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Current catalogue The Good Guys - Valid from 20.05 to 30.06 - Page nb 4

Catalogue The Good Guys 20.05.2024 - 30.06.2024

Products in this catalogue

FOR TERTIARY STUDENTS “if your study relates to your current occupation, you're eligible to claim what the government calls ‘self-education expenses,” says finance expert Katie Cunningham. For instance, it you're already working as an engineer but go back to university to get a master’s degree in your field, you would be eligible to claim on a range of education expenses — including a new laptop! Lenovo Yoga7 14" D> EVO Core Ultras 1668 51268 Touch Zin! Leptop 2901000940 A2iint loptopwibe 1d? ‘OLED toveuereento op, swipe ond serbbe notes on ‘eth induded Lenovo Digit Pen Stake “area Mecsring jut 159mm e slim ond 1.39 high, thrisatouchsrven loptop bul for effortless pert. TOP TIPS FOR CLAIMING TECH EXPENSES ON YOUR TAX RETURN Your annual tox return is « great opportunity to get o much needed financial boost. So what ‘can you do to maximise your tax-lime savings? 2024 is the year to go big on tech. Here's what to look out for and what to claim. Lenovo deaPod Slims 1o"Core Uires tec 12GB Leptop FOR THE KIDS aacootwau ae “If you have school-aged feed conte children, they'll need a irnogg tal laptop for the classroom wa ‘and for homework. Our hone EOFY is a great time FOR THE HOME OFFICE feb Tavoleti, The Good Guys If you work from home full Buyer -Tech. afew days a week o neat ut in overtime after leavin Zon the olfice, you might be Uist krone able to claim a portion of Touchscreen Laptop ar palsondl computer Uxoaosnaceza76" Gacy pu a nn. Auge NB face Bur if you run your own docmert cod more business from home, you may be able to claim the full cost of your ki. “IFi's something you genuinely need to run your business, Microsoft Surface i's fair game to claim,” Woitiece’® HPs" ice says finance expert Katie 51268. Platinum 12808 Laptop BxQ720 Cunningham, 2RF-00015 cues Sontlewdocce Lchveigt wth along le that eoronly converts bese ce eee) between leptop, ‘ond tudo modes

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FOR TERTIARY STUDENTS “if your study relates to your current occupation, you're eligible to claim what the government calls ‘self-education expenses,” says finance expert Katie Cunningham. For instance, it you're already working as an engineer but go back to university to get a master’s degree in your field, you would be eligible to claim on a range of education expenses — including a new laptop! Lenovo Yoga7 14" D> EVO Core Ultras 1668 51268 Touch Zin! Leptop 2901000940 A2iint loptopwibe 1d? ‘OLED toveuereento op, swipe ond serbbe notes on ‘eth induded Lenovo Digit Pen Stake “area Mecsring jut 159mm e slim ond 1.39 high, thrisatouchsrven loptop bul for effortless pert. TOP TIPS FOR CLAIMING TECH EXPENSES ON YOUR TAX RETURN Your annual tox return is « great opportunity to get o much needed financial boost. So what ‘can you do to maximise your tax-lime savings? 2024 is the year to go big on tech. Here's what to look out for and what to claim. Lenovo deaPod Slims 1o"Core Uires tec 12GB Leptop FOR THE KIDS aacootwau ae “If you have school-aged feed conte children, they'll need a irnogg tal laptop for the classroom wa ‘and for homework. Our hone EOFY is a great time FOR THE HOME OFFICE feb Tavoleti, The Good Guys If you work from home full Buyer -Tech. afew days a week o neat ut in overtime after leavin Zon the olfice, you might be Uist krone able to claim a portion of Touchscreen Laptop ar palsondl computer Uxoaosnaceza76" Gacy pu a nn. Auge NB face Bur if you run your own docmert cod more business from home, you may be able to claim the full cost of your ki. “IFi's something you genuinely need to run your business, Microsoft Surface i's fair game to claim,” Woitiece’® HPs" ice says finance expert Katie 51268. Platinum 12808 Laptop BxQ720 Cunningham, 2RF-00015 cues Sontlewdocce Lchveigt wth along le that eoronly converts bese ce eee) between leptop, ‘ond tudo modes

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