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Current catalogue Iga - Halloween 2023 - Valid from 26.10 to 01.11 - Page nb 1

Catalogue Iga 26.10.2022 - 01.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

The offers displayed in this catalogue are only available at selected stores within Victoria between the dates listed on the front page. Please check for offers for your nearest store. 7 A Ge XR aha pe Ea) Ce Doritos Chips A 130-170g (eisai Selected Varieties sale Sanitarium AV aie ieas Weet-Bix 575g SPC Baked 376 per 100g Beans 425g 26¢ per 100g Schweppes Mixers 1.1 Litre ' Optimum © * Pepsi, Solo or Selected | Dry Dog Schweppes 24x375mL Varieties AWEb— | Food 2.5-3kg Selected Varieties As une $1.14 per Litre ~S = | Selected Varieties $1.94 per Litre OOM Paella Rn ured | TNA RAe Visit IGA.COM.AU for more info Pee re Eee

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The offers displayed in this catalogue are only available at selected stores within Victoria between the dates listed on the front page. Please check for offers for your nearest store. 7 A Ge XR aha pe Ea) Ce Doritos Chips A 130-170g (eisai Selected Varieties sale Sanitarium AV aie ieas Weet-Bix 575g SPC Baked 376 per 100g Beans 425g 26¢ per 100g Schweppes Mixers 1.1 Litre ' Optimum © * Pepsi, Solo or Selected | Dry Dog Schweppes 24x375mL Varieties AWEb— | Food 2.5-3kg Selected Varieties As une $1.14 per Litre ~S = | Selected Varieties $1.94 per Litre OOM Paella Rn ured | TNA RAe Visit IGA.COM.AU for more info Pee re Eee

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