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Current catalogue Woolworths - Easter 2023 - Valid from 05.04 to 11.04 - Page nb 13

Catalogue Woolworths 05.04.2023 - 11.04.2023

Products in this catalogue

FRUIT & VEG SFRESH& Specials 3 kg i kg Australian White Seedless Grapes Australian Kanzi Apples $ N Australian Cocktail Truss Tomatoes 250g Pack } Australian Raspberries 125g Punnet $11.60 per kg } $36 perkg Get the best value on in season and abundant fruit and veg when you shop Fresh Specials each week.

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Catalogues selected for you

FRUIT & VEG SFRESH& Specials 3 kg i kg Australian White Seedless Grapes Australian Kanzi Apples $ N Australian Cocktail Truss Tomatoes 250g Pack } Australian Raspberries 125g Punnet $11.60 per kg } $36 perkg Get the best value on in season and abundant fruit and veg when you shop Fresh Specials each week.

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