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Current catalogue Woolworths - Adelaide - Valid from 24.05 to 30.05 - Page nb 29

Catalogue Woolworths 24.05.2023 - 30.05.2023

Products in this catalogue

MEAT & SEAFOOD e $9 5 gee kg SAVE - $5 kg EC is te te as. Serving suggestion = =" 44 SS 46, 4 —-_ fag | SAVE Be $2 50 os $450 899 a —— se : Humpty Doo i Skin On Barramundi } Seafood Freezer ? 260g } $44.23 perkg : i $34.12 perkg Australian Mince 1 kg : Was $43 $s $12 perkg : 12. Sy eae © ; xs Se ee & 5 ss ROE NCL <= RN BEEF Seafood may not be available in all stores. Shop online for contactless deliveries with groceries delivered to your doorstep,

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MEAT & SEAFOOD e $9 5 gee kg SAVE - $5 kg EC is te te as. Serving suggestion = =" 44 SS 46, 4 —-_ fag | SAVE Be $2 50 os $450 899 a —— se : Humpty Doo i Skin On Barramundi } Seafood Freezer ? 260g } $44.23 perkg : i $34.12 perkg Australian Mince 1 kg : Was $43 $s $12 perkg : 12. Sy eae © ; xs Se ee & 5 ss ROE NCL <= RN BEEF Seafood may not be available in all stores. Shop online for contactless deliveries with groceries delivered to your doorstep,

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