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Current catalogue The Good Guys - Valid from 02.04 to 17.04 - Page nb 19

Catalogue The Good Guys 02.04.2024 - 17.04.2024

Products in this catalogue

_ Rivelia Switch the _way you coffee. ‘Twist & switch to explore a variety of fresh coffee bean flavours with two interchangeable bean hoppers, then simply ‘swipe and tap to enjoy your personalised cup of coffee. Eatly Avtomont Coffee Machine De OTE) i ecto n Blac or Wate ERENCE = inamicateD One Touch PAPERIENCE eo pana 10 2 (BUNDLE Coffee Machine - Titanium honaaee ne * Customise roma ond queasy \ "asa + Over 50 preset hot, ico cation + Precise ond consistent grinding cpr! ow (Datonght) Desiee Macsire Plus jee Machine (ts 2. E0020 Ef Spm ET 28204 ee ded te ip am pd ei. tig a ee oid tnt domme oye insert with MY function feature cond cold brew recipes + Features 2x 290g beon Scions. + Unique to-ge function in 3 sizes containers mAs Epunsuorscun Benoit coma ed i ae y 8 MOMENTS moments) Eee : EXPERIENCE 5 BUNDLE i” BUNDLE Ju BUNDLE 2 waren : wiper 5 varzpeots 2 Pann" Ales as tea mea Pp 3 ES Cups not Cups not = ved ‘ced La tyes Pelee Le Specie est Es ' DatanghR) 5 hance Pop nie +15 Bar Pump Pressure My Lee Art System DeLonghi DeLonghi ¢ Signature Blend Coffeo Coffee Care Kit Cappuccine Thermo Beans - 1kg. MB cxscsce 2 Pack 2 SNIRE -s tt bn ioral Sasenten's ps oa Ott Bs cae : c u : iO ees fap pd fens se os estoy Cont wa tn et ran 20 i . Ayes (OS se Nt YOURE 15pm Sc HDs ned p/p emu S04 Eee pad mth naa nln pape nd i en Oy Ba ap pe pt soe oe epi pc ed en os ano puede ch mshi gee ecw mn Os ein eae pe 6a eo ote ph oat xtbevel mcnincen hey tc 2 es a ela F les Gens tp ay Se di ped eee boy, esc ll ree eed te

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_ Rivelia Switch the _way you coffee. ‘Twist & switch to explore a variety of fresh coffee bean flavours with two interchangeable bean hoppers, then simply ‘swipe and tap to enjoy your personalised cup of coffee. Eatly Avtomont Coffee Machine De OTE) i ecto n Blac or Wate ERENCE = inamicateD One Touch PAPERIENCE eo pana 10 2 (BUNDLE Coffee Machine - Titanium honaaee ne * Customise roma ond queasy \ "asa + Over 50 preset hot, ico cation + Precise ond consistent grinding cpr! ow (Datonght) Desiee Macsire Plus jee Machine (ts 2. E0020 Ef Spm ET 28204 ee ded te ip am pd ei. tig a ee oid tnt domme oye insert with MY function feature cond cold brew recipes + Features 2x 290g beon Scions. + Unique to-ge function in 3 sizes containers mAs Epunsuorscun Benoit coma ed i ae y 8 MOMENTS moments) Eee : EXPERIENCE 5 BUNDLE i” BUNDLE Ju BUNDLE 2 waren : wiper 5 varzpeots 2 Pann" Ales as tea mea Pp 3 ES Cups not Cups not = ved ‘ced La tyes Pelee Le Specie est Es ' DatanghR) 5 hance Pop nie +15 Bar Pump Pressure My Lee Art System DeLonghi DeLonghi ¢ Signature Blend Coffeo Coffee Care Kit Cappuccine Thermo Beans - 1kg. MB cxscsce 2 Pack 2 SNIRE -s tt bn ioral Sasenten's ps oa Ott Bs cae : c u : iO ees fap pd fens se os estoy Cont wa tn et ran 20 i . Ayes (OS se Nt YOURE 15pm Sc HDs ned p/p emu S04 Eee pad mth naa nln pape nd i en Oy Ba ap pe pt soe oe epi pc ed en os ano puede ch mshi gee ecw mn Os ein eae pe 6a eo ote ph oat xtbevel mcnincen hey tc 2 es a ela F les Gens tp ay Se di ped eee boy, esc ll ree eed te

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