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Current catalogue Woolworths - Valid from 26.04 to 02.05 - Page nb 23

Catalogue Woolworths 26.04.2023 - 02.05.2023

Products in this catalogue

Snacks & Drinks $ $215 3. (agp) $3! SAVE 9 2°" 4 ‘SAVE $2 $1.35 In A Biskit Drumstix Kinder Happy Hipg 3.5g Pk 5 $3.86 per 100 kB $1.88 per 100g SAVE - SAVE ic aon Popcom 85-100g 4 x 237ml $10.55 per litre - From the Health pp ) Food Aisle a 3 | ROVERTISERPROMOTION | — when you purchase —— aetbeea any NESCAFE Mixes product* Purchase and enter between 19th April and 23rd May 2023 PS a x J 5 : i ies |: (| =a % rf wi = E {<> br ; | Se De. el Te oo - = iY) ear ee. a “Purchase any NESCAP EATIONS Mites product from Woolworths (Excudes Ampol Woolworths MetroGo and Everyday Market) curing promotional pesiod and go to wwasnescafe {Cafe-Creations-{oreal-promotion to entes. Open to AU res 18+, an oe Max entry pitrensaction. Max pre of pain bd Collect © ) ke place at Unit 9/8 Tiley Lane, Frenchs Forest NS Prize D ween 19/4/23 ai 173 conducted weekly at Mam AEST on gz oss Te zen Tota Winners fied win 2, 10x pwwunestiecomaul| im prize by Spm feed pe daw 23 = points* and SA Permit number ICE’ within 0 bus permit TUDES IW hor nna 02214, wos Number T? 23) UNTACS at hosed ud ‘Creations-Loreal-promation *See page 9 for details. AE RUM Pee Pa PRC Pe eB RUT BS UT Te Ce SRC ec sell price. Advertised savings may vay in some stores, as some products may already be priced below the metropolitan sell price. Limits per customer may apply, trade not supplied. POO EEE EAU Ue Pace Ti mel Coe COU) Woolworths), Dr on Le DOT ee UU Rata C) iL. Tea Tree Plaza and Virginia, and are not available at Ampol Woolworths MetroGo. Products and prices may not be available in all stores. While stocks last.

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Snacks & Drinks $ $215 3. (agp) $3! SAVE 9 2°" 4 ‘SAVE $2 $1.35 In A Biskit Drumstix Kinder Happy Hipg 3.5g Pk 5 $3.86 per 100 kB $1.88 per 100g SAVE - SAVE ic aon Popcom 85-100g 4 x 237ml $10.55 per litre - From the Health pp ) Food Aisle a 3 | ROVERTISERPROMOTION | — when you purchase —— aetbeea any NESCAFE Mixes product* Purchase and enter between 19th April and 23rd May 2023 PS a x J 5 : i ies |: (| =a % rf wi = E {<> br ; | Se De. el Te oo - = iY) ear ee. a “Purchase any NESCAP EATIONS Mites product from Woolworths (Excudes Ampol Woolworths MetroGo and Everyday Market) curing promotional pesiod and go to wwasnescafe {Cafe-Creations-{oreal-promotion to entes. Open to AU res 18+, an oe Max entry pitrensaction. Max pre of pain bd Collect © ) ke place at Unit 9/8 Tiley Lane, Frenchs Forest NS Prize D ween 19/4/23 ai 173 conducted weekly at Mam AEST on gz oss Te zen Tota Winners fied win 2, 10x pwwunestiecomaul| im prize by Spm feed pe daw 23 = points* and SA Permit number ICE’ within 0 bus permit TUDES IW hor nna 02214, wos Number T? 23) UNTACS at hosed ud ‘Creations-Loreal-promation *See page 9 for details. AE RUM Pee Pa PRC Pe eB RUT BS UT Te Ce SRC ec sell price. Advertised savings may vay in some stores, as some products may already be priced below the metropolitan sell price. Limits per customer may apply, trade not supplied. POO EEE EAU Ue Pace Ti mel Coe COU) Woolworths), Dr on Le DOT ee UU Rata C) iL. Tea Tree Plaza and Virginia, and are not available at Ampol Woolworths MetroGo. Products and prices may not be available in all stores. While stocks last.

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