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Current catalogue Woolworths - Newcastle - Valid from 02.10 to 08.10 - Page nb 8

Catalogue Woolworths 02.10.2024 - 08.10.2024

Products in this catalogue

Vitamins @ fe ea ODOURLESS Own MAGNESIUM GARLIC, GLUCOSAMINE ZINC +C SULFATE MUSCLE HEALTH ert Th 3 A Cenovis Mega Vitamin C 1000mg Chewable Tablets Pk 100" A Nature's Own Odourless Fish Oil 1500mg Pk 2004 $9ea SAVE $9 $19.50 ea SAVE $19.50 B Cenovis Magnesium Tablets Pk 200" B Nature's Own Glucosamine Sulfate with Chondroitin Tablets $13.50 ea SAVE $13.50 Pk 2004 © Cenovis Echinacea, Garlic, Zinc & Vitamin C Tablets Pk 1254 $i7ea SAVE $17 $15.50ea SAVE $15.50 € Nature's Own Vitamin B3 500mg Tablets Pk 604 $7.25ea SAVE $7.25 _ A Ostelin Vitamin D3 1000IU Capsules Pk 1304 | $13.90 ea SAVE $13.95 B Ostelin Cal-DK? Calcium & Vitamin D. | Tablets Pk 604 | $20.45 ea SAVE $20.50 C Ostelin Calcium & Vitamin D3 Tablets Pk 604 $8.70ea SAVE $8.75 Mela | a =e a” = AZ. _-(2)\°20. _/2)| °39. SAVE SAVE SAVE $17 $20 $39 BLACKMORES Sn BLACKMORES [$17 per 100 eal SUI ($33.33 per 100 ea OMEGA TRIPLE '$19.50 per 100 ea Blackmores Super MAGNESIUM+ Blackmores Omega SUPER STRENGTH FISH OIL Blackmores Mega B Magnesium+ Tablets & ce enduronce when Triple High Strength Fish ont Complex Tablets Pk 1004 ‘nay malo eee Oil Capsules Pk 604 ¢ Pk 2004 Neves DE RUG SE WL eC eee Eur UL

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Vitamins @ fe ea ODOURLESS Own MAGNESIUM GARLIC, GLUCOSAMINE ZINC +C SULFATE MUSCLE HEALTH ert Th 3 A Cenovis Mega Vitamin C 1000mg Chewable Tablets Pk 100" A Nature's Own Odourless Fish Oil 1500mg Pk 2004 $9ea SAVE $9 $19.50 ea SAVE $19.50 B Cenovis Magnesium Tablets Pk 200" B Nature's Own Glucosamine Sulfate with Chondroitin Tablets $13.50 ea SAVE $13.50 Pk 2004 © Cenovis Echinacea, Garlic, Zinc & Vitamin C Tablets Pk 1254 $i7ea SAVE $17 $15.50ea SAVE $15.50 € Nature's Own Vitamin B3 500mg Tablets Pk 604 $7.25ea SAVE $7.25 _ A Ostelin Vitamin D3 1000IU Capsules Pk 1304 | $13.90 ea SAVE $13.95 B Ostelin Cal-DK? Calcium & Vitamin D. | Tablets Pk 604 | $20.45 ea SAVE $20.50 C Ostelin Calcium & Vitamin D3 Tablets Pk 604 $8.70ea SAVE $8.75 Mela | a =e a” = AZ. _-(2)\°20. _/2)| °39. SAVE SAVE SAVE $17 $20 $39 BLACKMORES Sn BLACKMORES [$17 per 100 eal SUI ($33.33 per 100 ea OMEGA TRIPLE '$19.50 per 100 ea Blackmores Super MAGNESIUM+ Blackmores Omega SUPER STRENGTH FISH OIL Blackmores Mega B Magnesium+ Tablets & ce enduronce when Triple High Strength Fish ont Complex Tablets Pk 1004 ‘nay malo eee Oil Capsules Pk 604 ¢ Pk 2004 Neves DE RUG SE WL eC eee Eur UL

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