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Current catalogue Woolworths - Darwin - Valid from 06.09 to 12.09 - Page nb 3

Catalogue Woolworths 06.09.2023 - 12.09.2023

Products in this catalogue

Pantry & Drinks ADVERTISER PROMOTION 1/2 Price I J BQO save S4 SAVE SAVE TT Ges iy ae a VARIN) CL Casts a PH aS Ee aOR aT ae CCE eee Caterade Sports Drink or G-Active Flavoured Water 600ml $3.33 per litre LE bl ho ae. oO ier ese v ie haoee valld Mig ee pis aa yl err, pea ry NSPE iF aa aad W ape ee pene ‘frre Ts) Hg heals tse? a ee Pe eee ce Bc of via Woohveorths Online at www, Pern ae eee RR eee eM rcp) ore el He lglg Pg el bani es Sa ery epla ly es TP agbieetal Limit | Poi ti oa meh aaah koh iT) Te la We Lt eae era tl VIC 3000, Prizes: 12 x areas es a ls a PIPL ops GP Looe o “ tT Tie it reece Wier eee ett rte od pie euch ed t : Foetal taste a te oa = i‘; Pa ee ORIGINAL up to Se IR eee ese winings ee : Jack Link's pu ee riven $2,900 prize or the $1,000 prize in the Troe 5 =F 7 Green ca >) Beef Jerky 50. BEEF JEARY game}. Winners ese EL fatps: fev Mare ach fee ea bags : 5 = ; Ge ed : eet aa hworths Group Pk 80-100 ‘ $55 per kg (ee eee | ie aa pce es seal Elra rye eee ae ee Lg oe Lael a a ee 8 pat Ais e ete EWARKS USED Oe A aes oe $46 62. SAVE $1.63 Cheezels Cheese Box 125g $1.30 per 100g yo a SAVE $1.55 Schweppes Soft Drinks or Mixer Varieties 1.1 Litre $1.27 per litre Fovourites 340g Fie $2.35 per 100g Wil0é0G2d4 NTS Shop online for contactless deliveries with groceries delivered to your doorstep,

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Pantry & Drinks ADVERTISER PROMOTION 1/2 Price I J BQO save S4 SAVE SAVE TT Ges iy ae a VARIN) CL Casts a PH aS Ee aOR aT ae CCE eee Caterade Sports Drink or G-Active Flavoured Water 600ml $3.33 per litre LE bl ho ae. oO ier ese v ie haoee valld Mig ee pis aa yl err, pea ry NSPE iF aa aad W ape ee pene ‘frre Ts) Hg heals tse? a ee Pe eee ce Bc of via Woohveorths Online at www, Pern ae eee RR eee eM rcp) ore el He lglg Pg el bani es Sa ery epla ly es TP agbieetal Limit | Poi ti oa meh aaah koh iT) Te la We Lt eae era tl VIC 3000, Prizes: 12 x areas es a ls a PIPL ops GP Looe o “ tT Tie it reece Wier eee ett rte od pie euch ed t : Foetal taste a te oa = i‘; Pa ee ORIGINAL up to Se IR eee ese winings ee : Jack Link's pu ee riven $2,900 prize or the $1,000 prize in the Troe 5 =F 7 Green ca >) Beef Jerky 50. BEEF JEARY game}. Winners ese EL fatps: fev Mare ach fee ea bags : 5 = ; Ge ed : eet aa hworths Group Pk 80-100 ‘ $55 per kg (ee eee | ie aa pce es seal Elra rye eee ae ee Lg oe Lael a a ee 8 pat Ais e ete EWARKS USED Oe A aes oe $46 62. SAVE $1.63 Cheezels Cheese Box 125g $1.30 per 100g yo a SAVE $1.55 Schweppes Soft Drinks or Mixer Varieties 1.1 Litre $1.27 per litre Fovourites 340g Fie $2.35 per 100g Wil0é0G2d4 NTS Shop online for contactless deliveries with groceries delivered to your doorstep,

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