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Current catalogue Iga - Halloween 2023 - Valid from 26.10 to 01.11 - Page nb 7

Catalogue Iga 26.10.2022 - 01.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

The offers displayed in this catalogue are only available at selected stores within Victoria between the dates listed on the front page. Please check for offers for your nearest store. ICM MLA CHGS HERSHEYS FANGS Reese's Peanut Butter Chupa Chups Skull Bag 8x120g or Mini Melt the Creeps 132g SAVE from 50° Creme Fangs 267g Nestlé Chocolate Block 118-200g Selected Varieties Cadbury Medium Bars 30-60g Selected Varieties $! SAVE from $1.65 7 ‘SAVE from $1.40 ca — BelVita seve Biscuits 300g Selected Varieties $1.28 per 100g Uncle Tobys Roll-Ups 6 Pack Selected Varieties $3.51 per 100g 3) SAVE a mg) SAVE from $1.10 ‘Bullets LIQUORICE MILK CHOCOLATE MATCH MNO] UIN = ee ce) ASAE 5 BS ACROSS THE STORE* Darrell Lea Chocolate Blocks 160-180g Selected Varieties Cups Miniatures 311g or Hershey's Cookies 'n' gave from$3 ! Kettle ' Potato Chips | 150-165¢ Selected i Varieties \ Arnott’s Chocolate Tim Tam ' Biscuits ! 165-200 ' Selected 1 Varieties 1 Darrell Lea Sharepack 120-280g Selected Varieties 3) (a) SAVE from $1.25 Cnn Ritz Crackers 300g Selected Varieties $1.02 per 100g SAVE from 80¢ 2:1 SAVE from $2.50 ra | SAVE from $2.90 Smith’s Chips 90-170g 13) ' Selected 1 Varieties if) Per te Fantastic Rice Crackers 100g Selected Varieties $2 per 100g

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The offers displayed in this catalogue are only available at selected stores within Victoria between the dates listed on the front page. Please check for offers for your nearest store. ICM MLA CHGS HERSHEYS FANGS Reese's Peanut Butter Chupa Chups Skull Bag 8x120g or Mini Melt the Creeps 132g SAVE from 50° Creme Fangs 267g Nestlé Chocolate Block 118-200g Selected Varieties Cadbury Medium Bars 30-60g Selected Varieties $! SAVE from $1.65 7 ‘SAVE from $1.40 ca — BelVita seve Biscuits 300g Selected Varieties $1.28 per 100g Uncle Tobys Roll-Ups 6 Pack Selected Varieties $3.51 per 100g 3) SAVE a mg) SAVE from $1.10 ‘Bullets LIQUORICE MILK CHOCOLATE MATCH MNO] UIN = ee ce) ASAE 5 BS ACROSS THE STORE* Darrell Lea Chocolate Blocks 160-180g Selected Varieties Cups Miniatures 311g or Hershey's Cookies 'n' gave from$3 ! Kettle ' Potato Chips | 150-165¢ Selected i Varieties \ Arnott’s Chocolate Tim Tam ' Biscuits ! 165-200 ' Selected 1 Varieties 1 Darrell Lea Sharepack 120-280g Selected Varieties 3) (a) SAVE from $1.25 Cnn Ritz Crackers 300g Selected Varieties $1.02 per 100g SAVE from 80¢ 2:1 SAVE from $2.50 ra | SAVE from $2.90 Smith’s Chips 90-170g 13) ' Selected 1 Varieties if) Per te Fantastic Rice Crackers 100g Selected Varieties $2 per 100g

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