat, Vietnam; Fusion Original Saigon "cent, Vietnam; of Mango; Brother Cafe; The Square 24. Publication No. TM-1415AU. Price and itineraries Vall rom July 2022 to Apri 2023. Pubication Is trom 1 December 202! and supersedes al pews pubes Vietnam & Cambodia River Cruising 2022-23 43

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